Effect of Lead Toxicity on Japanese Quail and its Alleviation with Dietary Selenium
Effect of Lead Toxicity on Japanese Quail and its Alleviation with Dietary Selenium
Nusrat Habiullah1*, Shah Nawaz Kumbar1, Fahmida Parveen Samo1, Shamusuddin Bughio2, Asghar Ali Kamboh3, Burirah Rehman Talpur1
Effect of selenium on weight gain in lead induced Japanese quails.
Effect of selenium on Gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT) in lead induced Japanese quails.
Effect of selenium on albumin level in lead induced Japanese quails
Effect of selenium on bilirubin level in lead induced Japanese quails.
Effect of selenium on uric acid level in lead induced quails.
Effect of selenium on creatinine level in lead induced quails.
Gross pathology of liver of quail treated with lead acetate and selenium. A: Normal liver. C &D: Livers of lead-treated groups showing high intensity of discoloration and inflammation. E &F: Selenium-treated groups showing recovery towards normal color and texture.
Histological observation of liver tissue. A: Liver tissue in the control group had normal histological appearance. C & D: Liver tissues in lead acetate groups showed that hepatocytes were severely swollen, and have granule denaturation and steatosis. E & F: Cell degeneration of liver tissue becomes mild and improvement was observed in the liver tissues.