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Amit Sharma1* and Pankaj Sood2 

...t and fertility. Caprine sperms are extremely sensitive to cryopreservation compared to other species which is mainly attributed to the compositional variation of the sperm plasma membrane. Different factors affect affects the semen cryopreservation viz. species, breed, semen collection technique, collection season, extender composition, type of cryoprotectant used, cooling rate, equilibration time, freezing and thawing rate. All these factors should be given...
Taqiur Rahman1, Tabassum Yaseen1*, Ali Mujtaba Shah2, Samiullah3, Ghulam Jelani3, Gul Nawaz1,Qudratullah Kalwar2
...and 2 families were gymnosperms. This comprises 39 herb, 14 shrubs, and 16 trees, respectively. The study postulated on the certification of herbal knowledge on realistic bases though former interviews for the documentation of accurate indigenous knowledge. (R1andR2) All the plant species have high medicinal values and used as an ethno veterinary by the local inhabitants. Like However, family Lamiaceae showed remarkable medicinal benefits. The administrative r...

 Caner Öztürk1*, Mücahid Onay1 and Neşe Hayat Aksoy2

...ercentage of the damaged sperms, applying 8-repeat (4 seconds) was found to be the most suitable measurement.

Aamer Abbas1, Jabbar Khan1*, Mir Abid Hassan2, Asif Qayyum3 and Hamed Shafiq4
...milarly, the movement of sperms, either lateral or forward movement was observed much lesser in severe forms of oligozoospermia than mild/moderate oligozoospermia. The same observed for the total number of sperms as the sperm counts were comparatively much smaller in severe oligozoospermic than mild/moderate oligozoospermic individuals. No mutation/deletion was found, neither in oligozoospermic individuals nor in normal male...
Noor Bad Shah Khattak1, Hamayun Khan1, Muhammad Tarique Tunio2, Shakoor Ahmad1, Nazir Ahmad3, Syed Murtaza Hassan Andrabi4, Obaidullah5, Ihsan Ali1,5,* and Nan-Zhu Fang5,*
...y of frozen buffalo bull sperms. The antioxidative effect of GT was observed at the comparatively lower concentration (0.1-1.5%) on the post-thawed quality indicators. On the other hand, the hight GT concentration (1.5%) significantly decreased the quality indicators of spermatozoa. Green tea extract enhanced the spermatozoa survivability, integrity of acrosome and plasma membrane of spermatozoa following freezing and thawing. It is suggested that the addition...
Muhammad Tariq1, Imtiaz Rabbani2, Muhammad Shahbaz Yousaf2, Imdad Ullah Khan1*, Hafsa Zaneb2, Sajid Iqbal3, Alam Zeb Khan1, Shakirullah1, Muhammad Shuaib Khan1, Atta Ur Rehman1 and Mumtaz Ali Khan2
...gical characteristics of sperms. Beside these exogenous stresses there is an oxidative stress which damages the spermatozoa endogenously. These stresses can be controlled with the inclusion of antioxidants in semen extender at the time of cryopreservation. In the current study, semen from four (n=4) healthy Nili Ravi buffalo bulls was collected through artificial vagina and Gallic acid was added to the semen at 1 µM, 15 µM, 30 µM, 45 µM...

Luke Chukwudi Ali*, Nnanna Ephraim Ikeh, Bright Chigozie Amaefule, Amarachi Linda Obinna, Ndubuisi Samuel Machebe 

...tration, live and normal sperms in decreased with an increase in dietary DCSM whereas non-motile, dead and abnormal sperms increased with an increase in dietary DCSM. Testicular morphometric measurements and histomorphological evaluations were similar in all treatments (P>0.05). This investigation depicts that DCSM inclusion above 15% affected semen quality negatively even though results on testicular morphometric traits ...

Atta Ullah*, Nasrullah Khan, Ataur Rahman and Rafi Ullah 

...ifferent indigenous angiosperms and their products in Sheikh Buddin National Park. Information from 250 respondents (240 male, 10 females) was gathered randomly about plants’ medicinal and folk uses in the park. One hundred and sixteen plants species belonging to 99 genera and 50 families were recorded and identified with the help of available literature. Of these, monocots were represented by 17 species under 15 genera and 5 families, while dicots were ...

