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Rehmat Ullah1*, Muhammad Zafarullah Khan1 and Kalim Ullah2

...sor schemes for low cost inputs. MFSC may take initiative for funds on account of pragmatic trainings arrangement, subsidized inputs and crop specific machinery.


Gurrappa Naidu Govindaraj, Vinayagamurthy Balamurugan*, Habibur Rahman

...high feeding and rearing inputs in young and adult sheep/goats etc. The results revealed that at the annual 10% incidence level, the estimated total loss due to PPR in sheep and goats was INR 5041.5 million (77% was mortality loss and 23% was morbidity loss) and INR 11074.6 million (73% mortality loss and 27% morbidity loss), respectively. Further, sensitivity analysis under Ceteris paribus, revealed a loss of INR 8058.8 million and INR 24174.1 million ...

Muhammad Aslam

...eed production, improved inputs availability and use, improved irrigation, improved agriculture-education-training-research- extension-nexus, reclamation of salinized lands, improved agricultural credit and support price policies. Recommendations include improving agricultural research and extension systems, accelerating diffusion and adoption of latest agriculture technologies and inputs, enhancing good quality seed product...

Qamar Ali, Muhammad Ashfaq and Muhammad Tariq Iqbal Khan

...e after efficient use of inputs. A little adjustment is required in the use of inputs for receiving more output. A comprehensive agricultural policy is required based on support price of vegetables; subsidize the input resources, improvement in vegetable markets and provision of extension services.


Amjad Ali and Abbas Ullah Jan

...0.121% respectively. All inputs except DAP, farmyard manure and pesticides were found significant at 5% significance level. In inefficiency model grower age, experience and contact with extension workers has significant contribution in decreasing farm inefficiency. However, grower’s family size, his off-farm income and distance between farm and house were found non-significant. The coefficient of education reveals that in study area inefficiency raised w...

Hina Fatima, Lal Almas and Bushra Yasmin optimally using their inputs. The average allocative efficiency was around 75%. Approximately 36 percent of farms allocative efficiency varies from 0.20 to 0.60. Around 60% of farms allocative efficiency ranges from 0.61 to above 0.90. The under and over-utilization of inputs such as land, seeds, fertilizers and pesticides reflect the general performance of the inputs in terms of their ...

Naushad Khan1*, Shahnaz Akhtar1, Munir Khan1, Shaista Naz2, Javeria Tanveer1 and Muhammad Kaleem3 for the purchase of inputs. The present study examined the effect of ZTBL credit program on maize productivity in district Mardan of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. For this, a sample of 226 farmers was selected by employing multi stage sampling technique. At first stage, all the three tehsils (i.e.; Mardan, Takht Bhai and Katlang) of the district were selected. At second stage, two villages from each tehsil were randomly selected. In third stage, all the b...

Muhammad Zafarullah Khan

...ssible time with minimum inputs. Agriculture is the pivotal source of producing food crops including dairy, fruit cultivation, poultry, bee keeping and edible and non-edible like forestry products etc. An Agriculture Extension Officer (AEO) plays the role of a hub in agricultural development and covers all the areas of Agriculture. The present study was carried out in all the 24 districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa to investigate the agricultural mechanization comp...

Dhananjoy Mandal 2K. Baral 3M. K. Dasgupta

Developing site-specific appropriate precision agriculture
...eorology and forecasting inputs and outputs by marketing, production, protection and processing, and other essential information provided through a decision support system (DSS), in an agriinformatics networking such that is not ordinarily available to Indian farmers in general. Due to Precision Farming (PF), production increased by 40 to 60 percent farmers’ margins of the produce and reduction of the commission charged by the middlemen to 7-10 percent. ...

Naveed Muhammad, Syed Attaullah Shah*, Abbas Ullah Jan, Irfan Ullah, Muhammad Ibrahim and Salman Khan

... and other underutilized inputs/ capitals. 


Muhammad Zafarullah Khan

...ation of malpractices of inputs supply dealers and evaluate the working of fertilizer dealers. The study recommended that the gap among the competencies of AEOs might be minimized by increasing their educational level and providing training opportunities especially in supervision and administration to deal effectively with all the stakeholders of the farming community.


Sania Shaheen1*, Hina Fatima2 and Muhammad Azeem Khan3

... increasing the level of inputs by using efficient management practices. 


Wali Khan1, Naushad Khan2 and Shaista Naz2*

...eping were the expensive inputs, pest attack, lack of modern production and rearing techniques, and trainings which can be overcome by a comprehensive program focusing on the provision of low cost inputs, pesticides/insecticides, modern techniques and trainings, and value chain market facilities at the local and regional level. 


Muhammad Zafarullah Khan*, Shah Saud Ahmad and Asif Nawaz 

... to provide agricultural inputs like seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, machinery along with advisory services in order to increase per acre yield. This study was conducted in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province in the year 2016. The study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of Farm Services Centers (FSCs) in district Charsadda regarding provision of agricultural services to its member farmers. About 57% respondents were registered with FSC since last 4-6 years per...

