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 Mukhtiar Ahmed, Jana Pickova, Taufiq Ahmad, Muhammad Liaquat, Abid Farid, Muhammad Jahangir off flavours, loss of colour, altered nutrient value, and may produce toxic compounds, which can be detrimental to the health of consumers. Antioxidants and chelating agents are the most helpful inhibitors of lipid oxidation.


Jannatul Noor, Md. Ahaduzzaman, Mir Md. Afzal Hossain, Mohammad Alamgir Hossain, Sardar Abdur Rahim and Md. Samun Sarker

...3%) (P=0.00). Black coat coloured (53.33%) were mostly infested than another coat coloured animals (P=0.00). Age less than 6 months goats were mostly affected (55.0%) than adult goats (26.67%) (P=0.00). In this study, males were more prone (58.33%) than female goats (41.67%) (P=0.036). The ticks were more in goat reared under semi intensive system (63.33%) than free range (20.0%) and the intensive system (16.67%) (P=0.00). T...

G.E. Odo1*, E.J. Agwu1, N.I. Ossai2, C.O. Ezea3, J. Madu1 and V. Eneje2

... responses which include colouration of the fish skin and opercula colouration were observed. Aluminium phosphide elicited effects on the haematological parameters of the fish such as a decrease in Hb when compared to the control; reduction of MCV, MCH and MCHC to all exposed concentration of aluminium phosphide, significant increase in neutrophil, basophil, eosinophil and monocytes throughout the duration of exposure and de...

Goutam Samui and Shantanu Jha

Branch gall of mango (Oligotrophus mangiferae Keiffer) its bioecology and management
...rown larva was yellow in colour with a clear dark brown constriction on head. Initially the pupa was creamy white in colour which gradually turned light yellow and finally blackish. Adults were grey in colour and 2-3mm in length. A single species of parasite (Tetrastichus spp.) was found to emerge from the gall. Pruning at 30 cm had been found to be most effective in managing the pest. Spr...

M. A. Al-Helal, K. N. Ahmed, N-E-P. Khanom, and S. Bulbul 

Observations on papaya mealybug, Paracoccus marginatus Williams & Willink (Hemiptera : Pseudococcidae) damag-ing some crops in Bangladesh
...s are greenish-yellow in colour measuring 0.120 cm diameter and laid in an ovisac that 3-4 times the body length. Eggs are covered with white waxy substances developed ventrally by the adult female. Egglaying is continued up to 2 weeks and 150-200 eggs were deposited during this period. The life cycle is completed within 29 days at an average room temperature of 25 ± 1ºC and 67 ± 5 % RH. The adult life span for male and female were 29 and 27...

Dharmishthabahen R. Shah and Abhishek Shukla

Reaction of gerbera cultivars to spider mite, Tetranychus urti-cae Koch (Tetranychidae: Acari) under polyhouse conditions
... population having green coloured leaves and red coloured flowers, while the highly tolerant cultivar Cherany with dark green leaves and pink coloured flower.


Muhammad Ibrahim and Ahmad Khan*

...ue, transparent and blue colour plastic) and 250 kg N ha-1 sources (control, 100, 70, 50, 0% from FYM with the remaining from urea). Phenological stages (tasseling, silking, and physiological maturity) occurred earlier in no-mulch practice, but emergence in plastic mulching. Plants took less days to emergence (6 days) in 70% FYM, however, tasseling (45 days), silking (49 days) and physiological maturity (94 days) arrived earlier in no-fertilized plots. Tasseli...

 Ambreen Akhtar Saddozai*, Amer Mumtaz*, Saeeda Raza* and Shahzada Arshad Saleem** 

...h feel), flavour, taste, colour and overall acceptability of phalsa juice were decreased during the study period. The pH and TSS value were decreased from 3.99 to 3.54 and from 11.22 to 9.55, respectively after 2 weeks -1 -1 storage. Total plate count also showed decline from 6.2×10 to 3.2 x 10 -1 cfuml whereas yeast and mould counts increased simultaneously from -1 -1 -1 -1 2.6×10 and nil to 5.5x10 and 2.4x10 cfuml , respectively during the storag...
Yan Li1, Kai Zhan1,*, Junying Li1, Wei Liu1, Ruiyu Ma1, Shengnan Liu1, Tao Han2, Shaoquan Li2, Shaolin Wang2 and Yang Hu2, Haugh units and yolk colour. No significant differences were found in other laying performances and egg quality characteristics. Except for the back region of AI females which had better feather cover, the average feather score for most body parts of AI and NM hens was not significantly different. An overall feather score of NM females was significantly lower than that of AI ones. The average feather score for each individual part of the body and an overal...
Pasqua Rotondi1, Maria Antonietta Colonna1, Giuseppe Marsico1, Francesco Giannico1, Marco Ragni1 and Anna Maria Facciolongo2,*
... percentage, pH and meat colour, but it influenced meat tenderness, that was lower (P<0.01) in meat from kids receiving oregano, probably due to the lesser (P<0.05) fat content of their meat. The use of oregano also resulted in a lower muscle fat oxidation and in a better meat flavour. As for human health, the dietary supplementation with linseed improved the muscle fatty acid composition, resulting in higher levels of α-linolenic acid (P<0.05) ...

