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Hussein Rashid

...d free speech.


Massimo Pigliucci, K.D.

...tten about the terrorist attack on the satirical paper Charlie Hebdo, which took place on 7 January 2015. Some of the commentary has been insightful, some full of pious platitudes about defense of free speech by sources with not exactly a stellar record in that department, and some of it has ranged from the woefully uninformed to the downright awful. It is, therefore, with some recalcitrance that I write these lines, particularly because I’m coming to th...

John Teehan

...blic consciousness. Such attacks, of course, raise vital questions of public safety and the costs we are willing to pay for that safety. They also raise questions of how to understand the complex conditions that give rise to such events and the conditions for such events are always complex, even when facile “explanations” are readily available, i.e. the violent nature of Islam, their hatred of Western freedom, etc. A consistent element in many such...

Varadaraja V. Raman individuals or groups attack and murder innocent civilians in another country.


Joseph Langston1*, Joseph Hammer2, Ryan T. Cragun3

...hat their willingness to attack or ridicule religion was not absolute, but rather context dependent.


Marcus Mann

...ts on the 9/11 terrorist attacks’ implications to a word processor. What started as an itch evolved into his first book, The End of Faith: a scathing indictment of religion, which in his opinion, was an impetus just as effective and real as the jet engines that propelled the terrorists’ weapons of choice to their targets. The End of Faith was the first of four polemics that have come to symbolize what is now known as “The New Atheism,” ...

Muhammad Mushtaq, Umer Sadique, Naila Chand, Iftikhar Ahmed, Said Sajjad Ali Shah, Ijaz Ahmad, Imran Ullah and Muqadar Shah associated with heart attack. Atherosclerosis is also associated with development of diabetes, high blood pressure and kidney failure. Hypercholesterolemia is mainly caused by high fat diet, obesity and diabetes.Hypolipidemic and hypoglycemic effect of water based infusion of Withania somnifera was investigated in broiler chicks. One hundred and twenty (120) day-old broiler’s chicks were alienated into four treatment groups namely WST-0, WST-I, WST-II...
Irshad Ahmad
... onion and tomato. It is attacked by a number of insect pests including walnut borer (Zeuzera coffeae Nietner) that adversely affects the yield and quality of the fruit and wood. This study describes the life cycle of the pest, the nature and extent of damage done to walnut, and the preventive measures applied under integrated pest management program (IPM) and includes the cautious use of chemical insecticides, mechanical means, cultural and biological ...
Zafrullah Khan1, Shah Alam Khan1*, Hamayoon Khan2, Naeem Khan3, Khwaja Junaid1 and Inamullah Khan1
...hat are resistant to the attack of R. padi have been incorporated in the commercial wheat cultivars to help manage R. padi. During this study seven wheat genotypes were evaluated as antixenosis, antibiosis and tolerance. These tested genotypes were (Pir Sabaq-2004, Atta-Habib, Saleem-2000, Serin-2010, Khyber-87, Sarhad-82, and Khushal-69) in three separate experiments. Antibiosis resistance was identified to R. padi in wheat cultivar (Seri...

K.N. Ahmed, S.H.A. Pramanik, M. Khatun A. Nargis M. R. Hasan

Efficacy of plant extracts in the suppression of insect pests and their effect on the yield of sunflower crop under different climatic conditions
... Coccinellidae) severely attacked the foliages and florets in the capitulum (inflorescence). Other pests encountered were Spilosoma obliqua (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae),Homoeosoma sp. (Lepidoptera: Phyticidae),Heliothis armigera (Hb.) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), Monolepta signata(Oliv.) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) and Epilachna septima Dieke. (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) . The efficacy of five kinds of plant extracts or botanicals viz., Neem (Azadirachta ind...

K.N. Ahmed and M.R. Hasan

Sudden outbreak of mealy bug and armoured scale causing severe damage to economic crops in Bangladesh
...align="justify">Recently attack of different vegetable crops viz., eggplant, lady's finger, papaya, basil etc. by citrus mealybug, Planococcus citri (Risso) (Homoptera: Pseudococcidae) has been noticed in Bangladesh. It is mainly a pest of citrus and coffee crops but now it has become polyphagous in nature. Based on laboratory studies on immature and mature fruits of lady's finger; the total period of all four nymphal stages lasted for 32.6 ± 4.17 days ...

