2018 Impact Factor Released for Pakistan Journal of Zoology: 0.790

Pakistan Journal of Zoology. We are pleased to inform you that Pakistan Journal of Zoology received an updated Journal Impact Factor of 0.790 in the June 2019 release of the Journal Citation Reports®.

For more information on the journal's Impact Factor and other indicators of esteem, please see here.

We look forward to receiving more of your articles and your review services.

Kind regards,

Irfan Rasool
Managing Assistant
on the behalf of Editor

Abdul Rauf Shakoori
Professor Emeritus & Distinguished National Professor
School of Biological Sciences
University of the Punjab, 54590

Pakistan Journal of Zoology (ISSN: 0030-9923) is a journal published by Zoological Society and operated by ResearchersLinks Ltd, UK. Since 1969, Pakistan Journal of Zoology is publishing original articles on all aspects of animal life. Pakistan Journal of Zoology maintains rigorous peer-review and a rapid publication process. All articles are published with a CC BY 4.0 license. For more information on the CC BY license, please see: creativecommons.org


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Pakistan Journal of Zoology


Pakistan J. Zool., Vol. 56


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