Germination responses of some common Eucalypts
Germination responses of some common Eucalypts
Saeeda Akhtar
Saeeda Akhtar
Pakistan Forest Institute, Peshawar
Some species of Eucalypts are considered the best amongst the fast growing broad-leaved trees and have been selected for large scale afforestation in West Pakistan. This prompted a study on the germination behaviour of these species. Seeds of Eucalyptus camaldulensis, Dehn., E.melanophloia. F.V.M., E.microtheca, F.V. M., and E.tereticornis, Sm. have been used in this study. Both laboratory and field experiments have shown a marked trend from high germinative capacity and germinative energy index for large seeds to low capacity and energy for small seeds. It has further been indicated that temperature has a pronounced effect on germinative capacity, germinative energy index and germination period.
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