Effect of in Ovo Dipping of Sugarcane Vinegar on Hatchability and Day Old Ducklings Quality
Effect of in Ovo Dipping of Sugarcane Vinegar on Hatchability and Day Old Ducklings Quality
El-Kholy, K.H.1*, Tag El-Din H.1, Seham N.E. Seleem1, A.M. El-Shhat2
Treatment ×time of eggs dipping interaction means (± SEM) for embryonic mortality. ab Means within times with unlike letters differ (P<0.05)
Treatment × time of eggs dipping interaction means (± SEM) for hatchability %. ab Means within times with unlike letters differ (P<0.05).
Treatment × time of eggs dipping interaction means (± SEM) for Tona score. abMeans within times with unlike letters differ (P<0.05).