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The Impact of Agroforestry on Resource Management in Pakistan: A Review


Review Article

The Impact of Agroforestry on Resource Management in Pakistan: A Review

Basheer Ahmad, Nowsherwan Zarif, Saif Ullah Khan, Salman Ahmad and Anwar Ali*

Pakistan Forest Institute (PFI), Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Peshawar 25000, Pakistan.

Abstract | Around the world, forest ecosystems are in decline, facing various factors both living and non-living that negatively affect their health. Pakistan is not exempt from this challenge, as its population continues to grow, reaching 208 million, leading to increased pressure on food production and forest resources. To tackle this problem, there is a pressing need for effective food structures that not only improve efficiency and financial outcomes but also bring about positive ecological impacts and gain social acceptance. Traditional land management practices like agri forestry offer a promising solution in Pakistan. To plant trees on private lands, agroforestry enables pure rights of timber resources and, when well-managed, can significantly enhance agriculture and mitigate wood shortages. Despite concentrated efforts to familiarize and encourage innovative agri-forestry practices in Pakistan, the achievement of such initiatives is influenced by various factors. This paper examines the current limitations to agri forestry promotion in the country, which include attitudes of extension staff, weak coordination between research and extension, insufficiently trained personnel, limited response from farmers to advice, restrictions in tree species availability, challenges in market mechanisms, and issues with wood pricing. To effectively promote agroforestry, creating typical agro,forestry farms at the community level can be a valuable extension approach. However, effective extension programming needs partners to share an understanding of the challenges and an idea for positive results. Moreover, it necessitates the appropriate selection of messages, messengers, target audiences, and effective communication tools. To further promote agroforestry in Pakistan, this review suggests implementing corrective measures to rationalize prevailing systems and develop upcoming sustainable plans and methods.

Received | March 27, 2023; Accepted | May 13, 2023; Published | June 26, 2023

*Correspondence | Anwar Ali, Pakistan Forest Institute (PFI), Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Peshawar 25000, Pakistan; Email: [email protected]

Citation | Ahmad, B., Zarif, N., Khan, S.U., Ahmad, S. and Ali, A., 2023. The impact of agroforestry on resource management in Pakistan: A review. Pakistan Journal of Forestry, 73(1): 35-49.


Keywords | Agroforestry, Forest resource, Sustainable plans, Ecological impacts

Copyright: 2023 by the authors. Licensee ResearchersLinks Ltd, England, UK.

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Pakistan, with a population of 208 million, is primarily an agricultural country, and approximately 64% of its people live in rural areas. Half of the rural population is engaged in agriculture, as per the (Pakistan Economic Survey, 2018). The country faces a critical shortage of fuel, fodder, and fiber. Wood, sourced mainly from collective land-property, state-owned forests, or agroforestry systems, is the primary domestic energy resource for about 80-90% of rural inhabitants. Agroforestry, commonly practiced through ‘Shamlat’ lands, state-owned plots covered with trees and grasses located near villages, plays a significant role in addressing this scarcity. The village chief (Numberdar) is in charge of these areas, which are used for various things, including gathering wood fuel and grazing livestock. When properly maintained, this easy type of agroforestry may provide local communities and farmers with crucial resources. Pakistan must, however, create operative land-use strategies for farmer fields that guarantee lucrative food and fibre production, support environmental improvement, and be economically and socially viable. A possible approach is the deliberate blending of woody perennials with crops and/or animals, as seen in agroforestry practices (FAO, 2015b; Burgess and Rosati, 2018). While addressing the rural population’s urgent issues, agroforestry can boost agricultural productivity and improve natural resources.


  1. Investigating the socioeconomic benefits of agroforestry adoption in Pakistan, focusing on its role in enhancing livelihoods, increasing farm resilience to climate change, and promoting sustainable resource use among rural communities.
  2. Assessing the role of agroforestry practices in enhancing soil fertility and conservation in Pakistan, including their impact on soil erosion, nutrient cycling, and soil organic matter accumulation.

