Analysis of SNP rs1800796 Association with Risk of Rheumatoid Arthritis in Pakistani Population: A Case Control Study
Analysis of SNP rs1800796 Association with Risk of Rheumatoid Arthritis in Pakistani Population: A Case Control Study
Haseeb Nisar1, Usman Pasha1, Kiran Hanif1, Rizwan Abid1, Rehan Ahmad Khan Sherwani2, Haja N. Kadarmideen3 and Saima Sadaf1*
Schematic representation of the steps followed to search, screen and include the previous research in this study. Lower panel shows the odd’s ratio and p-values of the studies included in analysis.
Amplification of 163 bp fragment of IL-6 promoter using real-time PCR system (left panel) and its restriction digestion to identify the rs1800976 SNP genotype in Pakistani subjects (right panel). A 2% agarose gel stained with ethidium bromide after restriction digestion of amplicon is shown. Lanes M, 50 bp DNA size marker; Lanes 1-7, PCR-RFLP of RA samples showing GG (lanes 1-6) and CC (lane 7) genotypes, respectively.
Interactive partners of IL-6 predicted using the STRING software (top panel) and their involvement in bone destruction in RA patients (lower panel).