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Parasitological and Microbiological Characteristics of Wastes Generated and Impact on Water Sources Next to Abattoir Facilities in Lurambi Sub County. Kakamega County


Research Article

Parasitological and Microbiological Characteristics of Wastes Generated and Impact on Water Sources Next to Abattoir Facilities in Lurambi Sub County. Kakamega County

Ochieng Onunga George*, Owuor Ndonga Millicent Florence, Mario Kollenberg

Department of Biological Sciences, Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST), P.O Box 190 - 50100, Kakamega, Kenya.

Abstract | Slaughterhouse processes consist of several pollutants, including condemned meat parts, aborted fetuses, animal trimmings, horns, undigested ingesta (paunch contents), bones, and hairs. In contrast, liquid parts consist of blood, dissolved solids, urine, gut contents, and wastewater from slaughter operations and floor cleaning. It has been reported that Abattoir wastes can have negative impacts on the areas surrounding them by causing pollution and public health concerns. Therefore, this research was initiated with the main objective being to evaluate the Parasitological and Microbiological Characteristics of Wastes Generated and the Impact on Water Sources next to the Abattoir in Lurambi sub-county Kakamega County. Laboratory investigations were carried out for two months during the dry and wet seasons. Wastewater samples from five slaughterhouses and water samples from water sources next to the abattoirs were examined using standard procedures. The bacteria isolated were E. coli, P. aeruginosa, K. pneumoniae, E. faecalis, and S. dysenteriae. Bacterial concentrations cfu/100ml of abattoir effluents ranged from 3.17 × 106 of TC. 3.94x104 of FC, 2.84x104 of E. faecalis, 8.65x104 of E. coli, and BOD of 828.04mg/l.Fungi isolated were., Aspergillus niger, Fusarium oxysporum, Penicillium spp, Aspergillus fumigatus, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Aspergillus flavus. Parasites isolated from samples of effluent and water were Balantidium coli, Trichomonas hominis, Ancylostoma duodenale, and Ascaris lumbricoid. It was concluded that the abattoir wastes were unsuitable for discharge to the environment and resulted in water pollution near abattoirs that may cause serious waterborne diseases. The baseline information obtained from the results can be used by government authorities such as National Environmental Management Authority and researchers.


Keywords | Abattoirs, Abattoir wastes, Bacteria, Fungi, Parasites

Received | February 25, 2022; Accepted | July 30, 2022; Published | July 20, 2022

*Correspondence | Ochieng Onunga George, Department of Biological Sciences, Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST), P.O Box 190 - 50100, Kakamega, Kenya; Email: [email protected]

Citation | George OO, Florence ONM, Kollenberg M (2022). Parasitological and microbiological characteristics of wastes generated and impact on water sources next to abattoir facilities in lurambi sub county. Kakamega county. Adv. Anim. Vet. Sci. 10(8): 1797-1809.


ISSN (Online) | 2307-8316



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Anthropogenic processes, including slaughterhouses, generate wastes that need to be handled properly to protect public health and surroundings while enhancing the perception of beauty (NEMA, 2014). Urban settlements, due to high population, rapid urbanization, and changing community affluence, generate large quantities of solid waste, which, if improperly disposed of, can impact negatively on the environment, particularly in cities and big towns (NEMA, 2014). In industrialized countries, the waste management system is tightly regulated and closely monitored, thus reducing its risk to public health (Rushton, 2003). Over the past 15-20 years, solid waste management has been a greater success and lesser extent, wastewater managementWastes generated by urban livestock markets, slaughterhouses, and related facilities have been neglected (World Bank, 2009). Most slaughterhouses in developing countries in Africa, such as Kenya, Nigeria, Uganda, etc., are owned by private individuals or local government authorities. The structures are operating above their original capacities and are in decrepit condition. If not appropriately treated and disposed of, the wastes from these facilities may cause public health and environmental disasters (World Bank, 2009).