Tinda Afriani*, Zaituni Udin, James Hellyward, Endang Purwati, Adisti Rastosari, Dwiki Wahyudi 

...and Y-chromosome-bearing sperms separated by using albumin gradient and swim-up methods in Pesisir bull. The semen samples from three bulls were collected and evaluated for macroscopic and microscopic quality parameters including the percentage of motility, plasma membrane integrity (PMI) and acrosome intact (AI). The result revealed that the average motility, PMI and AI of sperms bearing X- and Y-chromosome in the albumi...

Athhar Manabi Diansyah1, Muhammad Yusuf2*, Abdul Latief Toleng2, Muhammad Ihsan Andi Dagong2 

... progressive, kinematics sperms, viability, abnormality membrane integrity, and acrosome integrity. The Bali-polled bull semen was analyzed by using CASA with the Sperms Vision Version 3.7.5 program. The results in this study showed that sperms motility in Bali-horned bull was significantly lower (P<0.01) than Bali-polled bull, Brahman, Limousine, and Simmental. The

Athhar Manabi Diansyah1, Muhammad Yusuf2*, Abdul Latief Toleng2, Muhammad Ihsan Andi Dagong2, Tulus Maulana3, Hasrin4, Abdullah Baharun5 

...f this study to identify sperms post-thawing quality and proteomic plasma semen as fertility performance in Bali-polled bull. The utilization of Bali-horned bulls as a point of reference was necessary to achieve this aim. The semen samples from Bali-horned and Bali-polled bulls were obtained twice weekly using an artificial vagina. The semen samples were immediately sent to the laboratory for processing. Parameters measured were sperm motility, abnormality, vi...

Tinda Afriani*, Jaswandi, Adisti Rastosari, Muhammad Cadilac Al Razzak, Dwiki Wahyudi 

...< 0.01). However, the sperms abnormality data did not show any effect (P>0.05) of tomato juice addition. The addition of 20% tomato juice extract in egg yolk citrate diluent showed better results as compared to the 10% tomato juice addition. In conclusion, tomato juice addition in egg yolk citrate diluent is beneficial to improve the sperm quality of Pesisir cattle semen stored at 5oC. 


Hasanain Jihad Neamah 

...s known that ram’s sperms are sensitive to oxidative stress during cooling storage. The purpose of this study was the evaluation of adding an aqueous prickly pear extract (PPE) in ram semen on sperm parameters during cooling storage. Three levels of PPE were added to the diluted ram semen (PPE1=5mg +Tris extender, PPE2=10 mg +Tris extender, and PPE3=30 mg +Tris extender), and compared with control group (Tris extender without addition of PPE). Motility o...

Zainab Sattar Ali* , Safa Azhar Razzaq , Layla Hammody Hashem 

... observed damage in this sperms DNA and alteration of histopathological section. In addition reduction the levels of testosterone, inhibin b, FSH and LH hormones in group that ingestion BTSeNPs comparing the remnant groups, also been noted this reduction in above hormones getting worse with time progresses of experimental. In group4 show the propolis was enhancer factor for adverse effect of BTSe where FSH, LH, testosterone and inhibin b hormones values are el...

Rahmat Rahmat1, Muhammad Yusuf2*, Abdul Latief Toleng2, Herdis Herdis3, Athhar Manabi Diansyah2, Hasrin Hasrin4 

...nalyze the proportion of sperms. The results showed that different concentrations of sexing media showed no significant difference (P>0.05) on motility, viability, abnormality, membrane integrity, acrosome integrity, and movement patterns of spermatozoa in treatment between T1, T2 and T3 treatments both in the upper and lower fraction. In the movement pattern of sexed sperms, There was no significant difference in the kin...

Hussain Shah1, Hamida Bibi2, Ali Hazrat1and Khan Sher3

... 74 plants (96%) of angiosperms, 1 (1%) of gymnosperms, 2 (2%) of fungi
and 1 (1%) of Pteridophytes. Asteraceae was a dominant family having 5 species follows by
Brassicaceae and Moraceae each one is represented by 4 species. Among angiosperms 73
(63.01%) was herbs, 4 (5.47%) was shrubs and 20 (27.39%) was trees. The local
community is curren...

