Distribution of the Stag Beetle Lucanus cervus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Lucanidae) within Romania, Europe
Distribution of the Stag Beetle Lucanus cervus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Lucanidae) within Romania, Europe
Cristina Stancă Moise1*, Cornelia Chimișliu2, Mihaela Arinton3, Tom Brereton4 and George Moise1
1Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Food Industry and Environmental Protection, Lucian Blaga, University of Sibiu, Romania
2Oltenia Museum Craiova, Romania
3Ion Borcea Museum of Natural Sciences, Bacău, Romania
4Butterfly Conservation, Manor Yard, East Lulworth, Wareham, Dorset, BH20 5QP UK
The paper summarises the distribution of Lucanus cervus (stag beetle) in Romania over the period 1891–2020 based onliterature reviews, museum specimens and occurrence data (the latter especially from within Natura 2000 sites). The main data sources are reports published in specialized literature; data preserved at the” Ion Borcea” Museum of Natural Sciences in Bacău; on-site observations and collections by Cristina Stancă Moise between the years 2000-2020; as well as the previous work and personal communications of Cornelia Chimişliu (2010-2019), Mihaela Arinton (2003) and N. Olenici (2018). After collation of all data sources, 225 locations for the species were identified in 37 counties (each containing Natura 2000 sites) along with Bucharest City. Based on these data we have drawn a map of the distribution of this species in Romania’s nine regions, also considering the collecting period. Considering the gaps in studying the distribution of this protected species in Romania, our paper forms a new baseline for future surveys and studies on Lucanus cervus.
Article Information
Received 05 August 2021
Revised 03 April 2022
Accepted 21 April 2022
Available online 15 June 2022
(early access)
Published 19 December 2022
Authors’ Contribution
CSM, CC, MA, TB and GM designed the research. CSM, CC and MA conducted research. GM and CSM prepared figures and tables. CSM Wrote and revised the draft.
Key words
Lucanus cervus, Distribution, Regions, Natura 2000 sites, Romania, Europe
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.17582/journal.pjz/20210805120809
* Corresponding author: cristinamoise1@yahoo.com
0030-9923/2023/0002-625 $ 9.00/0
Copyright 2023 by the authors. Licensee Zoological Society of Pakistan.
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Lucanus cervus (Linnaeus, 1758), known as the stag beetle, is a large Coleoptera species found all over Europe. Due to habitat loss and/or fragmentation, IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) considers it to be “Near Threatened” (NT) (Nieto and Alexander, 2010) and in need of monitoring (Harvey et al., 2011). As a consequence, at a European level it. the species is protected by the European Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats which was adopted at Bern in 1979 and by the Council Directive no. 92/43/CEE (https://ec.europa.eu/environment/nature/legislation/habitatsdirective/index_en.htm), known as the Habitats Directive (Animal and plant species of community interest whose conservation requires the designation of special areas of conservation). The situation in Romania is better, the species being protected here by the Government Emergency Order no. 57 of 2007 (http://legislatie.just.ro/Public/DetaliiDocument/83289). During the period 2013-2018, the species was therefore considered as having a Favorable Conservation Status (https://liferosalia.ro/lucanus-cervus), now its status being assessed as Low Risk (Tatole et al., 2009).
The importance of the species is reflected by ample research on its distribution, habitat, monitoring and conservation that contains severaldistribution maps (Bardiani et al., 2017; Campanaro and Bardiani, 2012; Davies et al., 2008; Fremlin and Fremlin, 2010; Halil et al., 2013; Hawes, 2008; Kuźmiński et al., 2020; Méndez et al., 2017; Pérez-Bote et al., 2006; Pratt, 2000; Rink and Sinsch, 2006; Thomaes et al., 2008, 2017; Thomaes, 2009).
One of the best-known maps of L. cervus’ distribution in Europe (Fig. 1) is based on the data received from specialists of several European countries (both from countries with comprehensive and incomplete data bases, examples of the latter being Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, France, Romania, Serbia, and Ukraine) (Harvey et al., 2011).
In Romania, the focus of survey efforts on the presence of L. cervus since 2007 has been on Natura 2000 sites and the results of this researchhave been reported in specialized papers (Arinton and Ciornei, 2015; Bărbuceanu et al., 2015; Bărbuceanu, 2017; Bobîrnac et al., 1973; Bucşe and Tăuşan, 2010; Bussler et al., 2005; Chimişliu, 2006, 2007a, b, 2014, 2017; Cuzepan and Tăuşan, 2013; Fleck, 1905; Fusu et al., 2015; Ieniştea, 1975; Istrate, 2016; Manu et al., 2017; Marcu, 1928; Montandon, 1906; Negru and Roşca, 1967; Niculescu and Mitrea, 2016; Nițu, 2007; Ochs, 1921; Petri, 1912; Procheş, 1997; Prunar et al., 2013; Roşca, 1976; Ruicănescu, 1992; Stan, 2013; Stan and Nițu, 2013; Stan et al., 2016). This research resulted in three historical distribution maps of L. cervus. Firstly, 48 Sites of Community Importance (SCIs) were identified in 25 counties (Fig. 2) in 2009 (Tatole et al., 2009).
Secondly, a finer-scale distribution map of 10x10 km2 (Fig. 3) resolution was produced based on data provided by Petru Istrate and Otto Merkl of the Hungarian Natural History Museum (Harvey et al., 2011). The authors concluded that the species is in decline in Romania, though this assessment can be questioned given the limited data they used. The majority of Istrate’s and Merkl’s data was collected in Transylvania and Banat as well as Romania’s neighbor, the Republic of Moldova, and therefore incomplete for seven of Romania’s nine regions.
In 2013, Stan published a third map (Fig. 4) based on the data kept in the collections of the “Grigore Antipa” Natural History Museum in Bucharest and on specimens photographed by the authors on several Romanian sites (Stan, 2013).
The Natura 2000 programme of surveys reflected by these maps has shown that L. cervus is, generally speaking, the most frequently recorded Coleoptera, a frequency that suggests its good conservation status (Bucşe and Tăuşan, 2010; Prunar et al., 2013; Stan and Nițu, 2013; Bărbuceanu, 2017; Istrate, 2016; Manu et al., 2017; Niculescu and Mitrea, 2016; Stan et al., 2016).
The aim of this paper is to provide an updated and wider-ranging description and distribution map of the past and current distribution of L. cervus in Romania’s nine regions, comprising 41 counties and the Capital City–Bucharest based on data collected between 1891 (first record) and 2020. We hope that our results will encourage further surveys and ecological studies on L. cervus in Romania and Europe.
Materials and Methods
This paper is based on the following materials: Reports published in specialized literature, unpublished data preserved in the collection of “Ion Borcea” Museum of Natural Sciences in Bacau that was extracted by Mihaela Arinton, data originating from field observations and specimens collected by Cristina Stancă Moise in the period 2000–2020 and personal communication with Cornelia Chimişliu (2010-2019), Mihaela Arinton (2003) and N. Olenici (2018). The previously published reports pertain to specimens preserved in the collections of the Museum of Oltenia in Craiova (Chimişliu, 2007), the Museum of Natural History in Sibiu (Cuzepan and Tăuşan, 2013) and the “Grigore Antipa” Natural History Museum in Bucharest (Stan, 2013). In the following, the data gathered from literature will be identified as previous reports. We reference this data by collecting location (with geographical coordinates) and year of report, followed by the name of the authors of the paper and the publication year. The unpublished data are identified as original data. Here, we indicate the number and sex of the insects, collecting location (with geographic coordinates), collection year and collector’s name (legit). For a more encompassing overview of the Lucanus cervus distribution, we also present the Sites of Community Importance where the species have been identified in the Order No. 2387 of September 29, 2011 (https://biodiversity.europa.eu/countries/romania) for the modification of the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development Order No. 1964 (https://ec.europa.eu/environment/nature/legislation/habitatsdirective/index_en.htm), regarding the establishment in Romania of the nature protected area status for the Sites of Community Importance, as integrant part of the European ecological network Natura 2000 (http://legislatie.just.ro/Public/DetaliiDocumentAfis/31211).
