Comparative Mitogenomic and Phylogentic Analyses of a Schizothoracine Fish, Gymnodiptychus dybowskii from Two Water Systems in Xinjiang
Comparative Mitogenomic and Phylogentic Analyses of a Schizothoracine Fish, Gymnodiptychus dybowskii from Two Water Systems in Xinjiang
Wei Meng1,3, Tianyan Yang2,*, Yunguo Liu1, Mahmut Halik1 and Tianxiang Gao2
The sampling locations of G..dybowskii.
NJ phylogenetic tree of 48 schizothoracine species constructed by 12 concatenated PCGs except for ND6 gene. The integer labeled on each node correspond to bootstrap support value, and numbers written behind Latin name presented the GenBank accession numbers for the mitochondrial genome of the related species.