Epidemiology of Salmonella Species in Diarrheic Sheep and Goats
Epidemiology of Salmonella Species in Diarrheic Sheep and Goats
Manar M. Farouk1*, Amal El-Molla1, Fayez A. Salib1 and Yousef A. Soliman2
Agarose gel electrophoresis of PCR products of stn gene. Lane M, molecular weight marker (100-3000bp); Lane C.P, control positive of S. Typhimurium reference strain (ATCC. 14028); Lanes 1-8, positive samples with band of amplicon size 617bp; Lane C.N, control negative (sterile nuclease free water).
Neighbor-joining tree showing the relationship between the nucleotide sequences of the partial coding regions of stn gene. The investigated sequences were remarked by Astros (*). The evolutionary analysis was performed with MEGA7 software. Accession number, serovar name, isolation source, country,(*): under study.