K.N. Ahmed , M.A. Al-Helal, N-E-P. Khanom, S. Bulbul

Control strategies of papaya mealybug, Paracoccus marginatus Williams & Willink infesting vegetable crops in Bangladesh is a polyphagous pest attacking several agricultural, horticultural crops, ornamental plants and weeds of economic value. The papaya mealybug feeds on the sap of the plants by inserting its stylets into the epidermis of the leaf as well as into the fruit and stem. In doing so, it injects a toxic substance into the leaves. The result is chlorosis, plant stunting, leaf deformation, early dropping of the leaves and fruits, a heavy accumulation of honeydew and ...

M. S. A. Mamun and M. Ahmed

Integrated pest management in tea: prospects and future strategies in Bangladesh
...lant is subjected to the attack of several notorious pests such as insects, mites, nematodes, diseases and weeds. Globally 1034 species of arthropods and 82 species of nematodes are associated with tea plants. Among them 25 species of insects, 4 species of mites and 10 species of nematodes are recorded from Bangladesh. Enormous crop loss was incurred due to the attack of these pests and largely responsible for the declining ...

M. A. Al-Helal, K. N. Ahmed, N-E-P. Khanom, and S. Bulbul 

Observations on papaya mealybug, Paracoccus marginatus Williams & Willink (Hemiptera : Pseudococcidae) damag-ing some crops in Bangladesh sucking saps from the attacking fruits and leaves. P. marginatus passes through egg and three nymphal stages to become adult. Generally, three and four nymphal instars occur in case of female and male mealybug, respectively. The adults are most active in warm, dry and humid weather. The male adult mealybugs possess two pairs of wings. Female have no wings and move by crawling short distances or by being blown in air currents. Female usually lays 100 to 600 ...

Lakshman Chandra Patel and Chandan Kumar Mondal

Management of causal agents of chilli leaf curl complex through bio-friendly approaches
... occurs primarily due to attack of thrips, yellow mites and white fly followed by invasion of chilli leaf curl virus. An attempt was made to find out the cost effec-tive management schedule to minimize the crop loss. Seven treatments were taken up for study including two chemicals i.e. profenophos and diafenthiuron, three ecofriendly approaches i.e. garlic extract, spirit and alternate use of garlic with spirit, one predator insect Chrysoperla carnea and untre...

Goutam Samui and S. Jha

Biology, seasonal incidence and management of Apsylla cistellata Bucton. on mango in West Bengal
...align="justify">Mango is attacked by various insect pests among which mango shoot gall psylla Apsylla cistellata Bucton.(Psyllidae: Hemiptera) is the most important one in the district of Malda and Murshidabad, West Bengal. Adult females of the pest had been found to lay eggs at the sides of midribs during first week to end of March. Incubation period lasted from first week of March to middle of August. Eggs hatched in the middle of August and gall formation h...
Azhar Abbas Khan1,*, Arif Muhammad Khan2 and Muhammad Afzal3
... response to herbivorous attack influences third trophic level and natural enemies use these substances to locate their prey. Twelve-arm olfactory apparatus was used to evaluate the response of C. septempunctata toward aphids and different host plants of aphids. Different horticultural plants and field crops were used singly or in combination with prey as a host. An increased numbers of C. septempunctata was observed when host plants were added w...
Adnan Yousaf1,Jia Wu1, Qaiser Shakeel2, Yasir Iftikhar3, Muhammad Irfan Ullah4, Uzma Tahira5,Mustansar Mubeen1 and Wubei Dong1,*
...ltivars are resistant to attack from M. incognita and S. rolfsii. The moderate tolerance was found in C-302 followed by 5-2010 and 28-2010. The most susceptible cultivar (C-33) was selected for further evaluation of management sources. All three management sources were applied individually as well as in combination. After six weeks, all treatments showed better results but there was no significantly difference in set of plants treated with combin...

Wali Khan1, Naushad Khan2 and Shaista Naz2*

...e expensive inputs, pest attack, lack of modern production and rearing techniques, and trainings which can be overcome by a comprehensive program focusing on the provision of low cost inputs, pesticides/insecticides, modern techniques and trainings, and value chain market facilities at the local and regional level. 

