Population Dynamics of the Goby Trypauchen vagina (Gobiidae) at Downstream of Hau River, Vietnam
Population Dynamics of the Goby Trypauchen vagina (Gobiidae) at Downstream of Hau River, Vietnam
Quang Minh Dinh
Length-frequency distribution of T. vagina (n = 1,527). The curves show the increase of fish length over time.
The von Bertalanffy of T. vagina based on growth increment analysis (L∞ = 24.15 cm, t0 = –0.03 yr-1, K = 0.56 yr-1).
The length converted catch curve (a), recruitment pattern (b), and the probability of capture of T. vagina (c, L25 = 11.27, L50 = 13.75 and L75 = 15.02 cm, estimated from the logistic transform curve, e.g., red line).
The relative yield-per-recruit and relative biomass-per-recruit (a, Emax = 0.735, E0.1 = 0.656 and E0.5 = 0.384), and the yield isopleths (b) for T. vagina.