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New Fossil Remains of Giraffids from the Lower Siwaliks of Punjab, Pakistan: Evolution, Systematics and Biogeography

New Fossil Remains of Giraffids from the Lower Siwaliks of Punjab, Pakistan: Evolution, Systematics and Biogeography

Amin Arif1, Khizar Samiullah1*, Riffat Yasin2, Bilal Rasool1, Shakila Naz1, Xijun Ni3 and Saleem Akhtar1

1Department of Zoology, GC University, Faisalabad, Pakistan
2Faculty of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Muhammad Nawaz Sharif University of Agriculture, Multan, Punjab, Pakistan
3Institute of Vertebrate Palaeontology and Palaeoanthropology, Beijing, China

*      Corresponding author: [email protected]

Fig. 1.

Giraffokeryx punjabiensis: (1) PC-GCUF 04/14; left fourth upper premolar. (2) PC-GCUF 02/14; right third upper molar. (3) PC-GCUF 03/14; right third upper molar. (4) PC-GCUF 10/15; left second upper molar. (5) PC-GCUF 01/14; left maxilla having P3-M3, Giraffa priscilla (6) PC-GCUF 09/15; right fourth upper premolar. (7) PC-GCUF 01/15; right first upper molar. (8) PC-GCUF 02/15; left second upper molar. (9) PC-GCUF 08/15; right maxillary ramus with M1-M3. (a) Occlusal view, (b) Labial view, (c) Buccal view.

Fig. 2.

Bivariate scattered graph showing of upper dentition of Giraffokeryx punjabiensis and Giraffa Priscilla with type specimen and already studied specimens.

Pakistan Journal of Zoology


Pakistan J. Zool., Vol. 56


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