Material and Methods

In this review, extension tactics for agroforestry promotion in Pakistan are examined. It begins with a succinct description of the nation’s current land use and agroforestry status, then identifies any obstacles to agroforestry already in place and presents successful instances of extension activities. The study also highlights methods for improving agroforestry extension, develops conclusions based on the talks, and offers recommendations for future planning. Relevant data was gathered for this research from various sources, including peer-reviewed journals, “grey literature,” government publications, and reports from overseas funders. Identified and screened a total of 50 research papers including publications related to agroforestry practices in Pakistan. The Pakistan Forest Institute Peshawar provided access to these databases and search methods.

Results and Discussion

Agro-ecological zones of Pakistan

Pakistan’s overall area is approximately 87.98 million hectares (Mha), and its latitude and longitude are 23° to 37° north and 61° to 76° east, respectively. Ten key agroclimatic areas may be used to categorize the nation (Figure 1). There is no such map available on any source to represent the agro ecological zones only. The land cover map provided here is the only possible way to represent the agro-ecological zones. Mountains make up the majority of the land, making up more than two-thirds of the total land area, especially on the northern and western boundaries. The huge Thar Desert (IIIb), marked by sand ridges, covers around 6.5 Mha, whereas the Indus plains (I and II) cover roughly 20.7 Mha. The different elevations around the nation greatly impact Pakistan’s prevalent climate, which is mostly arid subtropical. The extreme southern plains receive 125 mm of precipitation per year, whereas the hilly and northern plains receive 500-875 mm. Severe storms account for around 70% of all precipitation from July to September. In the Indus Plains and Thar Desert, summertime is marked by hot temperatures that often surpass 40°C and sometimes reach 53°C. on contrast, during the winter, mean monthly temperatures can drop as low as 2 to 5°C on the plains and below zero in mountainous areas. Pakistan’s agricultural ecosystems are under stress as a result of rising food and forest resource needs. With an average population density of about 2.6 people per hectare, According to the Pakistan Economic Survey 2018, Pakistan is now the sixth most populous country in the world. With independence in 1947, the population numbered 32.5 million; by 2017, it had increased to 208 million, indicating an average annual growth rate of 2.7% (PBS, 2017; Pakistan Economic Survey, 2018).

Socio-economic status of Pakistan

According to the (Pakistan Economic Survey, 2018), more than 50% of Pakistan’s population lives in rural regions, contributing 18.9%, GDP of the country and employing 42.3% of the workforce. As a result, a successful agricultural strategy is essential to the country’s economic development and the reduction of poverty (Ministry of Finance, 2007). A 3:1 dependence ratio is typical for rural families with six members on average and two wage earners (PBS, 2016; Population Census, 2017; Farooq et al., 2018). Additionally, household earnings in rural areas are significantly lower than in metropolitan ones. 24.3% of Pakistan’s population still lives in poverty, despite a drop in poverty rates (World Bank, 2018a, b, c). According to Pakistan Economic Survey (2018-19), the country’s overall literacy rate is over 62%, with male literacy (72.5%) much higher than female literacy (51.8%). Based on ownership and control, the socio-economic structure of rural Pakistani communities may be divided into three main categories (Baig et al., 1999). In certain cases, a single family controls the local economy and owns the whole hamlet. Alternately, numerous families may collectively own and run the neighborhood, although the dynamics of control are similar to single-family ownership. In the third scenario, a number of small landowners jointly run the village and collaborate with the tenants to supply housing and food (Baig et al., 1999). About 80% of the country’s rural population is made up of smallholders or landless individuals, according to the Pakistan Economic Survey (2013).

Agroforestry in Pakistan

Agroforestry practices entail deliberately blending trees or shrubs with livestock, agricultural crops, and other land uses (Nair, 1993). Proper maintenance of Agroforestry systems may maximize productivity within a limited area and timeframe while offering other advantages like animal habitat and stronger soil. In Pakistan, where people have historically grown trees in their house courtyards and grounds for various uses, these customs have a long history. Farmers have kept trees on their land for centuries to improve agricultural productivity, stop soil erosion, retain water, offer shade, and make money. Table 1, Farooq et al. (2018) lists the most common tree species on farmlands in Punjab Province. Due to donor-funded programs, expanding public knowledge of their advantages, and frequent governmental assistance, these agroforestry systems have received more attention and recognition in recent decades. When, Garland (1944) worked in Sindh province, the historical and practical roots of agroforestry in Pakistan may be traced back to that year. The Forestry Planning, and Development Project was Pakistan’s first large-scale social/agroforestry initiative, launched in 1985 (Dove, 1992). In semi-arid environments, intercropping and livestock integration can potentially reduce crop failure’s consequences, according to later studies (Mohammad and Salim, 1989). However, the use of agroforestry goes beyond marginal or degraded sites. The Sindh Province is home to vast forested regions where farmers group trees to make poles and restore damaged soils.


