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Timothy Helton

In a Mirror Dimly: Anthropology and Restoring a Sense of Presence to an Empty World
...objectifying ethnography before tracing developments in anthropological method in the last decades that have greatly improved the lens used for the anthropological gaze. Finally, I conclude by suggesting the collaboration between anthropology and theology in the restoration of a world capable of supporting life in more than a mere physical sense.


Reviewed by Elly Vintiadis (

...dquo;deconversion” before, it is the atheist equivalent to the religious finding of faith – it is a conversion from belief to agnosticism or atheism.


Lawrence Krauss

...content by Charlie Hebdo before the killings and by the mass protests throughout the Islamic world to the bittersweet cover published the week following that tragedy.


Gerald Misinzo1,*, Tebogo Kgotlele1, Epaphras A. Muse1, Jan Van Doorsselaere2, Mikael Berg3, and Muhammad Munir4

...strict bordering Ken- ya before official confirmation of the disease in most districts of Northern Tanzania in 2008. In 2011, the presence of PPRV in goats of southern Tanzania district of Tandahimba bordering Mozambique was reported. The aim of this study was to perform molecular typing of PPRV strains that caused outbreak in Tandahimba district in 2011. A total of 17 (sheep=0, goats=17) out of 27 (sheep=3, goats=24) were positive for PPRV N gene. The nucleot...

Hina Fatima1*, Muhammad Azeem Khan2

...ions of the area is must before the adoption of any variety of seed, otherwise suboptimal output will be produced. Governmental check and regulation is also needed, dealers often sell fake seed varieties which discourages, the production and use of the original seed, and also the technological development.


Ghulam Ali Bajwa and Muhammad Arshad Khan and manganese in soil before the fertilizer application. Contrarily, high copper and potassium contents were found. After three weeks of fertilizer application, concentration of N, P, K and Fe in the soil almost doubled. Zinc and Cu contents decreased significantly (p<0.01). The highest N, P and K were found in mulberry variety PFI-1, M. latifolia and Karyansuban, respectively. The highest Cu and Mn were found in Kanmasi. The highest Zn and Fe were found...

 Zar Muhammad and Mohammad Tariq Jan

...s combinations six weeks before sowing and then were incorporated to plots at sowing both the years. All treatments including control were either supplemented with half of the recommended dose (75 kg N ha-1) of Urea-N or no Urea-N. Compost, its composition, mineral N and their interactions significantly affected maize yield and yield components over two years average data. Compost application produced more maize ears m-2 (13%), grains ear-1 (28%), 1000 grains ...

Shakeel Ahmed* and Sarwat Jahan

...cted individually 60 min before and 120 min after NMS administration at 15 min intervals. The plasma adipokines concentrations were determined by using specific Enzyme Immunoassay (EIA) kits. 48 h fasting significantly increased plasma adiponectin (P<0.001), while decreased leptin (P<0.001) and resistin (P<0.01) concentrations compared to normal fed monkeys. No significant (P>0.05) change in adiponectin levels was observed after NMS injection in bo...

Mostafa A. Abdel-Maksoud1,2, Fathy A. Abdel-Ghaffar2, Azza El-Amir2, Gamal Badr3 and Saleh Al-Quraishy1*

...parasite was not studied before. A total of 30 female BWF1 mice were randomly divided into three groups as follows: group (I) control group (lupus uninfected); group (II) live P. chabaudi infected group (lupus + live P. chabaudi infection); and group (III) irradiated P. chabaudi-infected group (lupus + irradiated P. chabaudi-infection). All groups were killed at day 14 post infection. Histological and biochemical investigations were performed.Live P. chabaudi ...

Tuli Dey, Sonnet Poddar and Mukti Barua

...pse which calved one day before. The cow was handled and the prolapsed mass was corrected so carefully that there could be saved the life without any complication. The prolapsed mass of cow was managed with lukewarm water and manual pressure replacement in non-raising condition of hindquarter. Vulvar Retention Suture (modified Bhuners suture) was given for not to recurrence of the condition. Proper postoperative treatment with antibiotic, antihistaminic and ho...
Mirza Imran Shahzad1,*, Anna Iqbal2, Farrah Ali1, Nuzhat Sial3, Muhammad Ashfaq4, Abul Hasanat5 and Azra Khanum6
...trasonication treatment, before conducting antimicrobial activities. Zones of inhibition were measured by using disc diffusion method. Supernatant fraction of E. coli was positive against Sal. typhi and supernatant fraction of P. multocida was positive against E. coli, which show that antimicrobial agents were secretory in nature. Sonicated fractions were on second order to produce antimicrobial activities. The ...
Mustafa Cengiz1*, Jama Hussein Ali2, H. Mehtap Kutlu2, Djanan Vejselova2 and Adnan Ayhanci3
...found. Group 4, given EA before D-GaIN, showed better results when compared to Group 5, given EA after D-GaIN, in terms of histopathological and biochemical values. In conclusion, EA might play an important role in repairing D-GaIN-induced liver damage both as a protective and a therapeutic agent.

Palash Mondal1 , Amitava Konar2 and N. Johnson Singh3

Evaluation of insecticidal schedules for the management of insect pests of potato
...eated with chlorpyriphos before planting and foliar spray of acephate, imadichloprid and chlorpyriphos + cypermethrin at 40, 55 and 70 DAP(T ).Yield of damaged tuber caused by soil pests was found maximum in control plot and it was recorded lowest in T treatment which received soil application of phorate 10G at 40 DAPand foliar spray with imadichloprid and chlorpyriphos + cypermethrin at 55 and 70 DAP, respectively. But soil application of phorate at planting ...

B. Ramanujam, R. D. Prasad, S. Sriram and R. Rangeswaran

Mass production, formulation, quality control and delivery of Trichoderma for plant disease management
... Trichoderma suspensions before planting. Granular or pellets preparations and Trichoderma enriched FYM have been used for soil application directly and have provided effective control of diseases both nurseries and field conditions. To ensure that the products of Trichoderma do not affect the environment, human beings and other living organisms adversely and to prevent the sale of poor quality products to the farmers, the Central Insecticide Board of Governme...

Amitava Konar, S. Paul and Kiran A. More

Efficacy of different insecticidal treatment schedules against aphid and whitefly on brinjal
...atment with imidacloprid before transplanting, succeeded by foliar spray with imidacloprid, novaluron, B. thuringiensis var. kurstaki and novaluron at 30, 50, 70 and 90 days after transplanting were most effective in reducing the aphid and whitefly population over control during both the years of study. Consequently both the treatment schedules achieved maximum marketable fruits of brinjal as well as highest monetary return than the other treatments.

T. P. Ghosh, D. Mandal, S. Laha and M. K. Dasgupta 

Dynamics and severity model in managing fungal diseases
...r assessment of severity before the disease reaches the predicted level. Thus, although crop losses were neither determined nor sought to be predicted, a new methodology has been developed for indirect assessment in terms of severity as a direct function of yield loss in terms of occurrence or intensity but not yield or yield loss per se. These findings may help in building simple decision rules for management early in the season as soon as the disease appears...
Sohail Ahmed, Muhammad Arshad and Babar Hassan*
...n the field. Weight loss before and after resin treatment was indicative of effectiveness. Highest concentration of all resins significantly reduced the chances of termites’ infestation as compared to other concentrations by dipping application in contrast to coating method. Drying of woods prior to resin application was also effective in resisting termites’ infestation. The findings of treatment with resins are discussed with previously cited effe...
P.P. Ghosh*, C. Ghosh, B. Mahato, A. Chakraborty, S.K. Bhattacharya and M.K. Bhattacharjya
...a in the soil four weeks before transplanting followed by seed dressing with 20g bioinoculant formulation per kg seed, pre-transplanting seedling root treatment with 20g bioinoculant formulation per litre and spot soil application of 7 days old mixture of bioinoculant formulation and well rotten cow-dung manure (1:40 w/w) or need based curative application of bleaching powder at 20 kg per ha through every irrigation.
Noor Islam1, Muhammad Amjad2, Ehsan ul Haq3, Elizabeth Stephen1 and Falak Naz4 colony was determined before and after the treatments in the experimental colonies. The results revealed that formic acid and the highest concentrations (100%) of tested essential oils caused effective control of Tropilaelaps mites, whereas the infestation reduction percentage with formic acid, lemongrass, thyme, lemon, basil and oregano oils was recorded more than 96% after the end of treatments on worker brood. The highest total number of dead T...
Shuangye Wang1, Yunlin Zhao1, Zhenggang Xu1,2,*, Li Li3, Liang Wu1, Choucang Duan1 and Jiao Peng1


.... The result showed that before 9:00 and after 18:00 hours, the Miluwere almost always resting. Resting behaviour was exhibited and maintained at a high frequency in other periods as well. Fluctuations in feeding frequencies was consistent, peaks occurred after 14:00 hours when the frequency was the highest. Moving behaviour was split into a non-behaviour period, fluctuation period, low-ebb period, and peak period. Vigilant behaviour was influenced by external...
Kadir Karakuş1, Bahat Comba2, Abuzer Taş3, Tunahan Sancak3, Arzu Comba2, Devrim Saripinar Aksu4, Hasan Koyun5 and Mohammad Masood Tariq6,*
...jugularis of the animals before the application and every two months for a total of 4 times for 6 months and hormone analyses were performed. The order of statistical significance for TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) were found as Surgical > Control > Formol (P <0.05). The order of statistical significance for growth hormone was Formol = Surgery > Control (P<0.05). In August month, the application factor was found to be significant only in test...
Asad Abdullah1, Muhammad Irfan Ullah1,*, Muhammad Waqar Hassan2,    Samina Khalid3, Yasir Iftikhar4, Muhammad Arshad1 and Jaime Molina-Ochoa5,6
...on was recorded 24 hours before and 24h, 72h and 168h after spray. Maximum reduction of 60.20% of B. tabaci on Bt cotton was recorded at 6% NSE while at 2% concentration of NSE after 148 hrs, 39. 16% reduction was observed. While maximum reduction on non-Bt cotton at 6% recorded as 66.60% and minimum at 2% concentration recorded as 48.72% of neem seed extract against B. tabaci. In case of A. biguttula, maximum reduction in po...
Kashif Prince1,*, Muhammad Sarwar Khan1, Muhammad Ijaz1, Aftab Ahmad Anjum2, Atif Prince3, Naimat Ullah Khan1 and Mumtaz Ali Khan1
...e immune system if given before 75 days of parturition.
Mubashir Hussain1,Safdar Ali1, Muhammad Naveed Tahir1, Ghulam Abbas Shah1, Ijaz Ahmad2*, Muhammad Aqeel Sarwar3 and Sohail Latif4
...m the experimental field before wheat sowing from 0-10 cm, 11-20 cm and 21-30 cm soil depth. Two soil weed seed bank determination techniques were compared viz., sieving method and seedling emergence method. The data were collected on the seed density m-2, seed frequency, diversity of weed species and relative importance value. The input and output data was also collected to find out the socioeconomic feasibility of the techniques. The comparative a...
Muhammad Imran Mahmood* and Muhammad Zubair
... 135 and 125cm after and before the experiment. However, Neem showed maximum plant height after experiment (103 cm) under drought condition. But, the minimum plant height (57 cm) before experiment was observed in Sufeda under droughtexhibiting 50% decline than Sufeda under flooding. Contrary to that Neem exhibited the maximum plant height before experiment (i.e 107 cm) under drought. The h...
Liushuai Hua1,3, Shiping Gong1,*, Xiangjing Zhong2, Jun Tao2, Yu Chen2 and Jieming Deng2 
...ptive big-headed turtles before and after hibernation were evaluated. Results showed that providing a suitable sand bed during hibernation have a significant effect on turtle health (P< 0.05), but makes no significant contribution to body weight maintenance. An appropriate water depth (less than three times body height) is helpful for body weight maintenance (P< 0.01) when the ambient temperature is not cold enough for normal hibernation. T...
Saswati Roy1, Rakesh Pashi2, S. Dey3 and Shantanu Jha
...ise around 7a.m and till before sunset up to 5.30 pm. Data were collected by using the line transect method. Total 74 number of bird species were recorded which belonged to 18 orders. Out of 74 bird species 23 species (31.08%) were recorded as insectivorous, 16 species (21.62%) as omnivorous, 13 species (17.57%) as granivorous, 11 species (14.86%) as carnivorous, 7 species (9.45%) as frugivorous, 2 species were piscivorous (2.70%) and nectarivorous (2.70%). Du...

Safdar Ali1*, Ghulam Abbas Shah1, Muhammad Naveed Tahir1, Shahid Mehmood2, Asim Gulzar3 , Ijaz Ahmad4 and Bashir Ahmad Khan5 

...r seasons) of both years before sowing of wheat crop. These tillage treatments were (i) Once Mould board plowing followed by 8 cultivations with planker (1 MBP + 8 CS) as a check, (ii) No-till followed by twice application of glyphosate herbicide (NT + GH), (iii) Once Mould board plowing followed by twice application of glyphosate herbicide (1 MBP + GH), (iv) Once Mould board plowing followed by 4 cultivations with planker (1 MBP + 4 CS), (v) Once disc harrowi...

Muhammad Zahid1*, Muhammad Ather Javed Khan2, Muhammad Idrees3 and Ahmad Kamran Khan4 

Muhammad Ijaz Khan* and Amanullah Jan 

...oner were applied a week before sowing of maize. Design used was randomized complete block with split plot arrangement replicated thrice. Experimental site was Agronomy Research Farm, The University of Agriculture Peshawar. Irrigations regimes were subjected to main plots while soil conditioners to subplots. Results of the two years study indicated that most of the yield and soil parameters were affected by irrigation regimes significantly. Higher crop growth ...

Sadaf Ghulam Rasul1*, Uzma Yaqub2, Maida Manzoor1 and Hafsa Mubasshar

... and the mean pain score before treatment in Letrozole group was 3.04±1.01 while in Danazol group was 5.05±1.02. Post-three months of treatments, mean pain score was 2.01±0.95 and 2.78±0.99 in Letrozole and Danazol groups, respectively. The mean decrease in pain score in Letrozole group was 1.02±1.09 (p-value=0.00) while in Danazol group; it was 3.06±1.23 (p-value=0.00). This difference in pain score was considerably d...

Hassnain Shah, Hina Riaz, Nadeem Akmal , Muhammad Sharif* and Abdul Majid**

...< 0.05) in milk yield before and after the use of balance feed. The locally produced balance feed was found cost effective along with better animal productivity over the conventionally used cotton seed cakes. The intervention provided better competitiveness, sustainability, accessibility with inclusiveness of small holders along with scalability option for the entrepreneurs.


 Sumia Bint Zaman, Sidra Majeed and Shahid Ahmad*

Mian Sajjad Ahmad1, Somia Iqtadar1, Sami Ullah Mumtaz1*, Zafar Niaz1, Iqra Waheed2 and Sajid Abaidullah

...heavy exercise six hours before the test. Fasting sample was taken then 75g oral glucose was given. Sample after two hours was sent to KEMU clinical lab. A positive result of the patient was labeled as IGT. The patients mean age was 46.3±13.4 years. Out of 160 patients, 78 (48.8%) were males and 82 (51.2%) females.116 (72.5%) patients were obese grade 1 and 44 (27.5%) patients were obese grade 2. The mean BMI (Normal BMI=18.5-22.9kg/m2) of the patients ...

Halima Shoukat1*, Hafiz Sheraz Arshad2, Faiza Sharif1, Arooj Fatima1 and Filza Shoukat

... by universal goniometer before the commencement of stretching technique. Static stretching was applied to group A, B and C with 30, 60 and 90 seconds holds, respectively. Stretches were exerted at frequency of three sessions per week and three repetitions per session. Reevaluation of ROM was performed after 4 and 6 weeks. The mean values of ROM of knee extension showed gain in range after applying static stretching at 30s, 60s and 90s holding times. By applyi...

 Hafiz Sultan Mahmood*, Munir Ahmad**, Tanveer Ahmad*, Muhammad Azhar Saeed* and Muhammad Iqbal***


 Aniqa Iram*, Javed Khan**, Nadeem Aslam**, Ehsan-ul-Haq**, Habib Iqbal Javed**, Muhammad Irfan*, Awais Rasool*, Muhammad Ishaque Mastoi** and Sumera Aslam* 

...e data were recorded 24h before and 24h, 48h, 72h and 168h after application of each spray material. The results showed that whitefly population was significantly suppressed by both the botanical oils and extracts as compared to the control treatment but in general botanical oils showed significant results as compared to plant extracts. Soybean oil was quite effective in reducing whitefly population per leaf, while after second spray soybean oil and extract of...

 Azhar Usman Ali*, Ghulam Sarwar*, Muhammad Aftab* and Sher Muhammad**

...ation of copper was done before sowing wheat seeds. Seeds of wheat (Lasani-2000) were sown and 3 plants were maintained in each pot after germination. Foliar application of copper was done at booting and tillering stage. At maturity, data regarding different yield components were noted and wheat plants were harvested. Grain yield and total biomass was also recorded. Soil samples were collected from all pots and analyzed for copper concentration by using wet di...

Sumia Bint Zaman*, Waqas Farooq*, Sidra Majeed*, Hasnain Shah*, and Abdul Majid**

...ions of the participants before and after the training. Descriptive analysis alongwith paired 't' test was used to measure the effectiveness of training. Results indicated higher satisfactory level as majority of the participants were strongly agreed (73%) and agreed (23%) that trainings were participatory and skill development oriented and as 96% agreed or strongly agreed that these were helpful in starting the business as assessment of agriculture service pr...

 Asif ullah Khan*, Faizan Ullah*, Sultan Mehmood*, Muhammad Irshad* and Farhat Ullah Khan**

...t also with weed species before its introduction into agroforestry systems. During present investigation, allelopathic potential of leaf aqueous extract was investigated on seed germination and seedling development of L. Extracts were applied at 25%, 20%, 15%, 10% and 5% as seed soaking for 8 hours prior to sowing. Phenolics compounds were found in aqueous extracts and were higher in 25% extract (52.72 mg gallic acid eq. / gm of extract). Higher concentration ...
Zahida Parveen1, Safdar Sidra1*, Bushra Nisar Khan2
...and weighed the next day before offering the new feed. According to previous reports at site, the peafowls were preferred to poultry feed but in present research, the diet preference was in order of maize >millet >poultryfeed. During feeding, the behavioral patterns of the captive peafowls were monitored on daily basis. Time spent in different behavioral activities was noted in seconds using the stopwatch. On average, most time spent by all species and v...
Syeda Madiha, Zehra Batool, Saiqa Tabassum, Laraib Liaquat, Sadia Sadir, Tahira Perveen and Saida Haider*


...g/day, p.o.) was started before 15 days of rotenone injection. The effects of curcumin pre-treatment were evaluated by different motor behavioral parameters (pole test, Kondziela’s inverted screen test, inclined plane test, open field test, beam walking test and footprint test). Biochemical and neurochemical alterations were also monitored. Pre-treatment with curcumin reversed the motor impairments, biochemical and neurochemical alterations which were pr...

Muhammad Iftikharul Husnain1, Aneel Salman1, Inayatullah Jan2*, Tahir Mahmood3 

...e and must be controlled before carrying out an empirical analysis on the temperature-agriculture nexus to obtain reliable estimates of the regression coefficients. Policymakers should pay more attention to combat negative impacts of rising temperature. This will have an impact on the agriculture and hence on the livelihood of the mass population residing in South Asian countries. 


Habibullah* and Sahib Alam  

...rop. Biochar was applied before sowing, while N application was carried out in splits to the crops. The study was conducted in district Buner, Pakistan using randomized complete block design with split-plot arrangement. Biochar was applied at the rates of 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20 ton/ha as the main plot factor. The immediate effect of biochar was assessed on maize crop integrated with four levels of N viz. 0, 100,150 and 200 kg/ha applied as sub-plot factor. The re...
Leila A. Kaimbayeva1,*, Elena S. Malysheva2, Rashit Kazikhanov3 and Saule R. Kazikhanova4
...aturity of red deer meat before trading, and utilization in the production of meat products. For these purposes, meat samples were collected from quadriceps of 2.5-4 years old female red deer, immediately processed for isolation of muscular fibers and were evaluated for the pH, water-binding power, activities of tissue enzymes and microstructure changes. The results of chemical analysis revealed the nature of protein substances, altered рН value of...

Urooba Pervaiz1, Abdus Salam1, Dawood Jan2, Ayesha Khan1 and Mahmood Iqbal

... used for the comparison before and after training.The results show that 43% of the respondents were young, literate (85%), owner cultivator (49%), majority (81%) have total tomato cultivated area between 1-3 acres. Training was given to all the farmers, results of t-test showed that after getting training; tomato yield, income, total cost of seed, weeding, and pesticides were increased, while seed rate gm per acre was decreased. It is concluded that all the r...
Yakup Erdal Erturk1, Adem Aksoy2 and Mohammad Masood Tariq3,*
...turage land, live weight before fattening, and fattening period. Predictive accuracy of MARS algorithm was evaluated using coefficient of determination (R2), Standard Deviation Ratio (SDRATIO), Generalized Cross Validation (GCV) and Pearson`s correlation (r) between actual and predicted AFFLW. Pearson`s correlation coefficients between actual and predicted AFFLW for male and female crossbred cattle were very strongly estimated (r~1.00, P&...
Niamatullah Kakar, Farhat Abbas, Muhammad Shafee and Tauseef Asmat*
...were effectively treated before imprisonment. On age basis, 128/186 (68.88%) patients were of younger age (18-30 years) and 10 (5.37 %) were above 50 year. Illiteracy, unemployment (daily wages) and tobacco smoking were some of the main risk factors common in inmates. The trend of sharing blankets, towels and utensils were 158/186 (84.49%), 152/186 (81.72%) and 165/186 (88.70%), respectively which likely increase the risk of disease spread. Smear microscopy re...
Komal Mushtaq1, Shoaib Waqas2*, Hafiz Muhammad Asim3
...the pain severity levels before treatment and after treatment. Data were normally distributed and therefore, change in pain intensity was measured by “t” test using SPSS version 23.0. 
Results: The calculated mean pain score on NPRS before treatment was 3.90 (standard deviation, 0.3038) and after treatment it was 1.65 (standard deviation, 0.8638). The calculated t-value was 12.08 (p...

Muhammad Shoaib Saleem*, Muhammad Faheem Akbar, Amjad Sultan and Saqib Ali 

...reatment data were taken before 24 hours and post-treatment data were recorded after 24, 72, 168 and 336 hours of each spray. In this manner the data of three sprays were collected. Amongst neonicotinoids Clothianidin was found to be very effective with 84% reduction in jassid population even after 7 days of application, followed by Nitenpyram 71% and Momentum 67%, while buprofezin showed moderate effectiveness with 65% reduction. The mean data of three consec...
Maaz Ahmad1*, Mussab Ahmad2 and Tehreem Munir3 period was observed before the start of trial. Each patient received the treatment for 6 weeks. The primary outcome variable was the improvement in gastrointestinal symptom score (GIS) consisting of evaluation of 10 dyspeptic symptoms rated on Likert scale. Dyspeptic symptoms were assessed at the start of trial then after 2, 4 and 6 weeks. 
Results: In this trial, 200 patients fully participated in this study (age 36.31±9.71...