Romanian is placed in the south-east of trhe Europe, at the boundary between Continental Europe and Balkan Peninsula, at the crossing of 45o North Parallel with 25o East Meridian. On the area of Romania are nine distinct regions: Banat, Bucovina, Crișana, Dobrogea, Maramureș, Moldova, Muntenia, Oltenia and Transylvania.
Abbreviations: Col. NSMC Bacău–Collections of the Ion Borcea Natural Sciences Museums Complex, Bacău; pers. com.–personal communication, SCI-Site of Community Importance.
After compiling and synthesizing the data, we have identified 225 locations where L. cervus has been collected in Romania from 1891 to 2020. The insect is widespread in all nine regions (34 counties and Bucharest City, i.e., 83% of the total territory) and no doubt still under-recorded (Table I). From these 225 locations, 187 have been previously mentioned and 53 are original findings by the authors. Of the original findings (Table II), 38 are newly identified and 15 have been previously mentioned, but we have not found them in the data we have found/researched on site. The distribution on provinces and counties is given in Table I.
Based on this data we have designed a map that reflects the species’ distribution in the nine historical regions with their respective counties during the following collecting periods: (a) 1891–1950, nine sites; (b) 1951-2000, 34 sites; (c) after 2000, 22 sites. The map also includes the 67 Natura 2000 sites where the species has been identified (Fig. 5).
Table I. Collecting locations reported in Romania 1891–2020, presented in alphabetical order by regions, counties and sites.
Region |
County |
Collection site |
No. of sites |
Collection period |
Banat |
Caraş-Severin |
Bozovici, Băile herculane, Domogled mountains, Gârlişte, Miniş, Moldova nouă, Nera gorges (Lindini clearing), Oraviţa, Sasca montană-damian forest, Stancilova |
10 |
1927-2012 |
Bucovina |
Suceava |
Burdujeni, Cacica, Gura humorului, Râşca-slătioara forest, Suceava |
5 |
1961-2018 |
Crișana |
Arad |
Arad, Sântana, Utviniş Forest |
3 |
1954-1977 |
Bihor |
Sânmartin |
1 |
1961-1997 |
Dobrogea |
Constanţa |
Başpunar, Canaraua fetii, Cernavodă, Hagieni forest, Negureni, Iortmac Valley |
6 |
1921-1993 |
Tulcea |
Babadag forest, Caraorman, Celic dere, Ciucurova, Greci, Letea forest, Letea, Măcinului mountains-suluc Valley, Murighiol, Niculiţel (Cocoş monastery), Slava rusă, Sulina, Tulcea |
13 |
1962-2006 |
Maramureș |
Maramureș |
Bistra (Bistra valley), Bârsana, Mireşu mare |
3 |
1916-1998 |
Moldova |
Bacău |
Bacău, Dospineşti, Gherăieşti, Gioseni, Holt, Livezi, Mănăstirea caşin, Orbeni, Pârâul boghii, Poiana sărată, Prăjeşti, Racova, Sascut, Sănduleni, Scorţeni, Slănic Moldova, Tociloasa, Urecheşti, Budului valley |
19 |
1971-2012 |
Botoșani |
Botoşani, Gorovei |
2 |
1968-1997 |
Galați |
Gârboavele forest |
1 |
1968 |
Iași |
Bivolari, Bârnova, Bârnova forest, Bârnova-repedea forest, Iaşi, Pietrosul-reserve forest, Repedea hill, Slobozia-beech forest |
8 |
1968-2012 |
Neamț |
Stan hill, Târgu neamţ, Vânători |
3 |
1973- 2003 |
Vaslui |
Băbuşa |
1 |
1996 |
Vrancea |
Focşani, Mărăşeşti, Răstoaca, Urecheşti, Vidra |
5 |
1962-1983 |
Muntenia |
Argeș |
Broşteni, Ludeşti, Morăreşti, Piteşti, Stoeneşti |
5 |
1906- 2014 |
Brăila |
Brăila |
1 |
1965 - 1997 |
București |
Băneasa forest, Broşteni, Bucharest, Bucharest (Museum park), Filaret |
5 |
1905-2009 |
Buzău |
Arbănaşi-beceni forest, Costeşti-spătaru forest, Izvorul dulce-beceni, Măgura-beech forest |
4 |
1987-2005 |
Dâmbovița |
Gulia-tărtăşeşti |
1 |
1983-1993 |
Giurgiu |
Crevedia mare, Comana forest |
2 |
1954-2013 |
Ilfov |
Brăneşti forest, Căldăruşani, Căldăruşani forest, Cernica forest, Corbeanca, Mogoşoaia, Pasărea forest, Snagov |
8 |
1905-2009 |
Prahova |
Azuga, Breaza, Prahova riverside (Măgureni), Masivul ciucaş, Mehedinţa (Podenii Noi) |
5 |
1905-2011 |
Teleorman |
Drăgăneşti-vlaşca |
1 |
1979-1980 |
Oltenia |
Dolj |
Amăraşti de Jos, Argentoaia, Bratovoieşti, Bucovăţ, Castrele traiane (Pleniţa forest), Cârligei, Cobia, Craiova, Craiova (Depot), Filiaşi, Negoi, Perişor, Poiana mare, Preajba, Radovan, Radovan (Panaghia forest), Secui, Şimnicu de Sus, Teasc |
19 |
1951-2019 |
Gorj |
Baia de fier-galbenului valley, Barcului forest, Bengeşti, Bîrseşti, Călugăreasa, Cărbuneşti, Cărpiniş-plaiului valley, Cerna valley, Cheile sohodol, Cloşani, Crasna, Defileul Jiului-"Cârligul Întors, Drăgoieşti forest, Dobrana, Lainici, Lainici monastery Lăzăresti forest, Lăzăresti-prislop point, Locurele hermitage, Novaci forest, pietrele albe, Radoşi-aninisului valley, Radoşi-ciocăzeaua valley, Stănceşti-amaradia valley, Târgu cărbuneşti, Târgu jiu, Olteţului valley, Târgul logreşti, Tismana, Transalpina, Ţiganca valley, Valea haracu, Vişina monastery, Zorleşti |
34 |
1928-2015 |
Mehedinți |
Eşelniţa, Gura motrului, Gura văii, Mraconia valley, Orşova, Strehaia, Șviniţa, Turnu severin |
8 |
1928-1983 |
Olt |
Balş, Palanca forest (Nicolae titulescu), Sarului forest, Strehareţ forest (Slatina) |
4 |
1980-2015 |
Table continued on next page................ |
Region |
County |
Collection site |
No. of sites |
Collection period |
Vâlcea |
Câineni, Călimăneşti, Cozia mountains, Gatejeşti-buneşti forest, Obârşia lotrului, Păuşeşti-otăsău, Stânişoara monastery |
7 |
1956-2016 |
Transylvania |
Alba |
Bistra-bistrei valley |
1 |
1998 |
Brașov |
Braşov-station area, Cincu, Ciucaş mountains, Hărman |
4 |
1963-2014 |
Cluj |
Cluj, Cheile turzii, Frăsinet, Rece mountain, Sic-păstrăraia |
5 |
1990-2016 |
Harghita |
Sf. Ana lake, Topliţa-Mărşineţului forest, Uzului valley |
3 |
1960-2007 |
Hunedoara |
Deva, Geoagiu, Orăştie, Poiana |
4 |
1980-2020 |
Mureș |
Breite plateau, Buneşti-bircheni forest, Chindra hill, Praid, Roadeş, Sighişoara, Târgu mureş |
7 |
1900-2013 |
Sibiu |
Apoldul de sus, Biertan, Brad, Bungard, Cisnădioara, Dealul cu Pini, Dumbrava sibiului forest, Guşteriţa hill, Hamba, Ocna sibiului, Paltinului valley, Păuca, Racoviţa, Sibiel, Sibiu, Șura mare, Șuvara saşilor |
17 |
1889-2020 |
We present below the obtained data, in the alphabetical order of regions name, counties and collecting sites.