Saima Rani*, Hassnian Shah, Nusrat Habib and Muhammad Azeem Khan 

...nal value, freshness and colour of the vegetables have positive effects on consumer to pay a high price. While in case of product size and shape has a adverse effect on consumer. Results indicate that when making choices of food, consumers in Islamabad prioritise their health. Furthermore, the households who earn more income perceive a negative impact on health from chemical usage, the more likely they would be willing to pay a high price for a fresh organic...
Zihong Chen1, Ling Xu2, Xiaona Yang2, Yaguan Zhang3* and Yuming Yang4
...rized by that its colony colour became slightly shallow with culture time on PDA plates at 25°C, being grayish green at 12 d and turning gray black at 30 d of cultivation.
Haozhen Liu1, Xiangfu Li2, Yinong Wang1,*, Xun Liu3,4, Li Wang1, Dong Liu1, Chen Chen1, Jinjing Li1, Haifeng Jiao5 and Zhongjie You1,5
...ssolved oxygen and water colour are the certain environmental factors that have proved shaping the distribution of macrobenthic abundance, diversity and multivariate structure of the assemblages.
Nizam Uddin Jamali1, Asmatullah Kaka1,*, Pershotam Khatri1, Moolchand Malhi2, Muhammad Naeem3, Akeel Ahmed Memon1, Rameez Raja Kaleri4, Habibullah Janyaro5 and Dildar Hussain Kalhoro
...ted as fresh for volume, colour, motility, morphology, live dead ratio, membrane integrity and sperm concentration, post chilling for motility, morphology, live dead ratio, membrane integrity and frozen thawed for motility, morphology, live dead ratio and membrane integrity. Semen volume and colour were determined by visual examination, pH was determined by digital pH meter. Motility was determined under microscope at10x mag...
Tuncay Ateşşahin1,* and Mehmet Cİlbiz2
...ts of hook size, spinner colour and fishing season on catching efficiency in angling for rainbow trout in Karakaya Dam Lake (Malatya, Turkey). Field studies were conducted monthly for a total of 48 fishing operations between May 2013 and April 2014 and again from January 2015 to December 2015. Fishing activities were carried out using fishing gear with three spinner colours (yellow, blue or red), three hook sizes (No. 2: 2 c...

Iffat Nawaz1*, Farhatullah1, Fida Muhammad1, Sajid Ali2 and Ghulam Muhammad Ali

...n. Twenty-nine different colours of common beans were observed in these 96 accessions with pre-dominance of red colour. Four different seed shapes were observed i.e., Cuboid, oval, truncate fastigiated and kidney shape. Cuboid seed shape was predominant with a frequency of 46.8%. Seed coat pattern was absent in 51% accessions. Five different seed coat patterns i.e., constant mottled, stripped, circular mottling, rhomboid spo...

Shah Nawaz Khuhro1*, Irshad Ali Junejo1, Muhammad Haroon Hullio1, Sultan Ahmed Maitlo2, Javeed Shabir Daar3 and Shahjahan Rajput

...udy for use of different coloured sticky traps to assess in color magnetism of white fly on brinjal crop was evaluated at field condition at Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Agricultural College Dokri, Sindh-Pakistan. Different coloured sticky traps contains yellow, light green colour, green colour and pink colours were use...
Saira Saleemi1*, Zafar Iqbal1, Abdul Nasir Khalid2
... of different shapes and colour appeared in agar plates. Four Aspergillus spp.; Aspergillus terreus (8.40%), A. flavus (17.06%), A. fumigatus (24.02%) and A. niger (50.52%) were isolated from fish. Aspergillus niger showed high infection and it was recorded on all 200 fish samples. Fins were the most affected parts with 39.10% infection. Intestine was the least affected part with 6.59% infection. The major reason of as...
Fehmina Ashraf1*, Muhammad Irfan2, Hafiz Abdullah Shakir1, Shaukat Ali3, Muhammad Khan1
...pecies are used in dye decolouration and biobleaching processes. This review article describes the whole overview of laccases.

Paul Oludare Adetunji* and Safiriyu Idowu Ola 

...ckerels of three plumage colours (brown, black and barred) were divided into 2 replicates with 3 birds per replicate. The study lasted for 38 weeks (Feb.-Nov., 2019). Data were taken on the onset of puberty parameters (age at first sperm cell and puberty) from 16-22 weeks of age, semen quality parameters (semen volume, semen concentration, sperm output, sperm motility and sperm abnormalities) from 26-52 weeks of age and sexual ornaments’ morphometry (Com...

Nazish Huma Khan1, Mohammad Nafees1, Adila Bashir1, Farooq Ahmad1 

...hemical characteristics (colour, pH, EC, Alkalinity, Turbidity, TDS, TSS, COD and BOD5) by adopting standard methods for the
examination of water and waste water. These samples were also investigated for micronutrients/heavy metals (Cr, Pd,
Cd, Ni, Fe, Zn and Cu), using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. The obtained results were compared with Pak-
NEQS for industrial effluents. Results showed high limits of pH(8-8.2), EC(738-764uS/cm), ...