Abdur Rehman and Zahir Shah 

...lowed by thorough mixing before sowing. Both Fe and Mo induced significant increases in fresh pods pea yield and nutrient uptake. Their combined effect was more prominent than their alone application. The maximum fresh pods yield of 5458 kg ha-1 and biomass yield of 10315 kg ha-1 were obtained with the combine application of high levels of Mo and Fe (2 and 5 kg ha-1) and has also enhanced nodules number by 152 %, fresh weight of nodules by 135 %, N concentrati...
Manzoor Hussain*, Miloslav Zouhar and Pavel Ryšánek inoculum was measured before okra was seeded in the field. At harvest, the numbers of root galls, egg masses, and eggs per root system, the root weight, the final population of the second stage juveniles, and the reproduction rate were detected at the highest levels in untreated soil, whereas low numbers were encountered in soils initially treated with the fungus, L. muscarium. Meloidogyne incognita and other plant parasitic nematodes multiplied sign...
Hafiz Manzoor Ahmad1,*, Hamad Bin Rashid1, Muhammad Arif Khan1, Asim Khalid Mahmood1, Muhammad Ijaz1, Shahid Hussain Farooqi1, Muhammad Rafi Ullah2 and Usman Ghani1
...physiological parameters before and after anesthesia. The birds of K+X group were given ketamine hydrochloride (15 mg/kg) and xylazine (5 mg/kg), while K+X+D group were given ketamine hydrochloride (15 mg/kg), xylazine (2.5 mg/kg) and diazepam (2.5mg/kg) cocktail, respectively. The birds were monitored for 130 min post administration for various physiological parameters like; body temperature, heart rate and respiratory rate with normal averages 105.02±...
Adem Aksoy1, Yakup Erdal Ertürk2, Ecevit Eyduran3 and Mohammad Masood Tariq4,*
... (sex, first live weight before fattening and fattening period of the beef cattle) were recorded from the related beef cattle enterprises. For the statistical evaluation of MARS algorithm, the package “earth” of the R software was employed based on the smallest GCV value. In the CHAID algorithm, minimum enterprise numbers in parent and child nodes were set at 4 and 2 for ensuring strong predictive accuracy with the Bonferroni adjustment. MARS algor...
Naeem Ahmad1,* and Zulqurnain2*
...t ratio is pre-requisite before final recommendations.
Muhammad Zahid1, Aneela ZameerDurrani1, Muhammad Ijaz1, KhushiMuhammad1,Muhammad Usman1,*, Muhammad Husnain1 and Nadeem Kamal2


Nizam Uddin Jamali1, Asmatullah Kaka1,*, Pershotam Khatri1, Moolchand Malhi2, Muhammad Naeem3, Akeel Ahmed Memon1, Rameez Raja Kaleri4, Habibullah Janyaro5 and Dildar Hussain Kalhoro

 Muhammad Akram and Faheem Aftab

...on on the explant, i.e., before bud break and after the break. The frequency of callus induction was highest (100%) at 5uM TDZ before bud break along the nodal region. The rate of callus formation was significantly reduced once bud began to break down and initiation of green axillary shoots. The shoots were further developed, rooted and acclimatized to glasshouse conditions. We demonstrated that axillary buds of G. biloba co...

 Hafiz Muhammad Tahir1*, Zafar Iqbal Khan2, Saira Batool2, Kafeel Ahmad2, Salma Begum2

Residual effect of lambda-cyhalothrin on abundance of insect pollinators in marigold field patch
...sited the marigold plant before and after insecticidal spray was
recorded. In semi-field experiment, honey bees were exposed to insecticide treated
plants for one hour. The mortality rate of honey bees in the control and insecticide
exposed group was compared. Overall, a significant decline in plant pollinators was
observed after application of lambda-cyhalothrin on the patch of marigold plants.
Lambda-cyhalothrin caused sign...

Hafiz Muhammad Umer Qaisar1, Tanveer Ahmad2, Muhammad Rizwan3*, Muhammad Saqib1

Antimicrobial efficacy of combination of lincomycin and spiramycin (Lispiracin™) as systemic dry cow therapy for controlling bovine mastitis
...b-clinical and clinical) before and after parturition and
bacteriological cure rate. Quarter and animal wise prevalence of both clinical and
sub-clinical mastitis after systemic dry cow therapy with lispiracin™ group (G1) was
lower than control group (G2). This was evaluated through Surf Field Mastitis Test,
Somatic cell count, isolation, identification and purification of microbiological
cultures. The mean score of sur...

 Ihsan Ali1#, Asim Aslam1*, Habib-ur-Rehman2, Beenish Zahid3, Ishtiaq Ahmed1

Effect of fish oil on growth performance and immune response in experimentally infected broiler chicken with avian influenza virus H9N2
...ving diet with
CO before virus inoculation, furthermore a significant difference was observed in
FCR after challenged, with highest value of group A, followed by group D, B and C.
The Geometric mean titer (GMT) for H9N2 and Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV)
were recorded weekly up to 42 day of age by haemagglutination inhibition test. The
mean GMT for H9N2 of group A, B, C, and D after challenge were 76.0, 273.7, 0.5
and 0...
Mirza Imran Shahzad1, Hina Ashraf2,*, Muhammad Arshad3, Sabeeha Parveen4, Amna Aslam4, Nargis Naz4, Zahid Kamran1, Sumbul Gohar Khalid5, Sajid Hameed1, Muhammad Ashfaq6 and Muhammad Mukhtar7


...otentials were not known before. The methanolic extracts were made and concentrated by rotary evaporator and finally dissolved in distilled water before taking their antiviral trials in 7-11 days old chicken embryonated eggs. The viral loads were determined through heamagglutination (HA) test. The methanolic extract of each plant was found effective against NDV but in varying order. The active extracts were further used in d...
Radek Aulicky1,*, Vaclav Stejskal1 and George Opit2
...ips are introduced 168 h before pest exposure whereas in the “repressive” regime strips are introduced concurrently with pests. Based on our data, mortalities ranged from 0 to 100% depending on species. The most sensitive species was O. surinamensis whereas the most tolerant was R. dominica. At 1- and 4-h exposure periods, there were significant differences in mortality between repressive and preventive regimes. However, no difference...

Nighat Seema1*, Muhammad Hamayun1, Husan Ara1 and Raham Sheer Khan

...mpared with the pH value before experiment. The 8% PEG induced drought stress elevated the EC value, however, the inoculation of all types of endophytic fungi lowered the EC to provide smooth medium for plant growth. Interestingly, the inoculation did enhance the extent of usage of organic compounds by the plants available in the soil and hence lowered the contents. During drought stress, ammonium ion concentration was increased in all endophytic treated soil ...
Marian Kuczaj1, Ewa Czerniawska-Piątkowska2,*, Alicja Mizera1, Renata Pilarczyk2, Bogumiła Pilarczyk3 and Patryk Barton1
...he mother’s weight before birth was significantly influenced by the daily increase in calves at the age of 1 month.

Salman Anwar1, 2*, Farhan Anwar Khan3 and Atta-ur-Rahman4 

...ment of Gilgit-Baltistan before and after the construction of KKH. Results show a significant change in land use and development in the agriculture sector after the construction of KKH. However, still, the land use and agriculture sectors need Government attention in land use planning, regulations, improvement of water channels, the introduction of high yielding seeds and farmer awareness. 


Saqib Bashir* and Bashir Ahmad 

... done in previous season before sowing of wheat crop, whereas nitrogen levels as 0, 30, 60, 90 and 120 kg N ha-1 were allotted to sub plots in the field where wheat crop was sown. Data were recorded on emergence m-2, days to maturity, plant height, thousand grains weight, biological yield and grain yield of wheat. The integration of pigeonpea green manuring with nitrogen levels significantly increased wheat growth, yield and yield components. In case of green ...

Syed Atif Hasan Naqvi* 

...e it was out of question before this. Climate change has a drastic effect for the development of this disease and still there are no remedies to tackle this problem. Environmental issues are also needed to be addressed in the future research agenda of this disease.


Arshad Farooq* and Muhammad Zafarullah Khan 

...ppage of irrigation before harvesting and cane cutting whereas farmers of district Mardan had low knowledge gap in length of cane setts, sowing practices, irrigation and cane cutting techniques. Medium knowledge gap (21 to 50%) was observed in length of cane setts, row to row spacing in farmers of D.I. Khan district while in farmers of Mardan district medium knowledge gap was observed i...
Bushra Siddique1,*, Muhammad Tariq1, Muhammad Naeem1 and Muhammad Ali2
...ned starved for two days before Olfactometer bioassays. For D. rapae, mummified aphidswere collected from wheat crop. Naive females were subjected to olfactometer tests. Seven different combined treatments of semiochemicals and plant extract were applied on filter paper strips at 3% concentration. The filter paper strips were placed in arms of olfactometer. The control arms were treated with n-hexane. Data pertaining to preference of C. septempunctat...
Wali Khan1,*, Mudassar Iqbal2 and Israr Khan2 counted in each group before and after treatment. The % efficacy of albendazole (bendazol) and albendazole (zentel) against ancylostomiasis, ascariasis, taeniasis and amoebiasis were reported 92 and 83, 83 and 96, 74 and 81 and 84 and 74%, respectively. EPG counts amongst children in both the groups before and after treatment was not significant (P>0.05). Present study was concluded that albendazole (bendazol) was show...
Muhammad Shoaib Saleem* and Muhammad Faheem Akbar
...ment data were collected before 24 h and Post treatment data were collected after 24, 72, 168 and 336 h of each spray. In this manner, the data for three sprays were collected. The order of effectiveness in decreasing sequence was found to be Nitenpyram, Buprofezin, clothianidin and momentum (75%), (65%) (64%) and (63%), respectively against whiteflies’ population.
Yan-Guo Han1,2, Jun-Hua Ye1, Qin-Tao Zhao1, Yong-Jie Huang2, Kai Li2, Yong-Fu Huang2 and Li Xu1,*
...d samples were collected before primary immunization and at weeks 3, 5 and 7 after primary immunization and body weight of offspring were weighed at weeks 0, 2 and 4 after birth. Both SS-14 and SS-28 DNA vaccines induced humoral immune response, however, antibody response in T1 group were significantly stronger than that in T2 and C groups. Serum GH levels in T1 group was significantly higher than those in T2 and C groups, and serum PRL levels in...
Raja Imran Hussain* and Iqra Yousaf on both habitat types before sowing the wheat crop. This might prevent damage to wheat and possible reduction of intensive use of rodenticides in cropland.
Riyadh S. Aljumaah1, Mutassim M. Abdelrahman1,*, Moez Ayadi1 and Abdullah H. Alyemni2
...ry treatments two months before parturition (Late gestation). Lambing percentage, lamb birth weight, lamb weaning weight and mortality rate were recorded. Blood samples were collected regularly during the different stages and analyzed for different important nutritional metabolites. In addition, colostrum, at parturition, and milk samples on day 30, 60 and 90 postpartum were collected for nutrient contents. The results showed an improvement in lambing rate of ...

Sanaullah and Urooba Pervaiz*, and use of pesticide before and after training were computed with the help of paired sample t-test. Results revealed that in maize there is a significant decrease for seed rate (-11.6743 kg/acre) and irrigation interval (-16.03 days) after training, while significant increase in mean difference was recorded for row-to-row distance (38.7 cm), plant-to-plant distance (8.22 cm), use of pesticide (0.2108), yield (237.46 kg/acre) and income (Rs 50783.08) after ...

Syed Muhammad Hassan Raza1*, Syed Amer Mahmood1, Syeeda Areeba Gillani1, Syed Shehzad Hassan1, Muneeb Aamir1, Muhammad Saifullah1, Mubashar Basheer1, Atif Ahmad1, Saif-ul-Rehman2 and Tariq Ali1 

...n of net crop production before harvest enables agronomists and decision makers to determine the volume of grain precisely. Yield estimation is one of the challenging tasks which is significant to evaluate accurately for farmers. This research was conducted in eastern Punjab Pakistan by incorporating yield/area as reported by Crop Reporting Service Department along with open source satellite datasets. We downloaded three images of each year (2008-2018) from Ge...
Riaz Shah1* and Margaret Appleby2
...on the leaf discs either before spray (contact bioassay) or after the spray (residual bioassay). In contact bioassay, all of the tested pesticides killed more than 95% of the TSSM after 72 hours except diatomaceous earth (DE). Diatomaceous earth killed only 24.6+3.2% TSSM that was significantly lower than all the other pesticides used. When mites were released onto treated leaf discs (spray residues), only garlic/chilli extract gave relatively acceptable level...
Sajida Sabahat1, Asif Nadeem1,*, Maryam Javed1, Muhammad Yasir Zahoor1, Abu Saeed Hashmi1, Ghulam Yasein2 and Ghulam Abbas1 
...-1 have not been studied before in camel. The DNA samples of Marecha camel were collected from the Camel Breeding and Research Station at Rakhmani Bhakkar, Pakistan. Four polymorphic sites were detected in the IGF-1 gene. A significant finding was the occurrence of a T→C polymorphism in exon 5 that causes a substitution of an amino acid from Cysteine to Arginine.That Cys/Arg polymorphism may serve as authoritative genetic marker for selective impro...
Ali Mujtaba Shah1,2,3, Ali Raza Shah3, Muhammad Farooque Hassan2, Muhammad Yousif2, Zhisheng Wang1*
... mammary glands produced before parturition. It is recommended that neonates must ingest colostrum to develop passive immunity. Regardless of placental structure and transfer of immunity in utero, ingestion of colostrum after birth also confers additional protection by binding to intestinal receptors which could otherwise be bound by bacteria. Moreover, the adequate colostrum reduces neonatal mortality, strengthen immunity and increase animal lifespan. Delayin...
Bibi Nazia Murtaza1, Mazhar Saeed Chaudry2, Shamaila Inayat Nadeem1, Muhammad Shahid Nadeem3 and Abdul Rauf Shakoori4,*, are vital to analyse before the start of adjuvant therapy. Further studies needed to confirm the functional aspects of rs112445441 and other variants involved in NHL pathogenesis. 

Muhammad Sohail Memon1*, Khadim Ullah1, Altaf Ali Siyal1,2, Naimatullah Leghari1, Ahmed Ali Tagar1, Khalil Ahmed Ibupoto1, Syed Tahir Ata-ul-karim3, Muhammad Tahir4 and Noreena Memon1 

...ical chemical properties before and after the trial. Irrigation water was measured through cutthroat flume at each irrigation interval and the total water consumed by ridge ground was 500 mm. The solute transport and soil water content in the root zone was also simulated by HYDRUS-2D. The results reveal that the salts moved upward to the top (upper layers) and concentrated at the center of the ridge for treatments T2 and T3 but leached down from the furrow bot...
Sameh S. Tawfik, Ahmed A. Elkady* and Ehab T. Mohamed
...esults revealed that TSE before-irradiation significantly abolish γ-rays-induced alleviation in renal catalase (CAT) and glutathione peroxidase (PGx) activities and reduced-glutathione (GSH) content and significantly limited the elevation in serum tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), interleukin-1β (IL-1β) and interleukin-6 (IL-6) levels when compared to irradiated rat group. The histopathological-findings of renal tissues in the irradi...
Monica Paula Marin1, Elena Narcisa Pogurschi1*, Iuliana Marin2 and Carmen Georgeta Nicolae1
... administrated one month before parturition and continued for 16 other weeks. The zeolite consumption of 150 g/head/day has determined a decrease in the content of milk in heavy metals, increasing the concentration of unsaturated acids (oleic, linoleic) and immunoglobulins in colostrum, as well as reducing the diarrheal gastric disease of cattle. By adding zeolite in the cow ration during the precalving period has determined a significant increase in blood ser...

Tariq Mahmood Khalil1,2*, Muhammad Ajmal2, Taj Ali Khan2, Zia Ul Haq2, Muhammad Shahzad Khattak2 and Abdul Malik2 

...mitters should be tested before adoption to ensure uniformity of water application. 

Saara Ahmad1,*, Iftikhar Ahmed2, Saida Haider3, Zehra Batool4, Laraib Liaquat3, Fatima Ahmed5, Asra Khan1, Tahira Perveen3, Mirza Jawad ul Hasnain6, Saima Khaliq7 and Saad Bilal Ahmed8
...ein (AFP) were estimated before and after the administration of different meals. After the experiment, the liver samples were weighed and histopathologically evaluated using a knodell score to assess portal hypertension and liver damage. Animals fed with commercial chicken meat and feed for six weeks showed development of inflammation, necrosis, apoptosis and cirrhosis on histopathological examination of the liver, and had raised plasma TNF-α and AFP-lev...
Veli Sel1, Isa Yilmaz2,* and Mete Yanar3
...hold. The udder cleaning before milking was a significant factor (P <0.001), SCC was 66.330±2.570 cells/ml for the producers that applied hygiene and was 125.860±9.500 cells/ml for the ones that did not. Season was determined to be significant factor (P <0.001) and SCC values were 52.290 ± 5.653 cells/ml, 69.990 ± 3.557 cells/ml and 104.810 ± 6.258 cells/ml for winter, spring, and summer seasons, respectively. In additi...

Shazia Mansoor1, Muhammad Sohail2*, Saima Aslam3 and Muhammad Nauman ul Islam4 (BCS) of pregnant ewe before and after lambing. It was concluded that higher Crude Protein (CP) and Total Digestible Nutrients (TDN) supplementation to pregnant ewes improves the birth weight, growth rate of lambs and body condition scoring of ewes. 

Bo Gao1,2, Fengmei Yang3, Wei Chen2, Xiaojia Song4, Xiaobo Liu5 and Dongmin Li1*
...ficantly lower than that before operation in recurrent/non-recurrent and MDR1 positive/MDR1 negative group. There was a significant correlation between MDR1 expression and tumor markers (CA125 and CA153), regardless of whether recurrence was involved in PEOC and breast cancer. Multivariate logistic regression indicated that relative MDR1 expression levels in patients of the positive-group survival curves were lower than those in patients of the negative-group ...

Arjumand Nizami1, Muhammad Zulfiqar2*, Jawad Ali1, Naushad Khan2 and Imran Sheikh

...eration. The result from before and after AWD technology and laser land leveling technology adaption shows that 24.24% tube well operation time was reduced at the head, 19.4% reduced at middle and 24.4% reduced at tail. The reduction of hours in operating tube well results in dual benefits of savings in the quantity of irrigation water extraction particularly keeping in view the climate change scenario and saving in cost of energy that is used for tube well op...

Bahadar Sher Khattak1, Muhammad Kaleem1, Waqas2*, Humaira Naz1 and Muhammad Yasir

...ata which was pre-tested before starting the actual process of data collection. The total sample size of the study area was 150, randomly selected for interviews. After the data analysis, it was found that the majority of the respondents (83.3%) who were small farmers acquired and utilized micro-credit in establishing income generating entrepreneurs, purchased quality seeds, fertilizers and small scale modern technology. These innovations brought substantial e...

Zulfiqar Ali Abbasi1*, Muhammad Nawaz Kandhro1, Aijaz Ahmed Soomro1, Naimatullah Leghari2, Muhammad Ibrahim Keerio3, Ahmed Naqi Shah1 and Musrat Begum Abro1 

...s primed with 0.2% ZnSO4 before sowing and arranged with planting geometry of 85 x 20 cm. The variety HO-1 is relatively a better option for sunflower cultivation under agro-climatic conditions of Tandojam, Pakistan. 


Muhammad Jamal Nasir*, Anwar Saeed Khan, Said Alam and Riyasat Sultan 

...d use to move to pasture before the onsets of summers, but today in Utla out of total 745 households, only 40 households practice seasonal migrations. Though seasonal migration in village Utla is as old as the village by itself, it is on decline. The field survey suggested that Decrease in the number of Livestock, increasing Employment opportunities, availability of dairy products in the market etc. are the most important causes contributing to the decline of ...

Aqsa Ahmad1, Iftikhar Ahmad1* and Malik Fiaz Hussain Ferdosi

...illess compositions died before flowering, while those grown in silt (control) performed best. While in experiment II, the highest quality plants were grown in 50% CC + 40% RH +10% PM. Quality was defined as plants with shortest production time (days), tallest plant height (cm), optimal leaf chlorophyll content (SPAD), highest leaf area (cm2), fresh and dry weight (g), longest vase life (days). Substrates containing CC, RH and PM (50% + 40% + 10%; v/v/v) were ...
Shaista Abbas1,Imtiaz Rabbani1, Hafsa Zaneb2, M. Shahbaz Yousaf1, Saima Ashraf2, Abid Hussain Shahzad3, M. Afzal Rashid4 and Habib Rehman1,*
...respectively for 4 weeks before and -4 weeks after kidding. When compared with the non-supplemented goats, dietary yeast improved (P<0.05) DMI during transition period however, BCS (P = 0.81) and BW (P = 0.59) did not vary amongst the groups. During postpartum period, results of the serum biomarkers revealed higher glucose (P=0.02) and lower (P = 0.002) non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) levels in the supplemented vs. non-supplemented goats. Compared ...
Muhammad Anwarullah1*, Aneela Zameer Durrani1, Muhammad Ijaz1Aftab Ahmad Anjum2, Ghulam Mustafa3, Muhammad Husnain1 and Muhammad Usman1 lesions were observed before and after the therapeutic trials and lesions scoring was given according to the standard. On the basis of the changes in histopathological lesions, the effect of these therapeutic agents was noted. Amikacin showed marked differences in terms of decrease in severity of lesions weather used alone or in combination with cinnamon in rabbits. It was observed that amikacin and cinnamon having synergistic effect in rabbits and are econ...

Abid Khan*, Mukhtar Alam and Yousaf Jamal 

...tion for 30 minutes just before sowing) and unprimed wheat seeds were tested under various nitrogen sources (NS) with and without BM. Nitrogen sources were NS1 (control), NS2 (full dose from Urea), NS3 (full dose from FYM), NS4 (full dose from PM), NS5 (half dose from Urea + half dose from FYM), NS6 (half dose from urea + half dose from PM) and NS7 (half dose from FYM + half dose from PM). Nitrogen @ 120 kg ha-1 was quantified from each combination except NS1....
Neelam Pery*, Nayab Batool Rizvi, Muhammad Imtiaz Shafiq
...;) has not been explored before. Due to the linear arrangement of its rings and characteristic position of hydrogen bond donors and acceptors, it can accommodate the conformational changes of the binding cavity while maintaining interactions with the ATP binding residues. The designed inhibitors show some selectivity for JAK 1 and 3 over JAK2 offering a better safety profile against the harmful effects of JAK2 inhibition.

Zeeshan Al Hameed1, Junaid Saleem2*, Syed Sajid Hussain1, Ahsan Abdul Ghani2, Hira Lal2 

...s to get it concentrated before being added into the furnace. In this
study, we report, for the first time in Pakistan, that the indigenous Fluorspar can directly be used as a metallurgical
flux without any beneficiation process as it is rich in Fluorite and also contains small amount of other compounds
that are required to be fed as part of slag. Specifically, it contains only trace amount of apatite as compared to
global Fluorspar...

Younis Jamal1, Asad Naeem Shah1, Wasif Amin Butt1, Ahmad Naveed1*, Muhammad Usman1 

...omprising 16°
before top dead center (BTDC), 13°BTDC and 10°BTDC. Experimental results reveal that VCO nozzles in toroidal
combustion chamber (CC) are better than sac nozzles with hemispherical CC, and that wider cone angle nozzles
at 10° BTDC give the optimum results in terms of emissions and performance, relative to those of narrower cone
angles. The 150° nozzles with 1.5 mm tip penetration give abated carbon m...