Banat region
Caraş-severin county
Previous reports: Bozovici (45°00′04″N 21°57′13″E)-1962 (Cuzepan and Tăuşan, 2013); Băile Herculane (44°52′43″N 22°24′51″E)-1927, 1954, 1968, 1970, 1970, 1978 (Cuzepan and Tăuşan, 2013); 1950, 1952, 1962, 1964, 1971, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1983, 1984, (Stan, 2013); Domogled Mountain (45.09306°N 22.62417°E)-1964, 1965 (Cuzepan and Tăuşan, 2013); 1965, 1984 (Stan, 2013); Gârlişte (45°10′39″N 21°48′48″E)-2001 (Stan, 2013); Miniş (46°8′6″N 21°36′16″E)-2012 (Prunar et al., 2013); Moldova Nouă (44°43′4″N 21°39′50″E)-1971, 1972, 1973 (Stan, 2013); Nera Gorges (Lindini Clearing) (4.925°N 21.802°E)-2002 (Stan, 2013); Oraviţa (45°2′25″N 21°41′7″E)-1975 (Stan, 2013); Sasca Montană (Damian forestry range) (44°53′49″N 21°41′42″E)-2005 (Stan, 2013); Stancilova (44°48′58″N 21°48′46″E)-2012 (Prunar et al., 2013). Original data: Băile Herculane (44°52′43″N 22°24′51″E)-2♂♂, June 1, 1978 legit A. Dima; 1♂ şi 1♀, June 9 1978 legit A. Dima (col. NSMC Bacău). Col. NSMC
Bucovina region
Suceava county
Previous reports: Gura Humorului (47°33′14″N 25°53′21″E)-1986 (Stan, 2013); Râşca-Slătioara Forest (7°21′25″N 26°14′4″E)-1983 (Stan, 2013); Suceava (47°39′5″N 26°15′20″E)-1975 (Stan, 2013). Original data: Burdujeni (47°40’33”N 26°16’22”E)-1♂, July 30, 1969, Răileanu (Col. NSMC Bacău); Cacica (47°38′17″N 25°54′00″E)-1♂, July 11, 2018 legit N. Olenici (com. pers. N. Olenici, 2018); Suceava (47°39′5″N 26°15′20″E)-1♂, July 21, 1961 legit G. Răileanu; 1♀, July 15, 1962, legit G. Răileanu; 1♀, July 20, 1962, legit G. Răileanu; 1♂, July 16, 1965, legit G. Răileanu; 1♂, June 15, 1967, legit G. Răileanu (Col. NSMC Bacău).
Crișana region
Arad county
Previous reports: Arad (46°10′36″N 21°18′4″E)-1954 (Stan, 2013); Sântana (46°35′N 21°50′E)-1959 (Cuzepan and Tăuşan, 2013); Utviniş Forest (46°16′51″N 21°24′0″E)-1977 (Stan, 2013).
Bihor county
Sânmartin (47°00′24″N 21°58′29″E)-1961, 1966, 1968, 1980, 1984, 1997 (Stan, 2013).
Dobrogea region
Constanta county
Previous reports: Baş Punar (Fântâna Mare) (45.09306°N 22.62417°E)-1967 [26], 1967); 1955, 1959 (Stan, 2013); Canaraua Fetii (44.05333°N 27.67417°E)-1964; 1966 (Stan, 2013); Cernavodă (44°20′17″N 28°2′1″E)-1921 (Negru and Roşca, 1967); Dumbrăveni forest (forestry range Furnica)-1996, Hagieni Forest (43°47′2″N 28°28′48″E)-1973 (Stan, 2013); Negureni (47°36′04″N 28°30′36″E)-1990, 1993 (Stan, 2013); Iortmac Valley (44.22556°N 27.76167°E)-1972 (Cuzepan and Tăuşan, 2013).
Tulcea county
Previous reports: Babadag Forest (44°53′36″N 28°42′43″E)-1972 (Cuzepan and Tăuşan, 2013; Stan, 2013); Caraorman (45°4′44″N 29°23′35″E)-1991 (Stan, 2013); Celic Dere (45°07′26″N 28°38′07″E)-1992, 2006 (Stan, 2013); Ciucurova (44°55′01″N 28°28′40″E)- 1981 (Stan, 2013); Greci (45°10′02″N 28°15′03″E)-1962, 2005 (Stan, 2013); Letea Forest (45.34028°N 29.52556°E)-1962
Table II. Number of collecting sites within the regions and counties.
Region |
County |
Previously mentioned sites |
Original data |
Total no. of sites |
Previously mentioned sites and retrieved |
Newly mentioned sites |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
3+5 |
Banat |
Caraş severin |
10 |
1 |
10 |
Bucovin |
Suceava |
3 |
1 |
2 |
5 |
Crișana |
Arad |
3 |
3 |
Bihor |
1 |
1 |
Dobrogea |
Constanţa |
6 |
6 |
Tulcea |
13 |
2 |
13 |
Maramureș |
Maramureş |
3 |
3 |
Moldova |
Bacău |
2 |
17 |
19 |
Botoşani |
1 |
1 |
2 |
Galaţi |
1 |
1 |
Iaşi |
7 |
1 |
8 |
Neamţ |
3 |
3 |
Vaslui |
1 |
1 |
Vrancea |
4 |
1 |
5 |
Muntenia |
Argeş |
5 |
5 |
Brăila |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Bucharest |
5 |
1 |
5 |
Buzău |
4 |
4 |
Dâmboviţa |
1 |
1 |
Giurgiu |
2 |
2 |
Ilfov |
8 |
8 |
Prahova |
5 |
5 |
Teleorman |
1 |
1 |
Oltenia |
Dolj |
19 |
6 |
19 |
Gorj |
34 |
34 |
Mehedinţi |
8 |
8 |
Olt |
4 |
4 |
Vâlcea |
6 |
1 |
7 |
Transylvania |
Alba |
1 |
1 |
Braşov |
3 |
1 |
4 |
Cluj |
4 |
1 |
5 |
Harghita |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Hunedoara |
2 |
2 |
4 |
Mureş |
7 |
7 |
Sibiu |
13 |
3 |
4 |
17 |
(Stan, 2013); Letea (45°17′2″N 29°31′27″E)-1968 (Negru, 1968; Procheş, 1997); Măcinului Mountains-Suluc Valley (5°10′22″N 28°18′22″E)-2006 (Stan, 2013); Niculiţel (Mănăstirea Cocoş) (45°12′42.59″N28°24′56.80″E)-1975 (Roșca, 1976); 1972, 1975 (Stan, 2013); Murighiol (44°58′17″N 29°09′05″E)-1978 (Stan, 2013); Slava Rusă (44°51′1″N 28°36′20″E)-1962, 1991, 1993 (Stan, 2013); Sulina (45°9′34″N 29°39′10″E)-1973 (Stan, 2013); Tulcea (45°11′24″N 28°48′0″E)-1975 (Roșca, 1976). Original data: Babadag (44°53′53″N 28°44′31″E)-2♂♂,1♀, June 13, 1973 legit A. Dima; 2♂♂, June 28, 1973 legit A. Dima (Col. NSMC Bacău); Niculiţel (Cocoş Monastery)-3♂♂,1 ♀, July 15, 1968 legit G. Răileanu (Col. NSMC Bacău).
Maramureș region
Maramureș county
Previous reports: Bârsana (47°49′0″N 24°3′32″E)-1995 (Stan, 2013); Bistra (Bistra valley) (47°52′08″N 24°16′47″E)-1998 (Stan, 2013); Mireşu Mare (47°30′11″N 23°20′7″E)-1916 (Stan, 2013).