Shabana Rafique1, Shahnaz Parveen Khattak1, Tanveer Hussain2, Faiza Tauqeer1, Bashir Ahmad3 

...d to explore the pigment colouration system in conjunction with functional finishing
treatments for polyester/cotton (P/C) blended fabrics; further to assess its effect on flexural rigidity and abrasion
resistance. The simultaneous finishing and pigment dyeing is more economical than conventional method, since, more
energy can be conserved by using same machinery for dyeing, finishing, drying and curing. Furthermore, elimination
of ...

 Muhammad Shahzad1, Arif Iqbal Umar1, Syed Hamad Shirazi1, Muhammad Tariq Pervez2*, Zakir Khan1, Waqas Yousaf1

...ce alignments using colour code along with motif finding/conserved region in the sequence and analysing of graphical structure of phylogenetic tree. With the help of Format converter/Fasta generator tool user can convert sequence with formats of PhyLip, NEXUS, MSF, CLUSTAL and PIR into standard FASTA. It is also observed that genotype 3a (76%) is more prevalent followed by genotype 3 (13%). Geographic distribution reveals that rate of occurrence...

Paul Oludare Adetunji* and Safiriyu Idowu Ola

Comparative Productive Performance among three Plumage Varieties of Noiler Hens
...llets with three plumage colours (brown, black and barred) were divided into 3 replicates with 10 birds per replicate in each of the variety. Data were collected on the pubertal parameters (age at first egg and crouching behaviour) from 16-22 weeks of age; egg production performance indices (egg weight, hen day egg production-HDEP, feed efficiency-FE/dozen eggs and persistency of lay) from 19-52 weeks of age. Additionally, sexual ornaments’ morphometry (...
Muhammad Ramzan, Unsar Naeem-Ullah*, Mudssar Ali and Hasan Riaz
... last instar changed its colour to dark reddish and look like branches of host plants. The male and female mean longevity was 6.0 ± 1.171 and 11.4 ± 1.70 days. Pale reddish brown lines were present on the dorsal side of female forewings. Female forewings were broader than male wings with dark reddish brown thorax, head and abdomen. Adult hind wings were grayish with reddish brown outer margins. The biological and morphological information of T...
Ammara Gull-e-Fareen1,2, Imran Bodlah1,*, Muhammad Adnan Bodlah3, Muhammad Tariq Rasheed1, Habib Ali4 and Muhammad Asif5
...erinae) is reported with colour variations like scape, pedicel and basal part of antennal segment 3 slightly darker than remaining segments, scutellum and mesopleura mostly dark reddish with some darker areas, legs also reddish brown except tarsal segments lighter in colouration. Suspected trophic associations with Ischiodon scutellaris (F.) via Aphis nerii onCalotropis procera (Ait.) Ait and <...
Muhammad Ilyas Khan*, Ihsan Mabood Qazi and Mohammad Ayub
.... Results indicated that colour, moisture, water solubility index (WSI), water absorption index (WAI), swelling power (SP) and pasting profile of selected varieties of rice flour were significantly (p < 0.05) different from each other, except ash content. Rice flour had irregular and small to large shape. Amylose content of rice varieties ranged from 9.11% (Watni) to 27.65% (Lavange) and selected as low and high amylose rice varieties. Expectedly, study con...

Atilla Yıldız

...d on the five variables (colour, viscosity, spinnbarkeit, ferning and pH) describing appearance and characteristics of cervical mucus collected. Each parameter was graded from 0 to 3. Comparison of cervical mucus score including all parameters demonstrated a significant (P < 0.0001) increase between conceived cows’ mean score (13.47) and non-conceived cows’ mean score (10.59). All parameters of the cervical mucus score for non-conceived cows wer...
Ahmed Saud Alsaqufi1, Sheikh Mustafizur Rahman2,3*, Roshmon Thomas Mathew2, Yousef Ahmed Alkhamis1,2, Md. Moshiur Rahman3,4 and Muhammed Aslam Pathiri2
... maximum dark brown body colouration (63%), while in 24L showed maximum light brown colouration (96%). On the other hand, maximum larvae were appeared as medium brown color (76%) in tanks having PVC, whereas many of them were light brown (61%) in non-PVC tanks. Taken together, the study suggests that C. gariepinus larvae should be reared in completely dark condition to enhance their overall production.

Zahoor Hussain1,2, Yasir Iftikhar3, Mustansar Mubeen3, Muhammad Zia Saleem3, Muhammad Umer Naseer3, Muhammad Luqman4, Raheel Anwar5, Faheem Khadija6 and Aqleem Abbas7 natural orange fruit colour. Moreover, the iodo-starch tests revealed that the color of HLB-positive leaves was dark grey to black across the sliced surface. Afterward, the Zinc sulfate and Manganese sulfate at the concentrations of 0.25 g/L, 0.5 g/L, and 0.75 g/L were applied on selected diseased plants in combination. Afterward, different vegetative, physiological, and biochemical parameters of citrus greening infected fruit include fruit diameter, fruit...