It should be noted that the annual per capita meat consumption in developing countries is increasing due to the high population and increasing per capita income; thus, large numbers of livestock, especially cows and shoats, are being slaughtered to meet the market demand (FAO, 2010). The large number of animals slaughtered comes with increased waste that must be environmentally handled to avoid contamination. An abattoir is defined as an approved specialized facility properly designed for hygienic ante mortem inspection, slaughtering, and carcass processing of animal meat and meat products for consumption by humans (Alonge, 2005). Slaughter wastes comprise solid, liquid, and gas components. The solid waste is mostly made up of bones, condemned parts, paunch contents, hairs, undigested ingesta and in certain instances, aborted fetuses; the liquid part comprises wash wastewater, dissolved solids, urine, blood, and gut contents. Gas wastes are Odors and emissions from the processing and putrefaction of dumped wastes (Fearon et al., 2014). In developing countries, water supply infrastructure is poorly developed, and slaughtering operations require large water quantities; thus, most abattoirs are located next to underground and surface water bodies. Due to proximity to abattoir waste disposal sites, the quality of groundwater and surface water sources is affected by leachates which contaminate aquifers and introduce enteric pathogens, parasites, and nutrients into waterways (Adegbola et al., 2012; Hassan et al., 2014). The harmful risk of waste on water, air, and land often occurs when wastewater is improperly channelled into water bodies and when solid wastes heaps are left in open spaces unattended, thus acting as non-point sources of pollution when precipitation takes place. The water bodies also act as the easiest way for abattoirs to dispose of the wastes as they lack waste treatment facilities and are not connected to sewer lines. The management of abattoir waste disposal has become a major issue or problem in developing countries in Asia and Africa. In countries like Ghana, Cameroon, Nigeria, Rwanda, and Kenya it has been reported to cause air, water, and soil pollution and pose serious public health risks (Regina et al., 2017; Koech et al., 2012; Nwanta et al., 2008). This research was initiated with the main objective being to evaluate the Parasitological and Microbiological Characteristics of Wastes Generated and the Impact on Water Sources next to Abattoirs in Lurambi sub-county Kakamega County.


Description of the study area

Kakamega County is in the western region of Kenya, with Lurambi sub-county located at a Latitude is 0017’ 49.992” N Longitude 340 45’ 58.3524” E. Over the years, Lurambi Sub-County has experienced exponential growth both demographically and spatially due to being a nodal settlement and headquarters of Kakamega County. The research was done on five slaughterhouses in Lurambi sub-county Kakamega (Figure 1). As common in most Kenyan cities, slaughterhouses are located in different areas of Lurambi Township among residences with no regard for their compatibility (Plate 1-6). This is against the existence of legislation that governs the location and operations of slaughterhouses both at the national and county level (Meat control act, 2012, Kakamega county abattoir act, 2017).


Sample collection

Triplicate water sources and wastewater from abattoirs samples were collected from March to April 2021 (wet season) and December to February 2022 (dry season). Wastewater effluents were collected when it was entering the lagoons for Shirere and Savona abattoirs and at disposal pits for Bukura, Ejinja corner, and Emusala abattoirs. The water samples were collected from borehole/hand dung wells within the abattoirs (0-250m) and 250-500m early when abattoir operations were at their peak and labelled properly. The river water was collected from three (3) different points, namely, 50 meters upstream (before mixing with the abattoir effluent), Point of discharge, and 50m downstream (after mixing with the abattoir effluent). Sampling was done between 6.00 am and 10.00 am when slaughtering operations and cleaning were done. Samples were preserved and analyzed in each case according to Standard Methods of Wastewater Analysis (APHA, 2017) and compared to WHO standards

Data analysis

The data obtained were analyzed using the ANOVA test at a 95% confidence level to test significant differences between the means. This was done using SPSS version 20.0.

Bacteriological Analysis

Media prepared per the manufacturer’s directives for the analysis were Mac Conkey Agar, Nutrient Agar, and Blood

Agar. The pour plate technique was employed to culture and enumerate bacteria in the water and effluent samples. Aliquots of 0.5ml of serially diluted samples were inoculated in triplicate plates of the prepared agar plates. At 37oC, the plates were incubated for 24 hours in an aerobic environment. The Stuart/Sc6+ colony counter was used to count the number of distinct colonies on the media plates. Colony-forming units per millilitre (CFU/ml) of the sample were used to illustrate this.