Saima Akhtar Qureshi1 and Asim Anwar2*, Ather Maqsood Ahmed

...nd used3.6 percent lower inputs


Khalid Mahmood Aujla, Sajida Taj*, Khalid Mahmood** and Nadeem Akmal*

... doses, higher prices of inputs such as seed, fertilizer, diesel, electricity and less wheat prices during 2006-07 and late announcement of the minimum guaranteed wheat price for 2007-08 were the main reasons of lower wheat production in 2007-08. To enhance the wheat yield, farmers were of the view that the timely availability of quality inputs (seed, fertilizers) at reasonable prices, canal water supply at critical stages o...

 Zaheeruddin Mirani*and Aslam Memon**

... seeds and other related inputs/products available in the market. Farm visits and result and method demonstration methods of technology transfer were perceived as effective methods of technology transfer. Farmers were able to increase the yields of their farm produce. However, the picture says that there is yield gap between the potential yield obtained by research scientists and yield obtained by the farmers. Farmers were of the opinion that both public and p...

 Abid Hussain*, Khalid Mahmood Aujla* and Nouman Badar*

...easing the use of factor inputs; however, poverty may be a constraint on realizing these gains. Thus, wheat production can be increased in the country by helping resource poor farmers through suitable support mechanisms.


 Nusrat Habib*, Saima Rani*, Sabeen Siddiqui*, Shah Zaman** and Muhammad Zubair Anwar*

...the affect of major farm inputs on the productivity of sugarcane in Tehsil Kot Addu (Punjab). The data was collected from 70 sugarcane growers during 2013 harvesting. The costs of land preparation, DAP, urea, irrigation, FYM, seed and labor for harvesting were the significant factors which affect on the proceeds of sugarcane growers. The results revealed that costs of land preparation, DAP and urea were highly significant at 1% level with positive coefficients...

 Khurram Nawaz Saddozai*, Umme Rubab* and Abass Ullah Jan* 

...ihood estimates of major inputs showed that seed, tractor hours, FYM and labor days have contributed significantly to increase the maize yield. However, the DAP and urea have shown no effect on maize yield. The mean technical efficiency was estimated at 83%, implying that the farmers can still enhance their technical efficiency by 11% within the given inputs and technology. The results have demonstrated that maize crop is lu...

 Khurram Nawaz Saddozai*, Muhammad Nasrullah* and Noor P. Khan** 

... 15% with given level of inputs. The inefficiency model estimates demonstrate that only experience of tobacco growers in study area was significantly decreasing the inefficiency of the growers. The study has concluded that tobacco growers are operating in the second stage of production; therefore, tobacco production can still be enhanced. It is recommended that season long trainings for tobacco growers may be undertaken by the concerned authorities to enhance ...

 Doulat Baig*, Fida Mohammad Abbasi*, Habib Ahmed*, Maqsood Qamar** and Muhammad Ayub Khan**

...information about use of inputs and cultural practices. Judicious nitrogen use and suitable high yielding hybrid play key role in increasing sunflower productivity. Protein is the basic requirement of the metabolic processes for the vegetative, reproductive growth and yield of the crop. The protein is wholly dependent upon the amount of nitrogen fertilization available in soil for the plant use. A two year study was conducted in 2012 and 2013 at National Agric...

Sher Muhammad , Ijaz Ashraf*, Amir Khatam**, and Naima

...lability of agricultural inputs and good decision making may result in active participation by farmers in farm related activities. The present paper focuses on farmers' participation in various activities of MFSCs as influenced by their socio-economic characteristics. The target population of current study consisted of the member farmers of the MFSCs in four districts of KPK having different ecological mix cropping zones. Data were collected with the help of a...

Irfan Ullah, Shahid Ali*, Muhammad Fayaz and Abbas Ullah Jan 

...could have used 16% less inputs for given level of output if inputs were allocated efficiently. The estimated coefficient of output in the stochastic cost frontier was -0.159 and statistically significant at 5% significant level which implies that output level need to be increased which ultimately leads to decrease inefficiency of resources allocation. In allocative inefficiency effect model, estimates of education and expe...

Amjad Ali1, Rajan Shrestha2, Ghaffar Ali1, Irfan Ullah1 and Salman Khan1 

... guide farmers on proper inputs utilization, low interest rate crop based loans and comprehensive policy of setting right price for output to increase net return and per unit yield. 


Amjad Ali1, Rajan Shrestha2, Ghaffar Ali1, Irfan Ullah1 and Salman Khan1 

... guide farmers on proper inputs utilization, low interest rate crop based loans and comprehensive policy of setting right price for output to increase net return and per unit yield. 


Urooba Pervaiz1, Abdus Salam1, Dawood Jan2, Ayesha Khan1 and Mahmood Iqbal price of agricultural inputs, non-availability of; cold storage, agricultural credit and certified vegetable seeds, lack of fertilizers and technical knowledge, pest and diseases incidence, improper marketing of produce in the study area.  


Imran Khan1, Zahir Shah2, Wiqar Ahmad3*, Farmanullah Khan2 and Muhammad Sharif

... test different nutrient inputs for their effect on wheat yield and soil fertility status under different tillage practices. Randomized Complete Block Split Plot Design with three replications was used for the study where nutrient inputs were allotted to sub-plots whilst tillage practices were studied in main plots. Nutrient input consisted of Farmer’s fertilizer practice (FP; N:P2O5:K2O=60:45:00 kg ha-1), Recommended ...

