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A. K. Chaubey and Satyandra Kumar

Bio-management of root knot nematode and root rot disease by antagonistic fungi and rhizobacteria
...cteria isolates from the rhizosphere of vegetable crops was studied for suppression of root knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita and wilt fungus, Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici on tomato in laboratory and pot culture experiment. All the isolates were isolated by serial dilution and cultured in liquid protein supplemented broth medium and culture filtrates (CF) were prepared. In in-vitro test single eggmasses of uniform size were kept in 5ml CF in 5cm di...

Rashid Pervez, Santhosh J. Eapen, S. Devasahayam and M. Dinsha

Characterization of entomopathogenic nematode, Stein-ernema carpocapsae from ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.) rhizosphere in India
...nic nematode from ginger rhizosphere was collected from Faizabad district of Uttar Pradesh (India). Morphological and morphometric studies identified the isolate as Stein-ernema carpocapsae. This was further confirmed by ITS-rDNA sequences analysis. Phylogenetic was constructed for studying relationship with known isolates. Pathogenic potential of the isolate of S. carpocapsae (IISR-EPN 06) on the larva of shoot borer (Conogethes punctiferalis), hairy caterpil...

Someshwar Bhagat and Sitansu Pan

Comparative ecological behaviour of some pre- and post-tsunami isolates of Trichoderma harzianum and T. viride from Andaman & Nicobar Islands parasitic ability and rhizosphere colonization when the competition of other organisms withdrawn compared to natural and sun dried soil. Both competitive parasitic behaviour and rhizosphere colonization was low in post-Tsunami isolates of Trichoderma. The chlamydospore inoculum was found best in percentage colonization of sclerotia of boh R. solani and S. rolfsii, followed by mycelial and conidial inoculum. The isolate Th...
Kulsoom Akhter1, Tahseen Ghous1,2,Saiqa Andleeb3,*, Faiz-ul-Hassan Nasim4, Samina Ejaz5, Zain-ul-Abdin1, Bilal Ahmed Khan1 and Muhammed Naeem Ahmed1
...t bacteria isolated from rhizosphere of Tagetes minuta, growing in soil adjoining automobile workshops to investigate their bioaccumulation capacity for three selected metals Cr(VI), Ni(II) and Cd(II). The plant was selected due to its natural abundance in the climate of Kashmir and also in the area of study. On the basis of morphological, biochemical, 16S rRNA gene sequencing, the isolates were identified as B. cereus BDBC01, B. cereus AV...

 Aly Khan* and S. Shahid Shaukat**

...a were recorded from the rhizosphere of pomegranate. The most dominant species was Meloidogyne incognita. Species diversity (H’) was highest in Wadh while lowest in Ali Dasht. Equitability (J’) component of diversity was highest in Kork and lowest in Ali Dasht, while species richness (d’) component was highest in Alat. The soils associated with Pomegranate orchards were coarse-structured, alkaline with low maximum water holding capacity. In m...

 Muhammad Zahid Kiani*, Arshad Ali**, Tariq Sultan** and Muhammad Munir Ahmed***

...f bacterial strains from rhizosphere, endosphere and rhizoplane of sunflower. Thirty six bacterial strains were selected out of 44 from plant root samples along with rhizospheric soil, collected from different salt affected areas of Central Punjab (Pakistan). Selected bacterial strains were characterized morphologically as well as biochemically at National Agricultural Research Centre, Islamabad during 2011-13. It was observed that all isolates produced IAA, w...

 Tosif Tabassam*, Tariq Sultan**, M.Ehsan Akhtar**, M.Mahmood-ulHassan** and Arshad Ali**

...PGPR) strains from maize rhizosphere. Different combinations of material were prepared using clay soil (35-50%), fly-ash (30-45%), press mud (5-15%) and lignite (5-15%). Clay soil (53% clay) was used for adhesion purpose but considering free of lump formation an important property of a good carrier, mixing 40% of soil with other material was found suitable. Using 40% of soil, six different treatments were formulated and physico-chemical characteristics were de...

