Virulence Genes and Immunological Biomarkers for Brucellosis in Sheep & Goat
Virulence Genes and Immunological Biomarkers for Brucellosis in Sheep & Goat
Asmaa A. Darwish*, Adel M. El-Kattan, Mona A. Mahmoud, Mohamed T. Ragab, Amani A. Hafez
PCR product of IS711 gene amplification
Lane 1-10: B. melitensis, lane Pos. positive control lane Neg: negative control. Lane L: molecular marker (100bp- 1000bp). All lanes are positive.
Agarose gel electrophoresis showed amplified fragment of 1282bp of B. melitensis bvfA gene. Lane L: molecular marker (100bp- 1500bp), lane N: negative control and lane 1 and 4: positive B.
melitensis bvfA gene and lanes 2, 3, 5, and 6-10: negative for B. melitensis bvfA
Agarose gel electrophoresis showed amplified fragment of 881bp of B. melitensis virB gene. Lane L: molecular marker (100bp- 1000bp), lane N: negative control and lane 1,2,3, 5 and 7: positive B.
melitensis virB gene and lanes 4, 6, 8,9,10: negative B. melitensis virB gene.
Agarose gel electrophoresis showed amplified fragment of 2100bp B. melitensis ure gene. Lane L: molecular marker (100bp- 3000bp), lane P positive control, lane N: negative control and lane 9: positive B. melitensis ure gene and Lanes 1-8, and 10 are negative B. melitensis ure gene.