Saleem Ashraf1*, Ashiq Hussain Sangi1Zakaria Yousaf Hassan3 and Muhammad Luqman2

... government to subsidize inputs availability and conserve water and land. 


Sadiqa Begum1, Murad Khan2* and Noor Pao Khan

...the relationship between inputs and output of wheat. Per acre yield of wheat production in district Mardan was 1809.032 kgs. while in district Peshawar it was 2143.230 kgs. Total cost of wheat per acre in district Peshawar was more than that of district Mardan. The net revenue from per acre wheat production was high in district Peshawar as compared to district Mardan. The results revealed that all the inputs including seed, ...

Muhammad Abu Sufyan Ali, Syed Attaullah Shah*, Ghaffar Ali and Muhammad Fayaz 

... Provision of subsidized inputs could help in raising farmer’s return from agriculture and changing their perception in favor of using their lands for crops and livestock production 


Shamsher Ali1, Zakir Ullah Jan1*, Zahir Shah2, Muhammad Jamal Khan2, Farmanullah Khan2, Inayat ur Rahman3 and Shah Fahad3 

...ntrol (no application of inputs), T2 = 130 kg N ha-1, T3 = 130 kg N ha-1 + 90 kg P2O5 ha-1 T4 = FYM @ 20000 kg ha-1, T5 = 130 kg N ha-1 + 90 kg P2O5 ha-1 + FYM @ 20000 kg ha-1 and T6 = 65 kg N ha-1 + 45 kg P2O5 ha-1 + FYM @ 20000 kg ha-1. The results indicated that both maize varieties (hybrid and local) showed different responses to different fertilizer treatments application but combined used of farm yard manure, N and P2O5 in (T5) and (T6) significantly inc...

Amjad Ali1, Abbas Ullah Jan1, Lal Almas2, Noor Piao Khan1 and Khurran Nawaz Saddozai

..., land rent and per acre inputs cost (labor hired, seed, tractor hours, irrigation, Urea, DAP, FYM and pesticides) were considered determinants for cost function. Respondent age, farming experience, education, family size, off-farm income, farm to home distance, tenancy and extension contacts are determinants in allocative inefficiency model. Results of the study revealed that except farmyard manure and pesticides all other explanatory variables are significan...

Farhan, Shahid Ali* and Syed Attaullah Shah 

...r optimal application of inputs for wheat crop be arranged at regular intervals by concerned departments for efficient utilization of resources and increased output. 


Ayesha Khan*, Zubair Ahmad Khan, Urooba Pervaiz And Mehmood Iqbal 

...poverty (49%), expensive inputs (21%) and illiteracy (16%) were the main adoption constraints faced by farmers. Majority (86%) extension agents reported that the extension services are farmer friendly. The most appropriate teaching methods were group meetings (38%) and method demonstration (24%), while the most frequently used method for farmers contact was individual contact method (63%) as identified by extension agents. Non- significant association exist be...

Dilshad Ahmad1* and Muhammad Afzal2

...ces of cotton output and inputs and provision of adequate formal credit to use advance mechanization to increase cultivated area and rising productivity of the cotton crop. Application of adequate advanced technology and familiarity of expertise in farming practices can overcome inefficiencies in both districts with cultivating varieties of Bt and Non-Bt cottonseed. 


Muhamamd Naeem1 and Murad Khan2* 

...through the provision of inputs on subsidised prices. 


Tariq Shah1*, Umar Hayat1, Muhammad Suleman Bacha2 and Muhammad3 

...e provision of livestock inputs on reasonable rates can boost the prosperity in farming community. 


Essossinam Ali* 

...isk aversion behavior on inputs use focusing on fertilizer, drought tolerant seeds (DTS) and labor allocation. Multi-stage sampling technique was used to collect data from 704 farm households in three regions (Central, Kara and Savannah) in subsistence agriculture in Northern Togo. Tobit and linear regression models were used to analyze the effect of farmers’ risk aversion on fertilizer and DTS uses, and labour allocation, respectively. The results indic...

Mehran Ahmad, Syed Attaullah Shah and Shahid Ali* 

...ere underutilizing these inputs. This might be due to growers’ lack of knowledge or budget constraint. Nitrophous and chemicals were over utilized as their allocative efficiencies were less than 1. The study recommends that government may provide subsidized inputs and interest free production credit to poor farmers for purchase of chemical fertilizers for optimal utilization of these inputs

Umar Hayat1*, Tariq Shah1, Muhammad Suleman Bacha2 and Muhammad

...Livestock and mechanised inputs are taken from State Bank of Pakistan, World Development Indicators Databases and various issues of Economic Survey of Pakistan for the period 1980-2018. Ordinary least square technique is used to estimate the model. The result shows that Institutional credit is playing a significant role in achieving agricultural growth in the country. The other variables of the model like agro-based industries, livestock, mechanised

Sanaullah and Urooba Pervaiz* 

... provision of subsidized inputs and irrigation water in the study area. 