Muhammad Aamir1*, Riaz Muhammad1, Naseer Ahmed1, Muhammad Sadiq2, Muhammad Waqas3, Izhar1 

...cture examination
before and after thermal aging is carried out using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) followed by confirmation
of chemical composition with energy dispersive X-ray (EDX). The microstructure is further analyzed using ImageJ
to investigate the Intermetallic compounds (IMCs) particle average size at different aging temperature. Mechanical
properties including Yield strength (YS) and Ultimate tensile strength (UTS) ar...

Nabeel Maqsood1,2*, Afzal Khan1, Muhammad Khalid Alamgir2, Shaukat Ali Shah1, Muhammad Fahad3 

...trates were also studied before and after electrochemical corrosion
test and then compared. The thickness of the coating was also examined well. The result shows the remarkable
improvement in the corrosion resistance of PTFE coating by decreasing the corrosion current density in HCL media.


Muhammad Masood Tahir1, Ayyaz Hussain2, Saeed Badshah3, Qaisar Javaid2 

... that particular feature before further processing. The selected sets of NCVs are finally used as
references to generate rule-set for testing the unknown vibration samples. The results are evident that the proposed
RDS may be an effective alternative to the existing classifier-based fault diagnosis, even if the vibration signals are
contaminated with considerable background noise. 


Muhammad Naveed Anjum1, Abdur Rehman1*, Muhammad Niamatullah Khan1, Raheel Saqib2, Mohammad Fayaz3 and Iqbal Javed4

Impact of Microfinance on Socioeconomic Status of Farmers in District Dera Ismail Khan
...e health facilities than before. 82.2% farmer’s response indicated that the microfinance have a positive and significant impact on the children’s educational status and due to microfinance their children were moved from government to private schools. Moreover, the parents whose children were not getting their education from the educational institutions due to their financial crisis and issues, now the parents sent their children to the educational ...

 Muhammad Nafees*, Asim Nawab*, Wisal Shah**

...taken from the effluent, before and after it went through the treatment plant. It was found that the treatment
was not sufficient to remove various physical and chemical parameters including Suspended solids (SS), Biological
Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) and Sulfide (S) in order to comply with Pakistan National
Environmental Quality Standards (Pak-NEQS).The collected samples were then treated in the labor...

Muhammad Riaz1*, Naureen Akhtar1, Salik Nawaz Khan1, Muhammad Shakeel1,2 and Ateeq Tahir1

Neocosmospora rubicola: An Unrecorded Pathogen from Pakistan Causing Potato Stem Rot
...potato is never reported before in Pakistan.


Ejaz Ashraf1*, Hafiz Khurram Shurjeel2, Saima Sadaf1, Adnan Ahmad1, Usman Rafique1 and Muhammad Arshad Javed1

An Assessment of Farmers’ Awareness Level Regarding Integrated Farming System in District Sargodha, Punjab, Pakistan
...reliability were checked before data collection. In-person interviews were conducted by the researcher. The collected data were analyzed by Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Based on the results, it is concluded that majority of the farmers were not willing to adopt IFS due to their traditional perceptions. Those farmers have constraints such as little or no access to information for integrated farming system. Strong association was observed betw...

Ejaz Ashraf1*, Hafiz Khurram Shurjeel2, Saima Sadaf1, Adnan Ahmad1, Usman Rafique1 and Muhammad Arshad Javed1

An Assessment of Farmers’ Awareness Level Regarding Integrated Farming System in District Sargodha, Punjab, Pakistan
...reliability were checked before data collection. In-person interviews were conducted by the researcher. The collected data were analyzed by Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Based on the results, it is concluded that majority of the farmers were not willing to adopt IFS due to their traditional perceptions. Those farmers have constraints such as little or no access to information for integrated farming system. Strong association was observed betw...

Asadullah Saleem* and Nadeem Ehsan*

Amjad Hussain1, Ata Ur Rehman2, Zia Ur Rehman Tahir3, Aftab Ahmad1, Fahad Noor3, Qasar Wasique Ahmad1
INVESTIGATION OF EMPLOYEES’ PERCEPTION ABOUT LEAN IMPLEMENTATION organization was done before conducting the study. It has been concluded that white collar work group perceptions about Kaizen implementation are more positive than blue collar employees. Moreover, employees with the lowest positive perception are likely to be more dissatisfied with their jobs. The study also identified the factors which contribute towards the development of negative perceptions. However, the study is limited to one lean tool (Kaizen) and i...

 Asad Naeem Shah1,2, GE Yun-shan1, HE Chao1,3


Ghulam Murtaza1, Ghulam Sarwar1*, Muhammad Ashraf Malik2, Muhammad Zeeshan Manzoor1, Ayesha Zafar1 and Sher Muhammad3 

...s, and potassium in soil before sowing and after harvesting sorghum. The best performance was observed in T7 (canal water + FYM at 10 Mg/ha) which improved soil properties by lowering pH, EC, and SAR and enhancing concentration of organic matter, phosphorus and potassium. However, T3 (water of EC 3 dS m-1) increased soil electrical conductivity, pH, SAR, and lowered organic matter, phosphorus and potassium concentration. Data were statistically analyzed by sta...

Ali Hazrat1*, Mohammad Nisar1, Khan Sher2, Jehandar Shah2, Tour Jan1 and Abid Ullah1

Taxonomic and Medicinal Study of Papilionaceae of District Upper Dir, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
... Vicia faba can be eaten before it is fully ripened in the same way as broad beans, fully ripened seed requires overnight soaking to soften it before cooking. All the species of the selected family are reported for the first time and studied for medicinal purposes.

Shagufta Parveen1*, Kousar Perveen1, Muhammad Afzal1, Syed Amir Gilani2, Muhammad Musadaq3
...which weaning is started before 6 months of age are less likely to be underweight or shorter than the 50th percentile of height for their age, and therefore less likely to be malnourished, than infants in whom weaning is started at 6 months of age or later. 
Yan Wen1, Liu Lian2, Zhuang Xun3, Murong Jiaying4, Cui Shuyi1, He Wanwen1, Mai Guanghuai5, Huang Wenzhu1, Chen Gang1,* and Wang Zhijun1,* index of the patients before and after the treatment were assessed. After treatment, the intra-group 6-minute walk test (6MWT), forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1), FEV1/forced vital capacity (FVC), the Medical Research Council (MRC) Dyspnea Scale, the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAM-D), the Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HAM-A), and the Body-Mass Index, Airflow Obstruction, Dyspnea, and Exercise (BODE) index were found significantl...

Israr Yasin1, Ismail Qureshi1*, Shahjahn Qaimkhani1, Gulam Mustafa Solangi3, Ismail Qaimkhani1, Ismail Brohi1 and Abdul Ahad Soomro2

A Perspective on Household Dairy Farming in District Naushahro Feroze, Sindh, Pakistan
...eholds who used Oxytocin before milking of animals. Using chi-square statistic, the relationship between use of Oxytocin and abortion in large animals was found highly significant (p<0.01). On an average basis, 3.0% growth rate in livestock was estimated. The highest growth rate (5.0%) was recorded in buffaloes. Livestock contributed about 21.0% to household income (sale of milk 11% and sale of animals 10%). Relatively more proportion of females was recorde...
Chao Zhao1,2, Sigang Fana2 and Lihua Qiua2,3,*
...tion and vibrio numbers (before mysis stage) were considerably higher than those in other ponds (P < 0.05), indicating that nitrite and vibrios influenced P. monodon survival during larva culture. Nitrite and nitrate concentrations increased from day 6, and increased dramatically by day 12. Total ammonia concentration increased continuously from day 1 to 15. Heterotrophic bacteria increased slowly in the nauplii and zoea stages, grew rapidly i...

Joseph Anejo-Okopi1*, Obinna Oragwa Arthur2, Ocheme Julius Okojokwu1, Sarah Joseph1, Geoffrey Chibueze1, Joshua Adetunji1, Joseph Ameh Okwori3, David Ochola Amanyi4, Otobo I. Ujah5 and Onyemocho Audu6

Seroprevalence of Rift Valley Fever Virus Infection among Slaughtered Ruminants in Jos, North-Central, Nigeria
... abattoir/slaughter slab before slaughtering was not associated with the infection. The infection was more in females than males, though with no statistical significance. This study revealed high prevalence of RVFV infection in Jos, Nigeria, and highlights the endemic circulation of the virus despite the absence of clinical symptoms in animals sampled, suggesting the need to set up early warning surveillance and prevention/control strategies to mitigate the ri...
Sri Nuryani Hidayah Utami*, Andin Muhammad Abduh, Eko Hanudin and Benito Heru Purwanto
Study on the NPK Uptake and Growth of Rice under Two different Cropping Systems with different Doses of Organic Fertilizer in the Imogiri Subdistrict, Yogyakarta Province, Indonesia
...rows of rice plants. The before-mentioned cropping system is called Jarwo 2:1. The fertilization treatment for both rice cropping systems was the same, which is a mixture of cow manure and neem compost (1:1) at doses of 0, 3, 6, and 9 ton ha-1. The research data are presented in tables and graphs to show the effects of modification of the rice cropping system on the nutrient uptake. The results showed that the Jarwo 2:1 provided a higher N, P, K uptake compare...
Shakeel Ahmed* and Sarwat Jahan
... individually 60 minutes before and 120 minutes after NMS administration at 15 minutes intervals. Plasma T and GH concentrations were determined by using specific Enzyme Immunoassay (EIA) kits. 48 h fasting significantly (P<0.001) decreased plasma T levels but it did not cause any significant (P>0.05) change in plasma GH levels compared to normal fed monkeys. NMS injection induced a significant increase (P<0.05) in T and GH concentrations compared to ...
Feng Xu1,2,3*, Weikang Yang1,2,3*, Ming Ma1,2,3 and David A. Blank4
...d recognizing a predator before being detected themselves. Group size, human disturbance, environment factors, body size of a prey and a predator, season, traits of species and numbers of others factors were thought to have significant impacts on vigilance. Here, in this study we considered only three of them: group size, disturbance, and predation vulnerability and their impact on the vigilance of the Demoiselle crane (Antropoides virgo). Our results s...
Muhammad Ramzan, Unsar Naeem-Ullah*, Mudssar Ali and Hasan Riaz
...tions are very important before adopted any strategy against this pest. For this purposes, the current study was conducted and this is first study on this pest in Pakistan.

Muhammad Jamal Nasir*, Atiq Ur Rahman and Anwar Saeed Khan

Assessment of Irrigation Development in the Small Dams Command Area: A Case Study of Palai Dam, District Charsadda
... in village Qilla, where before the dam construction, there was no concept of canal irrigation, but after the dam construction, 64.36 % of cultivated land is now being irrigated through the Palai irrigation canal. Similarly, the tubewell irrigated area decreased from 87.29 % to 30.07% of the irrigated area after the dam construction.

Yongmei Gao1, Peihong Gao2, Yanjun Wang3, Jinhua Han4 and Yang Shu1*
...hanges of fibroid volume before and after treatment between the two groups, the results showed that the improvement effect of the research group was significantly better than that of the control group after treatment, p<0.05. The incidence of adverse reactions of the research group was significantly lower than that of control group, while the and overall nursing satisfaction of the research group was significantly higher than that of the control group, p<...

Amjed Ali1, Rafi Qamar1*, Muhammad Ehsan Safdar1, Salman Saleem2, Sami Ullah3, Muhammad Arshad Javed4 and Syed Wasim Hasan5

Development and Growth: Influence of Sowing Dates on Performance of Cotton Cultivars
...mong after 15th April to before 10th May with cultivars FHD-170, Bt. FH-142 and Bt. MNH-886 respectively under semi-arid conditions of Pakistan.

Chaojie Yang1,2,3, Haishan Wang1,2,3, Le Ye1,2,3 and Zhi Chen1,2,3,*
...; (2) lateral-line pores before anus (PALL) 33 to 39; (3) dorsal-fin rays before anus (PADR) 49 to 57; (4) vertebrae 131 to 140; (5) red-brown to red color on the pectoral fin; when fresh the body is pale yellow with it being darker above and pale below; the very small black spots are little. In addition, the mitochondrial fragment of 12S rRNA was also sequenced for the purpose of classification. Mean genetic distances withi...
Jiawei Zhang1,2, Thomas Quirke1, Shibao Wu2*, Shaoshan Li2 and Fidelma Butler1
... 17:00 hours, especially before and after feeding. The behavior of penguins was significantly affected by the number of visitors, and locomotion, preening, feeding and attention to visitors were positively correlated with the number of visitors. There is further interaction with visitation levels under different weather conditions. Visitors offer another positive environmental enrichment for this group of penguins and in turn, these penguins at Fota Wildlife P...
Arnab Tanveer, Shabana Naz*, Azhar Rafique and Asma Ashraf
...mple were collected once before treatment with anthelminthic drug and twice after treatment and brought to laboratory for qualitative and quantitative analysis. Direct smear method and fecal floatation technique was used for isolation and identification of endo-parasites. Modified McMaster technique was used to calculate Eggs per gram. The data was subjected to ANOVA and Tukey-HSD (post hoc test). Six species of endo-parasites were identified from Jallo Wildli...
Muhammad Shafiq1,2,*,Rajwali Khan1, Ilyas Ali3, Sadeeq Ur Rahman4, Saif Ullah3Shah Jan Mohammad2, Mohammad Jan2 and Jinhu Huang2
...h cow serum IgG decrease before parturition. It was found that the Partum stage of different cattle breeds has a significant effect on IgG in colostrum and serum of their respective calves. Therefore, the present study provided a baseline for the improvement of passive transfer of immunity to newborn calves while manipulating IgG concentration in the pre-partum stage of cattle.
Qianbao Wang, Zhengyang Huang, Shoufeng Li, Huayun Huang, Chunmiao Li and Zhenhua Zhao*
...le spermatozoa/ejaculate before 32 wk of age (p>0.05). Feed quantity was correlated positively with sperm concentration and sperm motility. At 50 wk of age, higher sperm motility was observed in males fed with 135.5and 125.5 g/d diet than males fed with 115.5 g/d diet (p<0.05). While feed quantity was correlated positively with semen volume, sperm concentration, useable spermatozoa/ejaculate, negative correlations between body weight and sperm concentrat...

Muhammad Farooq1*, Elham Azadfar2, Zohre Bahrami3, Mahniya Sharifi3, A. Shakoor4, Shabir Ahmed5, Iftikhar Ahmed Solangi1, Muhammad Noman Khan6, Memona Siddique7, Naila Ilyas8*, Muhammad Bakhtiar9, Mohamed El-Fatieh Ismael1 and Wang Yunyang1

Optimization of Drying Process of Rambutan by Combined Method of Osmosis Ultrasound and Complementary Drying of Hot Air
...Using osmosis-ultrasound before drying with hot air causes the preservation of nutrients in products and reduces heat energy to remove the produc water. In this study, after osmosis pretreatment, samples were put under an osmosis dehydration process. First, using Osmosis-ultrasound with 40.5% concentration in Sekanjabin solution then dried in an oven at a temperature of 70°C. The characteristics of solid gain, water and weight loss, shrinkage and rehydrati...
Shahid Hussain Abro1*, Mohammed N. Alghamdi2, Muhammad Sohail Hanif3, Hazim Moria2 andHamza Suharwardi1
... assumed to be austenite before cooling.
Muhammad Younis1, Muhammad Irfan-ur-Rehman Khan1*, Mustansar Abbas1Ali Murtaza1, Imran Mohsin2, Muhammad Shahzad3 and Muhammad Zahid Tahir1
...tration was observed 48h before ovulation and correlated with the diameter of the preovulatory follicle (r=0.84; p<0.05). Plasma progesterone concentration was maximum on Day 9±0.1 and coincided with the diameter of CL throughout the cycle (r=0.93; p<0.05). In conclusion, most of the cycles in Lohi sheep have 3-waves and are mono-ovulatory in nature.
Eman A. Al-Shahari1,2, Abdelhalim A. Alkhazendar3, Eman R. ElBealy4 and Abeer A. Alm-Eldeen3*
...uo; testis were examined before and after 200 mg of quercetin/Kg administration. Before quercetin administration, they showed an increase in the lipid peroxidation and 8-hydroxy-2’-deoxyguanosine while showed a decrease in the superoxide dismutase activity, testosterone level and sperm count and viability. Seminiferous tubules diameters were 84.3 ± 5.6 µm and their epithelium heights were 21.2 ± 3.4 µm. Only spermatogonia that w...
Simeen Mansoor, Jabeen Farheen* and Meher Hassan

...oman";">ᴣ) before lethal-temperature stress (50 °C) were assessed on green gram growth and protein profile. For this purpose, the distilled-water and phytohormones imbibed seeds of NM13-1 were pretreated with 40 °C (1 hour) before 50 °C (2 hours), after 24 hours seedling length, proteome profile by 1-D, and catalase (CAT), ascorbate (APX), and guaiacol peroxidase (GPX) activities were assessed. ...

Aamer Sattar1, Sadia Sultana1*, Abid Niaz1, Muhammad Aftab1, Ghulam Sarwar2, Irfan Rasheed3, Muhammad Shoaib4, Raheela Naz1, Amina Kalsom1, Nisa Mukhtar1, Farah Rasheed1, Arfan ul Haq1, Munazza Rafique5, Muhammad Arif1, Sarfraz Hussain1 and Jafar Salim6

...ic matter status of soil before start of experiment was 0.69 %. Mean organic matter contents in residues incorporated plots was increased up to 27% than complete removal and up to 32% than burnt plots. Nitrogen and phosphorus uptake were maximum in residues incorporated plots followed by complete removal and burnt plots, however potassium uptake was maximum in complete removal followed by residues incorporated and burnt plots. ECe of burnt plots was increased ...

Syed Mazuan, Syed Mohamed, Insyirah Ishak, Dzolkhifli Omar and Norhayu Asib*

... bagworms were monitored before treatment and at 3, 7, 15, 30, 45, and 70 days after treatment (DAT). Post-census showed that all insecticides were able to reduce the bagworm population below the economic threshold level (10 larvae/ frond) within 15 DAT. Both cypermethrin and MPOB Bt1 resulted in the highest mortality of bagworms which was 83%. Then, flubendiamide, chlorantraniliprole and Btk resulted in mortality rate of 82%, 75%, and 70% respectively. All af...

Saleem Maseeh Bhatti1*, Muhammad Aslam Panhwar1, Zohaib ur Rehman Bughio1, Muhammad Saleem Sarki1, Allah Wadhayo Gandahi1, and Niaz Ahmed Wahocho2

...yed to strawberry plants before flower initiation. A continual increase in number of leaves, number and weight of berries, fresh weight of strawberry plants, and Zn concentration in strawberry fruit was observed as a function of foliar application of zinc. Plants sprayed with 66 and 99 mg Zn L-1 had significantly more number of leaves (27.4 ± 1.14 and 29.9 ± 1.36) and berries plant-1 (12.0 ± 1.02 and 13.0 ± 0.61), heavier berries pl...
Muhammad Naveed1, Asif Nadeem1,2*, Maryam Javed1, Muhammad Fahad Bhutta3 and Ruqayya Bint Khalid1 has not been assessed before in Nili Ravi Buffalo. In present research work, the sequence of the bovine STAT5A gene was analyzed to identify single nucleotide polymorphisms and its effect on evolutionary divergence. Nine polymorphisms, six in intronic and three in exonic regions, were identified in STAT5A gene. One exonic polymorphism G→A, in exon 5, was significant that causes a non-synonymous amino acid change from Serine (S) to Asparag...

Muhammad Afzal1, Muhammad Irfan Ullah1*, Muhammad Hamid Bashir2, Shah Najaf Mukhtar1, Muhammad Arshad1, Nimra Altaf1 has been conducted before on mite diversity in Sargodha. The study would help run proper management practices to control the losses caused by mites.

Muhammad Adnan Islam1*, Zia-Ul-Haq2, Rana Shahzad Noor2, Matiullah Khan4, Muhammad Mohsin Ali1, Zulfiqar Ali3, Asif Ali Mirani3, Hafiz Sultan Mahmood1, Muzammil Husain1 and Badar Munir Khan Niazi1

...heat by broadcast method before sowing crop. This is wasteful method of fertilizer application as only 15-20% of applied phosphate is utilized by the crop. To overcome the problems of phosphorus fixation, fertilizer band placement drill (FBPD) for wheat had been developed and its performance was evaluated at farmer’s fields. This drill places DAP fertilizer near the seed that is about 5 cm away and 5 cm deeper than the seed due to which phosphorus use ef...

Taqi Raza1*, Kashif Nazir Qureshi2, Shakeel Imran2, Neal Samuel Eash3 and Imma Bortone4

...tively. We conclude that before discharge into a receiving stream, the effluents must be treated more time with a treatment method that removes Pb and Fe within standard limits else the discharge will pose pollution and health risks to human beings.


Muhammad Fiyyaz1, Ghulam Sarwar1*, Noor-Us-Sabah1, Mukkram Ali Tahir1, Muhammad Aftab2, Muhammad Zeeshan Manzoor1, Sarfraz Hussain3, Ayesha Zafar1, Imran Shehzad1 and Aneela Riaz4

...parameters were recorded before harvesting maize plants. Laboratory analysis for collected soil samples was carried out. Data were statistically analyzed. Results indicated that treatment (T8) produce maximum plant height (115.0 cm), biomass (64.34 g) and root length (27.083 cm) of maize. Organic matter content (1.78 %), phosphorus (16.67 ppm) and potassium (213.0 ppm) concentration in soil was also increased in this treatment.


Allah Bakhsh1, Attiq Akhtar1*, Fiaz Hussain1 and Shabbir Ahmed2 leaf removal was used before bloom, during full bloom, and four weeks after bloom, and was compared to an untreated control (non-defoliated). In all leaf removal treatments, titratable acidity and bunch rot incidence decreased significantly, while total soluble solids, total phenolic content, total sugars, and reducing sugars increased significantly when compared to regulation. In comparison to the other treatments, the growth of lateral shoots was signific...

Muhammad Rafique1, Inam Ul Haq1*, Humara Umar2, Muhammad Jan2 and Muhammad Azhar Iqbal2

...nd 12oC during end March before olive flowering. In recent past, mass scale olive plantation over an area of 10,000 acres was done in these parts of the country. So, in order to ensure the sustainability of olive orchard development in Pakistan, a research trial was conducted to improve the rooting ability of olive cuttings to strengthen the local olive nursery setup. A practical problem is that the commercial production of potentially important olive cultivar...
Guangyu Wang, Xu Tian, Lintao Liu, Junyang Liu, Bo Zhang and Jingming Dong*
...uid inflammatory factors before and after treatment between the two groups indicated more obvious improvement in the study group than in the reference group, p<0.05. Comparison of overall treatment efficiency of the two groups showed significantly higher efficiency in the study group than in the reference group, p<0.05. To conclude SJHXT combined with sodium hyaluronate can produce good therapeutic effects for patients with knee osteoarthritis, which can...

Gulnaz Parveen1*, Naila Mukhtar2, Shumaila Irum3 and Nain Bukhari4 pathogen is important before appropriate treatment can be made to control the pathogens. Therefore, In the present study, Alternaria alternata, Alternaria, Rhizopus, Mucor, Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus flavus, Cladosporium, Botrytis cinerea, Fusarium moniliforme, Drechslera, Penicillium, and Geotrichum candidum were identified among various vegetables including potato, carrot, okra, eggplant, turnip, cucumber, round gourd, cauliflower, and chilli. These l...