Ho Shi Hui1, Eng-Keng Seow2, Nurul Huda1* 

...ent times, and their pH, colour, foaming capacity and stability, emulsifying activity, tube inverting test, folding test, expressible moisture and texture profile analysis were compared. Ultrasound treatment had caused a significant (p<0.05) change in pH, foaming capacity, and the folding test score of egg white gel. However, texture profile analysis showed that the hardness, springiness, gumminess and chewiness of egg white gel had decreased after ultrasou...

Arshad Ali Lashari1, Shakal Khan Korai1*, Imtiaz Ahmed Nizamani1, Khalid Hussain Qureshi1, Abdul Mubeen Lodhi1, Amir Khan Korai1 and Punhoon Khan Korai2* study, four different colours sticky traps, including yellow, green, red and blue were screened on following ten mustard varieties including P-23R-2, NM-8, P-25, UCD-1202, ER-22, P-107R7, NRT02/8, P6, P1191 and Sindh Raya to evaluate the attractiveness of sucking insect pests. The results showed that, the maximum number of jassid (12.40±0.99) was recorded on the yellow trap followed by green (7.70±0.85) and blue (1.60±0.22), whereas the...
Imran Bodlah1*, Muhammad Tariq Rasheed1, Muhammad Farooq Nasir1, Tariq Mahmood2 and Muhammad Asif3
...scribed with the help of coloured micro-graphs. Male and female genitalia have been described using line drawings and coloured drawings. Main diagnostic characters, brief description, morphometrics, distribution and illustrations are provided. Biology, trophic associations with 4 ant’s species namely, Camponotus parius, Camponotus compressus, Tapinoma melaocephalum, Lepisiota fraunfeldi have been discussed. Four natura...

Ho Le Quynh Chau, Than Thi Thanh Tra, Duong Thi Huong, Du Thanh Hang, Le Thi Thu Hang, Vo Thi Minh Tam, Dinh Van Dung*, Ho Trung Thong 

...c gene expression of two coloured chicken groups. A total of 480 one-day-old chicks (240 Ri hybrid and 240 Luong Phuong) of uniform body weight was divided into a 2 × 3 factorial arrangement of treatments with four replicate cages of 20 chicks per treatment. Two factors include 2 chicken groups (Ri hybrid-slow-growing strain and Luong Phuong-fast-growing strain) and three dietary SID methionine concentration (low, adequate, high). The methionine levels w...

Jocelín Selene Sánchez Cisneros1, Braulio Alejandro Fuantos Gámez1, Martin Herrik Ramón Kane1, Laura Miranda Contreras2, Camilo Romero Núñez2* 

... of the same species and colour characteristics. The diagnosis was cutaneous collagen dysplasia suggestive of cutaneous asthenia. This is the first report of cutaneous asthenia in a baby albino Burmese python in Latin America.

Keywords | Burmese python, Histopathology, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, Wounds, Cutaneous asthenia 


Luke Chukwudi Ali*, Nnanna Ephraim Ikeh, Bright Chigozie Amaefule, Amarachi Linda Obinna, Ndubuisi Samuel Machebe 

...hology evaluation. Semen colour showed milky white in all groups although T4 appeared creamy white. There were significant (P<0.01) differences among treatment groups of rabbits in all the semen traits except in semen volume. Semen pH showed significant (P<0.01) variations with semen of bucks in T4 having the highest value (8.67). Sperm motility, sperm concentration, live and normal sperms in decreased with an increase in dietary DCSM whereas non-motile,...

Naseem Sharif1,2*, Imran Muhammad Siqqique2, Muhammad Kashif Raza3, Urwa Irshad1, Muhammad Ikhlaq Khan4, Ammara Noreen4 , Muhammad Ahsan Qureshi1, Mohsin Abbas5, Muhammad Maaz Aziz5, Sitwat Riaz5, Komal Aslam5 and Naseem Akhtar6

... C1B, C2A and C2B. Fruit colour meter value showed average +a* =2.7 and average +b* =13.0 for Bhakkar accessions, while for Layyah accessions these were 3.8 and 16.4, respectively. Such variation can strengthen jujube germplasm conservation, be able to provide strong basis for initiating conventional breeding programmes and can be helpful in biotechnology for gene transfer process. Management of natural plantation of Ziziphus nummularia in Thal zone is highly ...

Teguh Wahyono1,2*, Wahidin Teguh Sasongko3, Wijaya Murti Indriatama4, Setiawan Martono5, Slamet Widodo3, Widhi Kurniawan6, Muhamad Nasir Rofiq7

...d on sensory evaluation, colour, smell and sensory index increased after wilting treatment (P < 0.01). Based on chemical quality, pH and NH3-N values were lower in wilted groups than in unwilting sorghum silage (P < 0.01). Compared with non-wilted materials, higher dry-matter (DM) and organic-matter (OM) content were found in wilted materials (P < 0.01). Wilting did not affect crude protein (CP), ether extract (EE), neutral detergent fibre (NDF), acid...