 Aftab Khan1, Shahid Ali1, Murtaza1, Sufyan Ullah Khan2 and Syed Attaullah Shah1

...allocative efficiency of inputs in maize production. This study employed a multistage stage sampling technique for choosing the sample size. The data was collected from 200 respondents using a well–designed interview schedule. Cobb-Douglas type production function was modelled to estimated allocative efficiencies of individual inputs used in maize production. The estimated allocative efficiencies of Urea and DAP were 3...

Wajid Shah Yousafzai1, Irfan Ullah1*, Amjad Ali1, Mahmood Iqbal2 and Salman Khan1 

...ocation, availability of inputs at reasonable prices and facilitation of growers in marketing of output, in order to enhance allocative efficiency of onion growers in the study area. 


Hina Fatima1*, Abdul Jabbar2 and Khurram Nawaz3 

...imate the impact of farm inputs on wheat crop production, Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA) was used. The major objectives of this survey were to identify factors of variation and effect of planting of wheat after BT and Non-BT-cotton varieties on wheat production. In this study, the average technical efficiency of wheat farms on collective level was around 0.76. The mean technical efficiency of wheat after Non-BT and BT-cotton was 0.78 and 0.74, respectively...

Urooba Pervaiz1*, Madeeha Iqbal1 and Dawood Jan2 

... holding, high prices of inputs, poor financial position and lack of labour in adoption of these recommendations. Half of the sample respondents reported satisfaction from different extension activities/facilities like location of extension office, availability of extension personal, result and method demonstration, farm/home visit and personal meetings. Whereas, the rest were not satisfied with radio programs, television programs, exhibitions, pamphlets, and ...

Shahzad Khan1*, Inayatullah Jan1 and Syed Fahad Shah2 

... practices. The physical inputs and investment efforts lead to long term duration for the tenants which usually make interest of the landlord to offer the land on fixed tenancy contracts. Thus, tenants are unable to provide proper investments efforts to their plots. In order to fulfill the gap in sustainable agricultural practices, proper training and policy implication is needed. Thus, policy makers in agricultural institutions must provide proper attention t...

Muhammad Bakhtiar Khan1 and Jangraiz Khan2* 

...ructure installation and inputs. Tunnel-farming is scientific farming and the growers need to be properly educated and trained. Establishing of cold storage facilities will greatly help farmers to fetch higher income. Additionally, credit facilities to the farmers would help potential progressive growers to adopt tunnel-farming and grow off-season vegetables, thus getting higher yield per acre. 


Saleem Ashraf1, Raheel Saqib2*, Zakaria Yousuf Hassan3, Muhammad Luqman4 and Abdur Rehman5  

...(14.25%). High prices of inputs (84.3%), small lands (82.6%) and monopoly of the middleman (76%) were prominent factors limiting benefits as perceived by the respondents. Correlation analysis unveiled that most of constraints impeding growers’ benefits were inter-correlated. This implies that resolving one barrier could limit another. This study urges a need to regulate middleman in marketing system through legislation and government should develop syste...

Gulfam Hassan1*, Ijaz Ashraf2, Muhammad Qavi Irshad3, Shafiq-ur-Rehman Zia2 and Muhammad Idrees the farmers to access inputs and market outputs easily. Lack of sufficient training and low technical efficiency are some common barriers in low productivity of vegetables in Pakistan. This study assesses strengths and weaknesses of trainings conducted by public sector extension in peri-urban areas of Faisalabad, Pakistan. Two hundred and eight vegetable growers were interviewed using a validated and reliable interview schedule. Findings reveal that coopera...

Masaud Khan1*, Muhammad Jamal Khan1, Shahab Ahmad2, Asad Ali3, Numan Khan3 and Muhammad Adnan Fahad

... of water and fertilizer inputs. To meet irrigation water demand, growers use surface and ground water resources. These resources are in decline. Realizing the importance of water and fertilizer, tomato yield under deficit irrigation regimes, and different Nitrogen (N) levels were studied during 2015 and 2016 at the research farm of the University of Agriculture Peshawar, Pakistan, using factorial arrangement of randomized complete block design (RCBD). These f...

Sanaullah1*, Urooba Pervaiz1, Shahid Ali2, Mohammad Fayaz2 and Aftab Khan recommended that farm inputs i.e. fertilizers, seed and pesticides needs to be subsidized to enable farmers apply recommended quantities of these inputs for getting the optimum yield. Extension department needs to introduce improved farming practices among farming community to achieve higher maize yields. 


Aftab Khan1, Shahid Ali1*, Asim Khan1, Muhammad Waqas1 and Sufyan Ullah Khan2 

...s for purchase of costly inputs


Amjad Ali1*, Lal Almas2, Syed Attaullah Shah1, Hina Fatima3 and Asim Khan1  

...her data with respect to inputs utilization and socio-economic characteristics of selected sample of sugarcane growers. Using Stochastic Frontier Approach (SFA), mean technical efficiency of sugarcane crop in KP was around 70 percent ranging from minimum 53 to maximum possible efficient level of 98 percent. Results of study indicate that on average with same technology and resource base, yield of sugarcane can be increased by about 28% in order to reach the ef...