Ain-ul-Abad Syed1*, Zaheer Ahmed Khan1, Shakeel Hussain Chattha1, Irfan Ahmed Shaikh2, Mian Noor Hussain Asghar Ali1, Zohaib ur Rehman Bughio3, Shahzad Hussain Dahri2 and Ghous Bakhsh Buriro4

...grown in a seedling tray before being transferred onto a prepared plot and a hydroponic model, respectively. All the standard materials (made of plastic) needed for a perfect low-cost hydroponic model, obtained from local markets, were combined accordingly to achieve the results of set goals. A total of 9680.00 PKR was the approximate expense of the manually manufactured hydroponic model. The field under geoponic cultivation was maintained equal to the manufac...

El-Habbaa, A.S.

...0 of samples
before isolation (23/30 and 7/10 of sheep and goat samples, respectively) while it
showed positive results with 26 /36 of samples upon isolation (20/28 and 6/8 of sheep
and goat samples, respectively). It was concluded that AGIDT and indirect-IFA were
suitable methods for CPDV detection but PCR was most specific and sensitive
diagnostic tool for rapid detection of CPDV.

Mai A. Kilany1; Hanaa H.A. Gomaa1; Yousry E. Abo El-magd2 and Nermin Raafat2. to hepatic cirrhosis before developing HCC. HCV infection induces overproduction of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in hepatocytes leading to their proliferation and triggers HCC. Manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) is a nuclear-encoded antioxidant enzyme that neutralizes free radicals. Val16Ala single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) is one of the most widely investigated SNPs in the MnSOD gene, where C to T transition resulting in the con-version of valine...

Yasser F. Elnaker 1, Mohamed El-Tholoth 2, Sahar Saber 3, Amira A- Elsaid4, Mohamed A. Saad 3, Emad E. Younis 5

...ination of dams 4 months before parturition with sheep poxvirus vaccine (Kenyan strain). The diseased calves showed localized or generalized skin nodules with or without fever. Skin lesions were collected from clinically diseased calves for virus isolation in embryonated chicken eggs for three passages followed by ten successive passages in Madin Darby Bovine Kidney (MDBK) and identification of isolated virus was done by indirect immunofluorescence test. The s...

Samah A. Mokbel, Ahmed K. El-Attar

...ined using PCR detection before and after treatments. The different
treatments of radiation resulted in different survival rates and phytotoxic effects
including leaf yellowing and lack of growth. The 5Gy dose was proved to be best
effective dose for controlling the phytoplasma without affecting the in vitro growth
and survival rate, while the higher doses leaded to strongly reducing the survived
M. A. Kararah1, Om-Hashem M. El-Banna1, Salwa N. Zein2 and Abd-Elrehiem, A.F.3 
...tion when had applied 2h before inoculation. Also, salicylic acid was
effective as it reduced infection to 77.4% at 0.01% concentration when
applied 3h before inoculation. Whereas camphor oil exhibited lesser
reduction being (74.6) when used at 0.001% concentration before 2 h from

Radwa M. Shafie 1 and Soha S. M. Mostafa2

...rus inoculum immediately before inoculation. Spraying plants with the algal filtrates 24 hrs. before inoculation produced a higher inhibitory effect against BYMV than that obtained by spraying 24 hrs. after inoculation. The same trend of inhibition effect that was detected with algal biomass was lower than with filtrates. The indirect ELISA was carried out to confirm the identity of the virus isolate and the obtained results...

Dina N. Abd-Elshafy

persistent shaking before usage in endemic areas for HAV infections.

Mohsen M. Elsharkawy1, Salem H. Homayed1, Mohamed M. Elsawy2 and Amr A. Khedr1

...(CF) of GF 19-1 at 1 day before virus
Results: The wind velocity (2.6 m/s) resulted in decreased virus severity and titer compared with the
control. However, the potential of wind velocity lower or higher than 2.6 was less effective on CMV.
Additionally, the severity and titer of CMV were significantly reduced in GF19-1 treated plants in
comparison with the control. Quantitative real-time...

Ahmed K. El-Attar1, Samah A. Mokbel1 and Om-Hashem M. EL-Banna2 pCR®4-TOPO vector before proceeding to DNA sequencing and the alignment of
Results: Electron microscope examination of negatively stained preparations from
symptomatic basil leaves revealed viral particles have a bacilliform structure with particles size
of 112.5 nm in length and 57.5 nm in width. Initial microscopic analysis suggested that the
described symptoms are caused by AMV. T...
Hadeer M. Mossa, Ausama A. Yousif, Emad A. Aboelsoud, Mahmoud El Gamal, Ahmed El-
...her conventional testing before judging the sample.
Shourok E. Aly 1, Karim Zaki1, Soad E. Elsayed2, M. Elgamal2, Ausama A. Yousef1, Mohamed A. Shalaby1
... and imaging of adjuvant before and after formulation.
Results: Ultrasonication of aluminum hydroxide gel resulted in generation of 120-200 nm gel
structures followed by vaccine formulation showed enhancement of vaccine loading capacity. Animals
vaccinated using the enhanced formula were completely protected against RVF challenge virus and
produced higher RVFV neutralizing antibody titers.

Ljupco Angelovski*, Zagorka Popova, Katerina Blagoevska, Sandra Mojsova, Marija Ratkova Manovska, Mirko Prodanov, Dean Jankuloski, Pavle Sekulovski

...cold storage of the meat before shipping to the market). A total of 283 samples (cloacal swabs, caeca and carcass swabs) were analyzed for the presence of C. jejuni. The isolates of C. jejuni were confirmed with the conventional microbiological method and with the use of multiplex PCR method. Both methods confirmed the overall prevalence of C. jejuni of 39.2%. In the second part of the study 108 confirmed isolates of C. jejuni were a...

Gulzar Ullah* and Gohar Ayub

... (CRD) in growth chamber before transplantation and Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with two factors and three replications after transplanting to the field were used. Tomato seedlings at their 4-leaf stage were subjected to a 350C temperature stress for 10, 15 and 20 hrs as a pre-transplant hardening method. Both groups HP (heat pretreatment) and NHP (Non-heat pretreatment or Control) were then transplanted to the field. Results revealed that differen...

Izaz Hussain, Ahmad Khan* and Habib Akbar 

...ith rotavator) one month before sowing. Maize growth contributing parameters (leaves plant-1, leaf area and index, ear length, and plant height) were improved in treated plots than control plots. The application of 50 L BM ha-1 improved maize growth contributing parameters over 25 L BM ha-1. Increasing the application rate of HA from 3 to 9 kg ha-1 had increased leaves plant-1, leaf area, leaf area index, plant height and ear length of maize. Higher applicatio...

Sajida Batool1, Saira Batool1, Sitara Shameem1, Fatima Khalid1, Tahira Batool2, Summera Yasmeen1, Saima Batool3* has not been reported before. 
Tian Tian, Lili Luo*, Haiyan Wang and Lei Wang as compared with that before treatment, p<0.05. When the levels of β-human chorionic gonadotropin and progesterone were increased, the success rate of methotrexate combined with mifepristone tablets showed a decreasing trend, p<0.05. When the maximum diameter value of pelvic effusion was increased, the success rate of conservative treatment with methotrexate combined with mifepristone tablets showed a decreasing trend, p<0.05. The risk factors...
Muhammad Zahid1, Aneela Zameer Durrani1, Muhammad Ijaz1, Khushi Muhammad2,Muhammad Usman1,*, Muhammad Husnain1 and Nadeem Kamal3

Ayesha Khan1*, Asmatullah2, Urooba Perviaz1, Khalid Nawab1 and Mahmood Iqbal1

...nd number of irrigations before and after EM technology application as P≤0.01. On average tomato crop showed a decline of 2.151 bags ha-1, 2.103 bags ha-1 in whereas 1.00 bags ha-1decline was observed in wheat. However, 1.685 decrease is recorded in onion while tomato and wheat showed a decrease of 1.509 and 1.200 in number of irrigations respectively. Farmers opined that FYM application through fermenter is easy and is equally distributed in the field. Res...
Shabana Naz1*, Nishat Ali Khan1, Arnab Tanweer1, Shifa Moazzam1, Qudrat Ullah2, Farkhanda Asad1, Irfan Khattak3, Sajida Batool4 and Rifat Ullah Khan5 same birds i.e., once before treatment and twice after treatment with Albendazole and Levamisole. The efficacy of Albendazole and the Levamisole against parasites was calculated. The fecal samples were examined by using flotation and modified Macmaster’s egg counting technique. The results showed that 21 peafowl (8 males and 13 females) were infected with Eimeria sp. (66.33 %), Ascaridia sp. (3.33 %,) Strongyloid...

Khlood G. Abdelkhalek*, Aly B. A. Badawy, Mohamed Fathi, Elshymaa A. Abdelnaby 

...olored area toward probe before puberty (r=0.61), while after puberty, there was a positive significant correlation between both Doppler indices and testicular colored area toward probe with red color (r=0.74 and 0.66), FSH (r=0.69 and 0.64), LH (r=0.51 and 0.54) for both RI and PI, respectively. In conclusion, pituitary hormones (FSH and LH) and steroids (E2 and T) were changed around age of puberty that likely reflects their roles in regulation of spermatoge...

Nguyen Binh Truong1,2,3*, Nguyen Van Thu3 

...FAs concentration values before (0h) and 3h after feeding were similar (P>0.05) among treatments. Nitrogen retention value was numerically higher in NDF47, NDF51 and NDF55 treatments compared with NDF59 treatment (P>0.05) and a similar trend of the observed daily weight gain was found in the treatments. It was concluded that increasing levels of NDF in cattle diets from 47 to 59% reduced DM and OM digestibility while nitrogen retention and daily weight g...

Yan Jiang1,2, Xia Tao3,4 and Hongxia Chen5,6*

...nephrin, and BAFF levels before treatment, 3 months after treatment, and 6 months after treatment were compared between the 2 groups. Results showed that after treatment, the total effective rate of the study group was 93.48% higher than that of the control group 76.09% (P<0.05). The clinical symptom scores of the two groups were lower than those before treatment, and the score of study group was lower than that of the co...

Fang Zhao, Gen Wang, Xiaobin Li, Guodong Zhao, Hui Chen, Chen Ma and Kailun Yang*

...ep were collected at 0 h before feeding and at 1.5, 3, 4.5, 6, 8, 10, and 12 h after feeding in the morning. The plasma concentration of 5-HTP, tryptophan (Trp), 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT), and MLT was determined. The plasma concentration of 5-HTP at 6, 8, and 10 h after feeding in the morning increased (P < 0.05) in response to RPT 5-HTP supplementation when compared with that at 0 h before feeding. The plasma concentrat...

Asim Faraz1, Muhammad Shahid Nabeel2,* and Abdur Rehman3

...of both groups were sold before weaning. Regarding physical characteristics, the control group was of black mouth, long big black ears and white body color while the experimental group was of white mouth and some having black eye circle, short small white ears. 


Zahid Iqbal*, Farhat Ullah Khan and Jalal-ud-Din

... the linearity condition before forecasting. The forecasted values for the year 2016-17 to 2021-22 indicate an increasing trend in future of rapeseed and mustard production in Pakistan.
Ni Putu Vidia Tiara Timur1*, Maria Maliga Vernandes Sasadara2, Purwanta1, Anak Agung Jayawardhita3
...conducted for two months before it was confirmed that no saliva was re-accumulated.
Keywords | Salivary mucocele, Surgery, Treatment, Local dog, Bali

Amira M. Refaie1*, Manal S. Mohamed1, Enayat H. Abo El-Azayem1, Sherein H. Mohamed2 

... diets started one month before first mating. Does were allowed to the following treatments; a normal control group fed a basal diet without AA (T1), a positive control group fed T1 diet plus 0.1% Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus licheniformis (T2; Pro.), then the 3rd, 4th and 5th were fed the basal diet supplemented with 0.05%, 0.10% and 0.15% AA, respectively and abbreviated as 0.05% AA (T3), 0.10% AA (T4) and 0.15% AA, respectively. The trail was ended after ...

Muhammad Tahir Jan1,2, Mushtaq Ahmad Saleem3,*, Muhammad Binyameen1,* and Sarfraz Ali Shad1

...hould therefore be taken before the critical tolerance period.


Zunping Ke1, Chao Li2, Qiang Liu3, Gang Bai4, Junfeng Wang5, Ming Zhou5 and Xiao Dong5,*

...onary artery angiography before correction surgery. The patient then underwent TOF correction surgery. Considering the significance of the fistula, it better be found out and ligated prior to cardioplegic arrest in the surgery. Although extensive searching, the anomaly communication cannot be found. To avoid systemic hypoperfusion on bypass through loss of volume to the pulmonary circulation and shunting of cardioplegic solution to the pulmonary circulation th...

Qi Zhao1, Yuanyuan Hou1, Xiangdong Jin1 and Chen Zhang 2,*

... (IL-6,IL-8,TNF-α) before and after treatment in the two groups, the improvement degree of the experimental group after treatment was significantly better than that of the control group, p<0.05. The overall nursing satisfaction of the research group was 97.50%, which was significantly higher than the 75.00% of the control group, p<0.05. To conclude that combined therapy of mesalazine and BTV can significantly improve the therapeutic effect in patie...

Feng Xu, Weijing Fan and Guobin Liu*

...ted with ox-LDL for 24 h before detecting the activity, apoptosis rate and oxidative stress level of HUVECs. The low concentrations (25, 50, 100 μmol/L) of rutin had no toxic effect on HUVECs, and the activity of HUVECs was significantly reduced after intervention with high concentrations (200, 400 μmol/L) of rutin. ox-LDL treatment significantly reduced HUVECs activity, CAT and SOD levels,NEXN-AS1 expression (P<0.05), and increased apoptosis rate, MD...

Asaad A. Fares1*, Mohamed M. Ghanem2, Yasein M. Abd El-Raof2, Hossam M. El-Attar2, Ameer A. Megahed2, Heba M. El-Khaiat2

...ted and enrolled 21 days before calving to determine the effect of feeding negative dietary anion-cation difference (DCAD) diet on prepartum and postpartum blood minerals, calf weight and milk production. Before the trial, all cows were fed a high-forage, low-energy diet. During the trial, cows were fed a diet formulated for late gestation (15CP, %35.7NDF, P % 0.5, and %1.2Ca) according to NRC, with a resulting DCAD (Na + K − Cl − S) of − 50m...

Iqtidar Hussain1, Haroon Shahzad2*, Sami Ullah2*, Muhammad Jawad Nazir1 and Muhammad Rizwan3

...ers about weed densities before and after weed management and other agronomic parameters including grain yield. Relative weed densities of Cyprus rotundus L., Eleusine indica L., Cynon dactylon L., Trianthene portulacastrum L., convolvulus, and other miscellaneous weeds were registered before and after weed management. Results indicated that chemical control significantly best over control (No Treatment) after hand weeding. ...

Marwa Ragab Saeed Abdallah, Hussein Mohamed Hussein Mohamed, Mohamed Mohamed Talaat Emara, Mai Atef Mohamed

...of WBI/BW edible coating before packaging of pastirma may be safely used at a commercial scale to extend the durability of pastirma.

Keywords | Pastirma, Whey protein, Beeswax, DPPH, carbonyl compound. 


Arfan Ahmed Gilal1*, Lubna Bashir Rajput1, Muhammad Ibrahim Kubar1, Ghulam Murtaza Kaleri2, Tanzeela-ul-Zahra1,3, Muhammad Ishaque Mastoi4 and Zeeshan Rasheed1

...restrict losses to maize before establishment of perfect stems.

Aiman Al Mufarji1, Abd El-Nasser Ahmed Mohammed1*, Rashid Al Zeidi2, Haitham Al Masruri3

Khuzeema Tanveer1, Muhammad Shahid Mahmood1,*, Muhammad Ashraf1 and Ahrar Khan2

... and 523 nm for red dye) before and after bacterial treatment for 5 days and showed 83% removal of black 5, 49% removal of blue 21, 84% removal of yellow 145 and 85% removal of red 195 by Jeotagalicoccus huakuii. Comamonas aquatica could degrade 79% of black 5, 42% of blue 21, 83% of yellow 145 and 87% of red 195. Bacillus subtilis degraded 84%, 41%, 82%, 85%; Moraxella sp. degraded 82%, 28%, 81%, 77% and Aeromonas veronii degraded 73%, 30%, 80%, 76% black, bl...

Hui Xu1,*, Ronghua Luo1, Yaping Duan1, Mingjia Chen1, Jiaxu Zhou1 and Xiaoli Shao2

...factant protein A (SP-A) before and after treatment were evaluated between the two groups. The total effective rate of treatment in the experimental group was higher than that in the control group (P<0.05); the cough relief time and hospitalization time of the experimental group were shorter than those of the control group (P<0.05); after treatment, FEV1%, V-T, FEV1, and FVC in the experimental group were higher than those in the control group (P<0.05...

Mostafa El-Sebelgy1*, Hanafy Madbouly2, Sabry Tamam2, Nagwa Ata1, Kawther Zaher1


...R negativity encountered before. Therefore, the proteomic approach was utilized. The virus was isolated on SPF-ECE and concentrated using PEG-6000. The concentrate was analyzed using liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) using a technique called untargeted (label-free) shotgun proteomic analysis. The resultant peptides were used along with RefSeq proteins and primers for multiple sequence alignment. Multiple extrinsic proteins [NS1, NS...

Ehab A. Fouad1*, Khaled A. Abd El-Razik2 , Eman H. Abdel-Rahman3 and 0.02 percent NaN3 before being linked to CNBr-Sepharose 4B swollen beads. Bound fraction was eluted with mixture of glycine (0.1 M) and sodium chloride (0.5 M) at pH (2.3). Purified antigens and unbound were inspected of protein concentration. In the crude antigen, there were two bands with molecular weights of 73 and 64 KDa, compared to ten bands with molecular weights ranging from 209 to 24 KDa. The isolated fraction showed diagnostic properties of S....

Zhaojun Wang1, Yang Zhou2 and Xinghua Song3*

...ent, the knee joint pain before and after treatment was evaluated using visual analogue scale (VAS), and Lysholm knee function score was given. The patients’ serum interleukin-1β (IL-β), interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) levels were detected using ELISA method before treatment and 3 months after treatment; incidence of adverse prognostic reactions was compared between the tw...

Shahan Azeem1*, Muhammad Akram Muneer2, Liaquat Ahmad3, Sameera Akhtar1 and Talat Naseer Pasha4,5

...counts per gram of feces before and 120 h after medication were significantly different (p<0.05). Interestingly, the feed efficiency of non-medicated, non-vaccinated chickens was equal to the flavomycin-medicated chickens but better than zinc bacitracin and lincomycin-medicated chickens. Additionally, the non-medicated, non-vaccinated chickens were the most economical to raise. Overall growth-promoting antibiotics did not interfere with the broiler’s ...

Hazem E. M. Hassanien1*, Awad M. M. Mahmoud2, Elsayed M. Abdel-Raouf1, Nabil M. Eweedah1 and Midhat. N. Nassif3

...orption and mobilization before calving and decreasing clinical and subclinical hypocalcemia postpartum. The objective of this trial was to determine the effects of varying pre- and postpartum DCAD, mEq [(Na + K - Cl + S)]/ kg of dry matter on blood total Ca, ionized iCa, blood, and rumen metabolites, and endocrine status in prepartum and postpartum phases. Forty-eight multiparous Holstein cows range lactation 1-5 with an average body weight 706 kg ±7.2...

Mohamed Saleh*, S.E. Laban, G.Z. Mostafa, S.T. Moubarak 

...m samples were collected before and after treatment by 24-, 72- and 120-hours intervals and were tested for total bacterial, coliform, and fungal counts to evaluate the reduction percent achieved. The obtained results illustrated that neither disinfectant could achieve a complete reduction of the microbial load of nest bedding material. However, both disinfectants recorded a significant (p≤0.05) log reduction in total bacterial, coliform, and fungal count a...

Shailendra Sharma, Smriti Shrestha, Naresh Pandey and Laxman Khanal*

...d in grooming proportion before and after visits. Higher levels of disturbance had a significant negative effect on the grooming frequency and time investment. The non-lactating adult female delivered higher grooming to the troop members, while the sub-adult male received more grooming than others. We conclude that the nature of disturbance rather than the number of visitors affects social bonding among the captive langurs. 

Asim Faraz1*, Nasir Ali Tauqir2, Abdul Waheed1, Hafiz Muhammad Ishaq1, Syeda Maryam Hussain3, Riaz Hussain Mirza1, Rana Muhammad Bilal2, Muhammad Arslan Akbar4 and  Muhammad Shahid Nabeel5 

... Deworming was performed before the start of trial. Haematological and blood biochemical parameters such as haemoglobin (Hb), red-blood-cells (RBC) and white-blood-cells (WBC) count, packed-cell-volume (PCV), glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides, total protein, urea and creatinine concentrations were analyzed on haematology and biochemistry analyzer. The mean Hb concentration (P<0.05) was found to be 14.77±0.76 and 14.16±0.97 g/dl in non-breedi...

Shomaila Sikandar1*, Imran Afzal1 and Sadaf Sarfraz2

...They can cause infection before and after agricultural crop harvesting. Economically mycotoxins infection leads to loss of feedstock, reduced livestock production, human and animal life threatening diseases and major issues leading to global food security. All these factors demand for extensive research for early mycotoxins detection methods and making regularity bodies to contain the spread of mycotoxins. This review summarizes the occurrence and toxicity of ...

Gudeta Nepir Gurmu, Tade Bitima Mulisa, Alemu Lenco Gemechu, Kegna Gadisa Amena and Gemechu Nedi Terfa*

...d varieties is advisable before recommending the varieties for large-scale production at the studied area.

Fengbin Jin1, Xin Liu2 and Yanqiu Yue3*

...s and scores of symptoms before and after treatment between two groups. Additionally, we also observed the adverse reactions of patients in two groups. After treatment, the effectiveness rate of patients in the observation group and control group were 96.49% and 79.70%, and the difference had statistical significance (P < 0.05); besides, patients in two groups gained significant improvement in vital signs, while the improvement of patients in the observatio...

Maher Mohammed Yousef Alobaysi,1,4 Turki Albacker2, Waleed Alharbi2, Osama Almogbel2, Sadik Mohammed3, Fahad Al-Abbasi4, Vikas Kumar5 and Firoz Anwar4 not on any medication before enrollment of study. Cortisol and white blood cells (WBC) count showed a significant difference in pre and post catherization procedures. Significant (P˂0.05) linear correlation was found between pre and post values for heart rate, WBC, electrolytes, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), cortisol, tri-iodothyronine, thyroxine, thyrotropin and Vit D in paired sample correlation. WBC counts measured befor...

Huajun Lin, Wei Qu and Zhuxian Yu*

... groups were higher than before treatment. The serum CTGF and TGF in the combination group -The level of β1 was higher than that of the conventional group, and the difference was statistically significant (both P <0.05). After treatment, the Mini–Mental State Examination (MMSE) scores of the patients in both groups were improved, and the cognitive ability of the patients in the experimental group was better than that in the control group (P<0....
Ahmed H. Massoud1, Mohamed S. Ahmed2, Moustafa Saad-Allah1, Aly S. Derbalah1, Ashraf Albrakati3* and Ehab Kotb Elmahallawy4*, even in small doses, before their application to agricultural fields.