Yêyinou Laura Estelle Loko1*, Joelle Toffa1, Azize Orobiyi1, Gbèblonoudo Anicet Dassou2, Rolande Okpeicha1, Dieudonné Gavoedo1 and Alexandre Dansi2

...traits (testa thickness, colour, texture, hardness, length, breadth, and 100-grain mass) on the susceptibility of eight soybean varieties to C. maculatus were evaluated in the laboratory. The correlations and contributions of the studied traits were evaluated using correlation path coefficient analysis. The tested soybean varieties showed a variation in physical seed characteristics. A differential susceptibility of soybean varieties to C. maculatus was observ...

Kirana D.D. Adiputra1*, Tulus Maulana3 , Ekayanti M. Kaiin3, H. Hasbi2, Herry Sonjaya2 

...h semen were volume, pH, colour, motility, viability, abnormality, intact plasma membrane, and concentration. Meanwhile, parameters observed in frozen semen were motility, viability, abnormality, intact plasma membrane, acrosome status, DNA integrity, and movement patterns. Viability and abnormality parameters were stained with eosin-nigrosine, intact plasma membrane was stained with Hypo-osmotic (HOS) solution, acrosome status was stained with peanut agglutin...

Samantha Shiuan Erl Lee1, Nurul Huda2*, Yetti Marlida3, Eng-Keng Seow4 

...z) for 15 min, and their colour, pH, expressible moisture, folding test, gel strength, texture profile analysis, foaming capacity and stability, and emulsification stability were compared. Ultrasound treatment had caused a significant decrease (p<0.05) in pH and expressible moisture, apart from improving the gel strength and folding test score of egg white gels. Improvement of gel strength was substantiated by the significantly higher (p<0.05) hardness a...
Alia Tajdar1,3, Shaghef Ejaz2, Muhammad Shah Zaib1, Anum Ishfaq1, Syed Muhammad Zaka1*, Hafiz Muhammad Safeer1 and Khalid Abbas1
... the quality parameters (colour, taste, weight loss, pH, and titratable acidity) of banana was evaluated in laboratory conditions. The olfactory results of the present study showed that all botanical extracts exhibited the repellent effect against B. zonata, but the methanolic extract of cinnamon showed the highest repellence activity against B. zonata. Moreover, no side effects were observed on the post-harvest quality of banana treated to different methanoli...

Müge Aliye Hekimoglu and Sırma Sönmez

... weight and length, body colour and survival rate. The image analysis method was used to determine skin colour. The chemical analysis method was used to determine the activity of enzymes. The results showed that supplementation of 2000 mg/kg of dietary significantly increased weight, length and specific growth rate (P < 0.05). While no change in colour was observed in the control group ...

Raad Hamad Mahmood Al-Badrany1* and Aamer Mohsen Mahmood Al-Ma’thidy2

...ade, number of lobes and colour of leaf bade), and fruit characteristics (length, diameter, size, ostiole diameter, peduncle length, fruit shape, and color). It was found that most of the leaf and fruit characteristics have taxonomic importance in distinguishing and diagnosing the cultivars of the studied cultivars. Regarding the spectral study, the spectrum of absorbance of the alcoholic extract of leaf chlorophyll and the extract of pigments of the studied c...

Khalid Mahmood1*, Arslan Lodhi1, Muhammad Asim2, Muhammad Adeeb Babar3 and Muhammad Akbar Khan1 

...etritic rocks of various colours: pale yellow to orange, brown, reddish-brown mudstone and subordinate lightened white grey. This formation is rich in artiodactyl faunal material, especially specimens that belonged to taxa of the family Bovidae. The specimens studied in this paper are represented by upper and lower jugal teeth. Following morphological analysis, measurements, and comparison to previously described fossils, these specimens are assessed up to spe...

Yaman Saad Fadhil

... the sensory properties (colour, odour, Brittleness, and general appearance) were investigated. In general, increasing the propolis extract concentration in samples leads to a reduction in the growth rate of the bacterial population, and it continued till the last day of storage at 4oC. The sensory study revealed that odour alterations in samples that contain propolis extract were much better in treated samples compared with the control treatment. This study c...

Luigi Liotta1, Vincenzo Lopreiato1, Fariborz Asroosh2 and Alireza Seidavi2*

...tuents of milk including colour, odour, taste, freezing point, dry matter free of fat, acidity (lactic acid), density (in 15 °C), pH, fat and protein were determined according to the standard methods. Macro and micro elements of milk were analyzed using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Data were subjected to the two-way ANOVA analysis to determine the significant differences between species/breeds. The acidity, density and fat in Talesh sheep&...