Moldova region
Bacău county
Previous reports: Caşin Monastery (46°9′11″N 26°41′17″E)-2012 (Stan, 2013); Pârâul Boghii (46°15′42″N 26°38′40″E)- 2011 (Stan, 2013). Original data: Bacău (46°35′0″N 26°55′0″E)-1♂, July 10, 1971 legit A. Dima; 1♀, June 21, 1974 legit A. Dima; 1♂, June 15, 1975 legit A. Dima; 1♀, June 10, 1976 legit A. Dima; 10♂♂, July 10, 1976 legit A. Dima; 2♂♂, June 20, 1978 legit A. Dima; 3♂♂, June 23, 1978 legit A. Dima; 2♂♂, June 28, 1978 legit A. Dima; 1♂, July 11, 1978 legit A. Dima; 1♀, July 11, 1978 legit A. Dima; 3♀♀, July 17, 1978 legit A. Dima; 9♀♀, July 27, 1978 legit A. Dima; 2♂♂, June 13, 1979 legit A. Dima; 1♂, June 4, 1981 legit A. Dima; 5♂♂, June 24, 1983 legit A. Dima; 3♀♀, 2♂♂, June 28, 1990 legit A. Dima; 2♀♀, July 3, 1990 legit A. Dima; 6♂♂, 1♀, June 23, 1992 legit G. Codreanu; 1♀, July 13, 1992 legit G. Codreanu; 1♀, July 15, 1992 legit M. Hongu; 2♂♂, July 22, 1992 legit M. Ciubotaru; 1♂♂, July 27, 1992 legit M. Ciubotaru; 3♂♂, June 16, 1993 legit G. Codreanu; 2♂♂, June 18, 1993 legit G. Codreanu; 1♀, June 18, 1993 legit M. Hongu; 1♂, June 20, 1993 legit M. Codreanu; 1♀, July 4, 1993 legit M. Codreanu; 2♀♀, July 20, 1993 legit M. Hongu; 1♀, August 1, 1993 legit E. Păsălău; 1♂, June 19, 1995 legit E. Păsălău; 2♂♂, July 5, 1996 legit L. Doroftei; 1♂, June 3, 1996 legit E. Păsălău; 1♂, June 6, 1996 legit L. Doroftei; 1♂, June 10, 1996 legit C. Chirilă; 2♂♂, June 10, 1996 legit E. Păsălău; 5♂♂, June 13, 1996 legit E. Păsălău; 1♀, June 13, 1996 legit E. Păsălău; 1♂, June 17, 1996 legit C. Chirilă; 1♂, June 25, 1996 legit M. Hongu; 2♂♂, June 27, 1996 legit M. Hongu; 2♀♀, June 28, 1996 legit L. Doroftei; 2♀♀, June 29, 1996 legit M. Hongu; 1♀, July 11, 2004 legit O. Pavel; 1♀, July 8, 2005 legit L. Doroftei; 1♀, August 3, 2005 legit M. Arinton; 1♂, July 8, 2008 legit C. Puşcaşu (Col. NSMC Bacău); Dospineşti (46°34′55″N 26°59′16″E)-13♂♂, 1♀, June 23, 1992 legit E. Păsălău; 7♂♂, June 24, 1992 legit E. Păsălău; 5♀♀, June 23, 1993 legit E. Păsălău; 3♂♂, June 12, 1995 legit E. Păsălău (Col. NSMC Bacău); Gherăieşti (47°1′27″N 26°49′20″E) - 1♀, June 1, 1973 legit G. Răileanu (Col. NSMC Bacău), Gioseni (46°25′45″N 26°59′32″E)- 1♂, July 15, 1992, legit M. Ciubotaru; 1♂, July 9, 1995, legit M. Ciubotaru; (Col. NSMC Bacău); Holt (46°34′42″N 26°58′29″E)-1♀, June 25, 2003, legit M. Arinton; 1♀, July 9, 2006 legit M. Arinton; 2♂♂, 1♀, June 22, 2011 legit M. Arinton; 1♂, July 5, 2011 legit M. Arinton; 5♂♂, July 7, 2011 legit M. Arinton (Col. NSMC Bacău); Livezi (Bacău) (46°24′23″N 26°44′10″E)-2 ♀♀, July 28, 2003, legit M. Arinton (M. Arinton, com. pers. 2003); Orbeni (46°16′38″N 27°1′19″E )-1♂, July 24, 1992, legit M. Hongu); Poiana Sărată (46°8′33″N 26°27′23″E)-1♀, June 24, 2004 legit M. Hongu (Col. NSMC Bacău); Prăjeşti (46°39′16″N 26°58′34″E)-2♂♂, June 11, 1985, legit E. Păsălău (Col. NSMC Bacău); Racova (46°42′31″N 26°45′11″E)-1♀, July 5, 1977 legit A. Dima; 1♂, June 23, 1983 legit E. Păsălău; 1♂, July 23, 1985 legit A. Dima; 1♀, August 08, 1986 legit A. Dima; 1♀, August 22, 1990 legit A. Dima; 2♀♀, August 4, 1995 legit C. Ursachi (Col. NSMC Bacău); Sănduleni (46°26′25″N 26°44′18″E) -1♂, July 30, 2011 legit D. Paraschiv (Col. NSMC Bacău); Săscut (46°12′26″N 27°6′37″E)-1♂, June 27, 1996 legit M. Hongu; (Col. NSMC Bacău); Scorţeni (46°33′8″N 26°39′47″E)-1♂, August 4, 2011 legit O. Jigău; 1♀, August 4, 2011 legit O. Jigău (Col. NSMC Bacău); Slănic Moldova (46°12′24″N 26°26′18″E)- 1♂, August 14, 2006 legit O. Goagă; Tociloasa (46°31’0” N. 27°4’60” E) - 1♀, Mai 24, 1996 legit C. Chirilă (col. NSMC Bacău); Urecheşti (46°7′57″N 27°5′9″E) -1♂, July 13, 1983, legit A. Dima; Budului Valley (46°35′46″N 26°49′8″E) -1♂, May 28, 1996 legit L. Doroftei; 1♀, June 23, 2005 legit L. Doroftei (Col. NSMC Bacău).
Botoșani county
Previous reports: Botoşani (47°44′N 26°41′E)-1997 (Procheş, 1997) . Original data: Gorovei (47°52′36″N 26°20′41″E)-1♀, July 6, 1968 legit G. Răileanu (col. NSMC Bacău).
Galați county
Original data: Gârboavele Forest (27°59′56″E45.57667°N)-1♂, July 6, 1968 legit G. (Col. NSMC Bacău).
Iaşi county
Previous reports: Bivolari (47°33′46″N 27°24′29″E)-2010 (Arinton and Ciornei, 2015) ; Bârnova (47°05′32″N 27°38′14″E)-1968 (Stan, 2013); Bârnova Forest (47°01’30”N 27°33’95”E)-2012 (Stan, 2013); Bârnova-Repedea Forest (47°05′32″N 27°38′14″E)-1968, 2012 (Stan, 2013); Pietrosul-Reserve Forest (46°59.366’ N 27°41.268’E, 235 m)–2012 (Stan and Nițu, 2013); Repedea Hill (47°5’12.56”N 27°38’43.7”E)-2012; (Stan and Nițu, 2013); Slobozia-Beech Forest (697829.901767991X, 615604.079740532 Y)-2012 (Stan and Nițu, 2013). Original data: Iaşi (47°9′44″N 27°35′20″E )-1♂, June 5, 1990, legit Voicu (Col. NSMC Bacău).
Neamț county
Original data: Stan Hill (46.9771611°N 26.5324222°E)-3♂♂; 2♀♀, August 13, 2003, legit M. Arinton (Arinton, com. pers. 2003); Târgu Neamţ (7°12′9″N 26°21′31″E)-2♀♀, July 5, 1996 legit E. Păsălău (Col. NSMC Bacău); Vânători (47°12′40″N 26°19′30″E) -1♀, July 27, 2000 legit G. Gurău (Col. NSMC Bacău).