Muhammad Usman Ghazanfar, Muhammad Imran Hamid, Mubashar Raza, Waqas Raza*, Misbah Iqbal Qamar 

...asperellum isolated from rhizosphere of tomato from different localities of district Sargodha, Punjab, Pakistan which were recognized morphologically. Three isolates of T. harzianum HM, HK, HC and one isolate of T. asperellum TH were evaluated in dual culture assays and in pots amended with different composts against P. infestans and F. oxysporum. Mycelial growth reduction and inhibition percentage of P. infestans and F. oxysporum in dual culture assay signifi...

Stanley Uchenna Onwudike* and Vivian Chizoba Edoziem its distributions in rhizosphere soils will help in its management. This investigation examined some variations in soil properties and inorganic phosphorus forms within the rhizosphere of three annual crops, viz groundnut (Arachis hypogea), bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) and okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) on a loamy sand, typic haplustult soil. The work was sited at the research farm of the University during 2016 planting seas...

Muhammad Rasheed*, Tayyaba Naseer, Asma Hassan, Fayaz ul Hassan, Rifat Hayat, Ghulam Jilani, Samman Gul Vaseer and Muhammad Bilal Ali 

...zobial population in the rhizosphere is necessary that improves the nodulation, N2 fixation and growth of legume crops. The experiment was conducted to access the effect of isolated bacteria from nodules on growth and nodulation of the lentil cultivars. Different cultivars were used in this experiment; Markaz 2009, Masoor 2009 and NIA 2005 treatments were used viz BS0 (control), (Pseudomonas stutzeri), BS2 (Lysinibacillus pakistanensis) and BS3 (Pseudomonas st...

Ghulam Murtaza1, Ghulam Sarwar1*, Muhammad Ashraf Malik2, Muhammad Zeeshan Manzoor1, Ayesha Zafar1 and Sher Muhammad3 

...e salt level low in root rhizosphere. To check the efficacy of organic matter in mitigating the harmful impacts of salty water irrigation on soil characteristics, this trail was conducted. The irrigation water of 3 different types (canal water and saline water of electrical conductivity values 2 and 3 dS m-1) were used alone and with farmyard manure (FYM) at 5 and 10 Mg/ha. This trial comprised of 09 treatments which were; T1 = irrigation of canal water, T2 = ...

Salma Javed and Samreen Khan*

...ted from soil around the rhizospheres of sponge gourd (Luffa cylindrical L.) field in the vicinity of National Nematological Research Centre, University of Karachi and further processed by Cobb’s sieving and Baermann’s funnel techniques. Specimens were killed, fixed and identified up to species level under light microscope. Afterward, hundred fresh handpicked nematodes were inoculated on both fully grown fungal species at 25ºC. The nematode at...

Aly Khan1*, Shagufta Ambreen Sheikh2, Khalil Ahmed Khanzada1, Syed Shahid Shaukat3 and Javaid Akhtar1

...eria associated with the rhizosphere of brinjal. The effect of the nematicides was observed on the population size of the selected nematodes and bacteria as well as the yield of brinjal crop. All three nematode populations were markedly reduced by the applied nematicides. The bacterial populations (Pseudomonas and Klebsiella) however, remained uninfluenced by the nematicides. The yield of brinjal was found to be significantly elevated (p<0.05).


Ramy A. Qabel1; Tarek F. El-Arabi2; Adel A. Shoukry1; Hassan H. Elsebaay1; Abdel-Aziz F. El-Hamahmy1

...s were isolated from the rhizosphere of different legume plants. While no temperate phages were detected, two groups of phages were determined based on their virulence. Highly virulent phages designated as group V showed clear plaques and were able to infect many of Rhizobium species and strains. The other group of phages was less virulent and showed turbid plaques implied as group L. This was also determined by one-step growth experiment. It was found that rh...

