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Nirbhay Kushwaha, Achuit K Singh, Brotati Chattopadhyay and Supriya Chakraborty

Recent advances in geminivirus detection and future perspectives
...ural crops (like tomato, chillies, cotton, pulses, papaya, cucurbits, okra etc.) causing enormous losses in the tropics, which provide ideal conditions for the perpetuation of viruses and the insect-vector. Despite concerted efforts to contain begomoviruses and their vectors, menacing disease epidemics caused by newly emerging or reemerging begomoviruses are becoming frequent and appearing even in new regions, previously free from such diseases. Techniques for...

M. B. Meah

Biopesticides for crop growth and crop protection
...bles (egg-plant, tomato, chilli) in the nursery and leaf blight, anthracnose, fruit rot, root knot and leaf curl/mosaic of tomato and carrot in the field. Aqueous solution of garlic and allamanda tablet sprayed at 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5 conc. increased seed germination by 45-60%, completely eliminated damping-off, seedling blight and tip over and increased seedling vigour by 22-50%. The tablets retained the similar range of action over aging up to 90 day...

Honnur Basha, Vinaya Hemannavar, B.Ramanujam, R. Rangeshwaran and S.Sriram 

Screening of chilli microflora and other biocontrol agents for their antagonistic effects on Colletotrichum spp. infecting chillies
...nd nine fruit samples of chilli were collected from different regions of Karnataka for isolation of chilli microflora. From these samples, 94 fungal and 89 bacterial isolates were derived, which included 50 isolates of fungi and 44 isolates of bacteria from phylloplane and pomoplane, 44 isolates of endophytic fungi and 45 of endophytic bacteria from inside the leaf and fruit tissues, respectively. Among them, 70 fungal isola...

Goutam Mondal

Plant growth promoting activity of some indigenous Tricho-derma isolates and their field performance against sheath blight of rice in old alluvial zone of North Bengal
...eracea var botrytis L.), chilli (Capsicum frutescens L.) and tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) with culture filtrate of biocontrol agents and found both positive and negative effect on seed germination, plant growth and vigour. Maximum increase in germination by 13.64% (chilli), shoot length by 59.69% (tomato), root length by 84.51% (cauliflower) and biomass by 46.55% (cauliflower) were obtained by the isolate B16 follo...

Lakshman Chandra Patel and Chandan Kumar Mondal

Management of causal agents of chilli leaf curl complex through bio-friendly approaches
... followed by invasion of chilli leaf curl virus. An attempt was made to find out the cost effec-tive management schedule to minimize the crop loss. Seven treatments were taken up for study including two chemicals i.e. profenophos and diafenthiuron, three ecofriendly approaches i.e. garlic extract, spirit and alternate use of garlic with spirit, one predator insect Chrysoperla carnea and untreated control. The lowest population of thrips, mites and white fly wa...

Dhananjoy Mandal 2K. Baral 3M. K. Dasgupta

Developing site-specific appropriate precision agriculture

N. Mandi and A. K. Senapati 

Integration of chemical botanical and microbial insecticides for control of thrips, Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood infesting chilli
...dorsalis Hood) infesting chilli (Capsicum frutescens). The effectiveness of four insecticides acetamiprid 0.004% (Dhanpreet – 20% SP), thiamethoxam 0.005% (Avant-25% WG), neem pesticide 0.4% (ultineem 1% W/W) and Bacillus thuringiensis, subsp. kurstaki (BT) at gL-1 was evaluated in the field of Coastal Saline Zone of West Bengal against thrips. It is evident from the result of present investigation that acetamiprid and thiamithoxam were most effective to...
Nizam Uddin Jamali1, Asmatullah Kaka1,*, Pershotam Khatri1, Moolchand Malhi2, Muhammad Naeem3, Akeel Ahmed Memon1, Rameez Raja Kaleri4, Habibullah Janyaro5 and Dildar Hussain Kalhoro
...perm concentration, post chilling for motility, morphology, live dead ratio, membrane integrity and frozen thawed for motility, morphology, live dead ratio and membrane integrity. Semen volume and colour were determined by visual examination, pH was determined by digital pH meter. Motility was determined under microscope at10x magnification, morphology and live dead ratio was assessed using eosin nigrosin stain under 40x magnification, concentration was calcul...
Riaz Shah1* and Margaret Appleby2
...y residues), only garlic/chilli extract gave relatively acceptable levels of mortality 72.0+5.8% while bifenazate caused 95.2+3.7% mortality. TSSM females laid significantly more eggs on the garlic/chilli treated leaf discs in both contact and residual bioassays. When sprayed directly (contact bioassay), all of tested low-risk pesticides mortality of 85.2-100% to P. persimilis except DE. All of tested low-risk pestici...

