Avian Parasitology in Captive Psittaciformes: A Study of Ascaridia spp. Infections in Gujranwala, Punjab, Pakistan
Avian Parasitology in Captive Psittaciformes: A Study of Ascaridia spp. Infections in Gujranwala, Punjab, Pakistan
Shahzadi Sarrah Atique and Ishrat Aziz*
Ascaridia platyceri male posterior end lateral view. Blue arrow shows tail tip has a short conical protrusion at 10X.
Ascaridia platyceri anterior part lateral view. (A) Black arrow shows oral cavity is delineated by three lips, blue arrow shows esophagus at 10X. (B) Black arrow shows prominent three lips at oral opening at 10X. (C) Black arrow shows prominent lips, blue arrow shows esophagus at 10X.
Ascaridia galli male lateral view of posteior end. Black arrow shows precloacal sucker at 10X.
Ascaridia galli female posterior end. Black arrow shows vulval opening at 4X.
Ascaridia galli eggs (A) damaged intact egg at 10X. (B) showing thick shell, yellowish in color, oval to subspherical at 10X. (C) showing thick and smooth shell, oval to subspherical at 10X.