Iqbal Javed1, Abdur Rehman2*, Iftikhar Nabi3, Amar Razzaq4, Raheel Saqib5, Allah Bakhsh6, Muhammad Mohibullah7 and Muhammad Luqman

...ies for rice growers for inputs used in the basmati production. The high rates of inflation in trading partners have positive and significant impact on the demand of Pakistani basmati is an indication for Pakistani exporters to mark extra motivation on those international markets where inflation is comparatively high. Dummy variables for Muslims and joint boarders have positive and significant impact on basmati export flow from Pakistan to its trading partner....

Rana Shahzad Noor1,2*, Fiaz Hussain2, Muhammad Umair2, Waqas Aslam2, Muhammad Ameen4, Muhammad Adnan Islam3 and Muhammad Sheraz2 


...rison conducted for crop inputs cost for different tillage systems showed that the most positive effect in term of yield, fuel consumption, input cost and income was determined in conventional tillage system T1 and reduced tillage system T2. 


 Salman Khan, Irfan Ullah*, Shahid Ali and Murtaza

...ent should subsidize the inputs and arrange trainings for potato growers regarding use of recommended chemical fertilizer and efficient utilization of seed, labor and other inputs to accelerate potato production and thereby profit of farmers.


Muhammad Shahid1, Adiqa Kiani2* and Mahmood Shah3

Livestock Tackles the Major Sector Fluctuations in Agrarian Sector and Raises Economic Performance: A Study of Pakistan
...g seasonal fluctuations, inputs shocks and failure of crops in major sector by taking time series data from 1984 to 2017. Auto regressive distributive lag (ARDL) econometric technique was applied to conclude empirical results. Further, cumulative sum (CUSUM) and CUSUM square test was used to check the stability and structural breaks of the model. The results of research show the statistical significant and positive impact of livestock on economic performance w...

Muhammad Shahid1, Adiqa Kiani2* and Mahmood Shah3

Livestock Tackles the Major Sector Fluctuations in Agrarian Sector and Raises Economic Performance: A Study of Pakistan
...g seasonal fluctuations, inputs shocks and failure of crops in major sector by taking time series data from 1984 to 2017. Auto regressive distributive lag (ARDL) econometric technique was applied to conclude empirical results. Further, cumulative sum (CUSUM) and CUSUM square test was used to check the stability and structural breaks of the model. The results of research show the statistical significant and positive impact of livestock on economic performance w...

Hina Fatima1*, Sania Shaheen2, Lal Khan Almas3 and Sehrish Haroon4

Profit Efficiency among Transplanting and Direct Seeded Rice Producers (Case Study of Certain Rice Growing Areas of Province Punjab, Pakistan)
...suitable combinations of inputs. Direct seeded rice farmers displayed more efficiency compared to the transplanted rice farmers. However, for DRS and TRP farmers’ opportunities still exist to maximize profit through adopting improved farming practices and production techniques. Moreover, the results also demonstrated that farmer’s education, age, farming experience, extension service facility and land tenancy considerably effects profit efficiency ...

Abroon Jamal Qazi*, Afzal Khan*, Muhammad Tahir Khan*, Muhammad Ali Kamran* and Khizar Azam*

...orresponding to the inputs and output of the controller. Particle swarm optimization method is utilized for its better convergence and precision. The technique results in evaluation of appropriate gains that result in superior performance of the designed system. The models are compared on the basis of suspension displacement and tire displacement for ascertaining ride comfort and road handling attributes respectively.

Rana Shahzad Noor1,2, Fiaz Hussain2, Irfan Abbas3, Muhammad Umair2, Abu Saad2, Muhammad Umar Farooq4 and Yong Sun1*

Assessing Sustainability of Rainfed Wheat (Triticum Aestivum) Production under Various Soil Tillage Systems: An Energy and Economic Analysis
...oduction. Highest energy inputs obtained were fertilizer, seed and fuel + oil energies in all tillage systems for wheat sowing, respectively. Results interpretation indicated that the highest (2,300 kgha-1 and 40.56 lha-1) and lowest (1,930 kgha-1 and 8.97 lha-1) wheat yields were measured in CT and ZT farming treatments, respectively. The maximum and lowest energy values were calculated in PT (6.03) and CT (5.14), respectively. The maximum specific energy mea...

Inam Ullah1, Mahfooz Khan2*, Munir Khan2, Himayatullah Khan2 and Azra3

Factors Affecting Different Wheat Varieties Yield in District Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan: A Comparative Analysis
...sent study is focused on inputs used by the wheat growers and its effect on the output of three wheat crops varieties per hectare. Primary data were collected from 150 selected respondents randomly in district Peshawar. For this purpose, the effect of various inputs was separately analyzed using multiple regression model. The empirical results show that for Pirsabaaq-5 wheat variety, the effect of (weedicides) was insignific...

Dilshad Ahmad1* and Muhammad Afzal2

An Empirical Analysis of Economic Efficiency and Farm Size of Cotton Farmers
...e and quality based crop inputs, infusion of advanced mechanisation and regulating market mechanism for consistency in prices of crop inputs and outputs. It is essential to increase managerial competencies among farmers through increasing literacy, sufficient access of extension services, familiarity and infusion of advanced mechanisation and adequate access of formal credit through implementing adequate policy measures by c...

