Intraspecific Population Variability in Goldstripe Ponyfish, Karalla daura Sampled along the Pakistan Coast Based on Geo-Morphometric Approach
Intraspecific Population Variability in Goldstripe Ponyfish, Karalla daura Sampled along the Pakistan Coast Based on Geo-Morphometric Approach
Imtiaz Kashani and Sher Khan Panhwar*
Locations of fifteen landmarks and outline of truss network established for Karalla daura collected from four sampling sites.
Normal distribution of the size frequencies, central line falls at 13 TLcm in the population of Karalla daura sampled form four locations along Pakistan coast.
Canonical discriminant function analysis plotted for goldstripe ponyfish collected from four locations along Pakistani coast using Geo-morphomteric variables.
Significantly diverging taxonomic variables, PCA values along with landmarks are closed in parenthesis (KB refers Keti Bunder, HB Hawks Bay, KFH Karachi Fish Harbour).