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Efficient in Vitro Plant Regeneration Through Somatic Embryogenesis from Callus Induction Method for Brassica carinata





Research Article

Efficient in Vitro Plant Regeneration Through Somatic Embryogenesis from Callus Induction Method for Brassica carinata

Rizwan Ullah Shah* and Iqbal Munir

Institute of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering (IBGE), The University of Agriculture Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan.

Abstract | A study was conducted for optimizing basal medium through somatic embryogenesis (cotyledon and hypocotyl) for callus induction followed by shoot and root regeneration of Brassica carinata. Seeds were sterilized and germinated, of which one week cotyledon and hypocotyl were used for callus formation and shoot regeneration at five different level of 1-naphthaleneacetic acid NAA (0.05, 0.1, 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 mg/l) and 6-benzyl amino purine BAP (0.1, 0.5, 0.7, 1.0 and 1.5 mg/l), and root regeneration at four levels of indole butyric acid IBA (0.05, 0.1, 0.2 and 0.5 mg/l). Results showed that at NAA 0.05 mg/l + BAP 0.07 mg/l supplements in MS medium significantly effective in callus induction and days to callus in cotyledon and for both cotyledon and hypocotyl were observed. For shoot regeneration efficiency and days to shoots, the optimum phytohormone were observed at NAA 0.1 mg/l + BAP 1.0 mg/l along with AgNO3 supplements. The optimum regeneration efficiency of root and days to root initiation was observed with 0.2 mg/l supplement. As cotyldeon and hypocotyl slightly varied in response to these phytohormones, but overall callus induction along with shoot and root regeneration both were equally susceptible to the present experiment applied phytohormones.

Received | May 22, 2018; Accepted | January 22, 2019; Published | March 03, 2019

*Correspondence | Rizwan Ullah Shah, Institute of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering (IBGE), The University of Agriculture Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan; Email: [email protected]

Citation | Shah, R.U. and I. Munir. 2019. Efficient in vitro plant regeneration through somatic embryogenesis from callus induction method for Brassica carinata. Sarhad Journal of Agriculture, 35(1): 314-319.


Keywords | Somatic embryogenesis, Brassica carinata, NAA, BAP, IBA, Phytohormone, Hypocotyl, Cotyledon


Ethiopian mustard (Brassica carinata) is an amphi-diploid species with its origin rising of interspecific hybridization between Brassica oleracea and Brassica nigra. B. carinata is famous for possessing many desirable traits like high rusticity and adaptability, strong resistance to disease and water scarcity, low pod dehiscence or delayed pod shattering, most studied plant physiology, extended crop residue and simple insertion in cereal rotation, drought and salt tolerance, and large seed size (Lazzeri and Avino, 2009; Rakow, 2004). Other advantages of the crops include cultivation on boundaries of agriculture fields as cover crops by suppressing diseases, nematodes and insects (Al-khatib and Boydston, 1999).

Studies have proven several factors such as genotype and various growth conditions (biotic and abiotic) that influence in vitro culture (Vincente and Dias, 1996). Brassica carinata seeds were known for containing high content of toxic compounds, erucic acid, but through various tissue culture techniques this toxic content has deceased within the present cultivars of B. carinata. Through tissue culture, there have been developed inbred lines with complete homozygosity, which have facilitated other biotechnological approaches like genetic engineering for production of new varieties for selection of stable resistant lines against biotic and abiotic stresses (Galli et al., 1998; Velasco et al., 2004). Recent report declared B. carinata seed oil can be easily diverted for production of biodiesel and the toxic compounds derivatives can be used as chemical additives in tannery, cosmetic and plastic industries (Bozzini et al., 2007).

To overcome these hurdles in cultivating the crop by modern biotechnologies techniques such as somatic embryogenesis, a suitable protocol is necessary. Thus, for these reason, the present study was conducted for assessment of plant regeneration of Brassica carinata by optimizing basal medium for callus formation and regeneration of shoot and root.

Materials and Methods

Plant material and germination procedure

Brassica carinata seeds were obtained from the Institute of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering, The University of Agriculture Peshawar. Experimental work was accomplished in laminar flow for prevention of contamination. First step included sterilization of seeds (Bano et al., 2010). In laminar flow, the media was poured into plates and left for solidification. Sterilized seeds when properly dried were transferred to the media and incubated under standard conditions (Figure 1).