Mohammad Javad Golmohammadi1, Hamid Reza Mohammaddoust Chamanabad1*, Bijan Yaghoubi2 and Mostafa Oveisi3

GIS Applications in Surveying and Mapping of Rice Weeds in Guilan Province, Iran
...ution and consumption of inputs is based on accurate information from the weed composition of the farms in that area, the efficiency of these inputs is improved and weed damage is reduced.

Sajad Ali1*, Naeem Ur Rehman Khatak1, Iftikhar Ahmad2, Jangraiz Khan3 and Azra4
Impact of Socioeconomic Factors and farm Size on Wheat Productivity: A Case Study of District Peshawar, Pakistan of adequate access to inputs, agriculture credit and extension services left them technically inefficient. In addition, it is suggested that government and private sector should initiate programs to educate and train the farmers in order to bring advance techniques or improve theirconventional agriculture practices to increase wheat productivity.


Mehnaz Safdar and Urooba Pervaiz*

Constraints in Accessing Agricultural Extension Services by Rural Women: Evidence from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
...trainings and subsidized inputs to women in the study area.


Muhammad Javaid1*, Unsar Naeem-Ullah1, Waheed S. Khan2, Shafqat Saeed1, Mirza Abdul Qayyum1 and Muhammad Arslan Khan1

Role of Nanotechnology in Crop Protection and Production: A Review
...farming, targeted use of inputs i.e. nanofertilizers and to overcome the environmental stress seed treatments with nanoparticles, to improve the crop yield use of smart gene delivery system. This technology can also be useful for sustainable water use and irrigation water filtration. It also plays an important role in pollution reduction. Green revolution of any developing countries can be achieved by adopting nanotechnology.


Muhammad Abdullah1, Syed Attaullah Shah1, Khurram Nawaz Saddozai1, Jahangir Khan1*, Mohammad Fayaz1, Irfan Ullah1* and Sabeeh Ullah2

Analysis of Agricultural Land Price Determinants and Policy Implications for Controlling Residential and Commercial Encroachments: Facts from District Swabi (Pakistan)
... subsidized on important inputs could raise farmers’ returns from agriculture and could change their perception to favor using land for agriculture.


Sanaullah1*, Abdul Basit2 and Inayat Ullah3

Challenges and Prospects of Farm Mechanization in Pakistan: A Case Study of Rural Farmers in District Peshawar Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
...apital (4.00) and costly inputs (3.80) were some of the challenges plaguing the use of agricultural mechanization in the rural area. It was established that agricultural mechanization has significant role in boosting farm productivity, improving farmers’ livelihood, ensuring economic growth, availability of off-seasonal farm produce, increasing income generating opportunities and reduction in time of operation among others. Logistic Regression indicated ...
Suman Bhattarai1*, Subodh Raj Pandey2, Jaya Prakash Dutta3, Meghnath Timalsena4 and Rajendra Bam5
...5%. The efficient use of inputs could make it a profitable and viable commercial enterprise.


Mian Muhammad Arif* and Malik Muhammad Shafi

... the effect of different inputs on profit of broiler poultry farms. The ANOVA tool was used to know the variations in cost, revenue and profit of various size of commercial broiler poultry farms. Due to wide spread variations in cost and return pattern of various broiler poultry farms, subsequently, the farms have been divided into three major groups i.e. small, medium, and large size farms. It is evident from the results of partial budgeting that the average ...

Mehnaz Safdar1, Urooba Pervaiz1* and Dawood Jan2

...have less access to farm inputs and less income generating opportunities. It is concluded that non-availability of timely technical knowledge and extension services, low family income, less access to farm inputs and inadequate income generating opportunities were the major constraints. Women farmers should be given easy and quick opportunity to open bank account, credit facilities and agriculture inp...
Nilgun Dogan1,* and Hakan Adanacioglu2
...gestions for outputs and inputs are directed towards reduction of all variables except gross production value.

Shahzad Khan1*, Munir Khan1, Arif Alam2, Ikram Shah2, Mahfooz Khan1 and Fida Muhammad Khan1

...zer, seed, and pest/weed inputs positive and significant, with coefficients 0.1693, 0.1646, 0.4894, 0.0285, respectively. In contrast, labour and animal costs were noted negatively. For the larger benefit of the farmers’ and the growth of the agriculture sector, the study recommends a reduction in the prices of fertilizers and suggested to the Government to develop high yielding certified seed and provision of certified/tested seed to the growers.


Nadeem Anwar1, Muhammad Luqman2*, Shaoib Nasir3, Moazzam Sabir1, Hafiz Bashir Ahmad4 and Saleem Ashraf5

...s reported high price of inputs as a key hurdle. Majority of the respondents revealed their concern on rising inflation in the country. They reported that the increase in cost of production negatively effects the profit earned especially by the small farmers. The results of inter-correlation analysis of variables, which are considered to be a constraining factor in citrus production confirms that most of the variables are interrelated and by resolving one, may...

Hina Afzal*, Sarfraz Hassan, Muhammad Khalid Bashir and Asghar Ali 

...tput by combining factor inputs. The study focused on estimating total factor productivity growth in Pakistan’s economy and particularly in the agriculture sector. For this purpose, the study utilizes the growth accounting technique to obtain reliable estimates of total factor productivity. The study covered total factor productivity growth period from 1973-2020. Results indicated that the overall economy average TFP growth rate is higher from 1981 to 19...

