The Effect of Carotenoids of Rhodotorula glutinis and Probiotic of Lactobacillus acidophilus on Physiological and Histological Variables of the Kidney in Male Rats Exposed to Ultraviolet Radiation
The Effect of Carotenoids of Rhodotorula glutinis and Probiotic of Lactobacillus acidophilus on Physiological and Histological Variables of the Kidney in Male Rats Exposed to Ultraviolet Radiation
Layla S. Laylani1, Wijdan I.A. Abd-Alwahab2, Hanan Shihab Ahmad3, Mohammed Ahmed Mustafa2*
The kidney of an ultraviolet exposed group shows thickening wall (TW) of blood vessels, damaged glomerulus (DG), infiltration of lymphocytes (IL) and present fibrocytes (F), H & E 400X.
The kidney of the carotenoids extract group observed the kidney glomeruli (G), proximal urinary tubules (PCT), and distal urinary tubules (DCT), H and E 400X.
The kidney of the treated group by bacterial probiotic shows the kidney glomeruli (G), Kupffer cells (KC) and closed tubules (C.T), H and E 400X.