Callus induction medium

Germinated plants hypocotyls and cotyledons of about one week were exercised under sterile condition (Liu et al., 2015). These explants of 0.5 to 1 cm were transferred to MS medium supplemented with various concentrations of 1-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) and 6-benzyl amino purine (BAP).

Shoot induction

The callus of various phytohormones formation was subcultured further on shoot induction media supplemented with similar concentrations of 1-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) and 6-benzyl amino purine (BAP) with addition of silver nitrate (AgNO3) (Khan et al., 2010).

Root induction

Elongated shoots were transferred to root induction medium containing different level of indole butyric acid (IBA) (Ravanfar et al., 2009).

Results and Discussion

Percent of callus formation

Results of percent callus formation from cotyledon and hypocotyl of B. carinata by different level of NAA and BAP showed that maximum percent was observed with NAA 0.05 level and BAP 0.7 mg/l in both cotyledon (61.11%) and hypocotyl (88.89%). These results were followed by significant different percent of callus formation within NAA0.05 along with BAP 1.5mg/l in cotyledon (50.00%) whereas BAP 1mg/l in hypocotyl (55.56%). As the NAA level increase the percent of callus formation of cotyledon and hypocotyl dropped highly with first and last level of BAP, whereas the middle level of BAP showed fair percent of callus formation. The percent of callus formation of both cotyledon and hypocotyl showed significant variation with least significant difference (LSD) value of 6.84 at p<0.05 of cotyledon and 6.08 at p < 0.05 of hypocotyl (Table 1).

Days to callus formation

Mean days to callus formation was observed with NAA0.05 mg/l and BAP 0.7 mg/l both in cotyledon (21.67 days) and hypocotyl (23.00 days). These results were followed by higher level of NAA (0.1 mg/l) however similar level of BAP (0.7 mg/l) with 23.67 days that of cotyledon and 24.00 days of hypocotyl. The analyzed data showed significant variation with application of hormones level (NAA and BAP) where the LSD value of 0.78 at p < 0.05 was calculated for cotyledon and 0.67 at p < 0.05 for hypocotyl.

Regeneration efficiency of shoot

Regeneration efficiency of Shoot was observed maximum with NAA 0.1 mg/l and BAP 1mg/l in both cotyledon (72.22) and hypocotyl (83.33). A drastic decrease in regeneration efficiency of shoot was observed in all the other treatments level in the present study. In cotyledon NAA 0.5mg/l with BAP 0.7 mg/l and BAP 1mg/l showed fair regeneration efficiency of shoot (38.89). On the other hand, NAA 0.5mg/l with combination of BAP 1mg/l in hypocotyl showed fair regeneration efficiency (44.44). The LSD recorded for shoot regeneration efficiency in cotyledon and hypocotyl were 6.48 and 8.31 at p <0.05 (Table 2).

Table 1: Effect of different level of phytohormones (NAA and BAP) on callus induction by cotyledon and hypocotyls of B. carinata.

Different level of NAA/BAP Cotyledon Hypocotyl
Callus percent Days to callus Callus percent Days to callus
NAA0.05 BAP0.1 0i 0.00n 5.56ef 36.00abc
BAP0.5 27.77def 24.67l 33.33c 25.33kl
BAP0.7 61.11a 21.67m 88.89a 23.00m
BAP1 44.44bc 27.00jk 55.56b 27.33ij
BAP1.5 50ab 27.67ijk 50.00b 29.33h
NAA0.1 BAP0.1 5.55hi 27.67ijk 5.56ef 28.67hi
BAP0.5 22.22efg 26.33k 22.22cd 26.33jk
BAP0.7 44.44bc 23.67l 61.11b 24.00lm
BAP1 33.33cde 28.00ij 50.00b 27.67ij
BAP1.5 16.66fgh 31.67gh 33.33c 33.00efg
NAA0.5 BAP0.1 5.55hi 34.33cde 5.56ef 33.33def
BAP0.5 16.66fgh 28.67i 11.11def 28.33hi
BAP0.7 38.88bcd 27.00jk 33.33c 29.33h
BAP1 22.22efg 34.00def 11.11def 32.00fg
BAP1.5 11.11ghi 32.67fg 5.56ef 33.33def
NAA1 BAP0.1 5.55hi 31.67gh 0.00f 0.00n
BAP0.5 5.55hi 28.33ij 11.11def 27.33ij
BAP0.7 22.22efg 26.33k 22.22cd 25.67k
BAP1 16.66fgh 31.00h 16.67de 31.67g
BAP1.5 5.55hi 35.67abc 0.00f 0.00n
NAA1.5 BAP0.1 5.55hi 36.33ab 0.00f 0.00n
BAP0.5 5.55hi 33.00efg 11.11def 34.00de
BAP0.7 11.11ghi 27.67ijk 22.22cd 27.33cd
BAP1 11.11ghi 35.33bcd 0.00f 0.00n
BAP1.5 5.55hi 37.00a 0.00f 0.00n
LSD 6.84 0.78 6.08 0.67