Table 1: Lists the common names of trees that exist on farmlands, in the Punjab Province along with their scientific names.

Local name

Scientific name

Local name

Scientific name


Dalbergia sissoo


Ziziphus mauritiana


Acacia nilotica


Azadirachta indica


Melia azedarach


Ficus benghalensis


Morus alba


Psidium guajava


Populus deltoides


Citrus sinensis


Bombax ceiba


Mangifera indica


Eucalyptus camaldulensis


Syzygium cumin


Source: Farooq et al., 2018.


Benefits of agroforestry

Agroforestry practices yield a diverse array of advantages in Pakistan. Similar to numerous countries sharing comparable climatic and soil conditions, agroforestry furnishes a substantial and noteworthy array of services and goods. These include providing forest-based products, regulation of soil erosion, alleviation of climate change repercussions, and amplifying cultural services. These methods maintain food production while reducing the adverse effects of the climate, increasing wood yield, and reversing land degradation. This results in increased agricultural revenue (Essa et al., 2011; Ahmad et al., 2017) and increased land productivity. Agroforestry systems, which use the enhanced sun radiation, water, and nutrient intake by all crops in the same area, can boost yields compared to monoculture alternatives by maintaining or increasing revenues from food production.


Table 2: Lists the most prevalent fruit trees in Swat Valley, KPK Province (Jamilu et al., 2014).


Scientific name and local name


Pyrus specie (Nashpati)

Citrus specie (Naranj)

Malus domestica (Toot)

Eriobotrya japonica (Saib)

Morus specie (Loquat)


Diosopyrus specie (Amlooq)

Prunus persica, (Shaltaloo)

Juglans regia, (Akhrot)

Prunus communus, (Aloocha)

Prunus armeniaca, (Khoobani)

Citrullus lanatus, (Kharbooza)

Prunus dulcis, (Badam)


This improves how well sunshine, water, and nutrients are used. Additionally, trees provide extra marketable and palatable goods like fruits and nuts. According to research done in Africa (Mbow et al., 2014) and South-East Asia, (Roshetko and Bertomeu 2015), the effective use of agro-forestry may sustain agricultural production and increase food security by producing tree-based crops. The underlying crops in the planting area gain from this strategy as well. As a land management technique, agroforestry protects croplands from drying and scorching winds in the form of windbreaks (Abbas et al., 2017).

Climate change mitigation with agroforestry

According to the 2019 Global Climate Risk Index, (Eckstein et al., 2018), Pakistan is predicted to be among the top ten nations most impacted by climate change. In Pakistan, average temperatures are predicted to climb by 4 °C by 2100, quicker than in most other places, according to a 2012 assessment by WWF. Along with these health, agriculture, and water resources concerns, the nation is experiencing more severe droughts and floods regularly (Salam 2018). Pakistani farmers must adjust to climate change, much as farmers in many Asian nations. Future forecasts show that the influence of climate change on rainfall patterns will vary across the nation, with greater rainfall in the Upper Indus Basin and decreased rainfall in the Lower Indus Basin (ADB, 2017).

