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Growth and Haematological Response of Broilers Raised at High-Density Pens and Fed Germinated Papaya Seed and Chitosan Blend

Growth and Haematological Response of Broilers Raised at High-Density Pens and Fed Germinated Papaya Seed and Chitosan Blend

Sugiharto Sugiharto*, Ikania Agusetyaningsih, Endang Widiastuti, Hanny Indrat Wahyuni, Turrini Yudiarti, Tri Agus Sartono 

Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Animal and Agricultural Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang, Central Java Province, Indonesia.

*Correspondence | Sugiharto Sugiharto, Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Animal and Agricultural Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang, Central Java Province, Indonesia; Email: [email protected] 

Journal of Animal Health and Production


Vol. 12, Iss. 4, Pages 258-653


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