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Fauna of Cestodes of the Mountain Caucasian Ground squirrel and Infestation with Cestodosis in the High-mountain Subzone of the Pricaspian region (Kabardino-Balkarian)


Research Article

Fauna of Cestodes of the Mountain Caucasian Ground squirrel and Infestation with Cestodosis in the High-mountain Subzone of the Pricaspian region (Kabardino-Balkarian)

Anatoly Murashevich Bittirov1*, Sadrutdin Shamshitovich Kabardiev1, Ayub Yusupovich Aliev1, Boris Kazievich Laipanov2, Svetlana Aleksandrovna Shemyakova2, Ismail Anatolyevich Bittirov1

1Pricaspian Zonal Research Veterinary Institute - branch of the Federal State Budget Scientific Institution “FANC RD”, Department for Monitoring the Epizootic Situation, Makhachkala, Russia;2Department of Parasitology and Veterinary Sanitary Expertise, Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology named after K.I. Scriabin, Moscow, Russia.

Abstract | In the high-mountainous territories: Kabardino-Balkaria (the village of Upper Baksan, the village of Elbrus, the a/l Dzhantugan, the village of Tegenekli, the village of Baidaevo, the a/l It-kol, Cheget, Terskol, Azau) in the populations of the Mountain Caucasian ground squirrel, 12 cestode species: Raillietina sp., Rodentolepis straminea, Paranoplocephala transversaria, Rodentotaenia bondarevae, Mathevotaenia symmetrica, Paranoplocephala omphalodes, Skrjabinotaenia lobata, Paranoplocephala dentate, Strobilocercus fasciolaris, Cysticercus longycollis, Alveococcus multilocularis and Echinococcus granulosus larvae, which were recorded with different occurrence values, indexes. Of these, 2 species in the region (Alveococcus multilocularis, Echinococcus granulosus) have epidemiological and epizootological significance. Indices of occurrence and abundance of cestode Raillietina sp. amounted to 6.22% and 7.1±0.6 ind./individual, respectively; species Rodentotaenia bondarevae - 3.11% and 3.9±0.4 ind./individual; species Mathevotaenia symmetrica - 4.22% and 5.0±0.5 ind./individual; species Rodentolepis straminea - 5.11% and 6.4±0.7 ind./individual; species Skrjabinotaenia lobata - 2.22% and 4.7±0.5 ind./ind.; species Cysticercus longycollis - 4.00% and 3.5±0.4 ind./ind.; species Strobilocercus fasciolaris - 2.89% and 2.3±0.3 ind./individual; species Paranoplocephala transversaria - 4.67% and 3.8±0.5 ind./individual; species Paranoplocephala omphalodes - 3.56% and 2.6±0.3 ind./individual; Paranoplocephala dentate - 2.44% and 1.8±0.2 ind./ind.; species Echinococcus granulosus larvae - 0.22% and 3.0 ind./ind.; species Alveococcus multilocularis larvae - 0.66% and 4.7±0.5 ind./ind. It can be seen that cestodes were found in 450 ind. of dissected Caucasian ground squirrels, 177 ind. (39.33%), with an average II of 4.07 ± 0.41 ind./ind, which indicates the presence of active cestodosis biotopes in the Alpine subzone. Even a weak distribution of alveococcosis and echinococcosis of the Mountain Gopher in the highlands: Kabardino-Balkaria (Upper Baksan, Elbrus, Dzhantugan, Tegenekli village, Baidaevo, It-kol, Cheget, Terskol, Azau) poses an epizootic and epidemic threat to animals and people. It can be seen that cestodes were found in 39.33% of the dissected Mountain Caucasian ground squirrels, with an average II of 8.4 ind./individual, which indicates the unfavorable cestodosis of rodents of the territories: p. Upper Baksan, Elbrus settlement, a/l Dzhantugan, Tegenekli settlement, Baidaevo settlement, a/l It-kol, Cheget, Terskol, Azau. These points belong to the resort and recreational complex and are densely populated areas and require deratization.


Keywords | Pricaspian region, fauna, cestodes, Mountain Caucasian ground squirrel, infestation, indices occurrence, abundance.

Received | May 29, 2022; Accepted | June 25, 2022; Published | October 10, 2022

*Correspondence | Anatoly Murashevich Bitrov, Pricaspian Zonal Research Veterinary Institute - branch of the Federal State Budget Scientific Institution “FANC RD”, Department for Monitoring the Epizootic Situation, Makhachkala, Russia; Email:

Citation | Bittirov AM, Kabardiev SS, Aliev AY, Laipanov BK, Shemyakova SA, Bittirov IA (2022). The window of diagnostic techniques for bovine mastitis. Res J. Vet. Pract. 10(4): 37-41.