Hina Fatima1*, Bushra Yasmin2 and Lal Khan Almas3

...efficient utilization of inputs within given farm resources that can be improved by proper farm management practices, enhancing farmers’ knowledge regarding inputs quality and its time-effective utilization in addition to the marketing information about availability of innovative inputs. This is learned from the results that multiple cropping under tunnels appeared as a cutting-edge ...

Shahid Ali1*, Murtaza1, Waqas Ahmad1, Muhammad Israr2, Aftab Khan3, Hamdullah1 and Syed Attaullah Shah1

... found in the use of all inputs, therefore reallocation of these inputs is suggested and application of tractor hours and chemicals need to be rationalized.


Yaregal Tilahun1*, Benyam Tadesse1, Getachew Mekonnen2  and Tilahun Bekele3

...on-time delivery of farm inputs, create market linkage, and improved tea nursery management were some of the suggestions made to alleviate the study areas’ tea production and marketing difficulties.


Arshad Farooq1, Abdul Hassan1, Muhammad Ishaq2, Asif Nawaz3*, Iltaf Ullah4 and Hidayatullah5

...roblems and high cost of inputs were the most important problems faced by the farmers. Agricultural departments need to develop and disseminate climate smart recommended agricultural production technologies. The government and private organizations should arrange trainings and awareness programs regarding climate change to overcome the effect on agriculture. 


Keiven Mark B. Ampode1*, Federico C. Mendoza2 

...ed by 5.81% of the total inputs, and the income generated increases as high as 30.86% of the return above feed and chick cost. In conclusion, 5% oregano powder can be incorporated without adverse effects on the production performance and cell-mediated immunity.

Keywords | Broiler chicken, Oregano powder, Lymphoid organs, Cell-mediated immunity, Feed additives 


Muhammad Niamatullah1, Abdur Rehman1* and Raheel Saqib2

...ources of irrigation and inputs used on land. The significant (P<0.05) impact of household annual income of farmers was observed on agriculture production. The significant (P<0.01) impact of household annual income of farmers had kept farming community above poverty line and the significant (P<0.05) relationships noticed between kinds of land and sources of irrigation, which in turn inducing farmers to become regular user of tube well irrigation. The ...
Sajad Ali1*, Naeem Ur Rehman Khatak1, Shahab E. Saqib2 and Saleem ur Rehman1
...f access to agricultural inputs, credits, and extension services. Furthermore, the study suggests, policies that should provide tenants with improved access to land and secure tenure be implemented.

Bambang Yudi Ariadi1*, Rahayu Relawati1, Barbara Szymoniuk2 and Waris Ali Khan3
...tivated without chemical inputs to make them environmentally friendly, increasing the selling price. This study aims to analyze the influence of product attributes, psychography, and demography on the purchase of organic vegetables, product attributes, demography, and purchase to the willingness to pay (WTP) for organic vegetables . The research was conducted in East Java, Indonesia, in May 2021, based on an online survey through social media. Questionnaires w...

Shahid Ali1*, Murtaza2, Waqas Ahmad1, Nargis Bibi3, Aftab Khan2 and Jahangir Khan

...factors in allocation of inputs during production process. This study, therefore, aimed at evaluating effect of education and farming experience on technical efficiency of rice farmers in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. A sample of 300 rice growers was drawn randomly using a multistage sampling procedure through a well-organized pretested interview schedule. Stochastic frontier models (SFM-1 and SFM-2) were utilized to investigate effects of farm

Ejaz Ul Haq, Urooba Pervaiz*, Muhammad Zafarullah Khan and Ayesha Khan

...cost of installation and inputs, unavailability of certified seed, fertilizers and pesticides, lack of technical knowledge, lack of cold storage, high cost of transportation, pest and disease attack, defective marketing and lack of credit facility. The study recommends that farmers should be encouraged and facilitated to adopt tunnel farming technology as it is the best method to grow off-season vegetables and for yields, both the field staff of extension depa...

Tlou Grace Manyelo1,2, Nthabiseng Amenda Sebola1, Jones Wilfred Ng’ambi2, Monnye Mabelebele1* 

...s are the most expensive inputs in poultry production even though not included in large quantities compared to energy ingredients. The study aimed to determine whether amaranth leaf meal supplementation could improve the performance, blood parameters, and gut morphology of indigenous Boschveld chickens. A total of 200 one-day-old indigenous Boschveld chicks were randomly allocated to five treatments in a completely randomized design each with four replicates o...

Abdul Kabir1, Muhammad Rasheed2, Hubdar Ali Kaleri5, Depeesh Kumar Bhuptani3, Mithan Kumar4, Raza Ali Mangi6, Abdul Wahid Solangi4, Sheva Dari1, Saqib Kakar4, Panah Munir4, Ekra Akbar4 and Rameez Raja Kaleri4,5*

..., feed, and agricultural inputs have been identified.