A.M. Abdul Azeem1, A.N. El shahat1* and Mohamed H.M. Abd el Megid2

...onfirmed by changing the colour of the solution from light yellow to red. The synthesized SeNPs were characterized by Ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy (UV-Vis spectra), Fourier transform infra-red (FTIR) spectroscopy analysis and Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM). The rats (28 rats) used in this study randomly divided into 4 groups each of 7 animals; Control group, SeNPs-CP group (0.5 mg/kg B.Wt. / day /30 days orally), BPA group (50 mg/kg B.Wt. / day /30...

A.M. Abdul Azeem1, A.N. El shahat1* and Mohamed H.M. Abd el Megid2

...onfirmed by changing the colour of the solution from light yellow to red. The synthesized SeNPs were characterized by Ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy (UV-Vis spectra), Fourier transform infra-red (FTIR) spectroscopy analysis and Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM). The rats (28 rats) used in this study randomly divided into 4 groups each of 7 animals; Control group, SeNPs-CP group (0.5 mg/kg B.Wt. / day /30 days orally), BPA group (50 mg/kg B.Wt. / day /30...

Muhammad Hasnain1*, Ghulam Mustafa2, Asif-ur-Rehman3, Ali Raza4, Abrar Ahmad4, Taj Muhammad4, Muhammad Rafiq Shahid4, Umair Faheem5, Muhammad Shahid4, Muhammad Akram4 and Muhammad Kashif Nadeem5 as weight loss, fruit colour, hardness, length, and lenticel burn. Fruit fly punctures were non-significant among the different chemicals as compared to the control. The maximum number was in control, i.e., 3.06±0.48 and the minimum was in Promise®, followed by Flagon® and Izabion®, i.e., 0.45±0.21, 0.72±0.15 and 0.44±0.02, respectively. Whereas biochemical parameters, total soluble solids, pH, titratable acidity, vit...

Romedi Çelik

...tionally, four different colour variations were determined: yellow angut (41.1%, n = 60), red angut (35.6%, n = 52), white angut (13.7%, n = 20) and black angut (9.6%, n = 14). All the colour variants had a peak crest (upright feathers) costume structure, which was at the back of the head, starting from the end of the neck and extending from ear to ear. Among the gender groups from the measurements obtained in this study; wi...

Aamir Shakeel1*, Anwar Ali2, Tahir Iqbal1 and Ziad Raza1

...s on the basis of scale, colour, form compactness and smoothness. The research is an effort to apply OBIA and classification techniques to Landsat satellite images to detect the changes in LULC in Kaghan valley with range of observation of 4 years i.e., 2004 to 2008 and 2012.


Sabi Ur Rehman1*, Laiba Arshad1, Saman Ali1, Shazma Massey2, Safeer Khan3, Abdul Samad4 and Fazal-Ur-Rehman5

...ugh a change in physical colour and characterized using Ultraviolet-Visible spectroscopy and Scanning Electron Microscopy. Antibacterial and antifungal activity assessments revealed moderate efficacy against Candida albicans, Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli, comparable to Amoxicillin and Fluconazole. Further discussion explores the antibacterial effects of Ag NPs, highlighting their potential applications in combating bacterial infections. These fin...

Danish Kamal2, Muhammad Abbass Khan1, Ghulam Mujtaba-Shah1, Naveed Ahmed1, Maryam Iqbal¹, Basharat Hussain Shah1 and Imtiaz Ahmed1*

...tative data such as stem colour stem, stem length, stem girth, number of leaves plant-1 leaf length, leaf width, leaf type, leaf apex, leaf base, leaf shape, distance between nodes, pedicel length, flower colour, and flower diameter. Tea samples were analyzed for anatomical parameters such as epidermis cells, mesophyll cells and epidermal anatomy of leaves. The stem length, stem girth, number of leaves plant-1, leaf width, l...
Mohamedl , Shimaa D.; Ghareeb2, A.; El-Dougdoug , K. A. and Bekheitl , H.K.
...asement membrane and red colour appeared due to presence of granules particles. The morphological structures of P. operculella infected larvae with granulosis virus as well as healthy ones were examined by SEM. It showed complete destruction of external larval body , abdominal segments overlapped in some , prolegs and thoracic legs reduced in size and also the circular shaped spiracles converted to oval shape with rupture and disrupted inside tissue compared t...

Amal Abo El-Ela Ahmed; Eman A.H. Khatab; and M.S. Shafie

...xt-align: justify;">Rose colour break virus was detected in naturally infected rose growing in Orman Garden for ornamental plants, Giza Governorate and it was found to be widely spread in rose fields. The virus was transmitted mechanically and by grafting (chipbudding) but not by aphids. It was successfully purified from infected N tabacum L. cv. White Burley leaves. Only one band of purified virus preparation was observed 3.5 cm below the meniscus of the dens...

Sepri Reski*, Maria Endo Mahata, Montesqrit, Ridho Kurniawan Rusli, albumen weight, yolk colour, and Haugh unit). The results revealed no significant interaction (p>0.05) between temperature and storage duration concerning the physical quality (egg weight, shell thickness, shell weight, yolk weight, albumen weight, yolk colour, and Haugh unit) of quail eggs fed with fermented T. murayana seaweed. The experiment concludes that quail eggs fed with fermented T. murayana can be stored for...