ISSN | 2308-2798


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Mountain Caucasian ground squirrel is an endemic of the mountains of the North Caucasus, the number of which has a tendency of uncontrolled growth (Bittirov, 2018; Gazaeva et al., 2018; Shakhbiev et al., 2019). The infestation of the Mountain Caucasian ground squirrel with specific nematode species on the mountain pastures of the Central Caucasus was studied by many authors, according to which EI and AI with 11 specific nematode species varies within 2.7-26.3% and 4-38 ind.\individual (Terentyeva et al., 2021; Bittirov et al., 2020; Gazaeva et al., 2020). The species composition of cestodes in the Mountain Caucasian ground squirrel was studied in the territories: Bedik, Bylym, Irik-Chat, Neutrino in the mountain pastures of the region. Here, 4 species of cestodes are dominant - Paranoplocephala transversaria, Rodentotaenia bondarevae, Paranoplocephala omphalodes, Skrjabinotaenia lobata (Kabardiev et al., 2019; Arkelova et al., 2022; Bittirov et al., 2021; Gadzhieva et al., 2021). There is information in the literature that on the territory of the Elbrus region, the species Paranoplocephala omphalodes was found in the Mountain Caucasian ground squirrel with EI-14.1% with II-3 specimens; in the tract “Bezengi” with EI-18.3% with II-4.1 specimens. (Mirzoeva, et al. 2022; Bittirov et al., 2020; Kabardiev et al., 2020; Kumysheva et al., 2019; Khulamkhanova et al., 2018). In the Mountain Caucasian ground squirrel, the larval stages of the cestode Alveococcus multilocularis (Leuckart, 1858), Echinococcus granulosus larvae of the suborder Taeniata (Skryabin, 1937) (Bittirov et al., 2020; Kumysheva et al., 2019; Chilaev et al., 2018). have also been identified. As can be seen, the infection of the Mountain Caucasian ground squirrel with cestodosis in the Pricaspian region has not been sufficiently studied. The purpose of the work is to study the fauna of cestodes and infection of the Mountain Caucasian ground squirrel with cestodosis in the Pricaspian region (Kabardino-Balkaria).

Materials and methods

The indices of occurrence and abundance of cestode fauna in the Mountain Caucasian ground squirrel in the high-mountain part of the Pricaspian region (Kabardino-Balkaria - Upper Baksan, Elbrus, Dzhantugan, Tegenekli, Baidaevo, It-kol, Cheget, Terskol, Azau) were determined by the method of complete helminthological autopsies (K.I. Skryabin, 1928) internal organs of 450 captured individuals of the Mountain Caucasian ground squirrel. Cestode species from each individual were counted and indices of occurrence and abundance of cestodes were determined: Raillietina sp., Rodentolepis straminea, Paranoplocephala transversaria, Rodentotaenia bondarevae, Mathevotaenia symmetrica, Paranoplocephala omphalodes, Skrjabinotaenia lobata, Paranoplocephala dentate, Strobilocercus fasciolaris, Alveococcus multilocularis 1artcus (Abuladze, 1960) Cysticercus longycollis and Echinococcus granulosus larvae. The results were statistically processed using the Biometrics program.