Nurul Isnaini1*, Ervin Kusuma Dewi Reksadinata1, Faizal Andri1, Tri Harsi2, Ida Zahidah Irfan2 

...e in the sperm motility, before freezing, post-thawing, and during recovery across age (p > 0.05). Semen volume, total sperm, total motile sperm, and frozen semen production increased in bulls from 6 to 7 years of age and then gradually reduced from 7 to 10 years of age. It could be concluded that the optimum semen productivity of Aceh cattle is when they are 7 years old.

Keywords | Artificial insemination, Frozen semen production, Indonesian local ...

Hayrettin Çayiroglu1*, Füsun Coskun1, Hüseyin Çayan1, Ayse Gül Filik2 and Ahmet Sahin1

...greek seed for each just before the meal in the mornings. The experiment lasted for 63 days of which 7 days are for adaptation and 56 days are for treatment period. Results showed that fenugreek seeds supplementation increased feed intake (2876.4 vs 2716.4 g, P<0.01) and milk yield (1010.6 g vs 879.7 g, P<0.01) in lactating goats. Fat corrected milk yield was higher in F goats (865.2 g) than that of C goats (780.0 g) (P<0.01). Serum glucose, total cho...

Sahar M. Saber1*, Ahmed M. A. Albehwar2, Amani M. Abas3, Omaima A.A. Alshamandy2, Noha A. El said4 and Marwa Y. Hamad4

Ayesha Saeed1*, Farzana Kishwar2, Ahsan Nazir3, Sharjeel Abid4, Muhammad Abiodullah5, and Danial Ali6

...thod, which was just wet before its application. Leaf extracts were used at three concentration levels (0.5, 1, and 1.5 %). Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) images confirmed the formation of optimized nanofibers with diameter range from ±49 to ±545 nm. It was observed that addition of leaf extract increased the solution conductivity and decrease the surface tension and viscosity. Chemical reactions and presence of functional groups of SA, PVA, ...

Hasnain Raza1*, Tanveer-ul-Haq1, Muhammad Imran1, Nabeel Ahmad Ikram2 and Muhammad Bilal Shoukat1

... wastewater gets treated before its disposal. The reported research aims to assess the concentration of contaminants in wastewater. Samples of wastewater were collected from Wali Muhammad Canal, Multan, and analyzed for heavy metals (HMs) including cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu), nickle (Ni), and zinc (Zn), along with basic physicochemical parameters including biological oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), pH, electrical conductivity (EC), total soli...

Chattida Panprom1, Nakrob Pattanapon1, Wannisa Meepoo1, Soontaree Petchdee2* 

...n appropriate assessment before and during surgery may help to prevent adverse events and preserve cardiovascular functions. This case report provides recommendations for anesthetic protocols and management in dogs with valvular heart disease. This study suggested that the anesthetic drug protocol of alfaxalone 2.5 mg/kg and a maintenance fluid rate of 5 mL/kg/hr in dogs with valve disease is safe and appropriate for preserving cardiovascular functions.


Faiq Ahmad1, Shahen Shah1*, Muhammad Amin2, Ikram Ullah3, Sajid Ali4, Maaz Khan1, Muhammad Shakur5 and Sajjad Khan6

...iming (1, 15 and 30 days before sowing). Experiment also consists of two controls: one was 100% N from urea and other was without fertilizer. Organic sources (FYM and PM) added in the field above mentioned days before sowing, while urea applied in split form after sowing. These ratios compensated total of 120 kg N ha-1. Nitrogen application at the rate of 120 kg ha-1 compensated as 50% from FYM and 50% from urea without bene...

Muhammad Mansoor1, 2, Sheheryar1 and Shahid Ali Khan1*

...otton crop intercropping before reaching their maximum canopy level. The analysis was carried out in randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications of split plot arrangement; varieties (NM-2011, Inqelab Mung, Dera Mung, and NM-98) were allocated in the main plot and sub-plots were held at various flowering flushes. The analyzed data revealed that the percentage of pods plant-1, weight pod-1, 1000 grain weight, grain yield, and harvest index we...

Muhammad Mansoor1, 2, Sheheryar1 and Shahid Ali Khan1*

...otton crop intercropping before reaching their maximum canopy level. The analysis was carried out in randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications of split plot arrangement; varieties (NM-2011, Inqelab Mung, Dera Mung, and NM-98) were allocated in the main plot and sub-plots were held at various flowering flushes. The analyzed data revealed that the percentage of pods plant-1, weight pod-1, 1000 grain weight, grain yield, and harvest index we...

Shama Sadaf1*, Komal Hassan1, Ayesha Saeed1 and Zeeshan Ahmad2 

...E2149 shake flask method before and after applying antimicrobial finish and after successive 25 washes. The results were analyzed through MANOVA. The fabric properties were checked by using ISO standard test methods. The fabric which was treated with A. indica showed 100% reduction on all samples after 22 hours, but after six days only one colony of microorganism was appeared on treated fabric, while nine colonies was observed on untreated cotton sample The co...

Md. Aminul Islam1*, SM Mostafizur Rahaman Sumon1, ANM Aminoor Rahman2, Fahima Khatun3 

...iry cows were determined before and after treatment by Modified Stoll’s Dilution Technique using a McMaster counting chamber. A total of 85 faecal samples from five different dairy farms were examined. The overall infection rate of helminths in dairy cows is 37.65%. A total of five different types of nematodes were observed in all the investigated dairy farms. The highest infection rate (11.76%) and the lowest infection rate (4.71%) was found for Neoasca...

Riaz Noor Panhwar1*, Abdul Fatah Soomro1, Muhammad Chohan1, Illahi Bux Bhatti1, Ali Hassan Mari1, Samia Arain1 and Sagheer Ahmad2

...sugar mills is necessary before releasing them as commercial varieties. The study was undertaken to evaluate variations in sugarcane genotypes employing four morphological (Cane thickness, cane height, millable stalks, and cane yield) and four quality-related (Brix, pol, purity, and commercial cane sugar percentage) traits. Experiments were conducted in plant crop for two consecutive years 2018-19 and 2019-20 during the autumn cropping season at Makli farm of ...

Asim Zubair1*, Zohaib Atta Mehdie2, Iffat Batool3, Ghulam Akbar Malik4 and Ayesha Aziz5

...sector is much less than before. People of Pakistan facing so many challenges regarding Livelihood because they are depending on the output of their farms which is affecting severely. This study was conducted in district Muzaffargarh, Punjab, Pakistan.


Xuan Liang, Rongfang Zhang, Yan Xu, Hui Yang, Li Guo, Feiyang Na and Donghai Liu*

...e TLRs signaling pathway before treatment, 2 weeks and 4 weeks after treatment. The observation group had higher total effective rate of clinical treatment than the control groups A and B, faster disappearance of high fever, cough, and pulmonary rales than the control groups A and B, showing statistically significant difference (P<0.05); after 2, 4 weeks of treatment, the observation group had higher contents of trace elements Ca and Zn than the control gro...

Jin-Ming Zhao1,2, Yun Fang2 and Yue-Hua Sun2*

...hinese grouse accurately before taking appropriate conservation actions. In this study, we estimated the nest age of Chinese grouse using the weight loss method, which has been found to be easily been conducted and also has a high accuracy compared with other methods, such as egg candling and floating. Our results confirmed the conveniency and accuracy of the weight loss method in estimating nest ages of Chinese grouse. We further discussed some cautions when ...

Atilla Yıldız* and Ayse Kılıç

...y similar in both groups before resveratrol therapy. However, at post-therapy, mean GSH-Px concentrations in group T was significantly higher (P<0.05) than that of group C. Likewise, mean erythrocyte GSH-Px concentrations raised significantly (P<0.05) in group T after resveratrol therapy compared to pre-therapy ones. In group T, there were significant differences between values before and after application in both, con...

Wafaa M.A. El-Nagdi1, Ahmed E.A. Mahgoob2, Mahmoud M.A. Youssef1*, Entesar H. Taha2, Mona M.S. Zayed3 and Nora R.A. Saleh1

...when bacterium was added before, after or at the same time with Ne inoculation. On the basis of the average overall percentages nematode reduction, bacterial isolates added before and after nematode inoculation were equal in decreasing M. incognita numbers, as they achieved higher average overall reduction (69.8%), when Pf isolates were added with the same time with Ne. Also, number of galls recorded the highest overall perc...

Cuiping Liu

...e renal function indexes before treatment, the levels of SCr and BUN in the 2 groups decreased after 3 and 6 months of treatment, and the reduction in the observation group was higher; After 3 and 6 months of treatment, the levels of TP, PA and Alb in the observation group were higher than those in the control group; Compared with before treatment, after 3 months and 6 months of treatment, the mineral metabolism indexes such...

I. K. A. Ibrahim1, M. A. EL-Saedy2, S. F. A. Awd-Allah3 and Z. A. Handoo4,

...oldeni alone or one week before inoculation with M. incognita on rice cv. Sakha 101
resulted in a significant increase in the number of cysts of H. goldeni as compared to plants inoculated with M.
incognita concurrently or a week beforehand. When H. daverti or H. zeae were inoculated one week after
inoculation with M. incognita on rice cultivars Giza 178 or Sakha 101, respectively, the fin...

N. Hajra, F. Shahina1, †, K. Firoza1 and R. Maria

... T4 = VAM fungi one week before nematodes and
T5 = VAM fungi one week after nematodes. Damage produced by nematodes was observed in T2 and T5, vascular
tissue obliterated by root-knot nematodes. However, VAM fungi suppressed the effects of root-knot nematodes in
T4. Giant cells, egg-masses and females of nematodes were observed in T2, T5 and to some extent in T3. VAM fungi
spores were seen in cortical as well as ...

W.M.A. El-Nagdi, M.M.A. Youssef† and M.F.M. Eissa

...e maturation
before expressing full resistance against root-knot nematode.

M.A.M. El-Saedy, A.A. Mokbel*† and S.E. Hammad**

...s/root when oils applied before and after transplanting of tomato seedlings, respectively. The highest
reduction (%) of galls, egg-masses and reproduction of M. incognita infecting tomato plants were reached with
NemacureÒ (95.2-98.8%) and garlic oil was best control among the seven tested essential plant oils with 78.0-
98.6% reduction. Moreover, a great reduction of nematode galls, egg-masses and juveniles/250 cc so...

T. Shiferaw†, N. Dechassa* and P.K. Sakhuja*

...imental plot three weeks before
transplanting the seedlings. The experiment laid in RCBD factorial arrangement. Application of poultry litre
except 5 ton/ha significantly reduced eggs per egg-mass, root galling and final population of root-knot nematode
at p < 0.001. Rapeseed cake at 200 kg/ha significantly reduced final population and eggs per egg-mass compared
to control treatment at p < 0.05. Application...

I. Umar† and A. Mamman*

of control before recommending to cowpea farmers.

F. Shahina†, K.A. Tabassum and M.A. Habib*

...m temperature for 24 hrs before use. The number of bollworms on plants before and 24 hrs after
EPN spray @ 1000 and 2000 juveniles/ml water were assessed for mortality percentage. All four species of insects,
viz., Helicoverpa armigera, Earias insulana, E. vitella and Pectinophora gossypiella were found susceptible to
infective juveniles of the four EPN species; S. pakistanense was the mos...

A.A. Anter, A.W. Amin†, A.H. Ashoub* and A.S. El-Nuby*

...earthen pots. Three days-before nematode inoculation time treatment
maximized the efficacy of tested chemicals in reducing nematode galls, egg-masses and eggs numbers
followed by synchronized addition with inoculation. While, post-inoculation treatment was less effective.
Reiterative doses post-inoculation were improved the efficacy of single dose revealed that three doses
remained more effective than one or two....

Mengxue Sun1, Yanjiao Li1,2, Zhen Gao1, Qinghua Qiu1,2*, Xianghui Zhao1,2, Lanjiao Xu1,2, Huan Liang1,2, Ke Pan, Mingren Qu and Kehui Ouyang1,2*

...160, or 320 mM) for 12 h before, concurrent, and after 12 h treatment with low pH. Results showed that, 1) Pre-treatment protection of niacin: pre-treatment with 20 or 40 mM niacin increased the cell viability under pH 5.8, while 80-320 mM niacin decreased the cell viability compared with the control group (P < 0.01). Under pH 5.5, results were similar to those under pH 5.8, except for pre-treatment with 40 mM niacin with no significant effect on the cell v...
Ghulam Jelani1, Qudratullah Kalwar1*, Asmatullah Kaka2, Abdullah Channo2, Ayyaz Ahmed1, Majid Hussain Soomro1, Hidayatullah Soomro1, Deepesh Kumar Bhuptani1 and Yar Muhammad Jalbani1
...s approximately 60 years before significant progress became quite noticeable in the basic technology of embryo transfer in cattle. In embryo transfer process, embryo is collected from superior quality donor cattle and transferred to other recipient female cattle for complete development unless the gestation accomplishes. This technology involves the selection of donor and recipient animals, management for better breeding evaluation, embryo production, collecti...

Yanjie Liu

...nous blood was collected before and after each test to determine changes in Immunoglobulin A (IgA), immunoglobulin G (IgG), immunoglobulin M (IgM), IL-2, WBC, natural killer (NK) cell activity, C3, C4, CH50 and body weight. We found that the levels of IgA, IgG, and IgM in the three groups decreased; while IL-2 levels increased, and the order can be ranked as control group>hypoxic group>high altitude group (P<0.05). Moreover, WBC, C3, C4, CH50, and NK ...

Esam A Razin1, Hassan Sobhy2, Tarek R. AboElnaga1, Asmaa A. Darwish1*, Rasha S. Mohammed1

...osomal activity in vitro before. This research aimed to study its effect against T. evansi in vivo. For this purpose, 28 parasite-free female rats were used, seven non-infected (control group (CG)), while the others were intraperitoneally injected with T. evansi and then equally divided into Trypanosoma Group (TG): which remained without treatment. Diminazene aceturate group (DAG): injected with Diminazene aceturate (3.5mg/kg) at 0, 14th, and 28th days. Basil ...

Trisiwi Wahyu Widayati1*, Aris Triyono Syahputra2, Andoyo Supriyantono1, Onesimus Yoku1, Deny Anjelus Iyai1, Priyo Sambodo1, Iriani Sumpe1 

...d a minimum EPG of 2000, before and after the application of laleken. Stool samples come from fresh feces. Water samples were collected from pools around the farmer’s house in both systems, vegetable samples were collected from three points ± 0 m, ± 1 m, and ± 2 m apart from the fence and soil samples were collected at three points ± 1 m apart, ± 10 m apart, ±25 m from the house with three replications. The secon...

Bin Hu1*, Jianchang Qu2, Tenglong Han3 and Jun Leng1

...roup and the study group before treatment (P>0.05). After treatment, the PI (P=0.000), GI (P=0.000), PPD (P=0.031), and CAL (P=0.022) of the study group with diabetes and periodontitis were significantly different from the control group. The basic periodontal treatment combined with probiotics has a significant effect on the oral and intestinal flora, inflammatory factors and blood sugar control of patients with diabetes and periodontitis.


Dalia Zaafar1*, Heba M.A Khalil2, Soha Hassanin3, Mohamed R. Mousa4, Mona G. Khalil1 

... more research is needed before it can be used as an adjuvant agent to boost the therapeutic efficacy of chemotherapy in the treatment of many types of cancer.

Keywords | Pioglitazone; Cisplatin; Ehrlich solid carcinoma; Oxidative stress; VEGF; PPARγ; anticancer agents; tumorigenesis; biochemical indices 


Caiping Duan

...usly injected with 25 mg before angiography), high-dose propofol group (n=123; intravenously injected with 50 mg before angiography) and control group (n=123; receiving local anesthesia before angiography, subcutaneously injected with 2% lidocaine 2.5 ml at puncture point). After coronary angiography in each group, the serum nitric oxide (NO), endothelin-1 (ET-1) and cardiac troponin (cTnT...

Khitam J. Yahya*, Mohammed T. S. Al-Zubaidi

...e samples were collected before and processed for histopathological evaluation. Improvement of tissue and the number of oocysts on the villi decreased after treatment. In comparison with G2, oocyst shedding was stopped at the end of the treatment period in both G3 and G4 without recurrence 10 days after drug withdrawal. The pre-patient periods (p.p) was 8-9 DPI. The maximum intensity was 11,000 oocysts per gram of feces. The first clinical sign was detected on...

Oussama Zghari*, Mouloud Lamtai, Sofia Azirar, Mohamed Yassine El-Brouzi, Hajar Benmhammed, Aboubaker El-Hessni, Ali Ouichou, Abdelhalem Mesfioui

Soedarmanto Indarjulianto1*, Alfarisa Nururrozi1, Yanuartono1, Sitarina Widyarini2, Dhasia Ramandani3 

...ezing for several months before being examined. Clinical examination demonstrated mucopurulent discharge from both nostrils, swollen on the nasal bridge and maxillary sinus. Subsequently, the cat was diagnosed infected by cryptococcosis based on cytology, fungal culture, serology, and hematology. Lymphadenopathy and the spreading of infection to the lungs were identified based on histopathological examination. Owing to potential zoonotic, a high index of suspi...

Yisi Chen*, Jun Zhang and Fayin Li

...uate the mechanical pain before and after the incision. L3-L5 was taken 1h after incision. The phosphorylation level of GluN2b, p38MAPK, ERK, JNK and EPAC was measured by Western blot and immunofluorescence. We found that the mechanical pain induced by plantar incision peaked at 1h after surgery and lasted for 3 days. Compared with the isoflurane group, the mechanical pain in propofol group was significantly reduced within 2h after incision (P<0.05). In the...

Chun Shi, Juanjuan Guo, Meng Li, Qi Yang and Jingang Li*

...of S. dauricus intestine before, during, and after the artificial hibernation process and short awakening hibernation, respectively. The results showed that there was no significant alpha diversity during the four periods; however, the beta diversity was different, especially in the awakening period. These differences in beta diversity may be due to the significantly increased abundance of 11 kinds of bacteria, including Anoxybacillus, Geobacillus, Klebsiella,...

Rafik Soliman1*, Rafik H. Sayed2, Hanan Mahmoud3, Heidy Abo El-Yazeed1, Marsell Saad1, Shaimaa Abdelall Elsaady2, Khalid Sh3 

...ll groups were collected before and at 2 weeks intervals post immunization and/or antibiotic treatment. Vaccinated cows in the two experiments did not develop clinical mastitis during the whole observation period that extends up to 20 weeks post treatment. The total immunoglobulin concentration (g/dl) measured four weeks post immunization was significantly higher in the serum and milk whey of immunized cows as compared to the non-immunized cows (P<0.01). Th...

Wuritunashun*, Burenbatu, Narenqiqige, Jiuguniang, Eerdunduleng, Shuanglian Wang, Cuiqin Gong, Hashengaowa, Huizhi Jin, Baiwurihan and Chunhaizi

Anwar ul Haq1, Maqsooda Parveen2, Shehzadi Saima3* and Khalid Masood Ahmad1*

...s in respective solution before planting. Uprooting was done after 60 days of plantation the cuttings. NAA with 100 mg/L proved best treatments that produced maximum root length, number of roots, dry and fresh weights of roots, number of sprouted buds, number of leaves, leaves fresh weight and dry leaves weight as compared to other treatments and control. This data suggested that NAA can be successfully used to increase root and shoot parameters in chrysanthem...

Jihan Abd Wahab, Nur Bahiah Mohamed Haris* and Jasmin Arif Shah

...ddition, the performance before MCO was high in 2019, hence, the aim of this study is to determine the skills and work performance of extension agents in their Program Development Skills (planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluating - PIME). Specifically, this research intended to determine the level of PIME skills and their work performance, to evaluate the relationship of PIME skills with the work performance of extension agent and to determine the most...

Lalu Ahmad Zaenuri*, Rodiah Rodiah, Adji Santoso Dradjat, Oscar Yanuarianto, I Wayan Lanus Sumadiasa , Lukman Hy 

...tation compared to those before supplementation. It can be concluded that SGtab supplementation in the basal diet has a positive impact on the semen quality of Kacang Bucks. Further studies are recommended to evaluate the effects of different quantities of SGtab on semen quality.  


Sigit Bintara1*, Riyan Nugroho Aji1, Panjono2, Ali Agus3 nitrogen for 24 hours before the post-thawing examination. Results showed that spermatozoa diluted with egg yolk citrate supplemented with 3% lycopene (P3) had better quality than that found in the other four treatments, namely motility before freezing (70.86%) and post thawing (53.00%); viability before freezing (76.00%) and post thawing (60. 14%); plasma membrane integrity

Zahra Abdulameer Al-Zayadi1, Hana Kadum Shanan1, Al Salihi Karima Akool2

...ol and other mice groups before various treatments. The various treatment groups revealed diverse histopathological changes compared to the control groups. Various histological features were also seen in low, moderate, and high-dose Sc-RE treatment groups, accompanied by regeneration related to the treatment dose. Severe damage comprising necrosis of the hepatic cells, renal tubules, congestion, and infiltration of inflammatory cells was seen in the chemothera...

Chairdin Dwi Nugraha1, Rafika Febriani Putri1, Ari Ardiantoro2, Wike Andre Septian1, Ahmad Furqon3, Kuswati Kuswati1, Nashi Widodo4, Suyadi Suyadi1* 

Dina A. Yousif, Mohamed M.T. Emara, Marwa R.S. Abdallah*  

...ted for 24 h at 4 °C before being cooked to a final core temperature of 75 °C using either moist or dry thermal processing. The fatty acid profile, pH value, objective color indexes, sensory characteristics, and marinade uptake were all measured in the raw mutton samples. Additionally, the cooked samples were examined for cooking loss, fatty acid composition, shear force, instrumental color parameters, and sensory analysis. The use of both extracts imp...

Asifa Hameed1*, Haider Karar2, Abdul Ghaffar1, Abid Hameed Khan1, Muhammad Mubashir1 and Ghulam Mustafa1

...overed with mosquito net before initiation of flowering, while the open trees of the same varieties were not covered with net. Overall, we found that insects are necessary for pollination and fruit setting. There was no fruit setting i.e. zero fruits per panicle in netted trees where the insects could not visit, the inflorescence during peak period. Maximum fruit setting occurred on trees where the trees were not covered with net. The most abundant insect was ...
Muhammad Rizwan1, Hamid Akbar1*, Aftab Ahmad Anjum1, Muhammad Arif Khan1, Aneela Zameer Durrani2, Muhammad Abid Hayat3, Anjum Masood4, Muhammad Talha Sajjad1 and Nadeem Raza2
...) in serum of dairy cows before and after the surgical correction of left displacement abomasum. Twenty-six cows were divided into two groups as control (Group-A) and treatment (Group-B), each of 13 cows. Left displacement abomasum was confirmed by clinical assessment and ultrasonography, and then was surgically treated through Dirksen technique. Blood samples of both groups were collected on days 0, 7, 14, 21, and 28. Levels of various oxidative, metabolic an...

