Welfare and Health of Prague Goats in Madiun Zoo of Indonesia
Welfare and Health of Prague Goats in Madiun Zoo of Indonesia
Cahya Alamsyah Putra Anugerah1*, Ita Krissanti1, Diky Ramdani2
Prague Goats at Madiun Zoo
Average Body Weight of Prague Goats at Madiun Zoo
Average Identification of Quantitative Characteristics Prague Goat at Madiun Zoo
Percentage of Helminth Eggs in Prague Goats at Madiun Zoo
Helminth eggs (A) Oesophagostonum spp. (40x), (B) Trichuris sp. (40x), (C) Haemonchus sp. (40x), (D) Cooperia sp. (40x), (E) Storngyloides sp. (40x), (F) Toxocara sp. (40x)
Helminth eggs (A) Oesophagostonum spp. (40x), (B) Trichuris sp. (40x), (C) Haemonchus sp. (40x), (D) Cooperia sp. (40x), (E) Storngyloides sp. (40x), (F) Toxocara sp. (40x)