Shimaa A. Khalaf1 , Mohsen M. Elsharkawy2, Samir A. Sidaros2, Shawky A. El Kewey2, Ayman F. Omar2, Ali Hamed1

...erile fungus GU23-3 is a rhizosphere fungus conferring positive effects on plant growth and health..
Objective: The aim of this study is to evaluate the effects of GU23-3 on cucumber growth and resistance against PRSV..
Methods: Disease severity and virus titer were evaluated in cucumber plants treated with barley grain (BGI) or culture filtrate (CF) of GU23-3 under greenhouse conditions. Additionally, the expression levels of defense g...

Judith Kiptoo1*, Daniel Mutisya2, Paul Ndegwa1, Ruth Amata3, Lucy Irungu4 and Rotich Godfrey5

...odes from different soil rhizosphere. Nematode population in 200cc of soil and 5g of roots were collected for PPNs extraction by using modified Baermann’s technique and identification by morphological features. The findings indicated that four major genera were abundant in different citrus growing ecological zones in Kenya. The identified species were Meloidogyne incognita, Tylenchulus semipenetrans, Helicotylenchus dihystera and, Pratylenchus brachyurus...

Eman Alsayed Hammad and Atef Mohamed El-Sagheer inhabiting the rhizosphere of Pomegranate fields, it was found that Meloidogyne is the most common genus and harmful one. So, the efficacy comparative of Chitosan, Marjoram emulsion oil, Trichoderma asperellum, and Vermicompost as alternative eco-friendly control agents for root-knot nematode M. incognita infected Pomegranate were evaluated under greenhouse and open field conditions. Results indicated the ability of tested strategies to suppress M. i...

Syed Wajahat Husain Jaafry1* and Amber Fatima2

...ough (signals, cues, and rhizosphere interactions). Numerous studies have been conducted to find how plants respond to different neighbors at various points of genetic affiliation. Contrasting results and lack of molecular evidence in species recognition studies have made this topic more curious and complex. Some plant species compete more vibrantly for below-ground resources when an encounter with neighboring unrelated conspecifics as compared to related cons...

Shabana Ehsan1*, Aneela Riaz2, Muhammad Amjad Qureshi1, Abid Ali1, Ifra Saleem3, Muhammad Aftab3, Khalid Mehmood4, Fakhar Mujeeb1, Muhammad Asif Ali1, Hina Javed1, Fraza Ijaz1, Anwar-ul-Haq5, Khaliq-ur-Rehman3 and M. Usman Saleem

...rghum, millet, and maize rhizosphere soil of Rawalpindi and Sargodha divisions. The screening of bacterial isolates for siderophore production through CAS-shuttle assay (quantitative) and CAS-agar (qualitative) was done. Isolates were further characterized for Fe and phosphorus solubilization, indole acidic acid (IAA) equivalents, and organic acid production. The growth chamber and field study was planned to evaluate the effectiveness of these isolates on the ...

A. Beyan1, A. Seid†2 and H. Shifa1

... per pot around the root rhizosphere one week after transplanting except the control which was not inoculated. The result revealed that concomitant inoculation of MJ and FOL (NF) followed by MJ first and FOL ten days after inoculation (N1F2) was found to be highly significant in reducing the tomato growth, biomass and pathogen related parameters compared to the un-inoculated control or single pathogen inoculated treatments. Among the three tomato genotypes eva...

R. Hadadfar1, E. Mahdikhani-Moghadam2†, S. Baghaee2 and M. S. Bajestani1

...les from pistachio roots rhizosphere (Depth 30-50 cm) were collected during years 2016-2017. Samples were transferred on ice to laboratory and nematodes were extracted by centrifugal methods. Psilenchus species were identified on morphological and morphometrical characters based on recent valid keys. Seven species from Psilenchus genus were identified viz., Psilenchus curcumerus, P. aestuarius, P. iranicus, P. hilarus, P. bilineatus, P. pratensis and P. bahiab...