Aneela Ahmed Tagar1*, Mahvish J. Channa2, Kanwal Ahmed Tagar3 and Kaka Kainat4

... the BMI of the patients before COVID-19 in 3.1% patients was underweight, whereas the BMI of the patients after the COVID-19 in 12.3% was underweight. The major symptoms in patients were Fatigue, headache and Dyspnea. The majority of the patients had emotional problem during COVID-19 including anxiety and depression. Additionally, Biomarkers remained increase in patients (i.e, ferritin, D- dimer, CRP, LDH and CBC was slightly altered in subjects. Lastly, Trop...

Farheen Shafique1, Shaukat Ali2*, Mahreen ul Hassan3, Saiqa Andleeb1

...sary tests should be run before and after birth to screen a β-thalassemia minor/carrier baby. Thalassemia carriers should not get married and 6.2% thought that premarital screening for the disease was important. Around 69.47% of the respondents strongly agreed that cousin marriages are not a reason behind β-thalassemia in the family. Despite the highest literacy rate, large number of young population and prosperity in the region, awareness about gene...

Chitra Kumalasari1,2, Lovita Adriani2*, Indrawati Yudha Asmara3, Nazri Nayan4 

...hat production increases before laying hens are culled. Probiotics supplementation is one method of increasing productivity in old age laying hens. This review explores the potential of probiotics that can increase egg production in laying hen late-phase, which discusses the reproductive system, including hormones and the reproductive tract, productivity, digestive system, and health of laying hens at an advanced age. This article attempts to provide a complet...

Walaa I. Mohameden1, Haidy G. Abdel-Rahman2, Ibrahim M. Hegab3* 

...tion influencing animals before, during and after minerals supplementation. Twenty buffalo calves suffering from skin lesions were enrolled in this study and the diet was supplemented with mineral mixture for 60 days. Skin conditions and behavioral modifications were monitored alongside blood and plasma samples were harvested at days 0, 30, and 60 of the study for hematological and biochemical analysis. Results revealed an overall improvement in animal health,...

Amirul Faiz Mohd Azmi1,4,Wan Nur Hanani Wan Roslan1, Athirah Zawani Zulkifli Amin Rashid1, Siti Aisyah Mohd Hafiz Ngoo1, Mohd Hezmee Mohd Noor1, Muhammad Azrolharith Rashid1, Mohd Zamri Saad2, Danung Nur Adli5, Hasliza Abu Hassim1,3* 

...e reared for three weeks before they were used for the experiment. At the start of the experiment, the quails were divided into 3 groups of 15 quails per group. Group 1 (T0) was treated with 100% commercial diet without soybean waste, Group 2 (T1) was treated with 15% soybean waste + 85% commercial diet, and Group 3 (T2) was treated with 30% soybean waste + 70% commercial diet. For growth performance, the body weight and average daily gain were measured. Meat ...

Yu Liang Cao1, Yue Guo2,3*, Hui Zhang2 and Chun Sheng Wang2

...nternet selling platform before 2019. Further surveys indicated that 51% sellers were located in endemic areas of Angiostrongylus cantonensis. However, no A. cantonensis-positive snails were found among Internet-sold snails. Laboratory animal infection experiments proved that all 4 breeds of snails could transmit A. cantonensis. Internet sales of the 4 snails are of bio-safty temporarily but still present a high risk to spread angiostrongyliasis in China; more...

Mohammed Naji Odhah1,2, Faez Firdaus Abdullah Jesse1*, Bura Thlama Paul3,4, Bashiru Garba5, Zaid Mahmood1, Eric Lim Teik Chung6, Mohd Azmi Mohd Lila7  

...vein from all the groups before the inoculation and once weekly after the challenge until the end of the research period. The result of the study showed that the Immunoglobulin M (IgM) concentration in goats inoculated with C. pseudotuberculosis significantly (p<0.05) increased at week 2 (18.97±0.28 ng/ml), week 3 (33.97±0.59 ng/ml), week 4 (31.94±0.28 ng/ml) and week 5 (12.51±2.42). Whereas, in the mycolic acid group, the IgG an...

Erni Damayanti1,2, Herry Sonjaya2*, Sudirman Baco2, Hasbi Hasbi2, Ekayanti Mulyawati Kaiin3

... and were oocytes mature before fertilization using semen from one bull, oocytes are fertilized then cultured for 48 hours. Embryo grouping based on cell count was conducted after 48 hours of culture and was recultured for 48 hours. Follicular fluid, oocyte maturation media and embryo culture media were collected using a disposable syringe and centrifuged, then supernatant in the collection, stored and frozen with -20 oC and growth factor concentrations were m...

Tahir Rasool Qamar1, Sanaullah Iqbal1*, Muhammad Nasir1 and Habib-ur- Rehman2

...were started to group G4 before administering carcinogenic injections. After one-month, groups G2-G4 received four subcutaneous injections of carcinogen 1,2-dimethylhydrazine dihydrochloride (DMH) at dose of 40 mg/kg body weight, twice a week for 2 weeks. After DHM injections, chicory powder treatments were started to group G3 as well and group G2 was DHM control group receiving only basal diet while G1 was normal control group. The amount of chicory roots pow...

Momina Raheem1, Muhammad Fiaz2*, Muhammad Mushtaq1, Umana Niazi1, Evelyn Saba3 and Mansoor Abdullah3

...d rapeseed (CRS) a month before and two months after lambing on ewe’s and lamb’s performance in Salt Range sheep. Pregnant sheep (n = 12) were chosen and divided into 3 equal treatment groups. Ewes in control (T0), T1 and T2 treatment groups were supplemented with CRS at 0, 25 and 50 g/d, respectively. Data of parameters were collected and analyzed through ANOVA technique using SAS 9.3 Portable and Sigma Plot Software under Completely randomized de...

Saime Betül Baygeldi1, Barıs Can Güzel1*, Ramazan Ilgün2 and Zait Ender Özkan1

...o compare the SEM images before and after plastination. German mast geese used as study material were obtained from goose breeders. After the micro-anatomical features of the German goose tongue were determined, SEM (FEI-Quanta; FEG 250, USA) analyzes were made and their general structures were photographed. Then, silicone plastination processes were applied at room temperature. The SEM images of the fresh material and the plastinated material were compared by...

Muhammad Haseeb Malik2, Muhammad Moaeen-ud-Din1*, Ghazal Kaukab Raja2 and Feroza Hamid Wattoo2

...n be verified for purity before entering into breeding program.


Tehreem Iqbal1, Roheela Yasmeen1* and Faheem Hafeez2 225 mg/kg/BW 24 hours before BPA) and the post-treated group (CG3; post-treated with C. cassia at 225 mg/kg/BW 24 hours before BPA). In the experiment Sprague Dawley rats were fed by BPA that was followed by the intake of C. cassia at 225 mg/kg/BW of the rat. Liver (Total bilirubin, alkaline phosphate test, Lactate dehydrogenase, and alanine amino transferase) and kidney (Blood Urea Nitrogen, Creatinine, and Uric acid) bi...

Saloua Ziani1*, Khalid Sohaib2 , Youssef Lhor3, Ikhlass El Berbri4, And Ouafaa Fassi Fihri4  

... a rabies quantification before importing animals, which varies significantly. The objective of this study is to investigate the reasons for variations in antibody titers in dogs. Data from 848 dogs exported from Morocco was collected. The results revealed that too-old dogs (over six years) or too young (under four months) are also less likely to respond to vaccination than dogs that are four months to six years old. A dog receiving a booster dose is better im...

Muhammad Ashfaq ur Rahman1*, Saleem Khan1, Aurang Zeb1, Zia ud Din1 and Zafar Iqbal3 

...ermine their body weight before and after receiving dietary counseling. A total of 150 patients were enlisted for this prospective analytic case-control (case-cohort) double-blind, randomized feeding experiment, with each group receiving 15 participants on average. Nutritional counseling sessions were provided to patients in the nutrition therapy groups in order to urge them to follow one of nine pre-tailored diets designed to meet the nutrient needs of the gr...

Wafa Akram1, Shahan Azeem2, Shafqat Shabir1, Haroon Akbar1*, Warda Gill3 and Muhammad Imran Rashid1*

...for screening of animals before transporting, and of humans before taking care of captive animals, in order to prevent transboundary spread of Leishmania.


Nur Saptahidhayat1, Claude Mona Airin1, Yanuartono1, Dyah Ayu Widiasih1, Soedarmanto Indarjulianto1*, Sri Handayani Irianingsih2, Meta Iqomah3

...nd quality was conducted before and after treatment. The research showed that all cows were diagnosed as healthy after suffering from FMD based on clinical symptoms, antibodies to FMD, and the FMD virus examined by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). This result presents a significant difference (p<0.05) in milk production, which is a combination of basal feed with Protelis® concentrate supplementation. However, the milk quality presents insignificant diff...

Umar Salisu Ahmad1, Adamu Abdul Abubakar1,2*, Hassan Abubakar Bodinga1, Nura Abubakar1, Ekaete Ime Oviawe1, Zaid Shehu3, Abubakar Musa Mayaki3

...rtunately, the calf died before any intervention, and the carcass was submitted for necropsy examination. In case II, a whitish ocular mucous membrane was observed, reduced rumen motility, bilateral ocular discharge, foamy salivation, and labored breathing were observed. The prescapular and submandibular lymph nodes were enlarged, and a hard mass was palpable on the distended abdomen. Rectal examination revealed hard rectal feces in rectum were found. The rect...

Iftikhar Ahmad1, Tahir Saeed1, Umair Faheem2*, Qaisar Abbas2, Muhammad Saleem Akhtar Khan3, Mussurrat Hussain2, Tanveer Ahmad4, Gulzar Akhtar4, Asifa Hameed5, Muhammad Hasnain6 and Muhammad Jamil7

...served on jasmine flower before application of insecticides and thrips mortality data was noted after 24, 72 and 168 hours of insecticides spray. The maximum mortality of thrips was recorded in Imidacloprid+fipronil (68.45%) and Spinosad (65.45%) after 24 hours of insecticides spray. The lowest mortality of thrips was counted in abamectin and imidacloprid. Population of thrips was reduced after 72 and 168 hours as compared to 24 hours after insecticides spray....

Siddique Ahmad1*, Basit Ullah1, Sajid Ali2, Ali Zaid1, Zeeshan Ahmad3, Muhammad Usaid1, Muhammad Zeeshan1 and Saif Ullah3

...y to the plots one month before sowing, bio-aab solution (60 litres ha-1) was applied with first irrigation to one experiment before sowing to encourage microbial action necessary for manure decomposition, while half N was applied at sowing time and half after seven days of sowing with first irrigation. Statistical analysis was done combined over bio-aab. The principle beneficial microorganisms (BM) in bio-aab contain photos...

Aishat Adetola Anifowose*, Nkechi Betsy Izuogu and Benoit Katchitche Sossou

... was incorporated a week before planting at 1.5 t/ha for the single treatments and at 0.75 t/ha at planting for the combined treatments. EM was applied twice at a two-weeks interval at 4000 l/ha and 2000 l/ha for the single and combined treatments, respectively. The nematode-inoculated, untreated pots and plots served as negative controls. Generally, the increase in growth and yield parameters and decrease in nematode population was significantly higher (P=0.0...

Mahmoud M.A. Youssef1, Wafaa M.A. El-Nagdi1*, Hassan Abd- El-Khair2, Usama S. Elkelany1, Mahfouz M.M. Abd-Elgawad1 and Mona G. Dawood3 was applied in soil before planting. However, such reductions were 83.7 and 78.7%, respectively, when Tv or Tvr were used as single treatments indicating more efficacy on M. incognita populations in the absence of PP. All treatments significantly (P ≤ 0.05) increased weights of plant branches and tubers; especially by individual than combined treatments. Biochemical compounds were influenced by different treatments of the tested materials. The diversit...

Imtiaz Khan1*, Abdullah1, Muhammad Ibrahim1, Muhammad Ishfaq Khan1, Saima Hashim1, Shomayela Afzal2 and Khalid Nawab3 

...lude; weed density (m-2) before and after application, fresh and dry weight (m-2) of A. tenuifolius Cav., plant height (cm), number of nodes and branches plant-1, leaf area index (LAI), number of pods plant-1, number of grains pod-1, 500 seed weight (g), biological yield (kgha-1), grain yield (kgha-1) and cost benefit ratio (%).The data analysis revealed that the herbicide Pendimethalin showed the lowest A. tenuifolius Cav. density (6.10 m-2), fresh weight (1....

Wenxiao Jia1*, Yilinuer Yilihamu1, Yunling Wang1, Shuang Ding1, Dilinuerkezi Aihemaiti1, Hanjiaerbieke Kukun1 and Yanhui Ning2

... adaptively for one week before being punctured through the abdominal aorta with a balloon to injure the intima. Vitamin D (1.5 mL/kg) was administered one week after the surgical model was completed. Following injection, the animals were fed a high-fat diet for 16 weeks. High-resolution magnetic resonance imaging (HR-MRI) and a histology-based method were used to examine the abdominal aortic lesions. The overall mortality rate of the New Zealand rabbit model ...

Nguyen Huu Van1*, Nguyen Thi Mui1, Dinh Van Dung1, Van Ngoc Phong1, Tran Ngoc Long1, Le Tran Hoan1, Le Duc Thao1, Vo Thi Minh Tam1, Ngo Mau Dung1, Bui Van Loi1, Nguyen Xuan Ba1, Ton Nu Minh Thi2, Nishino Naoki2

...fluid between treatments before and 4h after feeding. The pH values remained in critical rumen pH range of 6.0-7.0 for optimum microbial growth and nutrient utilization. Hence, this study demonstrated that increasing concentrate levels in the diets for Phan Rang sheep up to 2.25% or 3.0% of live weight increased DGW, carcass performance and improved economic benefit for farmers without any adverse effects on nutrient digestibility and rumen fermentation of the...

Zaghloull , A.H.; Mahmoud2, Amal; Hassanl , H.Y.; Hemeida2, A.A.; Nayell , M. A. and Zaghawal , A.A.

El.-Kadyl, M.A.S; Badr2, A.B.; zein3, Saiwa N. and Khalifa4, M.A.A.

...oncentration is 0.0001%) before one hr of inoculation. Salicylic acid and Parahydroxy benzoic acid has the same effect (80% reduction) at concentration of 0.01% and 0.1, respectively in the treatments inoculated one hr. after sprays. Six different chemical compounds applied as foliar sprays with two concentrations for each were used to study their effect on the percentage of virus infection in pepper treated plants: Actellic application gave superior results (...

El-Tabakh, SAA l ; Abdel Wahab, KSE; Badr, AF   and Helal, IG  

...fluids (SF) were sampled before complete change with fresh MM at weekly intervals for periods extended to one month after infection. Three SF samples taken 5 days apart after HCV infection showed that detection of HCV-RNA in SF was intermittent but' detection of new native protein as well as glycopeptides was consistent.  

Fadia M. Attia and Hanaa H. A. Gomaa

...ine the level of viremia before induction of therapy. In addition, complete blood count, prothrombin time and liver function tests were performed. The results showed that leucopenia and thrombocytopenia are more frequent in HCV patients with moderate degree of viremia than patients with mild viremia than those with no viremia (p<0.05). Moderate neutropenia (< 1000 /ul) and moderate lymphopenia (< 1000/ul) are observed in all patients with different le...

Eman, M. Abd El-Mottaleb.*; Ahmed, S.A."; Maysa, H.M.*; Salem, S.A.* and M. M. El-Shenawy

Abdel Razek,B.Omar*and Magda M.Sayed**

... of the hyperimmune sera before conjugation with fluorescent. Total protein concentration of the prepared LSDV antisera was 0.8g/dl. Separation of anti-LSDV immunoglobulins 1gG were done using ammonium sulphate followed by conjugation with fluorescein isothiocyanate at pH 9.6. The anti-LSDV IgG conjugated fluorescein sterile and was used to detect LSDV in the MDBK cells and gave good results to dilution 1/20 while the reference conjugate to 1/30.


M.A. Farag*, Abeer, E. Mansour* and s.M. 

...ected with BVDV one week before vaccination. Challenging the immunity of sheep both simultaneously infected with BVDV and vaccinated or infected one week post vaccination against 01/3/93 revealed protection percentages of 66%. Sheep fed on commercial ration treated with 40gykgm ration of prepared AFB and challenged at three weeks post vaccination showed protection percentage of 33%, decrease in antibody titers and low values of AOD. The immunosuppressive effec...

Sabry Y. M. Mahmoud; Maher H. Hosseny and Mamdouh H. Abdel-Ghaffar

...A) and biologically test before and after treatments The two cycles of thermotherapy at approximately 370C, during 40 and 30 days, resulted in 33.3 and 14.2% PVY elimination, respectively. Thus, these results indicated that thermotherapy is moderately efficient for viral eradication. Chemotherapy was undertaken with 20 mg Ribavirin (RBV); it is showed the medium rate of virus elimination (30.0 - 42.9% virus-free plantlets) when added to the tissue culture medi...

S. A. Khalil1; M. El-Sayed2; M. M. El-Fayomy2; H. Y. Hassan3 and A. Zaghawa3

Arwa H. El -Naggar, Nirmeen G. Shafiek, and M. S. Wassel.

Rizkie Elvania1, Tintin Rostini1, Sakiman2, Ani Susilawati2, Emilda Adriani2, Abd Malik1*

... lycopene in the diluent before freezing exhibited significantly higher (P < 0.05) spermatozoa motility. Moreover, the viability and motility of post-thawed semen significantly improved (P < 0.05) at lycopene doses of 1% and 2%. The addition of 1% to 2% lycopene in the extender demonstrated a positive effect on the sperm qualities, particularly enhancing the viability and motility of post-thaw semen from Kalang buffalo.

M. Tariq Mushtaq1, Faisal Manzoor1, M. Ishtiaq1*, Mirza Abdul Qayyum1, Muqarrab Ali2, M. Akram3, M. Rafiq Shahid3 and Saleem Riaz1

...were recorded 1 DBS (day before spray) and 3 DAS (days after spray) and 7 DAS of insecticides. The results revealed that buprofezin @ 500 ml + flonicamid @ 60 g (RD) was the most effective (79.24%) insecticide mixture against whitefly up to seven days followed by pyriproxyfen + matrine @ 250 and 500 ml (RD) with 74.13% reduction. While mixture of buprofezin + nitenpyram at recommended dose was effective against jassid and whitefly (76.47%) followed by pyriprox...

Lingang Dai1,2,3, Xiang Chen1,2,3, Jiajin Huang1,2,3, Jiali Xu1,2,3, Meimei Xiao1,2,3, Jiajing Chen1,2,3 and Yong Ruan1,2,3*

...roved compared with that before breeding. The correlation study showed that the slaughter performance of the GG population with the PGAM2 gene was significantly better than that of GA and AA, which could be used as a potential molecular breeding marker for research.

Syed Roohullah Jan1, Kareem Akhtar2*, Uroosa1, Muhammad Zeeshan Zahir3, Abdul Shakoor4
...n-Cu powder are studied, before and after coatings. Hardness tests are carried out to determine surface hardness before and after the coatings. This study reveals that uniform composite coating of Ag-Sn-Cu can be achieved without Mercury using the cold spray. Hence cold spray technique can be used in the future for filling cavities and other dental applications.  

Budianto Panjaitan1, Husnurrizal Husnurrizal2, V.Y. Edward3, D.A. Nishcaya3, Teuku Armansyah4, Tongku Nizwan Siregar2, Mulyadi Adam5, Arman Sayuti1, Amalia Sutriana4, Hafizuddin Hafizuddin2*, tromethamine) 1 hour before semen collection, while in treatment 2 (P2), the semen collection was carried out 2 hours after PGF2α administration. The treatment was performed five times in alternate weeks. Semen collection was performed using an artificial vagina once a week for ten weeks. Testosterone concentrations were analyzed using the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) method. The average spermatozoa volume (mL); concentration (106 cells/...

Makruf Arif1*, Claude Mona Airin1, Dwi Sunu Datrianto2, Vincentia Trisna Yoelinda1, Sarmin1, Yuda Heru Fibrianto1, Pudji Astuti1

... levels in Stone Magpies before and after the songbird contest. Fecal samples were collected from twelve birds, distinguishing between amateur and experienced groups, both before and after the songbird contest, and preserved at -20°C. Corticosterone and testosterone hormone levels were assessed using an ELISA kit, and the acquired data were tested for normal distribution and homogeneity, followed by analysis through the ...

Diky Ramdani1*, Dwi Cipto Budinuryanto1,2, Siti Darodjah Rasad1, Novi Mayasari3, Krisna Rizki Rismawan1, Muhammad Fajryanto Solihin1, Ririn Siti Rahmatillah1

...e lamb performances both before (Phase 1, a 30-day trial) and after (Phase 2, a 42-day trial) an anthelmintic treatment, with each phase having six replicates (n = 6). Before the anthelmintic treatment, PPS inclusion showed no significant impact (P > 0.05) on the average daily gain (ADG, g/head/day) of the infected sheep. However, the total dry matter intake (DMI, g/head/day) was reduced (P < 0.001). The inclusion of dietary PPS-50 and PPS-75 effectively...

Huda S.J1*, Nasr T.M1, Mohanad A. Al-Bayati2

...he hematological profile before and after hemorrhagic corrections were Hemorrhagic group RBC 5.96±0.11 x 106/mm³, WBC 6.35±1.04 x 103/mm³, PCV 33.02±6.28%, Hb 11.19 ± 0.88 g/dl and Platelet count were295.11±10.73 x 103/mm³, corrected as compared with treated group RBC 6.61± 0.54 /mm3, WBC6.53±1.33 /mm3, PCV33.23±5.21 %, HB11.2±1.31 g/dl and Platelet count 292.71± 14.92 x103/mm...

Zaryab Murad1*, Sobia Bibi1, Shehr e Yar Ahmad1, Mohsin Ali Khan1, Rimsha Sadaf2, Mauz ul Haq1, Umair Manan1 and Muhammad Younas2

...ed in each specified pot before spiking and were kept at 30% field capacity for 7 days. The source of urea was used for N fertilizer and was applied in two split doses (@ 60:60 kg ha-1) directly after transplantation and after 4 weeks of transplantation while DAP source was used for phosphatic fertilizer (@ 90 kg ha-1). In each pot, 20 days old rice nursery was selected and 10 healthy plants were transplanted into each pot. After successful and possible growth...

Kashif Abdaal, Aneeza Batool, Muhammad Tariq Navid*, Saeed Ahmed, Asma Saleem Qazi, Waseem Safdar, Haidar Ali, Mobeen Ur Rashid, Somia Rafaqat 

...s, and nonhuman primates before using them for human trials. The other side of successful vaccine intervention, however, contains various issues that need to be rectified. These concerns primarily depend on target pathogen selection, novel vaccine efficacy, development, and duration of optimum immunological responses, selection of appropriate animal model, need for booster dose, route of administration, and post-administration safety and post-marketing analysi...


...must be treated properly before agricultural use to reduce accumulation of heavy metals in the cereal crops and implement safe practices for wastewater usage.



...r washings of vegetables before they are consumed.



....57 g which was recorded before treatment. It was thus concluded that Phyllanthus emblica is a potent antioxidant and antidiabetic agent.


Aziz Ahmed1*, Anila Naz Soomro2, Muhammad Ramzan Ali1, Muhammad Aleem Khan1 and Hasina Basharat1

... into different aliquots before applying them to in vitro fertilization. It was clear from the results of the current study that, the commercially available activation media C showed a highest significant effect on percent sperm motility i.e., 89.66%±2.88, motility interval 300sec±2.67%, Viability: 74.48±0.39% and fertilization rates: 90.04±1.70% followed by activation media A. motility: 78.24±1.90, interval: 280sec±1....