Agroforestry to store carbon and reduce deforestation

Global targets to decrease greenhouse gas emissions include a primary objective of minimizing deforestation. Trees contribute to carbon sequestration above ground and enhance soil carbon content in cultivated croplands (Abbas et al., 2017). By boosting the production of on-farm timber and fuel wood, agroforestry can balance off or reduce emissions caused by forest harvesting or degradation (Minang et al., 2011; Madalcho and Tefera, 2016; Abbas et al., 2017). According to Abbas et al. (2017), agroforestry has much potential for storing atmospheric carbon in soil, above-ground, and below-ground biomass. Asif et al. (2018) also emphasized the advantages of implementing agroforestry to increase tree coverage outside forested regions, resulting in more job possibilities, greater farmer incomes, and positive environmental effects. Rahim and Hasnain (2010) report that, as opposed to state-owned forests, a substantial majority of Pakistan’s fuel wood (90%) and lumber (72%) originate from trees on reserved or community holdings. Despite having almost, 330 million trees on 19.3 million hectares of agriculture, the country struggles with a wood deficit, necessitating imports. With borders with China, Afghanistan and India, Gilgit Baltistan is a territory in northern Pakistan that is around 28,000 square miles, (73,000 km2) in size. Because of the province’s colder temperature and high heights, it is distinguished for its extensive natural woods. Locals graze their animals and rely on nearby woodlands for wood fuel and building materials. The government is aggressively encouraging poplar tree production on farms and lands to relieve strain on the area’s natural forests.

Combating land degradation and desertification through Agroforestry

According to Jamilu et al. (2014), agroforestry has the ability to increase plant cover and prevent soil erosion. It also presents a practical solution for reclaiming large tracts of Pakistani desert. According to the World Resources Institute (WRI), degraded land denotes to land that has lost its natural productivity due to human-induced causes. These factors often include unfavorable changes in the soil’s physical, chemical, and/or biological characteristics coupled with vegetation degradation. Agroforestry provides a way to combat land degradation by enhancing vegetative cover (Tolunay et al., 2007; Glover, 2010).

Constraints, to agroforestry system in Pakistan

Despite the many benefits that agroforestry may provide, numerous farmers in Pakistan still hesitate to create and sustain innovative agroforestry systems. Dove (1995a, b) emphasized that human factors, not physical ones, are principally responsible for the growth of agroforestry in Pakistan. Similarly, Zubair and Garforth (2006) emphasized that the farmers attitudes and beliefs influence how trees are handled on farms. Concerns concerning (i) agricultural production, (ii) restricted market access and supply, (iii) land allocation, and (iv) technical assistance are the main barriers to the broad adoption of agroforestry in Pakistan. The lack of water in some areas makes adopting agroforestry practices extremely difficult.

Apprehensions about agricultural production

Crops growing beneath trees may experience less heat stress and suffer fewer negative impacts from parching breezes if there are trees to provide shade. Furthermore, trees help increase the organic matter in farmed soils, and nitrogen-fixing trees may help increase soil nitrogen levels (Baig et al., 1999). Regardless of these benefits, some farmers continue to hold the belief that trees reduce agricultural output because they shade crops, compete for nutrients, and provide a risk of insect, disease, and avian predator damage (Jamilu et al., 2014). Although Sheikh (2001) said that extension specialists ought to debunk such beliefs, a more successful strategy for encouraging adoption would entail locating instances where viable tree species coincide with farmers’ requirements and goals. While farmers have significant knowledge of the best planting sites and options for their farms, extension workers may provide information about tree species that complement agricultural products in terms of phenology and root structure. For instance, increased agricultural output far from the tree line in windy settings can balance out yield decrease close to the trees. Further reducing light competition is the adoption of tree species with erect and thin canopies, such as Kikar (Acacia nilotica) and black poplar (Populus nigra), which most trees in Pakistan drop their leaves during the winter when sunlight is most scarce. Sheikh (2001) asserted that the majority of birds do not use trees as feeding grounds for grain consumption, but rather, birds may greatly lower the populations of dangerous insects.

Concerns for lack of resources and market

The existing market structure and institutional policies impose constraints on the potential of agroforestry. According to Jamilu et al. (2014), there are frequently no established marketplaces for selling wood and other tree products at standardized pricing, leaving farm foresters open to abuse by mediators. Farmers also want aid in finding acceptable customers and some government-backed guarantee or assurance that markets would be open to acquiring their trees and logs at fair rates. According to Farooq et al. (2017), the main obstacles were a lack of cash and money to buy saplings, poor transportation infrastructure, and unstable root supplies. Additionally, a lack of expertise in woodworking among many rural foresters and craftsmen limits the potential for value addition and efficient marketing.