E. Mahdikhani-Moghadam†, J. A. A. Bub, S. B. Chery and S. Alvani

... summer of 2014 from the rhizosphere of
stone fruits in different areas of the province. Soil analysis results in the identification of 5 species of mononchid
nematodes viz., Anatonchus kashmirensis, A. tridentatus, Clarkus papillatus, Mylonchulus brachyuris and M.
paitensis. Among them, A. kashmirensis is recorded for the first time in Iran.

C. C. Famina1†, A. Usman2 and M. K. M. Nasser1

...e="text-align: justify;">rhizosphere, three new records from banana and one new unidentified genus were obtained during the survey. Two
free-living nematodes were also frequently observed in the analyzed soil samples from banana rhizosphere including
Caenorhabditis elegans and Mononchus sp. C. elegans is exclusively found associated with rhizosphere of Nendra

I. K. A. Ibrahim1 and Z. A. Handoo2

...ted from
the rhizosphere of the surveyed plants. Twenty-three genera of phytoparasitic nematodes were detected in the
collected soil and root samples. In soil samples from Alexandria governorate, the sugar beet cyst nematode
(Heterodera schachtii) was very common on sugar beet while the root-knot nematodes Meloidogyne incognita and
M. javanica were very common on guava, olive trees an...

Z.A. Handoo1,†, I.K.A. Ibrahim2, D.J. Chitwood1 and A.A. Mokbel2,3

...ted from soil around the rhizosphere of
citrus trees (Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck) with poor growth appearance and low yield from EL-Nobarria, EL-Behera
governorate, northern Egypt, during 2012-13. Dagger nematode (Xiphinema rivesi Dalmasso, 1969) was identified
on morphology of females that included female body and total stylet (odontostyle and odontophore) length, location
of guiding ring and excretory pore fro...

A.A. Mokbel

...d or associated with the rhizosphere of peanut plants.
Meloidogyne arenaria was the most common nematode in all collected soil samples followed by Tylenchorhynchus
spp., Helicotylenchus spp., M. javanica and Pratylenchus penetrans. All tested peanut cultivars were resistant to M.
incognita race 2 and moderately resistant to M. javanica. Whereas, peanut cvs. Balady, Ismailia 1 and Giza 6 were

A.W. Amin†, A.A. Anter, A.H. Ashoub* and A.S. El-Nuby*

from tomato rhizosphere and tested for their ability to induce systemic resistance or bio-control agent against
Meloidogyne incognita in tomato under greenhouse condition. Results showed that all tested bacterial strains
showed significant reduction in nematode development and reproduction. The most effective strains were M.
methanica, B. cereus, B. brevis and O. proteus. They were achieving the highest reductio...

S. A. Khanzada, M. Naeemullah, A. Munir†, S. Iftikhar and S. Masood associated with their rhizospheres. Six plant parasitic and six saprophytic nematode genera were found associated with mint rhizosphereTylenchorhynchus

Mahmoud M.A. Youssef1, Wafaa M.A. El-Nagdi1*, Hassan Abd- El-Khair2, Usama S. Elkelany1, Mahfouz M.M. Abd-Elgawad1 and Mona G. Dawood3

...ency% of fungi in potato rhizosphere varied among different treatments.


Yu Song1*, Yueping Wei2 and Peng Wang3 potentialities of the rhizosphere bacterial in the coupled rice-crab system were investigated through 16S rRNA gene high-throughput sequencing. The results showed that, a total of 444,882 sequences from 12 samples were obtained, and 6637 bacterial operational taxonomic units (OTUs) with 97% sequence similarity were identified. The rhizosphere bacterial communities were more influenced by growth stages of rice than chemica...
Rabiea Pervaiz, Shaista Bano*, Sarfraz Ali Tunio, Abdul Nabi Jatt and Aisha Amber Soomro
...coides isolated from the rhizosphere soil of the indigenous Mangifera indica (mango) plant. Identification of the isolated strains was determined by sequencing their 16S rRNA genes. The isolates identified as B. pseudomycoides were screened for their antibacterial potential. In order to circumvent the trouble created from rhizoidal colony morphology of B. pseudomycoides, a colony mutant of a strain showing strong antibacterial activity was obtained by screenin...