Shama Sadaf1*, Ayesha Saeed1, Komal Hassan1, Zeeshan Ahmad2 and Maha Naeem Butt1

...vinegar. The dye’s colour concentration and color fastness after 15 washes. This research is based on quantitative research. This is experimental research. In this study, access the color concentration on different stages and fastness after 15 washes. In a beaker 1 tablespoon were added and boiled in 100 ml distilled water at 100oC for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes the solution was filtered. Then 15 ml vinegar were added to retain color put the solution i...
Kalaiselvi Natarajan1, Karal Marx Karuppiah1, Sheena K Baby1, Sakthivel Mohammed2, Shanmugam Seerappalli Aran1 and Suresh Eswaran1*
...p (Cyprinus carpio) is a colourful and economically valuable ornamental fish species, which has numerous strains. Even though culture of Koi carp is practiced at many tropical countries, there is a very little information on the seed production and embryonic development of the species especially in RAS. The present study was aimed to study the breeding, embryonic and larval development of Koi carp in RAS system. The matured brooders were administered with thre...
Farrukh Avais1, Anser Ali1, Hamza Javed2, Muhammad Saleem3, Tehreem Tahir4,
Muhammad Rafiq5,* and eye
colour. Hyper-pigmentation leads to various skin disorders like melasma, sunspots, age
spots and freckles. Moreover, abnormal skin pigmentation is a serious aesthetic concern
which leads to psychosocial problems. Thus to achieve melanin inhibition, inhibition of
tyrosinase might be an effective approach. To this end we prepared methanolic (MeOH)
extracts from leaves and roots of Garlic Al...

Roshan Ara1, Muhammad Ali Khanzada1, Amir Khan Korai1*, Abdul Mubeen Lodhi, Anam Mehwish Khanzada1, Khalid Hussain Qureshi1, Shakal Khan Korai2*

... pale green to yellow discolouration, stunted growth, and the development of knots on roots containing egg masses and female nematodes. Pathogenicity tests on “Ghotki” chilli plants revealed a direct correlation between inoculum levels of M. incognita and infection severity, with higher inoculum levels resulting in increased knot formation, nematode counts in roots and soil and reduced shoot and root growth. Four chemical nematicides (Actara, Furad...
Muhammad Shabbir Mughal
...flets are light green in colour, 6-17 pairs arranged distantly with single thorns/spines, very rarely two whereas, the leaflets of Prosopis juliflora were dark green in colour, 13-25 pairs arranged closely with a pair of thorns. The seeds oblique to longitudinal, dark brown in colour in P. glandulosa and compressed, light brown with flat cotyledons in P. juliflora....
Ch. Muhammad Muslim, Muhammad Shabbir Mughal and Imtiaz Hussain
...e and bears a dark brown colour. Leaves are 6-12 inches in length. It is round in shape and small when it flowers. Flowers are 1-2 inches in length and 1.5 inches broad. The flowers are hermaphrodite. Fruit is 0.5-1 inches in length and bear seeds. Seeds are 2-3 mm in diameter and are ovate in shape. These are light brown in colour and are bitter to taste. A trial of Colchicum luteum was laid out in March, 2003 at Med...
Muhamamd Arif Chaudhary and Ejaz Ahmed of black or red blood colour iii) dry patches in stem/root and drying of roots and iv) white powdery streak in cross sections are leading to the conclusion that there have been the possibility of some fungal attack resulting in blockage of conducting tissues, causing heart wood rot followed by termite attack and elimination of Rahizobial nodulation. Therefore, it is suggested to carry out an intensive field survey; study the biology, physiology and ecology ...
Muhammad Arif Chaudhary and Ejaz Ahmed
...ent members. The present colour shade of the specimens includes the golden brown (37.5%), brown (12.5%), light brown (12.3%), dark brown (6.3%), copper (6.3%), deep red (12.5%), pale cream-(6.3%) and country cream (6.3%).

More than 66.6% members of Schizophyllaceae are recorded from the broad-leaved trees, with 23.8% from conifers and the remaining 9.6% from unidentified hosts distributed in the Himalayan tract of NWFP (27.8%), Punjab (42.6%),...

