Outbreaks of PPR-FMD among Sheep and Goats in Hail, Saudi Arabia
Outbreaks of PPR-FMD among Sheep and Goats in Hail, Saudi Arabia
Ahmed Zein Elabdeen Mahmoud1, Muaz Magzob Abdellatif2* and Mohamed Abdelsalam Abdalla3
Morbidity, Mortality and case fatality rates during PPR-FMD outbreaks
Infected animals showed A-B. Salivation C-D. dried mucopurulent discharges§ E-F. erosions on lips, gum, soft and hard palates, tongue and cheeks G. white nodule on gum H. ocular discharges I. reddened eye J-K. watery to bloody diarrhea.
Postmortem examination of infected animals revealed A. False membranes; erosions on the soft and hard palates. Hemorrhage in B-C. lung (evidence of pneumonia) and liver D. Abomasum E-F. small & large intestine