El-Dougdoug2, Kh.A; Ghalyl, M.F. and Tahal , M.A.

... were isolated from soil rhizosphere in Zagazig province of Egypt. In order to identi$r the Streptomyces strains, morphological, physiological, biochemical and antagonism testes were performed. The Egyptian isolates of Streptomyces were found to be a species ofcalvus, canarius, vinaceusdrappus, nogalater and viridosporus. The Streptomyces spp were grown in glycerol asparagine broth medium and the culture supernatants obtained were filtered through 0.45 pl filt...

Eisa*, Nawal A.; Abd El-Ghafar **, N. Y. Abd EL-Mageed*, M.H.; Mohamed* , F.G. and Hasan*, Eman O.

...f tomato and from tomato rhizosphere soil, using enrichment technique. The phages produced plaques (4-5mm, diameter) with a distinct translucent spreading halo. Presumptive phage particles associated with X vesicatoria were observed by Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM). Particle size and morphology of each phage isolate were examined by electron microscopy. The obtained results indicated that, the isolated phages were of the head and tail types. Four phag...

B. A. Othman; Kh. A. El-Dougdoug; M. H. Abdel Ghaffar and T. F. El-Arabi

...ere isolated from tested rhizosphere soil samples collected from Qalyubia and North Sinai Governorates based on plaque morphology, The extinction spectra of purified preparations showed A260/A280 of 1.25. 1.16. 1.28 and 1.24 for RM1, RM2, RM3, and RM4, respectively. When the purified preparations of RM1, RM2, and RM3 phages examined in transmission electron microscope they showed particles have isometric heads or about 52.5, 58.8 and 64.2 nm in diameter with l...

Habibeh Jabbari

...ations isolated from the rhizosphere and roots of four different cabbage cultivars were subjected to further studies. All the populations showed same range of morphometric and morphological characters fitted thoroughly with the identity of H. cruciferae. Different primers for amplification of ITS1-5.8S-ITS2, D2-D3 rDNA and hsp 90 genes, showed similarity between the nematode populations. ITS-RFLP profiles generated by 16 different restriction enzymes did not d...
Muhammad Saeed,Ghosia Lutfullah,Abid Ali Khan,Murad Ali,SAEED ULLAH KHATTAK,Nafees Bacha
S. H. Iqbal, Shahbaz and Ghazala Nasim
...ceous spores formed the rhizosphere mycoflora....

Muhammad Iqbal1*, Saba Iqbal1, Asmat Ullah2, Arbab Jahangeer1, Naveed Akhtar3, Tahira Tabassum3, Ali Zohaib3, Naveed Ramzan3

...ldup of soluble salts in rhizosphere can be managed by applying soil mulching which reduces water evaporation from soil hence limits upward movement of salts. Moreover, it also reserves soil moisture, increases utilizing efficiencies of nutrient and water hence improves crop yield. Critical research gaps exist in understanding the long-term effectiveness of various mulching materials on cotton yield and soil health in saline soils. Comparative analyses between...
Imad Ahmad Noor1, Abdullah1, Ihteram Ullah2*, Kashif ur Rahman4, Imtiaz Ahmed1 and Habib Ur Rahman3
...s were isolated from the rhizosphere soil of A. esculentus L. while the remaining strains were isolated from the bulk soil in the plant vicinity. The result revealed that the rhizosphere and bulk soil fungi have the potential to promote okra growth. It was found that both the rhizosphere and bulk soil had traces of Salicylic acid (SA). The quantities of Salicylic acid (SA) were higher in t...


