Role of Glutathione S Transferase Polymorphism in the Pathogenesis of Cardiovascular Diseases: A Case Control Study
Role of Glutathione S Transferase Polymorphism in the Pathogenesis of Cardiovascular Diseases: A Case Control Study
Muhammad Akram1*, Muhammad Imtiaz Shafiq2, Amber Malik3, Farmanullah Khan4, Munir Ahmad Bhinder5 and Muhammad Sajjad6
(A) DNA extraction of control and disease and (B) agarose gel electrophoresis (2%) of GST polymorphism PCR, showing GSTM1 and GSTT1 alleles of healthy control and CAD patients. Extreme right lane contain 100 bp DNA marker, and extreme two left lane contain amplicons of control individual then followed by two lanes of CAD patients and β globin DNA fragment of 300 bp act as an internal standard.
Agarose gel electrophoresis (2%) of PCR-RFLP of the GSTP1 variant Ile105Val (A to G transition). M lane is 100 bp DNA ladder, Lane 1 contain variant GSTP1 (Val/Val), Lane 2 contain variant GSTP1 (Ile/Val) and Lane 3 contain GSTP1 (Ile/Ile). Band of Fragment of 9 base pairs being very small in size not shown in picture.
Frequencies of GST genotypes (M1, T1 and P1) among MI patients with reference to healthy individuals.