Features and Prospect of Type V Secretion System in Bacteria
Features and Prospect of Type V Secretion System in Bacteria
Meng Wang, Dongliang Zhou, Huixia Li, Chunqin Wu,Yan Zhao and Houqiang Luo*
Schematic overview of type V secretion mechanism. Yellow represents the N-terminal signal peptide, passenger domains are shown in red, while translocation domains in green. There are three different fates to passenger domains. Passenger of adhesin YadA is uncleaved after secretion through translocation domain; instead the Ag43/AIDA are cleaved; For Hap, previous two cases may occur in different situation.
Schematic V secretion system subclasses. Β-barrels and POTRA domains are shown in green, linkers and TPS domains in red, and passenger domains in blue. The periplasmic extension of type Ve proteins is in golden. The positions of the N- and C-termini are indicated. Type Vf is not fully established as part of T5SS.