Means followed by different letter (s) are significantly different from each other (P < 0.05).

Days to shoot initiation

The days to shoot initiation was observed the least with NAA 0.1mg/l and BAP 1mg/l in cotyledon (25.67 days), which was followed by NAA 0.1/BAP0.7 mg/l and NAA 0.5/BAP1 mg/l (27.67 days). As for hypocotyl, the least days to shoot initiation (25 days) was observed with similar levels of hormones as cotyledon least days to shoot initiation. The days to shoot initiation of cotyledon and hypocotyl to all the various levels of hormones had significant differences with LSD value of 0.81 and 0.75 at p < 0.05, respectively.

Regeneration efficiency of root

The regeneration efficiency of root response to different levels of IBA from cotyledon callus formation showed the highest regeneration efficiency at IBA 0.2 mg/l (61.11) followed by IBA 0.5 mg/l (38.89). As for hypocotyl, the highest significant regeneration efficiency of root was observed at IBA 0.2 mg/l (66.67) which was followed by IBA 0.5 mg/l (44.44). Of the others combination that were IBA 0.5 and IBA 0.1 mg/l showed similar results in both cotyledon and hypocotyl (5.56 and 22.22). The results significantly varied with LSD value of 7.85 in cotyledon callus and 6.80 in hypocotyl callus at p <0.05 (Table 3).

Table 2: Effect of different level of phytohormones (NAA and BAP) on regeneration of shoot by cotyledon and hypocotyls of B. carinata.

Different level of NAA/BAP Cotyledon Hypocotyl
NAA0.05 BAP0.1 0.00g 0l 0.00f 0.00k
BAP0.5 16.67def 35.33bc 5.56ef 34.33cd
BAP0.7 22.22cde 31.33ghi 16.67cdef 30.00gh
BAP1 33.33bc 28.33j 33.33bc 27.00i
BAP1.5 16.67def 33.33de 16.67cdef 33.33de
NAA0.1 BAP0.1 5.56fg 32.67efg 5.56ef 32.67ef
BAP0.5 22.22cde 30.00i 16.67cdef 30.00gh
BAP0.7 27.78bcd 27.67j 33.33bc 26.67i
BAP1 72.22a 25.67k 83.33a 25.00j
BAP1.5 27.78bcd 30.33hi 27.78bcd 32.67ef
NAA0.5 BAP0.1 5.56fg 36.00ab 5.56ef 36.67ab
BAP0.5 22.22cde 31.33ghi 11.11def 32.67ef
BAP0.7 38.89b 32.67efg 33.33bc 31.33fg
BAP1 38.89b 27.67j 44.44b 28.67h
BAP1.5 11.11efg 31.67fgh 16.67cdef 33.33de
NAA1 BAP0.1 0.00g 0.00l 5.56ef 35.33bc
BAP0.5 5.56fg 33.00ef 11.11def 32.33ef
BAP0.7 16.67def 32.67efg 22.22cde 32.00ef
BAP1 27.78bcd 30.67hi 27.78bcd 30.00gh
BAP1.5 5.56fg 35.00c 0.00f 0.00k
NAA1.5 BAP0.1 0.00g 0.00l 5.56ef 37.33a
BAP0.5 5.56fg 34.67cd 11.11def 33.33de
BAP0.7 16.67def 30.67hi 22.22cde 30.00gh
BAP1 22.22cde 35.00c 27.78cdef 34.67cd
BAP1.5 5.56fg 37.00a 0.00f 0.00k
LSD 6.48 0.81 8.31 0.75

Means followed by different letter (s) are significantly different from each other (P < 0.05).

