Slope Direction, Elevation and Clutch Size Influences Breeding Success of White-Crested Kalij Pheasant (Lophura leucomelanos) in Margalla Hills National Park, Pakistan
Slope Direction, Elevation and Clutch Size Influences Breeding Success of White-Crested Kalij Pheasant (Lophura leucomelanos) in Margalla Hills National Park, Pakistan
Ali Akhter1, Bushra Allah Rakha1*, Muhammad Sajjad Ansari2, Shamim Akhter1 and Sakhawat Ali3
Slope Map of Margalla Hills National Park, Pakistan showing location of study sites.
Nest with eggs of kalij pheasant in area of Margalla Hills National Park, Pakistan.
Total number of kalij pheasant’s nests located on South [16] and North [26] facing slopes during breeding seasons in MHNP.
Measurements of eggs of abandoned nests of kalij pheasant using digital Vernier caliper.
Total no. of eggs and eggs hatched in different clutch sizes of Kalij in MHNP, Pakistan.