Ahmed M.F.A

Volume 2, Issue 2 March and April 2018 Pages 37-47
...p;were isolated from the rhizosphere soil of healthy date palm trees. For comparison of results, bio-commercial preparations mainly “Bio-zeid (T. album 10×10

Rawia F. Gamal

Volume 2, Issue 6 November and December 2018 Pages 101-104
...ulated endophytes in the rhizosphere and endosphere of host plant are among the primary factors that may influence the phytoremediation process. However, these patterns and activities are in turn controlled by none other than the host plant itself. The plant endosphere contains diverse groups of microbial communities. There is general consensus that these communities make significant contributions to plant health. Endophytes are microbial symbionts residing wi...


Abd-Elhalim, B.T.1*; Gamal, R.F.1; Abou-Taleb, Kh.A.1; Haroun, A.A.2

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(6): 558-578
...tured from various plant rhizospheres including; chamomile, hibiscus, neem, iris, and pea, beside samples collected from the Sharm El-Sheikh seawater. Among the 16 copper-resistant isolates, one promising isolate I108 was chosen which synthesized CuNPs of diameter about 87.1 nm, showed UV absorbance of 0.54 at 580 nm, with a concentration of 12.21 mg\ l. This isolate was characterized by phenotypic and genotypic features. Based on 16S rRNA gene analysis and co...


Jonathan D. Hulse

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(1): 606-612
...the seeds and within the rhizosphere of a variety of genera of the family Cucurbitaceae including; Citrullus, Cucumis, Cucurbita, Lagenaria, and Luffa. Within the genus Cucurbita, Chaetomium sp. has been documented in association with Cucurbita pepo and Cucurbita moschata, however up till now there is no record of association of Chaetomium sp. with Cucurbita maxima. Sampling of Cucurbita maxima roots in the eastern United States resulted in the discovery of a ...


Mohammed Ajdig1,2; Bahia Rached2,3; Ahlam Mbarki1,2; Taha Chouati2,4; Chouhra Talbi1; Elmostafa El Fahime2,4; Marouane Melloul1,2*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(3): 2414-2434
... isolated from the olive rhizosphere soils. These bacterial isolates exhibited various proprieties in terms of abiotic stress tolerance, biofilm formation under stress conditions, and enzyme activities (i.e., lipases, cellulases, and proteases). In addition, several PGP traits such as phosphate solubilization and the production of siderophores and indol-3 acetic acid were also observed. Molecular identification through 16S rRNA sequencing initially identified ...


Osama M. Ghanem1; Nehal Kamal2; Alaa F. Said3*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(3): 2469-2490
...y PGPB obtained from the rhizosphere soil of some field crops at different sites in Ismailia, Egypt. Isolation process was carried out from drought-suffered locations to obtain efficient promising strains adapted to carry out vital processes under an irrigation water shortage. Eight bacterial isolates were selected and identified by phenotypic properties, and were subjected to screening procedures to assess their growth capabilities and evaluate their potentia...


Belal Natey1; Ahmed M.M.A. Kasem1; Younes M. Rashad2*; Nageh Fathy Abo-Dahab1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(6): 2712-2733
...s were isolated from the rhizosphere and tissues of 25 plant species collected from different sites across four Egyptian governorates. The antagonistic activity of all isolated Trichoderma strains was screened against S. cepivora BYAN1 in vitro. Microscopic examination showed that isolate B3R12 (identified as T. afroharzianum B3R12) has the greatest mycoparasitic level. Moreover, this isolate showed high in vitro inhibitory effect on S. cepivora BYAN1 growth b...

Yana Gocheva*; Stephan Engibarov; Rumyana Eneva; Irina Lazarkevich; Simona Mitova; Ivanka Boyadzhieva

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(6): 2772-2789
..., fermented foods, plant rhizospheres, and manure. Additionally, probiotic bacteria, essential for maintaining a healthy microbiota, have been shown to produce phytase, suggesting their potential applications in animal and plant growth, human nutrition, and food and feed industry.


Novel Research in Microbiology Journal


Vol. 9, Iss. 1


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