Bacterial Identification: By repeated sub-culturing, pure colonies were obtained for further characterization and identification using biochemical and microscopy tests. Colony morphology based on characteristic shape, size, colour, surface appearance, and texture was used to determine the bacteria type. Biochemical tests: Indole production, Gram’s reaction, Catalase, Urease, Methyl red, Citrate test, Voges Proskauer, Glucose test, Lactose test, sucrose test, Motility test H2S test, Gas test and Oxidase were employed on isolates for identification. Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) was done according to APHA procedures on the water and wastewater samples

Fungal Analysis

The media prepared according to the manufacturer’s directives for the analysis was potato dextrose agar (PDA). One millilitre (1ml) of each diluted sample was transferred into sterile triplicate Petri-dishes. Then cooled Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA) in a molten state was poured aseptically into a petri dish and swirled to distribute the samples evenly. The plates were allowed to be set undisturbed at 250C for five days and examined for fungal growth. Distinct colonies on each plate were counted and expressed as Cfu/ml (colony forming units /millilitre). (APHA).

Fungal Identification: Using a sterile inoculating needle, different distinct representative colonies were transferred to a sterile solidified PDA (Spread technique) and placed in an incubator at 30°C for three days. Distinct colonies on each plate were counted and expressed as Cfu/ml (colony forming units /millilitre) (APHA). Based on macroscopic observations of colony morphology, colour, texture, shape, appearance, and microscopic characteristics of septation in mycelium, reproductive structures, structure and shape of conidia (Cheesebrough, 2009).

Parasitological analysis

The modified Bailenger method (MBM) (Rachel et al., 1996) was employed to analyse parasites. The equation n = ax / PV was used to quantify parasites.


n represents number of eggs or (oocysts L 1 of wastewater

a represents counted number of eggs or oocysts

x is the volume of the final product (mL),

p is the volume examined (0.15mLfor MBM and 0.05ml for ZN),

v represents the original sample volume (L).

Parasite identification: Based on morphological and morphometric parasitological criteria, including size parasite identification was done. Using a calibrated microscope at magnifications of 100x, 400x, and 1000x, we distinguished between protozoan (oo)cysts and helminth eggs.


Table 1: Mean values of Bacteria, Fungi and Parasites of abattoir sites in Lurambi Sub County Kakamega County during Wet season

  Microbial counts
Abattoir Sample type Total coliform count (MPN/100ml)




Enterococci faecalis

( cfu/100ml)

Escherichia coli

( cfu/100ml)






(Trophozoite/eggs/ 100 g)

Bukura Effluent

8.17 x105

4.37 x104

1.97 x104

2.03 x103

2.63 x103

6.80 x103

1.10 x102

Bore hole 0-250m

6.07 x102

37 28 11 12

1.88 x103

  Bore hole 250- 500m

1.03 x102

1.30 x102

10 0 5 8.33 0
Ejinja corner Effluent

4.73 x105

3.82 x104

3.41 x104

5.79 x105

2.63 x103

4.93 x105

1.27 x102

Bore hole 0-250m

4.27 x102

26 13 8 12 18.33 25
Bore hole 250- 500m 87 12 10 0 5 8.33 0
Shirere Effluent

3.37 x105

3.20 x104

2.90 x104

6.13 x103

1.04 x102

5.71 x105

1.04 x102


4.13 x105

3.90 x104

3.47 x104

6.87 x103

1.08 x102

7.0 x105

1.29 x102

50m above upstream

2.77 x103

3.97 x102

2.43 x102

120 11

1.40. x102

At point of discharge

5.40 x105

1.17 x104

1.13 x105

2.87 x103


6.24 x105

1.17 x102

50m below point of discharge

6 x105

1.87 x104

1.63 x104

3.50 x103


6.43 x105

1.49 x102

Savona Effluent

7.30 x105

3.60 x104

1.63 x104

1.87 x103

1.05 x102

2.15 x104

1.08 x102


8 x105

4.30 x104

2.07 x104

2.10 x103

1.07 x102

6.24 x104

1.36 x102

Bore hole 0-250m

4.67 x102

27 15 8 13 16.33



3.54 x102

29 18 11 9 17.00 47.00
Emusala Effluent

3.46 x105

3.25 x104

3.03 x104

6.10 x103


5.25 x105

1.08 x102


4.03 x105

3.90 x104

3.6 x104

6.90 x103

5 x102

6.95 x105

1.57 x102

Bore hole 0-250m

4.37 x102

24 12 8 12 18.33 23.00
Bore hole 250- 500m

1.23 x102

14 9 0 5 4.67




Table 2: Mean values of Bacteria, Fungi and Parasites of abattoir sites in Lurambi Sub County Kakamega County during Dry season