Vaslui county
Original data: Băbuşa (46°48′31″N 27°13′38″E) -2♂♂,1♀, June 22, 1996 legit C. Chirilă (Col. NSMC Bacău).
Vrancea county
Previous reports: Focşani (45°41′49″N 27°11′12″E)-1978 (Stan, 2013); Mărăşeşti (45°52′48″N 27°13′48″E)-1970 (Stan, 2013); Răstoaca (45°39′45″N 27°16′54″E)-1972 (Stan, 2013); Vidra (45°54′33″N 26°53′42″E)-1962 (Stan, 2013). Original data: Urecheşti (45°35′59″N 27°03′57″E)-1♂, July 13, 1983 legit A. Dima (Col. NSMC Bacău).
Muntenia region
Argeș county
Previous reports: Broşteni (44°42′59″N 24°52′1″E)-1906 (Stan, 2013); Ludeşti (44°52′24″N 25°14′40″E)–2014 (Bărbuceanu et al., 2015); Morăreşti (45°00′28″N 24°33′48″E)-1970 (Stan, 2013); Piteşti (44°51′38″N 24°52′4″E)-1990 (Stan, 2013); Stoeneşti (45°15′46″N 25°10′27″E)-1990 (Stan, 2013).
Brăila county
Previous reports: Brăila (45°16′9″N 27°57′27″E)-1997 (Procheş, 1997) . Original data: Brăila (45°16′9″N 27°57′27″E)-1 ♂, July 12, 1965, legit V. Apetri; 2 ♀♀, July 12, 1965, legit V. Apetri (Col. NSMC Bacău).
Previous reports: Băneasa Forest (44° 31′ 2″ N 26° 36′ 0″ E)-1979, 1991, 1998 (Stan, 2013); 1997 (Procheş, 1997); Broşteni (47°14′39″N 25°41′53″E)-1906 (Montandon, 1906); Bucureşti-1906 (Montandon, 1906); 1961, 1966, 1968, 1980, 1984, 1991, 1998, 2006, 2007, 2009 (Stan, 2013); Bucharest (Museum park) (44.4532 N-26.0849 E -2006, 2007, 2009 (Stan, 2013); Filaret-1905 (Fleck, 1905); Original data: Băneasa Forest (44° 31′ 2″ N 26° 36′ 0″ E)-1♀, August 22, 1991 legit E. Păsălău (Col. NSMC Bacău).
Buzău county
Previous reports: Arbănaşi (Beceni, school camp): (5°23′56″N 26°44′12″E)-2005 (Stan, 2013); Costeşti-Spătaru Forest (45°3′N 26°46′E)-1987 Izvorul Dulce-Beceni (45°6′41″N 26°37′55″E)-1999, 2000, 2005 (Stan, 2013); Măgura (45°16′44″N 26°34′52″E)- 2004 (Stan, 2013).
Dâmbovița county
Previous reports: Gulia-Tărtăşeşti (44°32′48″N 25°52′17″E)-1993 (Stan, 2013).
Giurgiu county
Previous reports: Crevedia Mare (44°26′23″N 25°36′55″)-1976 (Stan, 2013); Comana forest (44.14056°N 26.11194°E)-1954, 1955, 1958, 1963, 1974, 1976, 1977, 1979, 1981, 1989, 2013 (Stan, 2013).
Ilfov county
Previous reports: Brăneşti Forest (44°27′25″N 26°20′1″E)-1962, 1963 (Stan, 2013); Căldăruşani (44°44′11″N 26°13′14″E)-1905 (Fleck, 1905); Căldăruşani Forest (44°44′11″N 26°13′14″E)-1959, 1962 (Stan, 2013); Cernica Forest (44.44333°N 26.29556°E)-1960, 2009 (Stan, 2013); Corbeanca (44°35′52.6″N 26°2′43.1″E)-1996 (Stan, 2013); Mogoşoaia (44°31′34″N 26°0′12″E)-1961, 1967 (Stan, 2013); Pasărea Forest (44°28′34″N 26°18′33″E)-1951, 1959, 1960, 1962, 1963, 1970, 1984, 1992 (Stan, 2013); Snagov (44°42′2″N 26°9′47″E)-1962, 1975, 1976, 1979, 1991 (Stan, 2013).
Prahova county
Previous reports: Azuga (45°26′42″N 25°33′19″E)-1905 (Fleck, 1905); Breaza (5°11′14″N 25°39′44″E)-1985 (Stan, 2013); Lunca Prahovei (Măgureni) (45°02′38″N 25°45′06″E)-1964 (Stan, 2013); Ciucaş Mts. (45.50389°N 25.95278°E)-2009 (Stan, 2013); Mehedinţa (Podenii Noi) (45°5′42″N 26°11′13″E)-2011 (Stan, 2013).
Teleorman county
Previous reports: Drăgăneşti-Vlaşca (44°6′7″N 25°35′46″E)-1979, 1980 (Stan, 2013).
Oltenia region
Dolj county
Previous reports: Amăraşti de Jos (43°57′2″N 24°9′46″E)-1969 (Chimișliu, 2007); Argentoaia (44°31′00″N 23°22′00″E)-1995 (Chimișliu, 2007); Bratovoeşti (44°7′40″N 23°54′13″E)–2015 (Chimișliu, 2007); Bucovăţ (44°16′53″N 23°42′27″E)-1967, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003 (Chimișliu, 2007); Castrele Traiane (Pleniţa Forest) 44°13’34.7”N 23°09’06.8”E-1981 (Stan, 2013); Cârligei (44°17′1″N 23°44′49″E)–2014 (Manu et al., 2017); Cobia (44°47′42″N 25°19′53″E)-1983 (Stan, 2013); Craiova (44°20′N 23°49′E)-1982, 1991, 1993, 1994, 1996, 1997 (Chimișliu, 2007); Craiova (Depou) (44°20′N 23°49′E)-1984 (Chimișliu, 2007); Filiaşi (44°24′0″N 23°31′12″E)-1990, 1992, 1994 (Chimișliu, 2007); Negoi (43°54′11″N 23°21′46″E)-1992, 1993 (Chimișliu, 2007); Radovan (Panaghia Forest) (44°11′02″N 23°34′39″E)-1984 (Stan, 2013); Perişor (44°08′46″N 23°29′07″E)-1982 (Stan, 2013); Pleniţa Forest (44.24694°N 23.15917°E)-1951, 1959 (Chimișliu, 2007); Poiana Mare (43°55′15″N 23°03′31″E)-1980, 1990, 1994 (Chimișliu, 2007); Preajba (44°15′54″N 23°51′0″E)-1973 (Chimișliu, 2007); Radovan-2003 (Chimișliu, 2007); Secui (44°11′36″N 23°51′39″E)-2011, 2014, 2017 (Chimișliu, 2017); Şimnicu de Sus (44°24′23″N 23°48′09″E)-1998, 2000 (Chimișliu, 2007); Slatina-Strehareţ Forest (44°26′13″N 24°22′12″E)-1980 (Stan, 2013); Teasc (44°10′41″N 23°52′08″E)-1996 (Chimișliu, 2007).
Original data: (C. Chimişliu com. pers., 2010-2019): Bratovoieşti (44°7′40″N 23°54′13″E)-1♂♂, 3♀♀ July 15, 2013; 2♂♂, 5 ♀♀ July 9, 2016; 2♂♂, 2♀♀ July 14, 2018; Bucovăţ (44°16′53″N 23°42′27″E) - 3♂♂, 4 ♀♀, June 28, 2010; 1♂, 2♀♀, June 28, 2019); Craiova (44°20′N 23°49′E)-2♂♂, 3♀♀ July 15, 2012; 1 ♀ July 5, 2015; 1♂, 2♀♀ July 25, 2019; Filiaşi (44°24′0″N 23°31′12″E)-2♂♂, 1♀ July 20, 2018; Preajba (44°15′54″N 23°51′0″E)-3♀♀ July 2, 2016; Secui (44°11′36″N 23°51′39″E)-1♂, 2♀♀ July 26, 2011; 2♀♀ July 25, 2014; 1♀ July 12, 2016; 1♂, 1♀ July 5, 2018; 3♀♀ August 2, 2019.