Poor communication between extension and research

Due to limited technical assistance, the broad adoption of agroforestry may encounter major difficulties (Farooq et al., 2017; Sheikh, 2001). This barrier consists of the lack of methods for technology transfer, the attitudes of foresters and administrators that are uncooperative, the scarcity of qualified employees, the negative reactions of clients, and human behavior. The issue is further exacerbated by the absence of extensionist follow-up visits (Sheikh, 1991, 2001). Extension workers are essential in guaranteeing the proper implementation of agroforestry to overcome these obstacles. They improve research and outreach activities by addressing multiple factors, including time, location, and composition, and serving as a bridge between practitioners, scientists, and development organizations (Raintree, 1983; Baig et al., 1999). In a conventional functional extension paradigm, scientists and field workers work together to create affordable solutions to agricultural problems, and extension specialists effectively transfer these solutions to end users (Baig, 1992). However, a lack of coordination and collaboration among institutions or organizations engaged in agricultural, forestry, and research extension work that aims to support farmers frequently leads to duplication of effort and resource waste. This problem was brought to light in research that looked at the connections between agriculture and forestry extension services and the barriers to successful collaboration in the KPK Province, located in the hilly region of Northern Pakistan. The study found that while both organizations offered farmers extension services and recommend/advice on fruit trees, the success of their overall efforts was hindered by a poor formal and informal working relationship between the two departments. Furthermore, well-structured studies are important for detecting problems because they let researchers set study objectives and develop plans for informing agroforestry practitioners of findings (Sheikh, 2001).

Agroforestry extension in Pakistan (Successes and challenges)

Southern Punjab is characterized by the Thal Desert, which features a hot, arid environment and sandy soil, resulting in a scarcity of vegetation, primarily consisting of prickly plants. This poses a significant challenge to the region’s capacity for sustainable agriculture. To address this issue, the government has implemented a program that provides free plants to new settlers, who are encouraged to plant them along agricultural roads, fields, and streams. In addition, a vast network of nurseries has been established to provide farmers with direct access to cuttings and plants. Over time, millions of trees have been planted, transforming the once-barren desert into a lush landscape.

The agricultural land of Sindh Province has also been managed in a similar fashion, thanks to the availability of water from the Indus River. Thanks to these tree extension programmes, farmers can get their hands on trees, seedlings, and cuttings for next to nothing. There have been afforestation and reforestation initiatives in the Himalayan foothills, upper Bhurban plains, Gullies, and Daur of Murree Hills. In 1971, the utilisation of poplar trees began in the towns of Peshawar and Mardan, which are located in the KPK Province. Technical support and extension services have been important in the success of these projects.

Private land in the Kaghan and Mansehra valleys has been successfully planted with chir-pine (Pinus roxburghii), further proving the efficiency of these activities. Projects like Pakistan’s Forestry Planning and Development Project and Gilgit Baltistan’s Agha Khan Rural Support Programme have shown that training and education can encourage widespread tree planting. Training and incentives for farmers are necessary to advance agroforestry in the nation, say Hasan et al. (2014). Targeted efforts to improve sustainable agriculture and forestry practices in Pakistan can make great success, as shown by these initiatives.

Under these circumstances, the seven year old Forestry Planning and Development Project was crucial. Over four thousand farmer nurseries worked together to generate over 140 million seedlings, of which 92 million made it to maturity, covering forty thousand hectares. over top of that, soil conservation measures were implemented over 7,000 hectares of land. The Punjab Forest Sector Development Project had a dual purpose: First, it assisted farmers and junior forestry workers in developing a participatory design and management system; second, it enabled the transfer of knowledge and skills to end users by offering short courses in plant culture and field planting. Sheikh (2001) further noted that the project enhanced community and state institutions involved in forest management on a local level. To effectively develop these programmes, it is crucial to solve the significant challenges listed in Table 3.

