Effect of Storage Periods on DNA Fragmentation of Post-Thawed Bali Bull Sperm
Effect of Storage Periods on DNA Fragmentation of Post-Thawed Bali Bull Sperm
Atikah Nur Baity1, Noni Ashri Maghfiroh1, Syalsa Bella Fitriana1, Kurniawan Dwi Prihantoko2, Dyah Maharani2, Diah Tri Widayati2*
Viability and abnormality result using eosin-negrosin staining, spermatozoa in a red eosin showed dead sperm (a), while spermatozoa in a bright color showed viabil (b), sperm with morphology abnormal (c), sperm with normal morphology (d).
Sperm with coiled tail (positive to HOS solution) showed intact plasma membrane (a), sperm which has negative reaction to HOS solution showed damaged membrane (b).
DNA Fragmentation results using the diagnostic commercial kit, spermatozoa without halo-shape indicated sperm DNA damage (a), while spermatozoa with halo-shaped luminescence due to the release of chromatin in the head area of the spermatozoa cell indicates integrated sperm DNA (b), spermatozoa on bright field microscope (c).