Scope of forestry extension in Chitral
Muhammad Yousaf Khan, Ayaz Khan and Syed Zakir Hussain Shah
Extension plays a vital role in adopting proper management practices and establishing more plantations by involvement of the communities in the forestry activities joint management of the government and communal forest lands. Communities have realised that the development of forestry sector in Chitral is catalysed by extension agents. All the segments of the society expressed their interest in cooperation with the Forest Department for increasing tree cover in the area The objective of the current research is to assess the role of forestry extension agents in promoting social forestry activities in Chitral District. The study analysed the activities carried out for forestry extension in Chitral by various Organizations including Income Generation Project for Afghan Refugees (IGPRA), Agha Khan Rural Support Program (AKRSP), Chitral Area Development Project (CADP), Environmental Rehabilitation Project (ERP), International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), Forestry Sector Project (FSP) and the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Forest Department. Though extension work is a challenging job but the challenge has been accepted by the extension agents and has been addressed properly in Chitral.
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