S. H. Iqbal, Shahbaz and Ghazala Nasim
...ith septate, hyaline or coloured mycelium were found penetrating into the root. A mixture of endogonaceous spores formed the rhizosphere mycoflora....
Mohammad Ayaz
... broader end slightly discoloured....
Shan Ahmad Naveed
...y fairly deep and thick, colour bright, silvery yellow; tail fin large and well forked, anal fin short, dorsal fin long and concave comprising three or four single rays of which the last is thick and spinous and has seventeen to twenty two small soft rays. The mouth is terminal, the lips thick and capable of being projected forward, four barbels on the upper lip the two anterior short and thin and the two posterior are long and thick....
M.I. Sheikh, Abdul Aleem and Mohammad Hafiz
... aprons of different colours and thicknesses were used as a mulch for Dalbergia sissoo and Eucalyptus camaldulensis at Peshawar and Jallo. Results indicate:
1. Insignificant survival of plants.
2. Better rate of growth with aprons.
3. Significant effect on height by the material and colour of aprons.
4. Light resistant type of plastic was mere durable....
Mohammad Hafeez
...stic aprons of different colours and thicknesses were used as a mulch for Dalbergia sissoo and Eucalyptus camaldulensis at Peshawar and Jallo. Results indicate:
1. Insignificant survival of plants.
2. Better rate of growth with aprons.
3. Significant effect on height by the material and colour of aprons.
4. Light resistant type plastic was more durable. ...
Mohammad Hafeez
...use. Flowers are pale in colour.
It is a very slow growing tree. It obtains a height from 20 to 30 feet. It occurs more or less gregariously in dry hills up to 4,000 feet. It is found in various geological formations and is capable of growing in poor dry shallow soil where few other species can survive. It may occur pure or in mixture with other trees. It is not found in loamy soil but has been introduced. (3). In West Pakistan it is mainly found in Attoc...

Tarek Mahmoud Mousa-Balabel* and Karima Mohamed Abdo Abofarag

...he effects of blue light colour and vitamin E and Selenium (Se) supplementation before and after Newcastle disease vaccination (NDV-LaSota) on post vaccine reactions (immune response) of a recently imported Indian River (IR) broilers to Egypt. In this study, 180 one-day old IR broiler chicks were used. The chicks were randomly assigned to three treatment groups of 60 each. The chicks in the first group were reared under white light col...
Dian Septinova1*, Isnaini Nurfianti2, Denita Eptiana2, Khaira Nova1, Riyanti1
*Correspondence | Dian Septinova, Department of Animal Husbandry, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Lampung; Email: [email protected]
...height, diameter, index, colour) and organoleptic properties (saltiness, sandiness, oiliness and flavour). The results showed that T1 significantly (P<0.05) had lower salt content and saltiness compared to T0, but the other egg characteristic parameters were not significantly different (P>0.05). T2 significantly (P<0.05) had lower salt content, moisture content, yolk physical characteristics, saltiness, sandiness and oiliness compared to T0, but did n...
Che Ku Nur Ain Mardhiah Che Ku Azman and Norlia Muhamad*
... Drying could cause some colour and nutrients effects on the products, thus modeling is essential to predict the drying process of the sample.
Roshita Ibrahim1*, Anis Nursyazwani Aminuddin1 and Mohd Nizam Lani2
... cm and had the lightest colour compared to other treatments. In conclusion, the application of electrical shock stimulation emerged as the most effective treatment among the various physical stimulants investigated in this study, attributed to its shorter spawning time and the highest yield of mushrooms produced.
Anum Razzaq*, Tariq Mahmood, Ammara Saman, Ammara Baig, Nadeem Munawar and Muhammad Farooq
...der crops like Sorghum bicolour (Sorghum), Zea mays (Maize), Brassica campestris (Mustard) etc. The summer diet (non-crop season) was comparatively less diversified than the diet of the cropping season (spring) and there was a significant difference in the diets of this rat species during cropping and non-cropping period. The gerbil also supplemented its diet with insects (animal matters) in higher quantities highlighting its positive role as biological contro...
Zarinah Zakaria1*, Nur Nabilah Norsham1, Nur Hasyimah Mat Shah1, Nurul Zaizuliana Rois Anwar1, Napisah Hussin2, Fauziah Tufail Ahmad3, Faridah Yahya3 and Norshazila Shahidan4
...y hampered by its odour, colour, and taste since it is processed as a crude aqueous extract, restricting its consumption despite the fact that it provides considerable medicinal benefits due to the inclusion of important bioactive components. In this study, green tea, oolong tea, and black tea were crafted using a combination of processed Sacha Inchi (Plukenetia volubilis L.) leaves, the traditional tea (Camellia sinensis) leaves and stevia as na...
Norsyasya Shari1, Nur Nabilah Husin1, Zalilawati Mat Rasid1, Maaruf Abdul Ghani2 and Noroul Asyikeen Zulkifli1*
...r increased. In terms of colour, the addition of sugar caused the increased in the lightness (L*), reduced the redness (+ a*) with no significant effect on blue intensity (-b*) of CMD. The addition of sugar improved the people’s preference in terms of viscosity, sweetness, sourness, taste and overall acceptability as compared to Control sample. Although no significant difference in sensory evaluation were observed between CMD5, CMD6, CMD7 and CMD8 in all...

Oluwatoyin Adenike Fabiyi* and Abigail Abosede Olojede by reaction solution colour change, Fourier Transform Infra-red and Scanning Electron Microscopy (FTIR and SEM). Strong peaks on the FTIR spectrum were observed at 3356, 3360 and 1637 cm-1, indicating that amines are the reducing and stabilising factor in the formation of AgNP. The Energy Dispersive X-ray Analysis (EDXA) projected silver as the principal extant metal. At 5% level of significance, there was higher than control level of growth and sufficient...

Pakistan Journal of Nematology


Pakistan Journal of Nematology, Vol. 42, Iss. 2, Pages 88-179


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