Muddasir Khan1, Siraj-Ud-Din1, Muhammad Farooq2* and Sanam Zarif2

...g to 54 families of Angiosperms, were recorded. Maximum genera and species were in case of Lamiaceae i.e 9 genera being (9.782%) and 11 species (9.734%) of the total genera and species followed by Asteraceae comprising 8 genera (8.695 %) and 10 species (8.849 % followed by Papilionaceae comprising 6 genera (6.521%) and 7 species (6.194 %). It was again followed by Euphorbiaceae and Solanaceae having 4 genera (4.347%) and 7 species (6.194 %) each, which were fo...
Mohammad Athar and Syed Mahmood Nasir
...n seven families of angiosperms. Olives (Family Oleaceae) were the preferred host of the olive fruit fly. Family Rosaceae has nine tree species followed by Rutaceae (five tree species) as host of olive fruit fly. Other host tree species were distributed in Anacardiaceae, Fabaceae, Lythraceae and Malpigiaceae. Mostly these hosts comprised of the fruit trees with the exception of Brazilian pepper tree, carob, crape myrtle and ornamental plum.

Keywords: Oli...

Muhammad Shabir Mughal
...ily Cupressaceae of Gymnosperms. It is dioecious, medium sized, evergreen tree, bark reddish-brown to grey, vertically fissured, exfoliating in fibrous strips. Leaves of two kinds; one sharp and needle like and the other flat and feather like or scale-like, closely pressed, with a large oblong elliptic glands in the center of the back. Flowers unisexual, the male at the tips of the branches, the female terminating short side branchlets. Flower appea...

Murad Muhammad1,2,3*, Shahid Ullah1, Nimrah Ameen4, Abdul Wahab3,5, Abdul Basit6, Muqadas Batool7, Muhammad Nazim2,3 and Haroon Khan

...;2023, including 54 angiosperms, 10 tracheophytes, and one pteridophyte. The dominant family was Poaceae (25%), followed by Asteraceae (15%) and Asclepiadaceae (2%). Given the essential roles that these weed species play in medicine, future research on the use and conservation of indigenous weed flora is highly recommended.


Sumaya Loay Mohamed Shams Al-Dean1*, Sura Shakir Hammoud2, Mohammedali J. Ghafil3

... (62.1±1.67). The sperms viability is improved post-thawimg and at 5C after addition of anti-oxidants vitamin C. When compared to the control values, the fresh, 5C, and post-thaw sperm motility improved significantly for each concentration of vitamin E. The p-value for 2mM(0.030), 4mM(0.04), and 7mM(0.03). Based on the current findings, it is concluded that vitamin C and E are very effective antioxidants in egg-yolk citrate extender. They can also prote...

Aya Salah Eldin Mohamed1*, Gamal E. Shams1, Gihan G. Moustafa2, Reda M. Abd El-Aziz3

... percentage of defective sperms. By contrast, different treatments (G 6-7) restored spermatogenesis by significant improvement in the sperms count and sperm morphology when compared with G2. There are regressive histopathological alterations in the testis of citalopram-treated rats and these lesions were alleviated with administration of ginseng, vitamin D alone or in combination. In conclusion, ginseng and vitamin D could r...

Ming-Hao Yu, Ming-Hui Gu, Xin Dai, Dao-Chen Wang and Sheng-Mei Yang*

...ledonous plants and angiosperms. The study found that tannins could affect the ovarian development of Brandt’s voles. However, the specific effects of tannic acid on reproduction and its underlying mechanisms are still poorly understood. Therefore, this study explored the effects of tannic acid on the reproduction of Brandt’s voles. We treated female Brandt’s voles from four weeks postpartum with varying tannic acid doses (0 (control), 0.3% (...

Zarifshan Malik1, Muhammad Ramzan Ali2*, Hasina Basharat2, Aziz Ahmed2 and Sabina Noor1

...e testes. As millions of sperms are present in per ml of milt so, in order to utilize milt more efficiently, various researches are based on use of different types of activation or dilution media. Therefore, the lab prepared activation media A and B, commercial activation media C and fresh water were used in this experiment to compare their effects. Experimental layout was CRD (Complete Randomized Design) with four treatments: control, media A, media B and med...

Abdur Rauf1, Farooq Jan1*, Muhammad Yasin2, Muhammad Qayash3, Muhammad Luqman1, Kashif Hayat4, Fayaz Asad5, Ikramullah Khan1 and Muhammad Khalid6 

Pakistan Journal of Weed Science Research


Vol.30, Iss. 4, Pages 162-215


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