Identification of CSN1S1 Gene Variations Between Dairy Goat Breeds and its Influence on Milk Protein Fractions in Indonesia
Identification of CSN1S1 Gene Variations Between Dairy Goat Breeds and its Influence on Milk Protein Fractions in Indonesia
Hermawan Setyo Widodo1,2*, Tridjoko Wisnu Murti1, Ali Agus1, Ambar Pertiwiningrum1
The visualization of band patterns from gel electrophoresis shows the appearance of the A (3, 4), F (1, 2, 3), and N (5) alleles of the CSN1S1 gene, then M as DNA ladder (left). Snapshots of chromatograms on the interested section (right) showing the C deletion (a vs b) and 11bp insertion (c vs d).
The alignment of RFLP-PCR amplicons showing two mutations: the C deletion (left) and 11bp insertion (right).
Three band patterns were appeared and indicated the E and non-E alleles forming EE (1), E/non-E (15), non-E/non-E (2-14) genotype and DNA ladder (M).
Milk protein fractions were separated adequately by SDS-PAGE in 15% acrylamide. BSA (1, 2), Protein marker (M), CSN1S1 genotype AA (3,8), AF (5, 6, 7), AN (11), EE (9), FF (10) and NN (4).