Xin Yan Ku1, Phek Jin Kwong1*, Chaiw Yee Teoh1, Mohammad Mijanur Rahman2, Fakar Fariz3

...he newly formulated feed before the feeding trial. Twelve (n=12), single-born Boer x Jamnapari crossbred kids, with an average birth weight of 3.25 kg   and body condition scoring of 3 to 3.5 were randomly divided into two dietary treatment groups (n=6 per group), each containing 3 males and 3 females. In the first treatment (T1) group, all the kids received only dam’s milk from day 1 to day 90 of age, whereas for the second treatment (T2) grou...

Sedef Selviler Sizer1, Semih Kurt1*, Burcu Onuk1, Gokmen Zafer Pekmezci2 and Murat Kabak1

... the heads were measured before they were placed in the beetle colony. All tissues, including eye and brain tissues, of the heads placed in the Dermestes colony were cleaned in one day in cats, two days in roe deer, and three days in cows. In addition, it was observed that the Dermestes colony was not a preference priority when consuming soft tissues such as eyes, brain and muscle. This current manuscript has revealed the advantages of the hydrogen peroxide ap...

Muhammad Adnan1*, Muhammad Nauman Khan2,3, Barkat Ullah2, Faisal Zaman2, Alevcan Kaplan4, Hubert O. Dossou-Yovo5, Sajid Ali Khan Bangash6, Sana Wahab7, Mehreen Ghazal8 and Muhammad Hassan Sarfraz9

...c acid (H3BO3) only once before sowing, at the doses of 0 mg/kg (control), 3 mg/kg, 6 mg/kg, 9 mg/kg, 12 mg/kg, 15 mg/kg and 18 mg/kg soil. The different concentrations of Boron (B) were prepared separately by taking a respective amount of boric acid. Pots without supplemented B constituted the control. No additional supplements were applied to the experimental soil. Each pot was irrigated with 100 mL of distilled water with intermittent intervals of 48 hours....

Thuong Thi Nguyen1*, Nhu Quynh Ho1, Thuan Khanh Nguyen2, Tuan Phong Vu Anh Vo3, Hai Thanh Duong4

...t day compared to 7 days before the alert in diseased cows (P<0.01), while milk production did not change in non-diseased cows (P>0.05). The HF breed had more variation in rumination time than HFxJS, while milk yield was affected more in HFxJS. The parity also affected rumination time and milk yield. SCR systems monitored rumination time and milk yield to identify health disorders and support early diagnosis of mastitis, ketosis, and abomasal displacemen...

Shangmei Peng1 and Changhe Yu2*

...cessive serum creatinine before CT, diabetes, and female gender are independent risk factors for secondary AKI (OR>1, P<0.05). The incidence of PC-AKI after enhanced CT examination is low, and it has nothing to do with intravenous contrast agent. It is obviously unreasonable to blame iodine contrast agent for PC-AKI, and the risk of PC-AKI will increase only in patients with eGFR5. Attention should be paid to patients with high serum creatinine, diabetes...
Danish Riaz1,2, Syed Makhdoom Hussain2*, Majid Hussain3, Muhammad Zubair-ul-Hassan Arsalan4 and Eman Naeem2
...(0 g/kg) were formulated before the beginning of the experiment, with varying amounts of probiotics (0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5 and 3 g/kg) added to the basal diet. Fish growth performance, nutritional bioavailability, and hematological indices all improved significantly (p<0.05) after being supplemented with probiotics. Fish fed a diet supplemented with probiotics at a rate of 2.5 g/kg had substantial improvement in body weight (20.29 g), body wt.% (272.78 %),...
Mona Adel El-Wakeel1*, Salah El-Din Abd El-Ghany Ahmed, Sanaa Abd El Rahman Mohamed
and Nadia Khalil Messiha
... treatments were applied before
transplanting directly. Results revealed that the maximum inhibition of both weeds in both
seasons (2018 and 2019) was recorded by PLP at 60g + Acetic acid 5% as compared to
unweeded control. Concerning C. annuum growth parameters and yield traits, sole
application of PLP at successive rates is more effective than PLP at the same successive
rates with acetic acid 5%. So...

Wafaa M. A. El-Nagdi1*, Ahmed E.A. Mahgoob2, Mahmoud M.A. Youssef1, Mona M.S. Zayed3, Entesar H. Taha2 and Nora R.A. Saleh1

... (Ne) or added at 7 days before Ne inoculation, showed additive or synergistic interaction effects. The tested isolates increased significantly (p≤0.05) plant growth criteria according to the tested materials. The same isolates +AMF with Ne at the same time recorded less colonization percentage (35%), while 40% root colonization was achieved when added at 7 days before nematode inoculation. Also, when AMF alone was applie...

Karin Alvåsen1*, Karin Maria Olofsson2, Raymond Kent Fenton3, Ulrika Rockström4, Lena-Mari Tamminen1, Nils Fall1 need to be considered before implementing this service for Swedish cattle farms. The pilot study also showed that the RDN method could be a good complement to the regular post-mortem examinations and that it is possible to use the RDN in Sweden to determine a gross diagnosis of the cause of death of cattle, with subsequent increased disease surveillance.
Keywords | Cause of death, Digital pathology, Necropsy, Off-site evaluati...

Kang Cheng1*, Zhihua Song2, Jingyi Niu1, Jin Huang1, Laiting Liu1, Jinrong Wang1 and Yong Zhang1*

...etin /kg body weight/day before the heat treatment. The results showed that fisetin restored the heat stress-induced jejunum morphological damage and increased intestinal permeability, which may be attributed to the improved redox status, the decreased myeloperoxidase activity, the suppressed toll-like receptor 4 signaling pathway mediated expression of pro-inflammatory cytokine tumor necrosis factor alpha at translational and transcriptional level, and the in...

Habib Asshidiq Syah1, Aulia Puspita Anugra Yekti1, I Putu Arya Girinata1, Ahmad Fahrudin Husen1, Rizki Prafitri1, Nurul Isnaini1, Nanang Febrianto1, Putri Utami1, Muhaimin Rifa’i2, Trinil Susilawati1* Holstein (CFH) cattle before FMD exposure and after FMD exposure in the Pujon sub-district, Malang regency based on non-return rate-1 (NRR-1), non-return rate-2 (NRR-2), and Conception Rate (CR). The material used in this study was 215 CFH cows that became acceptors with a single dose of unsexed semen of 100 before being exposed to FMD (T1) and 115 cows affected by FMD (T2) in Pujon subdistrict, Malang Regency, with a Bod...
G. M. Nasir
... improve quality of wood before utilization. Permanent slides of cross, radial and tangential sections of each wood species were prepared and data were collected for the frequency and dimensional measurements of various wood elements/structures in each species. Results showed that Lasura, Shreen, Dhak, Ritha and Tun wood may be better in strength due to longer and thick-walled fibers and Kao and Anjir wood may be medium in strength as the fibers are comparativ...
Tanvir Hussain, Zahid Rauf and G. M. Nasir
...esser known wood species before utilization grown in Kalam, Swat. Standard samples and wood sections were prepared from butt logs of each species to observe the structural features and determine physico-mechanical properties. Anatomical results revealed that Kasunder wood may be medium, Geiray better and Quercus wood may be good in strength. The wood of all the species may be less resistant to biological agents however, the seasoning and preservation behaviour...
Syed Fazal Baqi Kakakhel
...the dried morels is must before packing....
Ghulam Mustafa Nasir, Tanvir Hussain and Khalid Hussain Sulangi
...wood quality improvement before their utilization for making various products. Permanent slides of cross, radial and tangential sections of each wood species were prepared, observed under the microscope and data were collected for the frequency and dimensional measurement of different wood elements/structures in each wood species. On the basis of results it was observed that Kiker, Robinia, Lachi and Gurgrua wood may be strong and hard and Toot, Kangar, Siris,...
Anwar Ali1, Muhammad Iftikhar2, Sajjad Ahmad3, Ayaz Khan4 and Sultan Muhammad5
...ample tree were measured before felling. After felling, the bole was cut into 2m logs with end log of variable length. The over bark mid diameter of the log and its length were measured for determining volume of logs. Total volume of a tree was determined by adding volumes of all logs. Different regression models were tested for deterring best relationship between DBH and height and DBH and Volume. On the basis of the best fit models, volume tables were prepar...
Ghulam Mustafa Nasir
...rove the quality of wood before utilization. Permanent slides of cross, radial and tangential sections of each wood species were prepared and observed under the microscope for various structural features. Results revealed that Babul and Phulai wood may be strong and hard and Jand, Mulberry, Ghaz, Ash and Ber wood may be better in strength and moderately hard due to longer, thick-walled or narrow lumened fibers. The Apple wood may be medium in strength and comp...
Ghulam Mustafa Nasir
...vative treatment of wood before utilization may be required to increase the service life. However, the process of preservation and seasoning of wood may be slow. ...
Ghulam Mustafa Nasir
... need chemical treatment before utilization. However, Neem, wood may not require preservation due to its chemical composition. Preservative treatment and seasoning of wood of all the studied species (except Sohanjna) may be slow or somewhat difficult due to medium sized or smaller vessels. In Sohanjna the vessels are very large in diameter and the wood may be easily seasoned and treated with preservative. Furthermore, based on the Runkel ratio, Kabuli keker, ...
G. M. Nasir and Noreen Fatima
...d preservative treatment before their utilization. The vessels are larger in diameter in Gul-i-Nishter, White Siris, Pipal and Lasura wood, and these can be easily seasoned and preserved. Whereas, in Phulai, Black Siris, Ipil Ipil and Jand, the vessels are medium sized or smaller in diameter due to which drying process and preservative treatment of these woods may be slow. Furthermore, on the basis of Runkel ratio, the wood of all the studied species may also ...
Ghulam Mustafa Nasir, Noreen Fatima and Kanwar Muhammad Suleman
...these woods is necessary before utilization as structural timbers for manufacturing of products. In Amaltas, Chinar Ipil Ipil, Bakain, White Bakain and Phulai, the fibers were longer or thick walled and the woods may be stronger or comparatively better in strength properties. Moreover, all the studied woods except Phulai can also be used for pulp and paper manufacturing on the basis of higher fibre morphological characteristics....
G. R. Keerio
...hases viz. pre-abkalani (before the arrival of inundation water), mid-abkalani (while inundation water is receding) and post-abkalani (after complete receding of inundation water).

The extent of annual regeneration operation depends upon many factors such as, availability of the area, intensity of floods, availability of seed and, the allocation of funds for carrying out the operations. The success of the operation is dependent upon proper aftercare and ...

Sardar M. Rafique and Ghulam Ali Bajwa
...ts should be carried out before the autumn rearing to get young nutritious leaves.

Key words: Silkworm, Bombyx mori, Rearing, Efficiency, Mulberry leaf.

Mohammad Ayaz
...ations is very essential before making any decision to use or not to use this species for planting on different sites. It is feared that in our biased attitude towards Eucalyptus, may not we forget or lose a tree species of un-paralleled advantages for the land and people of Pakistan.

Furthermore, the drought and associated water shortage in a country like Pakistan could be due to periodicity of climatic phenomena occurring locally, regionally o...

Khalid Hussain and G. M. Nasir
...e preservative treatment before used as solid wood. The wood may be less durable however it can be easily preserved with chemicals. Further, due to better fiber morphological characteristics, the wood can be used for pulp and paper manufacture....
Tanvir Hussain, G. M. Nasir and Ayaz Khan Marwat treatment of the wood before utilization with preservatives is prerequisite and can favour its endurance against biological deteriorates. Moreover, pulp and paper products may also be manufactured from this species....
Babar Sohail and Kanwar Muhammad Suleman
... and need detailed study before confirmation. ...
Muhammad Ibrar Shinwari and Mir Ajab Khan
... of uses of these plants before the information is lost. About 100 informants were interviewed in this regard. In total 27 species of trees and 24 species of shrubs were recorded as used medicinally by inhabitants of the park. Among these 10 species of trees and 5 species of shrubs are being sold in the local market. Berberis lyceum Royle is found vulnerable to harvesting. Acacia modesta Wall, A. nilotica (L.) Delile, and Dodonaea visc...
Shad K. Khalil and John G. Mexal
...eld capacity the evening before measurements were made. Net photosynthetic rate and PWUE over one day period were measured, followed by harvesting and determination of dry matter of foliage. Both mycorrhizal fungi caused substantial increase in net photosynthesis and PWUE over non mycorrhizal (NM) control, but none of the mycorrhizas resulted in significant change in total dry matter or shoot-root allocation of dry matter. Net photosynthesis measured over time...
M. Mohiuddin and R. Ara
...ed in water for 24 hours before sowing and sown directly in polyethylene bag, showed best germination percentages. The results of the study suggest that longer water soaking period of seeds and sowing in polyethylene bag with high temperature could be recommended for better seed germination of all three species studies....
Mohammad Arif Chaudhry
...e in first week of March before foliation. P. elongata flowered earliest of the species in the first followed by P. fortunei in the second, P. australis and P. tomentosa in the third week of March. The fruit setting commenced in the first and second weeks of April in P. australis, P. elongata, P. fortunei; and P. tomentosa. However, the fruit ripening period was found to vary in different species from the fourth week o...
K. M. Siddiqui
...the research carried out before 1947 in Forest Research Institute, Dehra Dun concerned forest management and development in the areas which presently constitute India and the forest areas now in Pakistan were rather neglected....
S. M. Yasin and T. A. Qureshi
...ere made from the flakes before and after extraction with cold and hot water separately and by mixing Portland cement at the rate of 66% of air-dry weight of the board Physico mechanical properties of different panels indicated that the dimensional stability of panels containing cold water extracted flakes was poor as compared to those containing hot water extracted flakes. The modulus of rupture, nail and screw withdrawal resistance of panels contain...
Mahmood Iqbal Sheikh
...deserts but never tried before gave very indicative results. These species should be propagated on a large scale for bringing back the desert vegetation for fuel, fodder and food....
Hanif Gul and M. Ismail Chaudhry
...vae or pupae of cutworms before the hot summer started. It indicates that the larvae and pupae of cutworm did not survive in hot dry weather of June where as the eggs aestivated successfully....
Wulf Killmann
...r dry timber down to 30% before kiln drying it do not dry batches of mixed densities. Preservation: all timber In exterior use and/ or with ground contact should be (preferably pressure) treated for pressure treatments, the material should be dried below fiber saturation point logs for power poles have to debarked and then dried under shelter at least 4months before treatment. Utilization: choose carefully timber of right ...
M. Ismail Chaudhry
...era), absolutely unknown before, appeared all of a sudden in blue pine forests of Murree (50 km from Islamabad) and Azad Kashmir and avaged large areas during 1980 killing tens thousands trees of all ages by complete defoliation. Having an annual life cycle the pest hibernates as pupae in the soil, emerging in May/June as adult moths and veraciously devouring blue pine needles from July to October. ...
M. N. Malik and M.I. Sheikh
...d was realized even long before the creation of Pakistan, and full-fledged Department of Land Reclamation was established to counter-check the malady; nevertheless, it attained alarming proportion and threatened the very basis of economy of Pakistan. Of course, vast physical outlays in the form of SCARP have been the outcome of very serious deliberations, even involving the expertise at international level; all the same, the land management problem still persi...
Mohammad Ayaz
...rks carried out in India before partition and the reported figures of density for different timbers are mostly from those areas which are located in that country. These density values often differ with observed density of timbers collected locally due to the differences of locality conditions in the two countries. Density determination of authentic wood samples of Pakistani origin was under taken in the Forest Products Research Division, Pakistan Forest Instit...
Ashiq Ahmad and G. M. Khattak
...d in water for 24 hours before sowing, started germination the next day and gave, with in 5 days 84 and 90% germination, respectively. Soaking in acid for one hour, followed by 24 hours soaking in water gave 76% germination after 5 days. About 90% germination was obtained in 20 days with acid soaking for 15 and 30 minutes not followed by water soaking. Hot water soaking for 24 hours resulted in 26% germination in 5 days which increased to 36% in 20 da...
M. Bashir Chaudhry (Dr.), M. Alim Mian and M. Rafiq
...d un ancient times, much before the recent rise in water table due to seepage from the canal system. The recent high water table conditions have, however produced o salt puff on these soils. The saline soils that have been grouped in five main categories occupy 14.3 million acres in the Indus plains but only 7.8 million acres in the canal command areas. The saline cultivated soils of primary practical importance are of two types: (1) soils with topsoil salinit...
Abeedullah Jan
...China was extremely poor before liberation. The country was divided into segments which were held under sway and domination by the colonial powers. The people were addicted to opium, diseases were common, agriculture production was low, floods were too much and too many and famine was almost an annual feature. Natural resources were available but they were being exploited by the feudal lords and colonial masters. The lot of common man was t...
Mahmood Iqbal Sheikh and Abdul Aleem
...about 8C0 km. stretch before entering into the boundaries of Pakistan. As it meanders down, small streams and nullahs contribute their share to the total stream flow. About 10 km. down strefm of Gilgit town, it is joined by Gilgit river, which itself is formed by the union of Gilgit and Hunza rivers....
Mohammad Yasin and Qaim Hussain Shah
...water for 12 to 18 hours before peeling. Knife angle of 920 was found be optimum for cutting good quality veneer from logs of 1.0 to 1.5 feet diameter. Drying of the veneer was observed to be somewhat patchy and therefore, difficult to control. However, 1.0 mm, 2.0 mm and 2.5 mm thick veneers were dried at 900C for 60 minutes without development of defects. The results of this study would be useful to the plywood industry in the country, which uses mul...
Mahmood Iqbal Sheikh
... and a half to two years before these are planted out. ...
Naveed Hussain1*, Muhammad Arif Khan1, Asim Khalid Mahmood2, Muhammad Yasin Tipu3, Mamoona Chaudhry4, Hamad Bin Rashid1, Haroon Akbar5 and Abdul Aziz6
...research may be required before widespread use of these regimens. Furthermore, it is paramount that veterinary orthopedic surgeons must have contemporary knowledge regarding autogenous grafts and orthobiologics, so they can utilize them correctly.


Ghodrat Akhavan Akbari1, Saman Hayadokht1, Saeed Sadeghiyeh Ahari2 and Ahmad Gasi1*

...tions began half an hour before spinal anesthesia in the operating room. Each groups had their own structured treatment plan so that the first and the second groups received 5 mg of oxycodone and placebo respectively. After the patients being stable, Meperidine 0.4 mg/kg (2 CC) was injected to the second group following the spinal anesthesia. Normal saline (2 CC) injected to the first group as placebo. Patients were evaluated for shivering, nausea, vomiting an...

Muhammad Arslan Akbar1, Khalid Javed2, Asim Faraz3, Abdul Waheed3*, Ecevit Eyduran4 and Muhammad Tariq5

...PC1 showed high variance before and after rotation (44.33% and 37.68%), for 4-6-month age group, PC1 had a high value of variance as 58.45% and PC2 had 15.17%, for 7-9-month age group, three principal components were extracted with high eigenvalues (7.56) for PC1 and high variance 50.45% and for 10-12-month age group, PC1 had a high value of variance as 50.05% and PC2 and PC3 had values as 10.67% and 9.05% respectively and their cumulative variance was 69.79%....

Muddassir Ali, Fraz Ahmad Khan*, Mohsin Ali Raza, Muhammad Shahid Munir and Muhammad Usman Saleem

...parameters were measured before harvesting. All crop parameters were non-significant except for the productive tiller, filled and unfilled grain, and 1000-grain weight which were significant at p < 0.05. The grain moisture content during harvesting was 21% which was within the recommended range. The effect of harvesting methods on grain losses and head rice yield was highly significant at p < 0.01. Higher grain losses (10.73%) and lower head rice yield (...

Rawa Abdulkareem Abd

... microbes that are never before grown and isolated outside. Biogeochemical cycling basing on either nitrogen or carbon are put under attention here so that the effects of novel microbes on carbon fixation, organic matter decomposition, nitrogen fixation, nitrification, denitrification and ammonification are expressed. Novel microbes’ capacities for biogeochemical cycling models are explored, including demonstrating increased species refinement, environme...

Tarek Mahmoud Mousa-Balabel* and Karima Mohamed Abdo Abofarag

...ium (Se) supplementation before and after Newcastle disease vaccination (NDV-LaSota) on post vaccine reactions (immune response) of a recently imported Indian River (IR) broilers to Egypt. In this study, 180 one-day old IR broiler chicks were used. The chicks were randomly assigned to three treatment groups of 60 each. The chicks in the first group were reared under white light colour (WLC) and kept as a control group. The chicks in the second group were kept ...

Gökhan Ulukan1*, Zeynep Pekcan2, Zülfükar Kadir Sarıtas3, Ilker Etikan4, Serkan Sayıner5, Feride Zabitler6 and Fatma Eser Özgencil1

...the ovarian bursa 10 min before ovary removal in Groups (G) 1 and G2 and linear to the incision line 10 min before entering the abdomen in G1. G3 was the control group. The intergroup comparison of pain mediators and GCPS-SF scores showed no significant difference between the GCPS-SF scores at postop0, postop2, postop4, postop8 and postop24 h and the cortisol, TNF-α, IL1-β and NO levels determined at the same time...

Hongping Zhong1, Xiaoning Cheng2 and Peiqiang Yan3*

...n and their relationship before and after treatment, 156 children with epilepsy diagnosed at Yan’an University Affiliated Hospital were selected as the research objects. In addition, 100 healthy children were selected and divided into control group. Flow cytometry was utilized to detect T lymphocyte subpopulation. Common silver staining technique was adopted to detect Ag-NORs of T lymphocyte. There were 85 patients in big seizure group (54.48%) and 41 pa...

Yue Guo1,2*, Hai Yan Dong1, Hong Chang Zhou1,2, Hui Zhang1 and Ming Ke Lu3

...significance higher than before and after. Hubei was the most seriously afflicted among all endemic provinces in the periods of 2004-2009 and 2010-2014. In addition, the 50-59 and 60-69 age groups had significantly higher incidence. The incidence of schistosomiasis was concentrated in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and people over 50 were at higher risk.


Hafizuddin1, Sri Wahyuni2, Tongku Nizwan Siregar1*, Amalia Sutriana3, Ririn Triyuliani4, Siti Hanyyah Herviani4, Muhammad Farhan Syuhada4, Nur Salimah4, Muharni Mardiah Eriswandi4, Ratu Permata Ayu4, Putroe Hayatun Nufus4

...eed and water ad libitum before treatment. The rabbits were divided into 3 treatment groups (n=3), the first group as a control group (R1) was injected with physiological NaCl, while group two (R2) and group three (R3) were injected with FSH and BPE, respectively. The total volume of NaCl in R1 and BPE in R3 was 2.6 ml each while the total dose in R3 was 28 mg. Intramuscularly injections in both groups were performed 5 times with a 12-hour interval. The admini...

Mahfuza Ferdous1, Sabuj Kanti Nath1 and Mustasim Famous2*

...arms used chopped fodder before feeding. In feeding concentrate feed, almost 50% of farms mixed the feed ingredients manually, the rest (21%) farms used commercial feed, 29% of farms were found using both commercial and hand-mixing feed. 71% of farmers were found to formulate ration on their own, whereas only 29% of farmers did ration formation by a technically skilled person. In for milk’s nutritive content, Total Solids content was higher at 12.46&plus...