Sharing awareness of a problem/vision

Achieving successful extension relies on recognizing the need to address a challenge or envision enhancing the current circumstances. Agents of change must familiarize themselves with their target audiences, actively listen their inquiries, and assess their existing knowledge and requirements. Reiterating what people already know provides minimal value. It has been contended that while many farmers acknowledge the degradation of fertile lands, they might lack the impetus to tackle the issue, often assuming that either nature or governmental interventions will rectify the situation. In certain cases, instigating change can be oriented around specific problems such as overgrazing (exacerbating soil erosion), mismanagement of water resources (leading to waterlogging and salinity), and improper use of agrochemicals (causing soil and water contamination) (Akbar et al., 1989a, b, 1990). In rural regions of Pakistan, a lack of awareness regarding an issue can be attributed to low levels of education and literacy. Moreover, a perceived concern like deforestation might take a backseat to the daily struggle for survival and the necessity for firewood. Similarly, people could be closely tied to specific geographical areas and thus unswilling or unable to travel from their villages to observe reforestation initiatives elsewhere. Effective extension efforts must identify such hurdles/constraints, and progress can be augmented by devising an imaginative vision that yields positive outcomes (McDonough and Braungart, 2013).

Extension by suitable people

Extension agents should possess a strong commitment and a sufficient level of expertise to effectively address inquiries from farmers (Baig et al., 1999). Furthermore, due to the varied fields of information required for these intricate, interconnected systems, a readiness to collaborate across disciplines is imperative (for example Fike et al., 2016). While it is certainly valuable for an extension agent to be well-versed in new technologies and governmental regulations, it holds greater significance for them to exhibit a curious and proactive mindset and be aware of where to access reliable information and sound guidance. An ability to reflect on areas for improvement and a willingness to enhance extension materials continuously are crucial aspects of the role. This process of refining extension materials is expected to be an ongoing endeavor.

Extension materials can be disseminated through various mediums, such as brochures and accessible local-language articles within agricultural magazines and daily newspapers. Historically, messages were transmitted via radio and television, and in contemporary times, the potential of utilizing social media has emerged. In Pakistan, farmers often hold negative perceptions about foresters, and many foresters are reluctant to conduct extension activities despite offered incentives. Challenges and potential hostility frequently mark the existing dynamic between foresters and farmers. In certain instances, foresters have been integrated into extension programs primarily for administrative purposes, resulting in disinterest and diminished credibility within local communities. Establishing a positive impact under such circumstances is daunting (Sheikh, 1992a, b, 2001). Despite having forestry and agricultural extension personnel, Pakistan confronts a significant shortage of adequately trained agroforestry specialists. One potential solution could involve providing ongoing training for extensionists from both sectors, fostering collaboration between foresters and agriculturists, and incorporating social scientists to enable comprehension and build rapport (Vergara, 1989; Baig and Ehrenreich, 1993). There is also a precise need for leadership training and the cultivation of skills that facilitate partnerships and cooperation across different fields of expertise (Brooks et al., 1994).

Documentation of target, persons/groups

The effectiveness of extension initiatives also rely on extension personnel accurately identifying the specific needs of significant target demographics. Yocco (2015) argues that disseminating innovations may not seamlessly transition from one social group to another. For example, small-scale farmers are unlikely to seek advice from larger farmers with trees. Similarly, a tenant in Sindh or Balochistan Province might hesitate to approach a sardar (landlord) to discuss tree planting. These methods involve engaging interested farmers in meetings and sharing instances of successful innovation (FAO, 1997). In Pakistan, progressive farmers are generally open to collaboration and involvement in experimenting with innovations such as agroforestry (Baig et al., 1999). In reality, generating advantages for communities upstream may necessitate an alternative strategy, such as promoting small-scale industries, enhancing marketing infrastructure, providing healthcare services, or facilitating the establishment of clean drinking water sources (Sheikh, 2001).

Selection of the most suitable media

The chosen communication channel should be tailored to suit the content, the attributes of the intended audience (such as their existing knowledge and requirements), and the prevailing social context (Wete, 1991). Extension communications ought to be formulated most simply and understandably. Additional key factors encompass the accessibility for the target groups and the associated costs (Hedge, 1989; Baig and Ehrenreich, 1993). Nayman (1988, 1990) discovered that Pakistani farmers were proactive in seeking information, utilizing various approaches to acquire novel agricultural insights for enhancing their farming endeavors. The predominant sources included fellow farmers (91%) and private market agents (65%). Given the limited literacy rates, visual media emerge as a favorable option for non-personal communication, effectively delivering messages (Baig and Ehrenreich, 1993; Baig et al., 1998, 1999). Notable examples of primary forms of media encompass.

