Intervention Effect of Total Glucoside of Paeony on Mesangial Proliferative Glomerulonephritis in Rats
Intervention Effect of Total Glucoside of Paeony on Mesangial Proliferative Glomerulonephritis in Rats
Xiujun Yao1, Haofeng Wang 2, Ligong Zhang3, Jingzhang Wu4 and Lijun Wang1*
Effect of total glucoside of paeony on 24 h urine protein quantity in different rat groups (n=10). *P<0.05, compared with the normal group. #P<0.05, compared with the model group.
Effect of total glucoside of paeony on kidney ROS (A), MDA (B), and SOD (C) content in the three rat groups after 12 weeks of intervention (n=10). *P<0.05, compared with the normal group. #P<0.05, compared with the model group.
Effect of total glucoside of paeony on kidney TGF-β1 (A) and CTGF (B) in the three groups after 12 weeks of intervention (n=10). *P<0.05,compared with the normal group. #P<0.05,compared with the model group.