Peng Chen1,2, Zuhao Huang3,Chaoying Zhu1, Yuqing Han1, Zhifeng Xu1,
Guanglong Sun1, Zhen Zhang1, Dongqin Zhao4, Gang Ge1 and Luzhang Ruan1*
... (Charadriiformes: Jacanidae) was closely related to Rostratulidae. According to the estimation of divergence time corrected by fossil records of related birds and compared with previous studies, the base divergence time of Gruiformes was 46.33 (58.46~25.60) Ma, the emergence time of the suborders Grui was about 17.62 (29.76~4.15) Ma, and the emergence time of the suborders of the Ralli was about 32.18 (46.17~19.69) Ma. The origin time of Charadriiformes w...