Direct communication

Effective communication among seasoned practitioners and individuals or collectives has historically proven successful within the rural communities of Pakistan. Certain extension workers with excellent training and credibility can motivate and stimulate farmers into taking proactive measures. In certain situations, even imams and other religious figures are willing to permit extension workers to speak before prayer assemblies in Mosques and other places of worship (Sheikh, 2001).

Practice print and electronic media

The extensive and varied geography and the widespread distribution of extension locations have led to the use of diverse communication methods for agroforestry extension in Pakistan. This often involves utilizing, newspapers, posters, radio, television, and slide shows. These tools have demonstrated effectiveness and efficiency in conveying messages and technical knowledge (Baig and Ehrenreich, 1993; Baig et al., 1999; Wattoo et al., 2010; Baig and Aldosari, 2013). While various methods have their merits, electronic media such as radio might prove particularly advantageous, given rural communities’ comparatively lower literacy rates.

Demo plots and model farms

Because most farmers are more of a do it yourself kind of learner, they place a premium on demonstrations that involve actual work. For example, agroforestry methods in the irrigated plains of Punjab, eucalyptus windbreaks in Sindh, and poplar wood lots in KPK Province have all contributed significantly to the credibility of agroforestry. A lot of farmers have gotten into tree planting because of these demonstrations. Farmers who have found success in reseeding degraded areas with nutritious grasses can also set an example for those who are just starting out in the livestock industry. Seeing fields that have been successfully reseeded by other farmers has left a profound impression on the local farming community (Sheikh, 2001). By utilising the resources of farmers and tackling comparable issues and limits, demonstration plots have demonstrated remarkable success when grown on their property (Baig and Ehrenreich, 1993; Baig et al., 1998, 1999). More effective and meaningful development is achieved when farmers are involved, according to Brennan (1989).

Websites and social media

While social media may raise awareness, websites can be a very efficient and cost-effective medium for sharing information. For instance, according to Burgess and Rosati (2018), the Agforward website ( has successfully promoted agroforestry throughout Europe. Depending on the project stage and the amount of participation, the messaging’s content may change. Agroforestry programs require compelling messaging in the early phases of implementation in order to draw the attention of participating farmers. Later communication initiatives could emphasize advantages, including increased productivity, resource protection, and infrastructural improvements (Hedge, 1989; Baig et al., 1998, 1999).

Durable institutional support

With inadequate administrative, financial, and technical support, farmers are hesitant to embrace new ideas. Inadequate data, funding, inputs, or prompt instructions about field activities constitute a disincentive. Support from institutions and the hard work of extension workers familiar with the local culture are the two most important factors in providing quality extension services (Baig et al., 1999). There is a lack of evaluation and monitoring over the long term, thus new initiatives only have an impact for as long as they are in place (Sheikh, 2001).

Conclusions and Recommendations

Currently, Pakistan’s food and fuel supply is not adequately meeting the demands of a growing population. It is urgent to enhance awareness regarding the advantages of agroforestry (such as income generation, soil enhancement, and climate regulation) among potential adopters. Skillful incorporation of trees within farming systems can uphold food production, mitigate land degradation, and introduce supplementary income sources. Nonetheless, agroforestry practices encompass many intricate systems, reflecting the cumulative wisdom, experimentation, and innovations amassed by farmers over centuries. It is vital to collaborate closely with individual farmers to determine the most suitable agroforestry practices for their specific farms. Thus, extension workers should be trained to assess farmers’ requirements and suggest appropriate agroforestry configurations to meet those needs. Given the limited literacy levels in rural areas, visual aids often prove more effective than written materials. Establishing prototype agri-forestry farms at the village level is also strongly suggested. The devoted extension initiatives undertaken by the Government are laudable and will likely yield positive results, particularly when coupled with economic incentives. However, they demand persistent commitment and continuous evaluation. The present moment calls for collaboration among extension workers, farmers, researchers, and policymakers to propel the advancement of agroforestry in Pakistan.


