Comparing the Efficacy of Multi-Source Serum for in vitro Culture of Equine Achilles Tendon Fibroblasts
Comparing the Efficacy of Multi-Source Serum for in vitro Culture of Equine Achilles Tendon Fibroblasts
Somia Shehzadi1, Sana Javaid Awan2, Maryam Javed1*, Asif Nadeem1 and Tahir Yaqub3
A, All cells at passage 4 showing flattened and spindle-shaped morphology, A) cultured with FBS, 100X, B) culture with AES, 100X (AES) and C) cultured with ABS, 100X (ABS). No detachment was observed under any serum group. B, Viability of ATF’s assessed by trypan blue stain method showed no significant difference and data was expressed as Mean±SEM by keeping level of significance ≤0.05.
A, Expression of Collagen type1 (Col 1) on ATFs after supplementation with 10% FBS (A1-A3), 10%AES (B1-B3) and 10%ABS (C1-C3). Cells were stained with anti-type1 collagen and FITC conjugated secondary antibody whereas DAPI was used to stain the nucleus (X200). B, Expression of Collagen type1 (Col 1) in ATFs cultured with 10% FBS, AES and ABS sera. Scattered dot plot shows that there is same level of Col type1 expression all groups. Data was expressed as Mean ±SEM and level of significance was < 0.05.