In this study therapeutic trials of two different regimes for BEFV were evaluated under field conditions on the basis of clinical biomarkers. A comparative analysis of physiological biomarkers was also made. For this experimental study 30 BEF positive cattle at their first lactation were selected and equally divided into three groups A, B, and C. A fourth group “D” comprising 10 healthy cattle was made as positive control while group C was negative control. The animals in group A were treated with antibiotic (fluoreconical @ 0.08 mg Se/kg BW) and NSAID (phenylbutazone @ 8mg/kg BW) after every 8 h and immune booster (Selevit® @ 20ml) daily by IV route. The members in groups B were treated similarly except that they were not given immune booster. Both groups were treated for three consecutive days. The effectiveness of a particular treatment regime was evaluated on the basis of disappearance of clinical biomarkers, while values of BEF positive animals’ hematological and serum biochemical parameters were analyzed and compared with altered values in different conditions. These physiological biomarkers were evaluated at short intervals and processed for total MCV, MCH, MCHC, and lymphocytic and leukocyte count, most importantly. It was recorded that there was significant increase in number of WBCs and neutrophils, but a significant decrease was noticed in number of lymphocytes. While the serum tests showed significant decrease in iCa, P, Na, K, BUN, ALP, PTH. While significant increase was observed in Glu, Cl, Isuline and cortisol but no significant changes in Creatinine concentration.In group A clinical biomarkers fever, respiratory problem, lameness, anorexia, and milk production became almost normal after 72 h starting from 24 h, while in group B they went down, but not as significantly as in group A. These results confirmed the use of immune booster along with other therapy to successfully treat the BEF in field conditions.