To increase the nation’s resources by productive and conservational function, this study has explored the difficulties and possibilities of agroforestry practices in Pakistan. Agroforestry extension should be a thorough process that includes identifying constraints and objectives, attending to facilitators’ and end-users needs, showcasing creative opportunities and resources, and establishing efficient communication channels within a reflective institutional framework (as shown in Table 3). Vergara and MacDicken (1990) put similar emphasis on technology packages, problem-oriented research, diffusion, and the significance of monitoring and assessment. The research highlights the need to incorporate end-user input into co-creating the difficulties and ambitions connected to agroforestry development (Coe et al., 2014). The considerations listed in Table 3 should be adhered to when recommending extension initiatives, which may cover various requirements. According to Jamilu et al. (2014) and Farooq et al. (2017), the goal of agroforestry extension in certain circumstances may be to raise farmers’ understanding of the benefits of agri forestry in terms of higher revenue and soil preservation. We contend that to engage with both the agriculture and forestry sectors effectively; there must be a need to invest in a committed unit of extension workers (Baig et al., 1999). Specialized training of agri forestry would benefit this group (Anwar et al., 2017), fostering improved collaboration between the forestry and agriculture departments.

Table 3: Recommendations for agroforestry extension in Pakistan.



Reason of extension?

The extension workers and end-users should collaboratively develop the challenges and goals for agri forestry development.

Extension by whom?

The objective is to produce agroforestry extension specialists who can effectively link the departments of forestry and agriculture. Non-governmental organisations (NGOs), cooperative societies, local religious and community leaders, and established organisations should all work together with this unit. It should also utilise the expertise of trained local and indigenous knowledge specialists.

Extension for whom?

The main emphasis is on farmers, recognizing the importance of actively involving youth and women.

Extension of what?

The local population can determine which agroforestry initiatives should be given priority by using a participatory approach. Other extension efforts might be focused on addressing land tenure and property rights issues, even though organisations like the Forest Department can be useful in certain technical aspects, like building nurseries and offering advice on planting, species selection, and harvesting techniques. The strategies for the programmes need to be flexible and often reviewed.

Extension using what mass media?

Integrating the study of agroforestry into curricula at the high school and college levels in order to promote a love of trees. Print, radio, and television can all be effective means of reaching a big audience; FM radio stations are particularly powerful in this regard.

Do you use financial inducements?

When appropriate, provide the facilities required to support agroforestry operations. But it's crucial to resolve any possible arguments over water fees and land revenue, mostly in irrigated agricultural lands.

Extension Period?

In order to reduce poverty and boost food availability in rural regions, strengthen institutional backing for the intended goals in mark with government regulations.


To encourage agroforestry and enhance the market for tree-based products made from agricultural land, the government is sometimes needed to provide early grants or subsidies (Anwar et al., 2017; Jamilu et al., 2014; Rasul and Hussain, 2015; Farooq et al., 2018). In some situations, it’s vital to address issues like land tenure or to encourage cordial relationships between landlords and tenants (Anwar et al., 2017). Laws that prevent the movement of imports across provinces, like poplar wood, may need to be changed in specific circumstances (Shaikh, 2000; Rahim and Hasnain, 2010).


It is an honour for me to express my heartiest gratitude and profound indebtedness to the Director Forestry Research Division Dr. Anwar Ali for his constructive criticism, moral support and final review during the review. I am also thankful to Dr. Nowsherwan Zarif for Topic Selection and cooperation during the process. I gratefully acknowledge invaluable help render by Mr. Saif ullah Khan for his cooperation. I would like to extend my thanks and compliments to my Colleague Mr. Salman Ahmad who helped me a lot during my Review paper. I am also thankful to all staff of Forestry Research Division, Pakistan Forest Institute Peshawar for their moral and emotional support which made me able to complete my studies.

Novelty Statement

Exploring the impacts of agroforestry on Resource management in Pakistan to unveil a transformative approach to sustainable agriculture, combining ecological benefits with enhanced socio economic resilience, and offering a blueprint for addressing the countries pressing environmental and resource challenges.

Author’s Contrubtion

Basheer Ahmad: Reviewed the manuscript.

Nowsherwan Zarif: Topic Selection

Saif Ullah Khan: Data Analysis

Salman Ahmad: Composed the manuscript.

Anwar Ali: Did Final Revision.

Conflict of interest

The authors have declared no conflict of interest.


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