Gorj county
Previous reports: Baia de Fier-Galbenului Valley (45°15′51″N 23°44′37″E)-2005 (Chimişliu, 2014); Barcului Forest-2015 (Bărbuceanu, 2017); Bengeşti (45°4′17″N 23°35′20″E)-2014 (Manu et al., 2017); Bîrseşti (45°3′12″N 23°14′7″E)-1953 (Chimișliu, 2006); Călugăreasa (45°2′29″N 23°38′29″E)–2014 (Manu et al., 2017); Cărbuneşti (44°58′11″N 23°31′11″E)-2003 (Chimișliu, 2007); Valea Bistriţei (45°6′42″N 23°2′23″E)-2005 (Chimișliu, 2006); Cărpiniş-Plaiului Valley (45°11′N 23°33′E)-2015 (Bărbuceanu, 2017); Cerna Valley (45°05′35″N 22°37′27″E)-2015 (Bărbuceanu, 2017); Cheile Sohodol (45.14500°N 23.13889°E)-1979, 1987 (Chimișliu, 2006); 1992 (Stan, 2013); Cloşani (45°04′08″N 22°48′8″E)-1928 (Marcu, 1928); Crasna (45°12′52″N 23°33′48″E)-2015 (Bărbuceanu, 2017); Defileul Jiului “Cârligul Întors”, fire scar at railway bridge, 11,5 km N i.b.f. of B.-J. (N 45°16.42 - EO 23°23.28), 475 m a.s.l.)-2004 (Bussler et al., 2005); Drăgoieşti forest (45°10′43″N 23°30′17″E)-2014 (Bărbuceanu, 2017); Dobrana (45°3′15″N 23°40′2″E)–2014 (Manu et al., 2017); Lainici (45°15′50.75″N 23°23′32.90″E)-1967 (Chimișliu, 2006); Lainici Monastery (N 45°13.30 - EO 23°23.02)-2004 (Bussler et al., 2005); Lăzăresti Forest (45°8′0″N 23°24′46″E)-2015 (Bărbuceanu, 2017); Lăzăresti-Prislop Point (45°8′0″N 23°24′46″E)-2015 (Bărbuceanu, 2017); Locurele Hermitage (45°3′2″N 22°56′56″E-2004 (Stan, 2013); Novaci Forest (45°10′48″N 23°40′12″E)-2015 (Bărbuceanu, 2017); Olteţului Valley (44°16′50″N 24°10′40″E)-2015 (Bărbuceanu, 2017); Pietrele Albe–1999 (Chimișliu, 2006); Radoşi-Aninisului Valley (45°11′18″N 23°35′46″E)-2015 (Bărbuceanu, 2017); Radoşi-Ciocăzeaua Valley (45°11′18″N 23°35′46″E)-2015 (Bărbuceanu, 2017); Stănceşti-Amaradia Valley (45°10′34″N 23°28′0″E)-2015 (Bărbuceanu, 2017); Târgu Cărbuneşti (44°58′11″N 23°31′11″E)-1984 (Stan, 2013); Târgu Jiu (45°02′02″N 23°16′29″E)-1969 (Stan, 2013); Târgul Logreşti (44°52′19″N 23°42′50″E)-1975 (Chimișliu, 2007); Tismana (45°3′2″N 22°56′56″E)-1928 (Marcu, 1928); 1970 (Chimișliu, 2006); Transalpina Road-2015 (Bărbuceanu, 2017); Ţiganca Valley (45.05583 N 23.64376 326 E)–2014 (Manu et al., 2017); Valea Haracu (45.05332N 23.63246 275 E)–2014 (Manu et al., 2017); Vişina Monastery (N 45°13.21-EO 23°23.03)-2004 (Bussler et al., 2005); Zorleşti (45°05′28″N 23°43′12″E)-1995 (Stan, 2013).
Mehedinți county
Previous reports: Eşelniţa (44°44′31″N 22°16′11″E)–1964 (Stan, 2013); Gura Motrului (44°33′19″N 23°26′12″E)-1983 Gura Văii (44°40′2″N 22°33′23″E)-1978 (Stan, 2013); Mraconia Valley (44.617°N 22.267°E)-1968 (Stan, 2013); Orşova (44°43′31″N 22°23′46″E)–1968 (Stan, 2013); Strehaia (44°37′20″N 23°11′50″E)-1953 (Chimișliu, 2007); Șviniţa (44°30′00″N 22°06′17″E) 1966-1971 [29]; 1969 (Stan, 2013); Turnu Severin (44°37′24″N 22°40′04″E)-1928 (Marcu, 1928).
Olt county
Previous reports: Balş (44°21′N 24°5′E)-1997 (Chimișliu, 2007); Palanca Forest (Nicolae Titulescu) (44°15′28″N 24°43′14″E)-1980 (Stan, 2013); Sarului Forest (44.44028°N 24.18556°E)-1986 (Marcu, 1928); 1981 (Stan, 2013); Strehareţ Forest (Slatina) (44°26′13″N 24°22′12″E)-1980 (Stan, 2013).
Vâlcea county
Previous reports: Câineni (45°29′43″N 24°18′32″E)-2003 (Chimișliu, 2007); Călimăneşti (45°14′21″N 24°20′36″E)-1969 (Stan, 2013); Cozia Mountains (45.00111°N 24.30056°E)-1956 (Cuzepan and Tăuşan, 2013); Gatejeşti-Buneşti Forest (45°5′46″N 24°12′1″E)-2016 (Niculescu and Mitrea, 2016); Obârşia Lotrului (45°26’5”N 23°37’51”E)-2007 (Stan, 2013); Stânişoara Monastery (45°14′21″N 24°20′36″E) -2002 (Stan, 2013).
Original data: Păuşeşti-Otăsău (45°04′16″N 24°07′49″E)-2♂♂, 1♀, June 17, 2014 legit C. Stancă-Moise.
Transylvania region
Alba county
Previous reports: Bistra-Bistrei Valley (46°04′17″N 23°34′23″E)-1998 (Stan, 2013).
Brașov county
Previous reports: Cincu (45°54′52″N 24°48′13″E)-1963 (Cuzepan and Tăuşan, 2013); Ciucaş Mountains (45°50′95″N25°94′77″E)-2009 (Stan, 2013); Hărman (45°42′24″N 25°41′8″E)-(without further data) legit Deubel (Cuzepan and Tăuşan, 2013).
Original data: Braşov-Station area (45°39′N 25°36′E)-1♂, 1♀, May 30, 2014 legit C. Stancă-Moise.
Cluj county
Previous reports: Cheile Turzii (46°33′56″N 23°40′19″E) 1990-1992 (Ruicănescu, 1992); Frăsinet (46°36′56″N 23°23′06″E)-2012, 2013 (Stan, 2013); Rece Mountain (46°38′04″N 23°14′18″E)-2012 (Stan, 2013); Sic-Păstrăraia (46°55‘54“ N 23°56‘13”E)–2002 (Nițu, 2007).
Original data: Cluj (Neighborhood Câmpului) (46°46′0″N 23°35′0″E)-1♂, 1♀, May 24, 2016, legit C. Stancă-Moise.