    Microbial counts
Abattoir Sample type

Total coliform count


Faecal coliform


Enterococci faecalis

( cfu/100ml)

Escherichia coli





( cfu/ml)


Larvae per 100g)

Bukura Effluent

1.01 x106


3.78 x104

3.073 x103

3.101 x103

7.81 x103

1.22 x102

Bore hole 0-250m

7.20 x102

44 30 19 13 20 20
Bore hole 250- 500m

1.30 x102

15 13 0 6 7.33 0
Ejinja corner Effluent

5.78. x106

4.62 x104

4.13 x104

6.52 x105

2.831 x103


1.32 x102

Bore hole 0-250m

4.91 x102

31 22 12 13 14 20
Bore hole 250- 500m

1.13 x102

13 12 0 6 7.67 0
Shirere Effluent

4.33. x106

3.97 x104

2.9 x104

6.90 x103

1.10 x102

6.46 x103

1.26 x102


5.1 x106

4.47 x104

4.10 x104

7.58 x103


7.78 x105

1.43 x102

50m above point of discharge

3.8 x103

5.06 x102

3.60 x102

19 12 21

1.03 x102

At point of discharge

6.82 x105

2.50 x104

2.17 x104

3.633 x103


3.90 x103

1.14 x102

50m below point of discharge

7.1 x105

2.88 x104

2.58 x104

4.58 x103


2.8 x103

1.69 x102

Savona Effluent

8.59. x105

47733.33 27833.33 2876.67

1.11 x102

6.52 x103

1.31 x102


8.87 x105

5.50 x104

3.30 x104

3.16 x103

1.12 x102


1.60 x102

Bore hole 0-250m

5.85 x102

34 20 12 13 19 30

5.10 x102

31 19 8 9 6.67 64
Emusala Effluent

4.80 x106

4.58 x104

4.16. x104

7.78 x103

1.11 x102

7.13 x105

1.25 x102


5.19 x106

4.58 x104

4.21 x104

7.48 x104

1.14 x102

7.89 x105

1.82. x102

Bore hole 0-250m

5.42 x102

29 19 12 13

1.83 x103

Bore hole 250- 500m

1.77 x102

18 11 0 7 8



Table 3: Morphological Identification of Bacteria Isolates in Abattoirs in Lurambi Sub County Kakamega County

Sample type Morphological characteristics
Effluent Small circular Colonies, white, raised. Smooth edges
Small circular colonies, white, smooth edges
large milky flat colonies, rough edges
circular, white/cream, entire edges, smooth
Lagoon small circular white colonies raised smooth edges
small circular white colonies smooth edges
large milky flat colonies, rough edges
circular, white/cream, entire edges, smooth
Borehole water small circular white colonies raised smooth edges
  Small circular colonies, white, raised. rough edges
  large milky flat colonies, rough edges
  circular, white/cream, entire edges, smooth
River water small circular white colonies raised rough edges
  small circular white colonies raised smooth edges
  circular, white/cream, entire edges, smooth
  large milky flat colonies, rough edges
Spring small circular white colonies raised smooth edges
  circular, white/cream ,entire edges, smooth
  large milky flat colonies, rough edges


Table 4: Biochemical Characteristics of Bacteria Isolated In Abattoirs Lurambi Sub County (Kakamega County)

Grams reaction Catalase Citrate t Indole urease MR V/P Glucose lactose Sucrose Motility H2S Gas



- rods + - + - + - + + - + - +



- rods + + - - + - + + + + - - Psedomonas aerugenosa
- rods + + + - + - + + + - - +



+ ve cocci - - - - - + + + + - - - Enterococcus faecalis
- rods + + + - + - + - - - - + Shigella dysenteriae


Table 5: Bacteria Identified at Bukura, Ejinja and Emusala Abattoirs in Lurambi Sub County Kakamega County.