Jawad Ali Jan1, Ghulam Nabi1, Maqsood Khan1,2*, Shehzad Ahmad1, Peer Sikandar Shah1, Saddam Hussain1 and Sehrish

Mehar Ul Nissa Rais1*, Tahmina Mangan1, Jam Ghulam Murtaza Sahito1 and Naeem Ahmed Qureshi2

A Trend Analysis: Forecasting Growth Performance of Production and Export of Chilli in Pakistan
...mance and forecasting of chilli in Pakistan. Annual time series data of 38 years (1981-2018) of chilli production and export was employed for this study. Overall, chilli production of the Pakistan exhibited a positive growth of 1 percent over the time; however, in Pakistan negative growth was recorded during 2001-02 and 2011-12, these losses can be attributed to major floods, diseases atta...

Gulnaz Parveen1*, Naila Mukhtar2, Shumaila Irum3 and Nain Bukhari4

... gourd, cauliflower, and chilli. These losses result in about a 30% reduction in the yield of these vegetables. By reducing the post-harvest losses, it could be possible to overcome the need of food as the world population is in dare need of research relating to crop sustainability.


Hidayatullah1*, Sammia Mahroof1, Saleem Abid2, Naveeda Anjum3, Noor Habib4, Akhter Saeed5 and Muhammad Arshad Farooq1 agricultural produce, chillies too have been greatly affected by erratic environmental conditions. So, it is important to assess yield stability in diverse environments. Therefore, stability analysis of six chilli advance breeding lines; NARC Chilli-1, NARC Chilli-2, NARC Chilli-3, NARC Chil...

Amina, Muhammad Zahid Rashid and Amina Rashid

...mpared to control. Fruit chilling injury percentage was also minimum at cold storage (12.67%) in fruits coated with 40%. All the treatments exhibited potential to maintain the post-harvest life of fruits as compared to untreated fruits. These were found effective in quality attributes such as TSS, titratable acidity, total sugars, total phenolic compounds as well as antioxidants.


Muhammad Shafiq1, Tehseen Ashraf2*, Sehrish Mushtaq1, Naveeda Anjum3, Muhammad Asim4, Muhammad Aqeel Feroze3, Malik Abdul Rehman4 and Marja Aziz3

...ause developing a viable chilli tissue culture and plant regeneration system is difficult, this study was designed to help develop one. SP was found to be the most suitable among the four genotypes used for regeneration. 


Kokab Nazim1*, Asghari Bano1 and Ghulam Jellani2

...lines were evaluated for chilling tolerance using morpho-biochemical parameters. Experiment was performed in polytunnel conditions (30±2 °C) as control and open field conditions (10±2 °C) as chilling stress. After transplanting tomato plants were divided into controlled and chilling stressed. Chilling stressed set was placed in open...
Makruf Arif1*, Claude Mona Airin1, Dwi Sunu Datrianto2, Dinda Anggun Roro Sejati3

A. Khan, B. Nawab, S. S. Shaukat, M. A. Samad and J. K. Tareen

...e nematodes and yield of chilli. The populations of Meloidogyne incognita,

Tarique Ahmed Khokhar1*, Atta Hussain Shah1, Muneer Ahmed Jamali1 and Asghar Ali Kamboh2

...o evaluate the effect of chilling, freezing and repeated-thaw cycles on chemical quality of various meats. The influence of different time was observed on chemical characteristics of chilled, frozen and thawed meat against fresh meat. Proximate composition such moisture, protein, fat, ash and glycogen decreased with increasing storage period of chilled, frozen and thawed buffen, chevon and chicken meat samples. Nutritive values of chilled, frozen and thawed bu...

