Study on Populations of Cabbage Cyst Nematode Heterodera cruciferae Franklin, 1945 from Iran
Study on Populations of Cabbage Cyst Nematode Heterodera cruciferae Franklin, 1945 from Iran
Habibeh Jabbari
Morphological and morphometric features of Heterodera cruciferae populations collected from Tabriz vegetable growing farmlands (ll measurements are in µm).
The amplified ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 of rRNA region of four different populations of H. cruciferae using universal primers (TW81- AB28). (1: Ladder, 2: K6, 3: K3, 4: C6, 5: C3).
RFLP-ITS-rDNA profiles of four populations of Heterodera cruciferae collected from Tabriz vegetables growing area against restriction enzymes. A: K6, B: K3, C: C6 and D: C3 (1: Ladder, 2: Intact PCR product, 3: Mva I, 4: Alu I, 5: Xba I, 6: Pst I, 7: Bsu R I, 8: Pvu I, 9: Sa II, 10: Hinf I, 11: Hin 6 I, 12: Eco RI, 13: Rsa I, 14: Bam H I, 15: Bsp 143 I, 16: Hind III, 17: Kpn I, 18: Msp I, 19: Ladder).
The amplified D2-D3 of 28S rRNA region obtained from the studied populations of H. cruciferae using specific primers). (1: Ladder, 2: K6, 3: K3). (4: C6, 5: C3) after 3: K3.
Phylogenetic tree of Heterodera cruciferae as inferred from the ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 rRNA sequences of populations collected from Tabriz-Iran and other populations using the Maximum Likelihood. The bootstrap consensus tree inferred from 1000 replicates.
Phylogenetic tree as inferred from D2-D3 of 28S rRNA sequences of H.cruciferae populations collected from Tabriz-Iran and other populations, using the Maximum Likelihood method. The bootstrap consensus tree inferred from 1000 replicates.