Helminthological autopsies according to K.I. Skryabin 450 sets of internal organs of the populations of the Mountain Caucasian ground squirrel, we carried out ecological and epizootic monitoring of the biodiversity of the fauna of cestodes of this type of micromammalia in the high mountain areas: Kabardino-Balkaria (Verkhniy Baksan village, Elbrus village, Dzhantugan village, Tegenekli village, Baidaevo village , a / l It-kol, Cheget, Terskol, Azau). During autopsies, 12 species of cestodes were identified: Raillietina sp., Rodentolepis straminea, Paranoplocephala transversaria, Rodentotaenia bondarevae, Mathevotaenia symmetrica, Paranoplocephala omphalodes, Skrjabinotaenia lobata, Paranoplocephala dentate, Strobilocercus fasciolaris, Cysticercus longycollis, Alveococcus multilocularis and Echinococcus different values of occurrence indices. Of these, 2 species in the region (Alveococcus multilocularis, Echinococcus granulosus) have epidemiological and epizootological significance (Table 1). In the populations of the Mountain Caucasian ground squirrel, the indices of occurrence and abundance in the high-mountain areas are: Kabardino-Balkaria cestode Raillietina sp. amounted to 6.22% and 7.1±0.6 ind./individual, respectively; species Rodentotaenia bondarevae - 3.11% and 3.9±0.4 ind./individual; species Mathevotaenia symmetrica - 4.22% and 5.0±0.5 ind./individual; species Rodentolepis straminea - 5.11% and 6.4±0.7 ind./individual; species Skrjabinotaenia lobata - 2.22% and 4.7±0.5 ind./ind.; species Cysticercus longycollis - 4.00% and 3.5±0.4 ind./ind.; species Strobilocercus fasciolaris - 2.89% and 2.3±0.3 ind./ind.; species Paranoplocephala transversaria - 4.67% and 3.8±0.5 ind./ind.; species Paranoplocephala omphalodes - 3.56% and 2.6±0.3 ind./ind.; Paranoplocephala dentate - 2.44% and 1.8±0.2 ind./ind.; species Echinococcus granulosus larvae - 0.22% and 3.0 ind./ind.; species Alveococcus multilocularis larvae - 0.66% and 4.7±0.5 ind./ind. (Table 1). It can be seen that cestodes were found in 450 individuals of dissected Caucasian ground squirrels, 177 ind. (39.33%), with an average II of 4.07 ± 0.41 ind./ind., which indicates the presence of active cestodosis biotopes in the Alpine subzone. Even a weak distribution of alveococcosis and echinococcosis of the Mountain Caucasian ground squirrel in the highlands: Kabardino-Balkaria (Verkhny Baksan, Elbrus, Dzhantugan, Tegenekli, Baidaevo, It-kol, Cheget, Terskol, and Azau) poses an epizootic and epidemic threat to animals and humans (Table 1).


Table 1: Cestode fauna of the Mountain Caucasian ground squirrel in the Alpine subzone of the Caspian region (Kabardino-Balkaria) (according to helminthological autopsy of 450 individuals)

Types of cestodes

Specimens 450 examined/

Infested total, individuals

Occurrence index, %

Abundance index, ind./ind.

Raillietina sp. 28 6,22 7,1±0,6
Rodentotaenia bondarevae 14 3,11 3,9±0,4
Mathevotaenia symmetrica 19 4,22 5,0±0,5
Rodentolepis straminea 23 5,11 6,4±0,7
Skrjabinotaenia lobata 10 2,22 4,7±0,5
Cysticercus longycollis 18 4,00 3,5±0,4
Strobilocercus fasciolaris 13 2,89 2,3±0,3
Paranoplocephala transversaria 21 4,67 3,8±0,5
Paranoplocephala omphalodes 16 3,56 2,6±0,3
Paranoplocephala dentate 11 2,44 1,8±0,2
Echinococcus granulosus larvae 1 0,22 3
Alveococcus multilocularis larvae 3 0,66 4,7±0,5


450/177 - -
Average: -/- 39,33



Table 2: Indicators of infection of the Mountain Caucasian ground squirrel with cestodosis in the high-mountain subzone of the Caspian region (Kabardino-Balkaria) (According to helminthological autopsy of 450 individuals)

High Mountain settlements

Specimens 450 examined/

Infested total, individuals

Occurrence index, %

Abundance index, ind./ind.

Verkhniy Baksan 22 4,89 4-17 (10,5)
Elbrus 19 4,22 2-14 (8,0)
Dzhantugan 15 3,33 3-11 (7,0)
Tegenekli 20 4,44 1-13 (7,0)
Baidaevo 21 4,67 2-15 (8,5)
It-kol 23 5,11 3-12 (7,5)
Cheget 19 4,22 2-16 (9,0)
Terskol 20 4,44 2-19 (10,5)
Azau 18 4,00 1-14 (7,5)
Total: 450/177 - -
Average: -/- 39,33 1-19 (8,4)


According to helminthological autopsies according to K.I. Skryabin (1928) using 450 sets of internal organs of populations of the Mountain Caucasian ground squirrel, we conducted an epizootic monitoring of the spread of cestodosis in the form of mixed invasion of 2-6 species in various spontaneous combinations of 12 species of cestodes: Raillietina sp., Rodentolepis straminea, Paranoplocephala transversaria, Rodentotaenia bondarevae, Mathevotaenia symmetrica, Paranoplocephala omphalodes, Skrjabinotaenia lobata, Paranoplocephala dentate, Strobilocercus fasciolaris, Cysticercus longycollis, Alveococcus multilocularis and Echinococcus granulosus in mountain areas: p. Upper Baksan, Elbrus settlement, Dzhantugan, Tegenekli settlement, Baidaevo settlement, a/l It-kol, Cheget, Terskol, Azau. In these 9 settlements, the values of the indices of occurrence and abundance differed little (Table 2). Indices of occurrence and abundance of cestodosis in the populations of the Mountain Caucasian ground squirrel in the territory of the village. Upper Baksan: amounted to 4.89% and 4-17 (average 10.5) ind./individual, respectively; Elbrus settlement - 4.22% and 2-14 (8.0) ind./individual; a/l Dzhantugan - 3.33% and 3-11 (7.0 ind./individual); Tegenekli village - 4.44% and 1-13 (7.0) ind./individual; Baidaevo village - 4.67% and 2-15 (8.5) ind./ind.; a/l It-kol - 5.11% and 3-12 (7.5) ind./individual; t/c Cheget - 4.22% and 2-16 (9.0) ind./individual; Terskol settlement - 4.44% and 2-19 (10.5) ind./individual; t/c Azau - 4.00% and 1-14 (cf. 7.5) ind./individual.