Days to root initiation

Results showed that the least days to root initiation which was observed at IBA 0.2 mg/l was recorded both in cotyledon (20.33 days) and hypocotyl (19.33 days). These results were followed by IBA 0.1 mg/l (25.00 days and 25.33 days) and IBA 0.5 mg/l (27.00 days and 26.67 days) in cotyledon and hypocotyl, respectively. The LSD recorded were 0.94 at p < 0.05 of both cotyledon and hypocotyl callus, respectively.

Table 3: Effect of different level of IBA on regeneration of root by cotyledon and hypocotyls of B. carinata.

Levels of IBA Cotyledon Hypocotyl
IBA 0.05 5.56c 29.00a 5.56d 28.67a
IBA 0.1 22.22bc 25.00b 22.22c 25.33b
IBA 0.2 61.11a 20.33c 66.67a 19.33c
IBA 0.5 38.89b 27.00ab 44.44b 26.67ab
LSD 7.85 0.94 6.80 0.94

Means followed by different letter (s) are significantly different from each other (P < 0.05).

In the present study, explant (cotyledon and hypocotyl) showed highest response of callus formation with NAA 0.1mg/l and BAP 0.7mg/l, whereas hypocotyl response higher than cotyledon regard to callus formation from explant as well as days to callus formation. Similar findings were determining by Ali et al. (2007), who studied effect of 2,4 D effect on callus induction of hypocotyl and cotyledonary leaves of B. napus. According to Cheng et al. (2001), high regeneration capacity is highly dependent up on tissue type which give variant output at various levels of treatments. The present study findings were also supported by Zeynali et al. (2010) and Khan et al. (2010). Zeynali et al. (2010) determine hypcotyl explants being more suitable than cotyledon for somatic embryogenesis. Khan et al. (2010) studied various Brassica genotypes callus induction at different level of NAA and BAP, along with AgNO3. The results with NAA 0.5mg/l and BAP 1mg/l in the study were in line with the findings of Munir et al. (2008), who studied effect of different level of callus media and regeneration media supplement with B. napus.

The highest regeneration efficiency and days to shoot initiation from cotyledon and hypocotyl was observed with 0.1 mg/l NAA, 1mg/l BAP and 0.1 mg/l AgNO3, however overall results showed that cotyledonous callus had higher efficiency compare to hypocotyl callus in developing shoot. These results were in line with the finding of Bano et al. (2010), who evaluate in vitro response of three genotypes of Brassica juncea callogenesis and organogenesis at different level of phytohormones. Moreover, the study also indicated that hypocotyls needed longer callus phase for shoot production and were produced with higher concentration of plant growth regulators (PGRs) of 3 mg/l BAP and 0.5 mg/l NAA. Neha and Ashutosh (2014) observed BAP 0.5-1.0 mg/l and NAA 0.5-1.0 mg/l showed highest number of shoots produce from callus. Similar results were also observed by Kamboj et al. (2015), who determine highly efficient and reproducible plant regeneration and transformation system in Brassica juncea genotypes. According to Tang et al. (2003) addition of AgNO3 very benefits shoot regeneration but Ag2S2O3 have shown superior effect over AgNO3 when used in developing efficient regeneration protocol of Brassica species.

In the study, results showed that IBA 0.2 mg/l was efficient level in regenerating roots from callus of cotyledon and hypocotyl. These findings were in support of Ali et al. (2007), Singh et al. (2009), Ravanfar et al. (2009), Das et al. (2010) and Liu et al. (2015). Ali et al. (2007) and Ravanfar et al. (2009) showed that the highest efficiency regeneration of root was observed with IBA 0.3 mg/l, where others reported that at 0.5 mg/l IBA root regeneration from callus was efficient.


Institute of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering (IBGE) provided all facilities and the seeds being program was kindly provided by Agriculture farm, The University of Agriculture Peshawar.

Author’s Contribution

Rizwan Ullah Shah: Principal Author who conducted study and research. Analyzed the data.

Iqbal Munir: Major Supervisor who perceived the study. Analyzed the data and wrote final draft of the manuscript.


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Sarhad Journal of Agriculture


Vol.40, Iss. 4, Pages 1102-1532


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