Muhammad Kefayatullah* and Said Wahab

...eight loss, decay index, chilling injury, total phenols, sugar acid ratio and organoleptic evaluation. An increase was observed in TSS (11.05 to 13.00°Brix), pH (3.71 to 4.25), reducing sugar (1.43 to 2.76), decay index (0.0 to 35.13), weight loss (0.0 to 5.85), sugar acid ratio (14.88 to 20.96), chilling injury (0.0 to 19.41) and a decrease in percent acidity (0.76 to 0.57), ascorbic acid (9.67 to 6.13 mg/100gm), non-re...

Vui Van Nguyen1, Samorn Ponchunchoovong2, Sajeera Kupittayanant3, Pakanit Kupittayanant2* 

... sperm during 12 days of chilling storage. Twenty ejaculates from five American Bully dogs were used. The sperm quality was determined by system automatic sperm analyser for sperm motility parameters, and by confocal laser scanning microscope for sperm membrane integrity parameters. Sperm lipid peroxidation was also analysed through malondialdehyde production. The study found that there was a gradual decrease in all sperm quality indicators of all the treatmen...

Aalaa S. Saad1*, Taghreed H. A. Ali2, Nayerah Alatfeehy3, Dalia Elmasry4 

...icantly (P < 0.05) on chilling compared to the control. Moreover, in the PE and PN-treated groups, the relative expression of hemolysin A (hlyA) decreased until the 9th day, reaching 0.251 and 0.125, respectively, and the relative expression of IAP reached 0.293 and 0.125, respectively. Additionally, treating the chicken panne with either PE or PN did not appear to affect the average sensory score of the breaded chicken panne. Our study has demonstrate...

Aalaa S. Saad1*, Amira A. Elokle2, Dalia Y. Youssef2, Neven M. Omara2, Samr Kassem3

...ificantly (P<0.05) on chilling than the control. Moreover, eaeA and stx2 relative gene expression decreased until the 10th day, reaching 0.3 and 0.41 in the CS-LZ-NPs group and 0.5 and 0.48 in the CS-NPs group. Also, the treatment with either CS-NPS or CS-LZ-NPS did not affect the average sensory score of the chicken fillets. 
Keywords | Chicken fillet, Chitosan nanoparticles, E. coli O157, Gene expression, Lysozyme, Toxi...

Muhammad Asif Iftikhar1, Talat Naseer Pasha2, Saima Inayat1, Khalid Javed3 and Rahman Ullah4*

...tch was shifted to blast chilling at 1-2oC and then stored at 4oC. Sensory evaluation of all yogurt samples was carried out on a 9-point hedonic scale. All the tests were carried out on day 0, 7, 14 and 21. The collected data was investigated through ANOVA technique under complete randomized design (CRD) using SAS 9.1 software. The results showed that yoghurt made from Nili Ravi buffalo milk (To) showed a significant (p≥ 0.5) overall acceptability as compar...

Roshan Ara1, Muhammad Ali Khanzada1, Amir Khan Korai1*, Abdul Mubeen Lodhi, Anam Mehwish Khanzada1, Khalid Hussain Qureshi1, Shakal Khan Korai2*

... incognita) infection on chilli plants and evaluated the efficacy of various chemical nematicides in controlling the infection. Infected plants exhibited symptoms such as pale green to yellow discolouration, stunted growth, and the development of knots on roots containing egg masses and female nematodes. Pathogenicity tests on “Ghotki” chilli plants revealed a direct correlation between inoculum levels of M. inco...

Abdul Mannan1*, Naveed Iqbal1, Randhawa1, Abdul Hanan1 and Abdul Qadeer1

...s, trichogramma cards T. chillions were installed with the duration after 10, 15, 20, days interval repeated and to check out infestation of sugar cane borers. The research shows that results of installed crop was excellent minimum borer attack as compared to less installed trichogramma card. More treated with trichogramma card about 60000 parasitoids eggs /acre at interval after 20 days repeat from May to August. While borers complete their life cycle 30-35 d...

Muhmmad Bilal Islam1* and Sar Zamin Khan2

...ds of garlic, onion, and chilli on gut performance and immunity of broilers in comparison to Mannan Oligo-Saccharide and plain water. A total of 300 days old chicks of broilers were randomly allocated to five treatment groups each replicated four times having 15 birds per replicate. Groups A, B, and C were receiving respective treatments at the rate of 1.5 ml per liter of drinking water having the garlic, onion, and chilli c...

Sarhad Journal of Agriculture


Vol.40, Iss. 4, Pages 1102-1532


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