Ahmed Abdul Gafar

...s to access their farms, inputs especially fertilizer has been the major constraints to production. More so, most farmers were only able to sell 1-20% of their paddy rice during the period. Evidence suggest that majority of the rice farmers remain optimistic despite the disruption caused by COVID-19 as over half of the farmers (61%) experienced moderate price of their produce compared to pre-COVID-19 period, 31% were offered higher while only 8% of the farmers...

Monis Hussain Shah1*, Rizwan Rafique2,6, Munawar Almas1, Muhammad Usman3, Sadia Yasin4 and Sajida Bibi5

... quality/low quantity of inputs and lack of crop improvement programs with respect to the disease, lack of disease and problem oriented research in major fruits such as Guava, Grapes and Banana. Addressing these challenges of fruit production industry can further improve yield and quality of fruits local fruits. Secondly the nurseries stocks of fruit plants should be certified, the small land holders should be supported by the government incentives for specifi...

Abdul Hassan1*, Arshad Farooq1, Muhammad Ishaq2, Ghulam Sadiq2 and Asif Nawaz3

...d no capacity to provide inputs. Fluctuation in input prices and market competition in- or sells-off had loadings in market risk factor while factors of human risk had loadings on facing difficulties in finding labor and migration of family members. Production strategies factor were weather forecast for adjusting production practices, adopt new technology and production diversity. Leasing inputs, market monitoring and switch...

Makmun1, Imam Mujahidin Fahmid2, Muhammad Saleh S. Ali2*, Muhammad Yamin Saud2, Rahmadanih3

...y changes in the cost of inputs and outputs because they have access to independent input suppliers and market networks that support productive and efficient business methods.
Keywords | Actor, Actor relation, Egg production, Laying chicken, Blitar regency

Ruth Dameria Haloho1*, Jisril Palayukan1, Agus Setiadi2, Edy Rianto2, Nadlirotun Luthfi3

...he factors of production inputs simultaneously significantly affected farmers profit (P<0.05). Forage cost and capital were the main production factors affecting the profit of the buffalo farming business (P<0.05). It is concluded that buffalo farming to fulfil the “Rambu Solo” traditional Ceremonial needed was profitable and feasible to run.
Keywords | Buffalo, Business, Feasibility, Factors, Production

Rogia SA Gomez*, Said H Mbaga 

...the high cost of poultry inputs, the inefficiency of poultry farming management, and the selling price of broilers.  


Khurram Nawaz Saddozai1, Muhammad Nasrullah2, Jahangir Khan3*, Syed Attaullah Shah1, Raheel Saqib4, Naheed Zahra5 and Mansoor Rasheed6

...d that the allocation of inputs utilized during production e.g. labour, irrigation, seed, poultry manure and tractor are under-utilized, chemical is optimally-utilized while fertilizer is over-utilized by the growers in the study area. Therefore, this study suggests a rational use of fertilizer and recommends keeping the quantity of chemical use constant.

K. M. Siddiqui and technical inputs to make them financially sound undertaking....
K. M. Siddiqui
...f reasons. The finanical inputs were rather small and that too scattered over large tracts of land. The requisite technical experience in developing woodfuel resources in rural areas on the farmers' land was also lacking on the part of foresters to counteract mounting social and economic pressures especially those which were due to tremendous increase in population. Their knowledge and experience was confined to large forests and plantations on stat...

Sadia Rashid1, Muhammad Waqas Alam Chattha2, Almazea Fatima1*, Muhammad Farooq Hyder3 and Nazia Tabasam1

... is one of the important inputs like other crops. In the current growing season, the shortage of fertilizer on the one hand and the higher prices, on the other hand negatively effecting the use of this input in wheat production. This study was designed to identify the impact of fertilizer shortage and their high prices effect on fertilizer use and their subsequent impact on wheat productivity. This study was carried out in the Faisalabad district. Data were co...

Mohamed A. Omar, Fardos A.M. Hassan, Sara E. Shahin, Marwa El-Shahat*

...o increase the amount of inputs and according to VRS assumption, production could be rise by 14.1% with increase the amount of resources. Furthermore, average of scale efficiency was 0.892. Therefore, governorates could raise their production by roughly 10.8% if they adjust their scale of production and operate under appropriate scale. Regarding the Total Factor Productivity, the average was 0.893. All governorates in Egypt showed decline in productivity excep...

Arshad Farooq1, Abdul Hassan1, Muhammad Ishaq2 and Asif Nawaz3*

... growers. High prices of inputs, lack of knowledge, adulteration in pesticides and fruit fly control were the main problems faced by the sample growers in the study area. The study suggested that agricultural departments and other private organizations involved in agricultural development may organize awareness and training programs in the context of integrated pest management techniques (IPM), motivate the farmers to adopt pheromone traps, develop fruit flies...

Khuram Nawaz Sadozai1, Amjad Ali1, Munawar Raza Kazmi2, Rizwan Ahmad3 and Hazrat Younas1*

...2 % at existing level of inputs use and technology available. Tomato yield and inputs cost and land rent were explanatory variables, while total cost was dependent variable. Coefficient for yield is negative which shows that with one percent increase in yield decrease the cost by 0.069 percent. Estimated elasticities for land rent and inputs (seed, labor tractor hours, urea, DAP, farmyard ...

Sarhad Journal of Agriculture


Vol.40, Iss. 4, Pages 1102-1532


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