Impact of Mastitis Incidence during Early Postpartum on Reproductive Efficiency, Antioxidant Status, Hormonal Profile, and Trace Elements in Lactating Egyptian Buffaloes
Impact of Mastitis Incidence during Early Postpartum on Reproductive Efficiency, Antioxidant Status, Hormonal Profile, and Trace Elements in Lactating Egyptian Buffaloes
Mohamed Abd El-Fattah Abo-Farw1, Maged Ahmed Aboul-Omran1, Abdel-Khalek El-Sayed Abdel-Khalek2*
Effect of mastitis incidence on change rate (+/-) in different reproductive traits of buffaloes. (+ Based on the total number of buffaloes in HB and MB groups)
Effect of mastitis incidence on change rate (+/-) in serum antioxidants of buffaloes.
Effect of mastitis incidence on reduction rate in hormones and minerals in serum of buffaloes.