Comparison of Nonlinear Functions using Partial Growth Data at Different Lengths of Growth Period in Awassi Lambs
Comparison of Nonlinear Functions using Partial Growth Data at Different Lengths of Growth Period in Awassi Lambs
Nihat Tekel1, Seyrani Koncagül2, İlkay Baritci1, Halit Deniz Şireli1, Muhittin Tutkun1, Ecevit Eyduran3 and Mohammad Masood Tariq4*
The growth curve for the actual and estimated live weight values of the Awassi lamb using the Brody model.
Growth curve for the live weight values and estimated values of the lamb born 2nd birth season obtained by using negative exponential model.
Growth curve for the live weight values estimated of the lambs born in first birth season using Bertalanffy Growth Model.