Malaria-Vector Dynamics in a Tropical Urban Metropolis, Nigeria
Malaria-Vector Dynamics in a Tropical Urban Metropolis, Nigeria
Grace C. Onyishi, Ifeanyi Oscar N. Aguzie, Christopher D. Nwani*, R.N.N. Obiezue and I.C. Okoye
Monthly prevalence of malaria at the three hospitals and associated Anopheles abundance.*, malaria prevalence and mosquito abundance.
Relative humidity and temperature at Nsukka, Enugu State, Nigeria for the duration of the study. RelHum, relative humidity; Temp, temperature.
Relationship between malaria prevalence and mosquito abundance to relative humidity and temperature in the study area from January to July. RelHum, relative humidity; Temp, temperature; MosqAb, mosquito abundance; malPrev, malaria prevalence. *, Prevalence for malaria, relative abundance for mosquito and percentage for relative humidity.