Yugang Meng1*, Xiting Yan2 and Haiying Liang3

...LH, E2, P) were compared before and after treatment. Adverse reactions were recorded during the treatment The occurrence and recurrence were followed up for 1 year. After treatment, the total effective rate of the study group was 95.65%, which was significantly higher than the control group of 80.43% (P <0.05). After treatment, the VEGF level in the study group was significantly lower than the control group, and the EMAb, CA125 levels, and EMAb positive rat...
Supardi Rusdiana1, Tatan Kostaman1*, Priyono Priyono2, Diana Andrianita Kusumaningrum1, Lisa Praharani1, Yeni Widiawati1, Agustin Herliatika1, Nurul Pratiwi1, Nurul Azizah1, Paul Ade Iji3

Sairah Syed1, Rafia Urooj Saman1, Ayesha Manzoor1, Muhammad Arsalan1, Abdul Latif1*, Madeeha Khan1, Rehmat Ullah2, Muhamad Bilal2, Rizwan Latif3, Ejaz Ahmad4, Muhammad Amjad1, Muhammad Aslam5, Sair Sarwar6, Sabir Hussain Shah7 and Amaima Masood8

...ferent VC concentrations before sowing the seeds. The data collected was subjected to ANOVA at 5% level of significance. VC substitution (T1) in soil was helpful in enhancing the overall growth of all three vegetables as compared to control (T0). NPK alone (T2) was more helpful and further enhanced the vegetative growth as well as the yield of the studied vegetable plants. T3 as a combined VC and NPK treatment caused more enhancement in the growth of vegetable...

Desak Nyoman Dewi Indira Laksmi1*, I. Gusti Ngurah Bagus Trilaksana1, I. Wayan Sukernayasa1, Nyoman Oka Widiarta2, I. Wayan Nico Fajar Gunawan1, I Made Merdana3 year. Low food intake before and after childbirth will increase the interval from delivery until the next estrus cycle. The mobilization of energy reserves stored in adipose tissue increases when there is a negative energy balance after childbirth. Leptin is a hormone secreted by adipose tissue that plays a role in conveying metabolic information to the hypothalamic-pituitary axis of the ovary. Therefore, this study aims to show that leptin can increase the...

Qais Abdulrahman M. Al-Jaghifi, Zina Saab Khudhir* 

...ed. The bacterial counts before dipping meat samples in 2% chitosan solution showed initial counts of 5-6 log10 CFU/g. After treatment at both ambient and refrigeration (4ºC) temperatures for 4 hours, counts were reduced to 2-3 log10 CFU/g. The number of MRSA isolated from frozen meat decreased significantly more when treated with 2% chitosan at refrigeration temperature compared to ambient temperature. The antibacterial activity was also evaluated by mea...

Khansa N. Salsabilah*, Achmad Firman, Lilis Nurlina

...population of dairy cows before and during the FMD outbreak so that the impact can be known, and analyze the impact of FMD outbreak on the financial performance of KPBS Pangalengan. The financial performance analysis method was carried out using the Guidelines for Health Assessment of Savings and Loan Cooperatives and Cooperative Savings and Loan Units: Regulation of the Deputy for Supervision of the Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises of...

Gul Hassan, Anees Amin, Haroon ur Rashid, Naqib Ullah Khan and Hussain Ali1

...d berseem were collected before flowering stage, chopped into about 1 cm pieces, dried and then incorporated into soil 30 days before planting. The treatments included NPK at recommended dose alone and NPK + 1, 2, 3 and 4% dried parthenium (w/w of soil). For comparison, treatments like dried berseem 2% (w/w) and untreated (0 NPK and 0 Parthenium or berseem); were also employed. The experiments were replicated four times as f...

Essa D Alhtheal1*, Sufian S Salman2, Salah M AL-Kubaisi3

...d in the induction stage before giving it the treatment compared to the negative control group, respectively. In a hematological examination, the means of RBC count (1012/l) did not reveal differences in the negative control group. They were 6.5, 7.1, and 6.99 in three consecutive periods, respectively, while the positive control group, there were significant differences in RBC count (1012/l) between zero time, 15-day, and 45-day periods, as it decreased from ...

Nadlirotun Luthfi1, Edy Rianto2*, Endang Purbowati2, Christina Maria Sri Lestari2, Agung Purnomoadi2, Nurul Mukminah3 

... were similar at 0 hours before feeding (p>0.05) for both age and feeding level treatments, but significantly differed at 3 and 6 hours after feeding among feeding levels. Rumen ammonia levels were similar across age groups (p>0.05) but significantly varied at 3 and 6 hours after feeding among feeding levels (p<0.05). Microbial protein production did not differ significantly among treatments (p>0.05). Methane emissions and nitrogen excretions of yo...
Mohammad Moneruzzaman Khandaker1*,Nuratiqah Emran1, Nurul Elyni Mat Shaari1, Arba Aleem2, Zanariah Mohd Nor1 and Ali Majrashi3
...lant growth were allowed before the experiment was terminated. At the end of the experiment, the chlorophyll content (SPAD), root and shoot length (cm), and fresh and dry weight (g) of plants were quantified accordingly. The increase in CdCl2 concentration led to a significant decrease in the length of root and shoot of germinated seedlings significantly. The seedling’s growth of Pak Choi was inhibited three days after germination, and the see...

Wali Muhammad Mangrio1*, Hakim Ali Sahito1, Abdul Hafeez Mastoi2, Sanaullah Sattar3, Fahmeeda Imdad Sahito4 and Shahid Ali Jakhrani1 some control measures before to avoid pest infestation. This study also have significant implications for pest management against destructive insect pest species of the cotton crop in future endeavors. 


Shah Fahad* and Akhtar Ali 

...lains that the mean land before was more while due to urban sprawl it decreased from 2.6409 to 1.9682 Kanal averagely. On the basis of problems the study recommend that to make proper law for urbanization in the Country; Provide subsidy and support price to the rural farmer for enhancing agriculture production for high return etc.


Milivoje Uroševic1, Darko Drobnjak1, Radomir Mandic2* and Sava Lazic3

...cally very significantly before and after milking, especially in relation to udder circumference, teat circumference and teat width. No statistically significant difference was found for the amount of milk obtained from left or right mammary complex.


Efi Rokana1*, Zein Ahmad Baihaqi1,2, Khoirul Wafa1, Kalvin Putra Wahyudatama1, Ferdian Ginanjar1, Rini Mastuti3, Amiril Mukmin1, Miarsono Sigit4 

...ements were taken weekly before morning feeding. Blood samples were drawn from the jugular vein and analyzed for hematology and serum chemistry in a laboratory. The results did not show significant differences in productivity parameters (feed consumption, average daily gain, feed conversion, and income over feed cost) between control and beer waste fed groups. Health parameters, including hematology (hemoglobin, erythrocytes, leukocytes) and blood chemical par...
Che Ku Nur Ain Mardhiah Che Ku Azman and Norlia Muhamad*
....2% sodium metabisulfite before drying. The sample was weighed in 60 min intervals until it reached the equilibrium conditions. The experimental data were fitted to five drying models; the Newton model, Page model, Henderson and Pabis model, Midili et al. model, and Two-Term Exponential model. The drying time at 70 °C showed a shorter time, which is 4 hours, as compared to 40, 50, and 60 °C, which are 9, 6, and 5 hours, respectively. The dr...

Ishtiaq Ahmad Khan1, Sarzamin Khan1, Muhammad Shuaib1*, Sohaib ul Hassan2, Abubakar Sufyan3, Waqas Alam1, Muhammad Shahkar Uzair1, Aamir Khan4, Qudrat Ullah2, Muhammad Ayaz4 and Tayyab Khurshid5

... percentile was the same before the peak and then improved (P<0.05) by 4 and 10% during and after the peak, respectively. Insemination frequency, cockerels’ body weight, and production cycle had no significant effect (P>0.05) on both parameters, however, the effect of cockerels’ body weight on hatch was considerable (P<0.09). Artificial insemination exploits the optimal role-play of both the male and female lines to overcome low fertility ...
Dyana Louis Anak Peter, Elldiwirna Saimen, Lucky Poh Wah Goh, Mohd. Khalizan Sabullah, Rahmath Abdulla, Jualang Azlan Gansau and Roslina Jawan*
...; 106 CFU/mL (before fermentation) and increased to 8.67 × 108 CFU/mL (24 h) and slightly decreased to 2.55 × 108 CFU/mL (48 h). Result also demonstrated that the viable cells count in a medium supplemented with bambangan, noniand mung bean significantly increased with increasing concentrations (0.5 – 2.5%, v/v). However, the viable cells count was decreased in medium supplemented with tuhauand torch ginger wi...

Siew Ing Nguang, Nur Syafiqah Binti Zainal, Ahmad Mukhlis Bin Hafas, Hou Chew Ha, Connie Fay Komilus, and Asmad Kari*

...o an equilibration phase before being frozen and stored in liquid nitrogen. The straws were thawed after 48 hours to evaluate the effect of extender components. After cryopreservation, T1 showed significantly highest viability with 63.4±3.0%. The improved viability in T2 likely resulted from the antibiotics while the reduced viability in T3 may be due to their absence, with values of 45.7±1.9% and 36.6±1.8%, respectively. After 48 hours of...

Eman Wahsh1, Tarek M Ibrahim2, Mirna E. ElAwady3*

...d intraperitoneal 30 min before testing allowing time for drug absorption. Caffeine treatment could significantly decrease the number of licks and shocks, which reflected an anxiogenic effect. In contrast, treatment with diazepam produced an anxiolytic effect as evident by a significant increase in the number of licks and shocks. The anxiolytic effects of nifedipine and propranolol were evident at the high dose level as measured by increase in licks and shocks...

Masoumeh Younesabadi1*, Parviz Sharifi Ziveh2 and Sepideh Hatami3

... dry weight was measured before soybean harvesting. Data were analysed with SAS 9.2 and means comparison was done by LSD at p=0.05. Based on the results, the highest weed control efficiency (WCE) and weed control index (WCI), after hand weeding treatment (weed free), was observed in 45 and 60 g ha-1 of thifensulfuron-methyl in Golestan and Ardabil. In West Azarbaijan, similar results were observed for all weeds except Xanthium struamarium, which was controlled...

Elena Balarezo*, Jose Luis Flores and Miguel Angel Toro-Jarrin

...price on a monthly basis before and after implementation. After the introduction of the Milk Quality Program, the quality of milk from small-scale producers improved, allowing producers to receive $0.08 more for each liter of milk produced. This increase means approximately $17,000 more annually for community producers. These results show that training on hygienic milk production is an effective intervention for improving the bacteriological quality of milk.

Nameer A. Khudhair1*, Dalal K. Rahi1, Zahraa F. Jelod2, Fatima T. Ahmed2

...ere monitors and recoded before and after treatment. Blood samples were collected for complete blood picture measurement. Fecal examinations were performed for pH, fecal occult blood and total bacterial account estimation. The results revealed there were significant improvements (P<0.05) in total WBC count, neutrophils and lymphocytes in animals treated with probiotics additives compared to dogs received symptomatic treatment only. RBC, Hb and HTC showed si...

Hayder A.H. Al-Mutar*, Baqer J. Hasan, Khawla Abbas Hussein, Souhayla Oneeis Hussain

... Stuart transport media, before planted in blood agar media to identify the number of colonies counted. The bacteria was confirmed by Gram’s staining and biochemical tests. The PCR products from the bacterial samples were genetically analyzed (Al-Mutar et al., 2018). The result show that the most bacterial present in bovine vagina were Streptococcus thermophilus and Streptococcus uberis (92.65%) while the lowest percent of bacteria present in bovine vagi...

Layla S. Laylani1, Wijdan I.A. Abd-Alwahab2, Hanan Shihab Ahmad3, Mohammed Ahmed Mustafa2*

...osure period immediately before therapy. The research project comprised 28 male albino rats were distributed into 4 groups, every group containing seven animals. The findings revealed a considerable increase (P< 0.05) of urea, creatinine and uric acid concentrations in the UV radiation-exposed group relative to the control group. We have observed a significantly reduced in urea, creatinine and uric acid in all groups receiving a probiotics of L. acidophilus...

Sura Saad Hamada Alkhuzaie

...-ealier provision of NBM before E. coli exposure, the 6E group, in which NBM was provided to mosquitoes 6hrs before bacterial exposure. There was a group in which both E. coli exposure (ECE) and NBM were provided at the same time, the 0T group. In addition, there was a 6hr-laterNBM provision after ECE, the 6L group. Moreover, there was a 24hr-laterNBM provision after ECE in the 24L group. Finally, there were control groups, ...

Qayssar Obaid Muhammed, Raed Hussain Salih Rabee*

... of immunity established before vaccination. Upon conducting a challenge with NDV, the results demonstrated a noteworthy rise in HI and ELIZA titers in the G1 group as compared to G2, G3, and the control group, respectively. In addition, the mortality rate was shown to be 20%, 40%, 50%, and 70% in the G1, G2, G3, and control groups, respectively. In conclusion, the humoral immunity, as indicated by the HI and IgG ELIZA tests, demonstrated that the G1 group, wh...

Muneer Ahmed Solangi* and Mahvish Jabeen Channa

...on is carefully assessed before statistical analysis. The study involved 120 individuals, of which 52 (43.3%) were female and 68 (56.6%) were male. The average age of the participants was 37 ± 15 [min 16, max 72, IQR 46.5-26=21.5]. RT-PCR revealed the presence of SARS-CoV-2 in n = 6 (5%), with a mean Ct-value of 30.3 ±2.6. Post-NPS smell loss respondents were n=13(11%) among them n=3(23%) had SAR-CoV-2 while n=10(77%) were negative. Through Chi-s...

Muhammad Shahbaz1, Muhammad Bilal Chattha2*, Hasnat Babar2, Shahbaz Ahmad3, Humaira Kalsoom4, Tayyaba Manzoor5, Abdul Rauf4, Ahmad Nawaz4, Muhammad Tariq Chaudhry6 and Ishtiaq Hassan7

...ecorded for weed density before and after herbicide application, percentage germination, number of productive tillers, number of grains per spike, thousand grain weight, and overall grain yield for the key parameters. The ANOVA results indicated significant differences among treatments concerning the number of productive tillers, thousand-grain weight, and grain yield. In this regard, application of the Pyroxsulum was found to be the most effective since it si...

Tawoos Mohammed Kamel Ahmed1*, Khalid Mahmood Yosif1, Sameerah Faydhallah Mohammed2 

...twice with water samples before being filled. The results demonstrated two categories of isolation: mixed bacterial isolates (78; 70.9%) and single bacterial isolates (32; 29.1%). Proteus mirabilis, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus, Enterococcus, Streptococcus, and other isolates had percentages of 8.2%, 31.8%, 19.1%, 35.5%, and 4.5%, respectively. The 16S RNA gene was verified using the multiplex PCR technique regarding the genetic investigation. The existenc...

Qiu-Cheng Zhao1,2, Xin-Ling Gan1,2, Zhou-Quan Wei1,2, Zhong-Hao Huang1,2* and You-Bang Li1,2*

...cessary to further study before generalizing the function of allogrooming of the langur.


Mube Kuietche Hervé1*, Saknteh W.B1, Azoutane Julien2, Kana Sagne Derrick1, Vemo Bertin3, Djoumessi Gina4, Tatsinkou Alain Serge1, Francois Djitie5, Defang F. Henry1

...ts. Caution is warranted before drawing definitive conclusions about its efficacy as a growth promoter in this context.
Keywords | Ginger powder, Rabbits, Growth performance, Metabolic profile

Chonglin Yang1, Cuiping Yang2*, Jingwen Jiang3, Haifang Lai4 and Wenqiang Xia5

...dose of COVID-19 vaccine before infection. The gender, age, BMI, symptoms, complications, vaccine manufacturer, the interval between the last vaccination and COVID-19 infection, and the duration of disease were analyzed. We found that the average age of patients in the unvaccinated group was significantly higher than that in the other groups, and the duration of the disease was slightly longer than that in the vaccinated group (P < 0.05). The differences be...

Muhammad Evan Magistrama1, Dio Fico Felsidan Diatmono1, Mira Tsurayya Masruroh1, Fransisca Gani Padmawati1, Pradita Iustitia Sitaresmi2, Yustina Yuni Suranindyah3 and Diah Tri Widayati1*

... two days in the morning before feeding. Vaginal smear were obtained using the swab method on vaginal epithelium, while saliva was collected by swabbing the lower mouth of does. Additionally, vaginal pH was measured as an additional estrus detection method using a pH indicator paper. The parameters observed included the composition of vaginal epithelial cells (parabasal, intermediate, and superficial), the score of salivary fern patterns, and vaginal pH value....
Xueyu Wang1,2, Dejun Zhang1,2, Wancai Xia1,2, Jie Hu1,2, Xiaoxia Yuan1,2, Ali Krzton3 and Dayong Li1,2*
...tal area more frequently before the mating season than on the two other periods, and compared with the birthing season, the rate of grooming on the anogenital region was also higher in the mating season. In conclusion, females made use of grooming as a currency to exchange for valuable resources, and during the mating season grooming was traded for copulation. Meanwhile, grooming is essential to maintain a complex social network for the female R. bieti.


Abdur Rauf1, Farooq Jan1*, Muhammad Yasin2, Muhammad Qayash3, Muhammad Luqman1, Kashif Hayat4, Fayaz Asad5, Ikramullah Khan1 and Muhammad Khalid6 

...ill 500 calibrated years before present (cal.yrs.BP). A drastic decrease in the abundance of Conifers coupled with the simultaneous spread of different herb species, belonging to Poaceae, Cyperaceae, and Amaranthaceae families, was found from 500 back till 900 cal. yrs. BP. Further back in the late Holocene period from 900 to 2000 cal. yrs. BP, herbs belonging to Poaceae, Cyperaceae, and Amaranthaceae dominated these mountains with a little cover of Conifers r...

Gamal, Abdelaziz1*; Heba, A. Mostafa2

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(3): 736-745 will not be available before January, 2021. A lot of drugs that have been previously developed as antiviral medications such as; Favipiravir, Ribavirin, Lopinavir/Ritonavir and Remdesivir, or other drugs used as antimalarial agents including; Chloroquine and Hydroxyl Chloroquine, are being tested for treating COVID-19. Along with the physician that aim to face this outbreak by using drugs already in market and try to repurpose it, the developer in drug desi...


Mati Ullah*; Muhammad Ibrar; Salah Uddin Khan; Habib Ullah; Nasir Ali Khan

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(4): 868-883 censoriously analyzed before it comes into practice. The aims of this study were to evaluate and compare the different diagnostic tests recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) for earlier detection of the novel SARS- CoV-2. We found that the Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic sequence (CRISPR/Cas) detection has relatively higher efficiency, compared to all the other tests. Therefore from this report, we concluded that the discovery...

Bijay Kumar Shrestha1*; Manita Tumbahangphe1; Jenish Shakya1; Sujata Chauhan1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2022), 6(4): 1614-1634
...ntibiotics are essential before this infection causes other medical complications. Generally, in clinical settings, diagnosis of UTIs involves bacterial culture and antibiotic susceptibility assay, in addition to other medical examinations, which aid the physicians to prescribe the appropriate drugs and measures during UTIs treatments. This review aims to understand the epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestation, diagnosis, treatment and preventive mea...


Souad Oirdi Zahir1,2; Mounia El Khadir2,3; Dafr-Allah Benajah1,4; Sidi Adil Ibrahimi1,4; Laila Chbani5; Mohamed El Abkari1,4; Bahia Bennani1,2*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(4): 2542-2554
...n susceptibility testing before prescribing the first line of therapy. This resistance is predominantly related to the A2143G point mutation of 23S rRNA. The aim of this study was to develop a highly sensitive and cheap molecular technique to detect H. pylori clarithromycin resistant strains. For that, plasmids of H. pylori 23S rRNA region harboring A2143G point mutation were constructed and used to develop polymerase chain reaction coupled with a high-resolut...


Subhasmita Mallik1; Samikshya Nayak1; Arpita Panda2; Smrutirekha Behera1; Kamalakanta Swain2; Archita Patra1; Rukmini Mishra1; Jatindra Nath Mohanty1*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(5): 2604-2631
...vely combat MDR bacteria before synthesis of nano-drugs. The outcomes of this study will enable the researchers to obtain the best approaches to tackle MDR pathogens through using the nano-based phytochemicals.



Belal Natey1; Ahmed M.M.A. Kasem1; Younes M. Rashad2*; Nageh Fathy Abo-Dahab1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(6): 2712-2733
...ure studies is necessary before the final recommendation.


Nura Abubakar1, Abubakar Sadiq Yakubu1, Salisu Buhari1, Adamu Abdul Abubakar2,1*, Mohammad Sani Ismaila3,4, Hassan Abubakar Bodinga1, Hassan Yahaya Nawawi5, Ashiru Dahiru6, Shehu Zaid7, Umar Salisu Ahmad1, Umar Abubakar Uwais8, Kabiru Zaki9

...ere measured at 0 hours (before drug administration) and then six times after drug administration at one-hour intervals while the rumenotomy was ongoing. There was a significant difference in the onset and duration of action between the lidocaine alone and lidocaine-tramadol-treated groups (P<0.05). There was a significant difference in pulse rate 1 hour after lidocaine administration; however, the lidocaine-tramadol group showed no significant change in th...

En Zhang1, Ming Zhu1, Wenli Zhu1, Wei Xiong1, Zhongfei Huang1, Xin Qiao2 and Chuanfu Song1*

...17) scores were compared before and after treatment. In addition, Spearman’s method was used to analyze the correlation between the changes of serum growth factors levels and HAMD-17 score in patients with depression. After treatment, the levels of serum NGF and GDNF in the depression group were raised than those before treatment (P<0.05), and the levels of serum VEGF and IGF-1 were reduced than those

Li Yang1, Xuliang Ma2 and Chao Wang1*

...ators around the implant before and after treatment were observed. At different time points after operation, the bone width and bone height in experimental group were higher as against controls (P<0.01). The level of bone resorption in experimental group was higher as against controls (P<0.05). There was no significant difference between two groups before treatment (P>0.05). The plaque index, sulcus bleeding index, ...

Jiaojiao Ma*, Jialei Jiang and Lijun Shan

...d between the two groups before the treatment (Time 0), after 2 weeks of the treatment (Time 1), and after 4 weeks of the treatment (Time 2). There is no significant distinction in serum lipid, inflammatory indicators, and cardiac function between groups at Time 0 (P>0.05). While the serum lipids and inflammatory indicators levels at Time 1 and Time 2 are below those at Time 0and the levels at Time 2 are lower than those at Time 1, the cardiac function leve...

Chunqin Tian1, Lichun Cui1 and Xiaoyan Wang2*

...r tissues were collected before treatment (TB), during treatment (TM), and after treatment (TA). Multiple-parameter flow cytometry and immunohistochemical analysis were employed to analyze changes in immune cells and biomarkers. Correlations between these changes with treatment response, overall survival (OS), and progression-free survival (PFS) were analyzed. T cells at TB, TM, and TA increased sequentially, with remarkably increased counts of helper T (Th), ...

Pakistan Journal of Zoology


Pakistan J. Zool., Vol. 56


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