Harghita county
Previous reports: St. Ana Lake (46.126385°N 25.88689°E)-1960 (Cuzepan and Tăuşan, 2013), Uzului Valley (46°20′35″N 26°15′10″E)- 2 ♂♂, June 16, 1993, legit M. Hongu (Col. NSMC Bacău); 1♂, July 16, 1995, legit V. Pavel; 1 ♀, July 05, 1997, legit M. Ciubotaru; 1 ♂, July 5, 1997, legit O. Goagă (Col. NSMC Bacău). Original data: Topliţa-Mărşineţului Forest (46°55′25″N 25°20′45″E)-1♂, 1♀, July 1, 2007 legit C. Stancă-Moise.
Hunedoara county
Previous reports: Deva (45°52′N 22°54′E)–1993 [56]; Poiana (46°05′11″N 23°03′19″E)- 1980 (Stan, 2013). Original data: Geoagiu (45°55′12″N 23°12′0″E)-11♂♂, 13♀♀, May 18, 2020 legit C. Stancă-Moise; 1♂, 20 June, 2020 legit C. Stancă-Moise; Orăştie (45°51′N 23°12′E)-2♂♂, 1♀, May 17, 2020 legit C. Stancă-Moise.
Mureș county
Previous reports: Breite Plateau (46°11.033’-46°13.058’N 24°44,877’- 24°46,428’E)– 2006-2009 (Cuzepan and Tăuşan, 2013); Buneşti-Bircheni Forest (46°06′25″N 25°03′26″E) - 2012 (Istrate, 2016); Chindra Hill (46°32′59″N 24°33′35″E)-2012, 2013 (Istrate, 2016); Praid (46°33′09″N 25°07′28″E)–1994 (Szel et al., 1995); Roadeş (46°7′40″N 25°6′32″E)-2011 (Istrate, 2016); Sighişoara (46°13′1″N 24°47′28″E)-1900 (Cuzepan and Tăuşan, 2013); 2013 (Istrate, 2016); Târgu Mureş (46°32′59″N 24°33′35″E)-2000 (Istrate, 2016).
Sibiu county
Previous reports: Apoldul de Sus (45°51′2″N 23°49′40″E)-1950, 1958 (Cuzepan and Tăuşan, 2013); Brad (46°07′46″N 22°47′24″E)-1959 (Cuzepan and Tăuşan, 2013); Bungard (45°46′31″N 24°13′23″E)-1956 (Cuzepan and Tăuşan, 2013); Cisnădioara (45°42′16″N 24°6′46″E); (without further data) (Stan, 2013); Dealul cu Pini (45.664011°N, 24.228714°E- 45.665042°N24.238093°E)-2014-2015 (Stan et al., 2016); Guşteriţa Hill (45°48’4156”N24°11’4783”E)-1889, 1891, 1955, 1956, 1970 (Cuzepan and Tăuşan, 2013); Hamba (45°51′47″N 24°11′49″E)-1956 (Cuzepan and Tăuşan, 2013); Ocna Sibiului (45°52′54″N 24°03′41″E)-1962 (Cuzepan and Tăuşan, 2013); Paltinului Valley (45.545633°N, 24.238817°E)-2014 (Stan et al., 2016); Racoviţa (45°40′45″N 24°20′38″E)-1983, 1984, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1999, 2000 (Chimișliu, 2007); Sibiu (45°47′45″N 24°9′8″E)-1917, 1923, 1929, 1931, 1952, 1954, 1955, 1959, 1958, 1963, 1970, 1974, 1976 (Cuzepan and Tăuşan, 2013); Șura Mare (45°51′9″N 24°10′11″E)-1972 (Cuzepan and Tăuşan, 2013); Șuvara Saşilor (45.672256°N, 24.230792°E-45.66336°N, 24.21624°E)-2014-2015 (Stan et al., 2016).
Original data: Biertan (46°08′10″N 24°31′15″E)-1♀, June 12, 2020 legit C. Stancă-Moise; Cisnădioara- 3♂♂, 4♀♀, June 17, 2019 legit C. Stancă-Moise; Guşteriţa Hill-2♂♂, 1♀, May 24, 2018 legit C. Stancă-Moise; Dumbrava Sibiului Forest (45°45’3757”N24°7’3438”E)-1♂, 1♀, June 29, 2000 legit C. Stancă-Moise; 1♀, May 17, 2020 legit C. Stancă-Moise; 1♂, May 18, 2020, legit C. Stancă-Moise; 1♀, June 22, 2020 legit C. Stancă-Moise; Păuca (46°00′37″N 23°53′22″E) - 3♂♂, 5♀♀, May 15, 2017 legit C. Stancă-Moise; Sibiel (Bărcul Roşu Forest, Subpărăţel Forest) (45°45′58″N 23°54′29″E)-1♀, May 27, 2000 legit C. Stancă-Moise; 3♂♂, 2♀♀, June 27, 2002 legit C. Stancă-Moise; 2♂♂, 1♀, May 24, 2018 legit C. Stancă-Moise; 3♂♂, 2♀♀, June 17, 2019 legit C. Stancă-Moise; 3♂♂, 2♀♀, June 2, 2020 legit C. Stancă-Moise; Sibiu-2♂♂, 3♀♀, June 29, 2002 legit C. Stancă-Moise; 1♂, 1♀, May 5, 2006 legit C. Stancă-Moise; 1♂, 1♀, May 18, 2020 legit C. Stancă-Moise.
The Annex III of the Order no. 2387, September 2011 identifies 67 SCIs where the presence of Lucanus cervus was reported. These sites are spread over all 34 counties of the regions of Romania (Table III). Their location is presented in the Annex No. 1 of the Order no. 2387, September 2011.
Table III. Sites of community importance where Lucanus cervus was identified.
No. |
Natura 2000 code |
Name of the site |
County |
Regions |
1 |
ROSCI0069 |
Domogled-Valea Cernei |
Caraş-Severin |
Banat |
Mehedinţi, Gorj |
Oltenia |
2 |
ROSCI0031 |
Cheile Nerei-Beuşniţa |
Caraş-Severin |
Banat |
3 |
ROSCI0206 |
Porţile de Fier |
Caraş-Severin Mehedinţi |
Banat Oltenia |
4 |
ROSCI0108 |
Lunca Mureșului inferior |
Timiș |
Banat |
Arad |
Crișana |
5 |
ROSCI0048 |
Crișul Alb |
Arad |
Crișana |
6 |
ROSCI0218 |
Dealul Mocrei-Rovina-Ineu |
Arad |
7 |
ROSCI0407 |
Zarandul de Vest |
Arad |
8 |
ROSCI0406 |
Zarandul de Est |
Arad |
Crișana, |
Hunedoara |
Transylvania |
9 |
ROSCI0220 |
Săcueni-Lacul Cicoş |
Bihor |
Crișana |
10 |
ROSCI0020 |
Câmpia Careiului |
Satu Mare |
Maramureș |
Bihor |
Crișana |
11 |
ROSCI0071 |
Dumbrăveni-Valea Urluia - Lacul Vederoasa |
Constanța |
Dobrogea |
12 |
ROSCI0149 |
Pădurea Eseschioi-Lacul Bugeac |
Constanța |
13 |
ROSCI0157 |
Pădurea Hagieni– Cotul Văii |
Constanța |
14 |
ROSCI0172 |
Pădurea și Valea, Canaraua Fetii - Iortmac |
Constanța |
15 |
ROSCI0123 |
Munţii Măcinului |
Tulcea |
16 |
ROSCI0214 |
Râul Tur |
Satu Mare |
Maramureș |
17 |
ROSCI0162 |
Lunca Siretului Inferior |
Bacău, Galați Vrancea |
Moldova |
Brăila |
Muntenia |
18 |
ROSCI0184 |
Pădurea Zamostea-Lunca |
Botoșani |
Moldova |
Suceava |
Bucovina |
19 |
ROSCI0151 |
Pădurea Gârboavele |
Galați |
Moldova |
20 |
ROSCI0135 |
Pădurea Bârnova-Repedea |
Iași |
21 |
ROSCI0171 |
Pădurea și pajitile de la Mârzeti |
Iași |
22 |
ROSCI0181 |
Pădurea Uricani |
Iași |
23 |
ROSCI0026 |
Cenaru |
Vrancea |
24 |
ROSCI0142 |
Pădurea Dalhăuți |
Vrancea |
25 |
ROSCI0268 |
Valea Vâlsanului |
Argeș |
Muntenia |
26 |
ROSCI0326 |
Muscelele Argeșului |
Argeș |
27 |
ROSCI0341 |
Pădurea și Lacul Stolnici |
Argeș |
28 |
ROSCI0354 |
Platforma Cotmeana |
Argeș, |
Muntenia, |
Vâlcea |
Oltenia |
Table continued on next page................ |
No. |
Natura 2000 code |
Name of the site |
County |
Regions |
29 |
ROSCI0386 |
Râul Vedea |
Olt |
Oltenia |
Teleorman, Argeș |
Muntenia |
30 |
ROSCI0057 |
Dealul Istrița |
Buzău |
Muntenia |
31 |
ROSCI0103 |
Lunca Buzăului |
Buzău |
32 |
ROSCI0343 |
Pădurile din Silvostepa Mostiștei |
Călărași |
33 |
