Polymorphism and Comparative Expression Analysis of THRSP Gene in Fat-Tailed and Thin-Tailed Sheep Breeds
Polymorphism and Comparative Expression Analysis of THRSP Gene in Fat-Tailed and Thin-Tailed Sheep Breeds
Q. Sun1, Q. Liu1, R. Di1, Y. Wang1, S. Gan2, S. Liu2, X. Wang1, W. Hu1, X. Cao1, Zh. Pan1, X. Guo1, Y. Yang3, H.E. Rushdi4* and M. Chu1*
The results of sequenom massarray at (g. 205A>C), (c. 52C>T), (c. 364A>T), (c. 1031C>T) in sheep THRSP gene.
Gene expression profiles of THRSP gene. (A) Expression levels of THRSP gene in heart, liver, spleen, lung, kidney, muscle, subcutaneous fat and tail fat tissue in Altay sheep (B) Expression levels of THRSP gene in liver, subcutaneous fat, tail fat tissue of Tan sheep and Altay sheep.