Abattoir Sample type Code Micro organism


Effluent BBEW-1 Escherichia coli
BBEW-2 Pseudomonas aerugenosa
BBEW-3 Klebsiella pneumoniae
BBEW-4 Enterococcus faecalis
Borehole 0-250m BB1W-1 Enterococcus faecalis
BB1W-2 Escherichia coli
BB1W-3 Shigella dysenteriae
Borehole 250-500m BB2W-1 Klebsiella pneumoniae
BB2W-2 Escherichia coli
EJINJA Effluent EJEW-1 Pseudomonas aerugenosa
EJEW-2 Escherichia coli
EJEW-3 Klebsiella pneumoniae
EJEW-4 Enterococcus faecalis
Borehole 0-250m EJB1W-1 Escherichia coli
EJB1W-2 Shigella dysenteriae
EJB1W-3 Klebsiella pneumoniae
EJB1W-4 Enterococcus faecalis
Borehole 250-500m EJB2W-1 Escherichia coli
EJB2W-2 Klebsiella pneumoniae
EJB2W-3 Enterococcus faecalis
EMUSALA Effluent EMEW-1 Pseudomonas aerugenosa
EMEW-2 Klebsiella pneumoniae
EMEW-3 Escherichia coli
EMEW-4 Enterococcus faecalis
Borehole 0-250m EMB1W-1 Shigella dysenteriae
EMB1W-2 Enterococcus faecalis
EMB1W-3 Escherichia coli
  Borehole 250-500m EMB2W-1 Escherichia coli
EMB2W-2 Enterococcus faecalis
EMB2W-1 Escherichia coli
EMB2D-2 Enterococcus faecalis
Lagoon EMLW-1 Pseudomonas aerugenosa
EMLW-2 Escherichia coli
EMLW-3 Klebsiella pneumoniae


Table 6: Bacteria Identified at Shirere and Savona abattoir sites in Lurambi Sub County Kakamega County

Abattoir Sample type Code Micro organism
SHIRERE Effluent SHEW-1 Pseudomonas aerugenosa
SHEW-2 Klebsiella pneumoniae
SHEW-3 Enterococcus faecalis
SHEW-4 Escherichia coli
50m above Upstream SHWU-1 Shigella dysenteriae
SHWU-2 Escherichia coli
SHWU-3 Enterococcus faecalis
SHWU-4 Klebsiella pneumoniae
At point of discharge SHOW-1 Shigella dysenteriae
SHOW-2 Escherichia coli
SHOW-3 Klebsiella pneumoniae
SHOW-4 Enterococcus faecalis
River 50m below point of discharge SHWE-1 Shigella dysenteriae
SHWE-2 Klebsiella pneumoniae
SHWE-3 Escherichia coli
SHWE-4 Enterococcus faecalis
Lagoon SHLW-1 Escherichia coli
SHLW-2 Pseudomonas aerugenosa
SHLW-3 Klebsiella pneumoniae
SHLW-4 Enterococcus faecalis
SAVONA Effluent SAEW-1 Escherichia coli
SAEW-2 Pseudomonas aerugenosa
SAEW-3 Klebsiella pneumoniae
SAEW-4 Enterococcus faecalis
Bore hole (0-250m) SAB1W-1 Klebsiella pneumoniae
SAB1W-2 Escherichia coli
SAB1W-3 Shigella dysenteriae
SAB1W-4 Enterococcus faecalis
  Spring SASW-1 Escherichia coli
SASW-2 Enterococcus faecalis
SASW-3 Klebsiella pneumoniae
Lagoon SALW-1 Escherichia coli
SALW-2 Enterococcus faecalis
SALW-3 Klebsiella pneumoniae

Table 7: Morphological identification of Fungi

Upper surface olive green, white edges, granular surface, green coloration on reverse conidiophores thick walled, hyaline roughened, erect long aseptate with vesicle short conidial chains Aspegillus flavus
widely spread colonies, black, smooth white edges, spongy surface, brown on reverse side conidiophores long erected, smooth walled, hyaline with globes conidial heads Aspergillus niger
colony widely spread, dark green, smooth white edges, spongy surface, brown on reverse Conidiophores long, narrow at base smooth walled hyaline Aspergillus fumigatus
Pale pink in colour, fluffy white growth, dark violet on reverse side macroconidia canoe shaped, single celled, oval shape Fusarium oxysporum
White cream, smooth, ellipsoidal in shape Oval yeasts budding presence Saccharymyoces cerevisae
White cream yellow colour, reverse colour white to cream yellow conidiophores, simple branched terminated by clusters of flask shaped philades Penicillium species