ROSCI0344 |
Pădurile din Sudul Piemontului Cândești |
Dâmbovița |
34 |
ROSCI0043 |
Comana |
Giurgiu |
35 |
ROSCI0224 |
Scroviştea |
Ilfov |
36 |
ROSCI0045 |
Coridorul Jiului |
Dolj, Gorj, Olt, Mehedinți |
Oltenia |
37 |
ROSCI0202 |
Silvostepa Olteniei |
Dolj |
38 |
ROSCI0129 |
Nordul Gorjului de Vest |
Gorj |
39 |
ROSCI0359 |
Prigoria - Bengeti |
Gorj |
40 |
ROSCI0063 |
Defileul Jiului |
Gorj |
Oltenia |
Hunedoara |
Transylvania |
41 |
ROSCI0198 |
Platoul Mehedinți |
Gorj, Mehedinți |
Oltenia |
42 |
ROSCI0306 |
Jiana |
Mehedinți |
43 |
ROSCI0140 |
Pădurea Călugărească |
Olt |
44 |
ROSCI0166 |
Pădurea Reca Hotărani |
Olt |
45 |
ROSCI0168 |
Pădurea Sarului |
Olt |
46 |
ROSCI0177 |
Pădurea Topana |
Olt |
47 |
Seaca-Optăşani |
Olt |
48 |
ROSCI0046 |
Cozia |
Vâlcea |
49 |
ROSCI0128 |
Nordul Gorjului de Est |
Vâlcea, Gorj |
50 |
ROSCI0296 |
Dealurile Drăgășaniului |
Vâlcea, Olt |
51 |
ROSCI0147 |
Padurea de stejar pufos de la Mirăslău |
Alba |
Transylvania |
52 |
ROSCI0004 |
Băgău |
Alba |
53 |
ROSCI0303 |
Hârtibaciu Sud-Est |
Brașov |
54 |
ROSCI0352 |
Perșani |
Brașov |
55 |
ROSCI0013 |
Bucegi |
Brașov |
Transylvania, |
Prahova, Dâmbovița |
Muntenia |
56 |
ROSCI0099 |
Lacul Știucilor-Sic-Puini-Bonida |
Cluj |
Transylvania |
57 |
ROSCI0233 |
Someșul Rece |
Cluj |
58 |
ROSCI0238 ROSCI0263 |
Suatu-Cojocna- Crairât Valea Ierii |
Cluj |
59 |
ROSCI0253 |
Trascău |
Cluj, Alba |
60 |
ROSCI0154 |
Pădurea Glodeni |
Mureș |
61 |
ROSCI0342 |
Pădurea Târgu Mureș |
Mureș |
62 |
ROSCI0019 |
Călimani-Gurghiu |
Mureș, Harghita |
Transylvania, |
Suceava |
Bucovina |
63 |
ROSCI0297 |
Dealurile Târnavei Mici-Bicheș |
Harghita, Mureș |
Transylvania |
64 |
ROSCI0357 |
Porumbeni |
Harghita, Mureș |
65 |
ROSCI0227 |
Sighișoara-Târnava Mare |
Mureș, Sibiu, Brașov |
66 |
ROSCI0122 |
Munții Făgăraș |
Sibiu, Brașov |
Argeș |
Muntenia |
Vâlcea |
Oltenia |
67 |
ROSCI0304 |
Hârtibaciu Sud-Vest |
Sibiu |
L. cervus is a widespread species in Romania, excepting the high alpine areas, yet being present even near the Black Sea, in Caraorman and Letea Forests (Fusu et al., 2015). In the Coleoptera catalogue of 1912, Perti mentions that L. cervus “is a species to be found in the mountain and hilly areas, in oak forests” (Petri, 1912). Our data confirms this claim, since it verifies the presence of the stag beetle in Romania’s 34 counties and Bucharest City as follows: Banat–one out of two counties, Bucovina–only one county, Crişana–two out of three, Dobrogea–both counties, Maramureş–one of two, Moldova–all seven counties, Muntenia–nine counties of 11, Oltenia–all five counties and Transylvania–seven of 10, respectively. The largest number of collecting locations are in Oltenia (72 locations), Transylvania (41), Moldova (39), Muntenia (33), followed by Dobrogea; the lowest presence is in Banat (10), Bucovina (5), Crişana (4) and Maramureş (3). The uneven presence of the species is due not only to its inaccurate representation through insufficient research or unpublished results, but also to the differing number of counties in each region as well as the relief and vegetation that determine the presence or absence of favourable habitats for this species. For instance, in our research we have not found reports about the species’ presence in the following counties: Timiş (Banat), Satu Mare (Maramureş), Ialomiţa and Călăraşi (Muntenia), Covasna, Bistriţa-Năsăud and Sălaj (Transylvania). Nevertheless, Timiş, Satu Mare and Călăraşi counties are mentioned in the Annex III of the Order No. 2387/2011 (Szel et al., 1995), meaning that–until the finalizing of this research in 2021 the presence of L. cervus has been confirmed in 37 of 41 Romanian counties. The Natura 2000 sites where the presence of L. cervus has been reported are distributed over all 34 counties. The oldest specimen of the L. cervus collections analyzed for this paper is a male collected on June 28, 1891 on Gusterita Hill, near Sibiu (Transylvania) and kept in the Transylvania Society Collection, of the Brukenthal Museum in Sibiu (Cuzepan and Tăuşan, 2013). Although the species has not been identified in the SCIs of 7 counties Maramureş (Maramureş), (Muntenia), Neamţ, Vaslui (Moldova), Bistriţa-Năsăud, Covasna, Sălaj (Transylvania), our data confirms its presence in the counties Maramureş, Neamţ and Vaslui. This means that the species has not been reported in four counties: Bistriţa-Năsăud, Covasna, Sălaj and Ialomiţa.
While we have by no means exhausted all bibliographic sources where the species may have been reported, this paper is based on substantial published and other research as noted earlier, and therefore brings a systematic, updated, and expanded contribution to knowledge about the distribution and historical evolution of this species in Romania. Our paper the refore serves as a reference point and can become a valuable resource for subsequent research on L. cervus. Its results will be complemented in the future by the discovery of still unpublished data at research and academic institutes and museums as well as on-site research in many new locations where the insect may potentially be discovered.
Although at this moment the species appears to have a good conservation status in Romania, its presence needs active measures to avoid the reduction, exhaustion, or fragmentation of its habitats. Moreover, further research is needed to adequately assess whether the species has declined in abundance or distribution on a larger spatial scale. Being a saproxilophagous species, the presence of dead wood is vital for the survival of L. cervus (Sprecher-Uebersax, 2003). Preserving old trees and prohibiting the removal of dead wood from forests and parks may positively influence this species’ presence in Romania and elsewhere.
Statement of conflict of interest
The authors ahve declared no conflict of interest
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