Exploring the Potential of Castor Oil for Effective Management of Seed-Borne Fungi in Zea mays
Exploring the Potential of Castor Oil for Effective Management of Seed-Borne Fungi in Zea mays
Rahmat Elahi1, Gulnaz Parveen1*, Nazara1, Faryal Ali2, Nain Tara3 and Saba Iqbal1
Five different varieties of maize seeds. LSD0.05 = 34.64
(A) Comparison of seeds germination b/w treated (castor oil) and untreated variety of yellow corn. LSD0.05 = 37.56. (B) Comparison of seeds germination b/w treated (castor oil) and untreated variety of white corn LSD0.05 = 3.84. (C) Comparison of seeds germination b/w treated (castor oil) and untreated variety of blue corn LSD0.05 = 28.48. (D) Comparison of seeds germination between treated (castor oil) and untreated variety of waxy corn LSD0.05 =26.4. (E) Comparison of seeds germination between treated (castor oil) and untreated variety of Hybrid corn.
Visual representaion of maize varities Germination on blotter test method.
(A) visual representation of Pathogenic stage of maize varieties in agar plate method. (B) Colonization% of seed born fungi when treated with castor oil.