Table 8: Fungi Identified at Bukura, Ejinja and Shirere Abattoir sites in Lurambi Sub County Kakamega County

Abattoir Sample type Identification
BUKURA Effluent Aspegillus flavus
Aspergillus niger
Aspergillus fumigatus
Fusarium oxysporum
Borehole 0-250m Saccharymyoces cerevisae
Aspergillus fumigatus
Fusarium oxysporum
Borehole 250-500m Saccharymyoces cerevisae
EJINJA Effluent Saccharymyoces cerevisae
Penicillium species
Aspergillus fumigatus
Fusarium oxysporum
Borehole 0-250m Saccharymyoces cerevisae
Penicillium species
  Borehole 250-500m Aspergillus niger
SHIRERE Saccharymyoces cerevisae
Effluent Aspegillus flavus
Aspergillus niger
Aspergillus fumigatus
50m above upstream Aspergillus niger
Saccharymyoces cerevisae
At point of discharge Aspergillus niger
Penicillium species
Saccharymyoces cerevisae
River 50m below point of discharge downstream Aspergillus niger
Penicillium species
Saccharymyoces cerevisae
  Lagoon Fusarium oxysporum
Aspegillus flavus
Aspergillus niger
Aspergillus fumigatus


Table 9: Fungi Identified at Savona and Emusala Abattoir sites in Lurambi Sub County Kakamega County

Abattoir Sample type Identification
SAVONA Effluent Aspegillus flavus
Aspergillus niger
Aspergillus fumigatus
Fusarium oxysporum
Bore hole (0-250m) Saccharymyoces cerevisae
Penicillium species
Aspergillus niger
Spring Saccharymyoces cerevisae
Penicillium species
Aspergillus niger
Lagoon Aspegillus flavus
Aspergillus niger
Aspergillus fumigatus
Fusarium oxysporum
EMUSALA Effluent Aspegillus flavus
Aspergillus niger
Aspergillus fumigatus
Fusarium oxysporum
Borehole 0-250m Saccharymyoces cerevisae
Penicillium species
Aspergillus niger
Borehole 250-500m Penicillium species
Aspergillus niger
  Lagoon Aspegillus flavus
Aspergillus niger
Fusarium oxysporum
Aspergillus fumigatus


Table 10: Frequency of occurrence of fungi

Name of isolates Number of colonies Of isolates Frequency of occurrence %
Aspegillus flavus 7 12.07
Aspergillus niger 9 15.52
Aspergillus fumigatus 15 25.86
Fusarium oxysporum 8 13.79
Saccharymyoces cerevisae 11 18.97
Penicillium species 8 13.79