It can be seen that cestodes were found in 39.33% of the dissected Mountain Caucasian ground squirrels, with an average II of 8.4 ind./individual, which indicates that rodents in high mountain areas are unfavorable in terms of cestodosis: p. Upper Baksan, Elbrus, Dzhantugan, Tegenekli, Baidaevo, It-kol, Cheget, Terskol, Azau (Table 2). These settlements belong to the resort and recreational complex and are densely populated areas and require deratization.


In the high-mountainous territories: Kabardino-Balkaria (the village of Upper Baksan, the village of Elbrus, the a/l Dzhantugan, the village of Tegenekli, the village of Baidaevo, the a/l It-kol, Cheget, Terskol, Azau) in the populations of the Mountain Caucasian ground squirrel, 12 cestode species: Raillietina sp., Rodentolepis straminea, Paranoplocephala transversaria, Rodentotaenia bondarevae, Mathevotaenia symmetrica, Paranoplocephala omphalodes, Skrjabinotaenia lobata, Paranoplocephala dentate, Strobilocercus fasciolaris, Cysticercus longycollis, Alveococcus multilocularis and Echinococcus granulosus larvae, which were recorded with different occurrence values, indexes. Of these, 2 species in the region (Alveococcus multilocularis, Echinococcus granulosus) have epidemiological and epizootological significance. Indices of occurrence and abundance of cestode Raillietina sp. amounted to 6.22% and 7.1±0.6 ind./individual, respectively; species Rodentotaenia bondarevae - 3.11% and 3.9±0.4 ind./individual; species Mathevotaenia symmetrica - 4.22% and 5.0±0.5 ind./individual; species Rodentolepis straminea - 5.11% and 6.4±0.7 ind./individual; species Skrjabinotaenia lobata - 2.22% and 4.7±0.5 ind./individual; species Cysticercus longycollis - 4.00% and 3.5±0.4 ind./individual; species Strobilocercus fasciolaris - 2.89% and 2.3±0.3 ind./individual; species Paranoplocephala transversaria - 4.67% and 3.8±0.5 ind./individual; species Paranoplocephala omphalodes - 3.56% and 2.6±0.3 ind./individual; Paranoplocephala dentate - 2.44% and 1.8±0.2 ind./individual; species Echinococcus granulosus larvae - 0.22% and 3.0 ind./individual; species Alveococcus multilocularis larvae - 0.66% and 4.7±0.5 ind./individual. It can be seen that cestodes were found in 450 individuals of dissected Caucasian ground squirrels, 177 individuals (39.33%), with an average II of 4.07 ± 0.41 ind./individual, which indicates the presence of active cestodosis biotopes in the Alpine subzone. Even a weak distribution of alveococcosis and echinococcosis of the Mountain Gopher in the highlands: Kabardino-Balkaria (Upper Baksan, Elbrus, Dzhantugan, Tegenekli, Baidaevo, It-kol, Cheget, Terskol, Azau) poses an epizootic and epidemic threat to animals and people. It can be seen that cestodes were found in 39.33% of the dissected Mountain Caucasian ground squirrels, with an average II of 8.4 ind./individual, which indicates the unfavorable cestodosis of rodents of the territories: p. Upper Baksan, Elbrus, Dzhantugan, Tegenekli, Baidaevo, a/l It-kol, Cheget, Terskol, Azau. These points belong to the resort and recreational complex and are densely populated areas and require deratization.


The authors declare no conflict of interest.

novelty statement

The authors declare that the results obtained on the topic of the article were obtained empirically, and the reflected information is new for science in the field of parasitology.


All authors took part in the study and identification of the biodiversity of the fauna of cestodes in the Mountain Caucasian ground squirrel and infestation with cestodosis in the high-mountain subzone of the Caspian region (Kabardino-Balkaria), collected materials, analyzed the material, and participated in writing the manuscript. Collectively reviewed the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final version of the manuscript.


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