Addition of Moringa Leaf Meal in the Diet of Hy-Line Brown Laying Hens: Influence on Productive and Egg Quality Parameters
Addition of Moringa Leaf Meal in the Diet of Hy-Line Brown Laying Hens: Influence on Productive and Egg Quality Parameters
Eliseo Pelagio Fernández Ruelas1, Ali William Canaza-Cayo2,3*, Francisco Halley Rodriguez Huanca1, Uri Harold Perez Guerra1, Roxana Churata-Huacani3, Tales Jesus Fernandes3, Ysabel Mendoza Aguilar1
The effect of different dietary treatments on weekly feed intake of laying hens over a period of 9 weeks
The effect of different dietary treatments on weekly live weight of laying hens over a period of 9 weeks
Weekly evolution of egg laying percentage (%).
The effect of different dietary treatments on weekly feed conversion ratio of laying hens over a period of 9 weeks
Egg production differences between treatments