Bacteria, fungi, viruses, helminths and protozoan parasites are the major microbial pathogens associated with water contamination. The major sources of these pathogens are Animal and human faeces, and their presence in water is due to faecal contamination (WHO, 2006). The study’s findings in the wet season (Table 1) and dry season (Table 2) show the microbial counts from wastewater samples and water samples from the various sites. The total bacterial count of wastewater samples from abattoirs revealed an average of 4.6 × 10 Cfu/ml and an average fungal count of 5.2 × 10 Cfu/ml. This is higher for the wastewater according to World Health Organization’s standard limit (1 × 10² Cfu/ml). Bacterial counts in Boreholes, River Shikalamunga, and Savona spring water show high numbers of total viable coliform, faecal coliforms, Enterococci faecalis, Escherichia coli and BOD, which corresponded with similar studies were done by Nafarnda et al. (2012) and Coker et al. (2001). The mean BOD values of slaughter wastes at 11840mg/l were extremely high. The World Health Organization (WHO) permissible limit is 80mg/L (BOD) for discharged abattoirs wastewater into surface water. (WHO 2009). While high BOD values indicate contaminated water, low BOD values suggest clean water. Since the rate at which dissolved oxygen depletes in a stream increases with increasing BOD affects aquatic life. The morphological and biochemical characteristics of bacteria are shown in Table 3 and Table 4 from the various samples. The bacteria isolated were Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginous, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Enterococcus faecalis, and Shigella dysenteriae, which is similar to studies were done by Abdullah et al. (2020) and Neboh et al. (2013). The distribution of fungal isolates and fungal counts are presented in the wet season (Table 1) and dry season (Table 2), Table 8, Table 9, and Table 10. From analysis, most fungi isolated are dermatophytes, well known common spoilage organisms in the beef industry. Fungi species isolated from the samples and frequency of occurrence were Aspergillus flavus-12.07%, Aspergillus fumigatus-25.86%, Aspergillus niger-15.52%, Fusarium oxysporum-13.79%, Penicillium spp-13. 79 %). Saccharomyces cerevisiae—18.97%. This is similar to studies by Dauda et al. (2016), Rabah et al. (2008) and Adesemoye et al. (2006), who studied the microbiological qualities of abattoir wastewater in Minna Niger State, Lagos and Sokoto in Nigeria, respectively. The parasites isolated from various samples are shown in Figures 2,3, and 4: Balantidium coli, Trichomonas hominis, Strongyle enterocolitis, hookworm, and Ascaris lumbricoides from abattoir effluents, spring water and borehole water. Ascaris lumbricoides was the major parasite isolated from water samples with abattoir effluent showing a higher percentage of Balantidium coli. Borehole water contained only Ascaris lumbricoides at 100%. This is similar to studies done by Udoh SJ et al. (2019), Hatam-Nahavandi et al. (2015); and Adeyeba et al. (2002). Abattoir waste has a complex composition that is disposed of indiscriminately and is harmful to the environment. The treatment of waste is necessary to reduce its impact on the environment and enhance the quality of life. The number of microbes, both bacteria, fungi and parasites, showed a marked difference in effluent and lagoon where it is supposed to undergo treatment in Shirere, Savona and Emusala abattoir. These values were high, indicating that no treatment of waste was occurring. The lagoons had no outlets and, during the rainy season, were overflowing into the nearby river streams. The lagoons were acting as holding grounds for wastes and other vermin. There were significant differences for Total coliform count, faecal coliform E. faecalis, E. coli and BOD of effluent and lagoon at p<0.05. The high microbial contents may have been due to wastewater’s high organic content and alkalinity. This is due to its components, such as manure, blood, fat, and undigested feeds of the abattoir effluent stream (Nafarnda et al., 2012).


Foodborne and waterborne diseases are common illnesses in the developing world whose common source is microbiological contamination of water bodies. The meat processing industry in Kenya and Kakamega, in particular, is on an upward trend, and more animals will be slaughtered to meet the demand for meat, and this will result in issues of abattoir waste management being raised from time to time. The study shows that all the abattoirs generate a significant amount of waste, including wastewater, animal blood, urine, carcass, bones, hoofs, animal faeces, hides and skin, and intestinal contents (i.e. paunch manure). The findings showed that these wastes have a profound impact on the quality of the water sources within the vicinity of the abattoirs. Moreover, all five abattoirs have confirmed harmful bacteria, fungi, and parasites. The bacteria isolated were Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Enterococcus faecalis, and Shigella dysenteriae. Fungi identified in the samples were Fusarium oxysporum, Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus fumigatus, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Aspergillus niger, and Penicillium spp. Parasites isolated from samples of effluent and water were Balantidium coli, Trichomonas hominis, Ancylostoma duodenale, and Ascaris lumbricoides. The bacteria, fungi, and parasites identified are associated with waterborne diseases. The abattoir wastes are discharged into streams, rivers and some leaches to underground waters resulting into serious public health hazard. The waste generated, when properly managed, will aid in the reduction of sanitation and health challenges to neighbourhoods around abattoirs and in turn produce benefits such as biogas and manures.

Given that the research findings of this work and that the release of untreated abattoir wastes may continue unabated. It is recommended that sensitization of stakeholders through environmental education on the implications of poor waste management of abattoir for both workers and residents be done. Abattoirs enveloped by urban growth should be relocated.

Conflict of Interest

The authors have declared no conflict of interest.

novelty statement

The water sources next to abattoirs were polluted with abattoir wastes due to presence of fungi,bacteria and parasites.

Author’s Contribution

All authors contributed to the writing of this manuscript.


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Advances in Animal and Veterinary Sciences


Adv. Anim. Vet. Sci., Vol. 13, Iss. 2,


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