Sumit K. Satpathi1, Suprakash Pal2*, Rupsanatan Mandal2, Nonigopal Shit2 and Ashutosh Sarkar3
... modules in managing the attack of sucking pests and pod borer of cowpea. The pesticide based IPM-II module resulted in the highest per cent reduction of pod borer population (91.17%) and the highest pod yield (9.85 t/ha). The IPM and biopesticide based management modules resulted in poor cost-benefit ratio. However, the biopesticides and new ecofriendly molecule flubendiamide were found to have less hazardous effect on the population of natural enemies as com...
Muhammad Hannan Ahmed1, Muhammad Irfan Ullah1,*, Abu Bakar M. Raza1, M. Afzal1, A. Khaliq1, Yasir Iftikhar2 and Hafiz Muhammad Aatif3
...and sucking insect pests attack on different Bt and non-Bt cotton genotypes. Furthermore, metrological factors (especially temperature, relative humidity and rainfall) also play vital role in the population dynamics of sucking insect pest complex like jassid, aphid, thrips and mites. The present study was conducted on six cotton cultivars (3 Bt and 3 non-Bt) to monitor the population dynamics of thrips in relation to abiotic climatic facto...
Mahreen Yahya, Noor Abid Saeed*, Sajid Nadeem, Muhammad Hamed and Sajid Shokat 
...ll in yield due to aphid attack, which affects plant vitality and grain production. Planting resistant/tolerant varieties against pests is the main way to overcome these field losses. Present study is an effort to screen different wheat varieties/lines against aphids under field conditions. Wheat varieties, Galaxy-13, Millat-11, Lasani-08, Faisalabad-08, and two wheat lines NW-1-8183-8 and NW-3-3341-7 were sown at Nuclear Institute for Agriculture and Biology ...

Tariq Mahmood, M. Sudheer Tariq, Khalid Mahmood Khokar, Hidayatullah and Syed Ijaz Hussain*

...h as dust controlled the attack of red pumpkin beetle on the crop with no mortality of plants. Highest mortality of plants due to foliage eating by red pumpkin beetle was observed in control where no permethrin was applied. None of the plant extracts tested in this study as dust alone or mixed with dung ash was effective in controlling red pumpkin beetle attack. Permethrin dust (0.5%) alone and ash + permethrin dust (2000: 1...

 Habib Iqbal Javed, Ashiq Saleem, Javed Fateh, Mozammil Hussain, Naheed Akhtar and Shamim-ul-Sibtain Shah*

...l infestation. The borer attack started at a very initial stage of the crop and swept down many of the progenies. Only 88 exotic and 7 indigenous progenies showed some resistance. The survived plants, among these progenies, were advanced by self pollination. During autumn 2000, only 9 progenies out of 95 showed some resistance with 35-66% plants survived under artificial infestation. Under natural infestation, 10 other progenies had more than 50% survived plan...

 Quratulain*, Muhammad Aslam**, Muhammad Khalid Rafique*, Mian Atiq Ahmad* and Rashid Mahmood***

...stan Diar to avoid aphid attack. Maximum average number of aphid nymph, winged and wingeless adults on leaves, buds and flowers were 11.11, 4.97 and 10.13, respectively observed on Perfecta variety


 Syed Waqar Shah* and Muhammad Ather Rafi*

... as , , ,, var. and were attacked by , and . Among above reported Pieridae species is reported for the first time however, is also a new record from districts Rawalpindi and Chakwal and from Jhelum, Rawalpindi and Chakwal. However, the non-cultivated host plants in the region were , , and . Among noncultivated hosts was the new host for . C. was found common host for , and from the study area. Among non-cultivated host plants was found for and for and . All th...

Basharat Hussain Shah*, F. S. Hamid*, Shams ul Islam*, Fayaz Ahmad*, Sohail Aslam*, and Noorullah Khan*

...traits studied. Root rot attack was observed during the growth period. Pea variety 'Meteor' was found susceptible against this disease followed by 'Sarsabz 9800-1' as moderately susceptible and 9375 as resistant. The other varieties/lines Pea-09, Climax, Local and PF-400 were found tolerant against this disease. Green pod yield per hectare data revealed that pea variety 'Climax' produced the highest yield (11.6 t ha-1) followed by advance lines PF-400 (11.5 t ...
Muhammad Shahid Saeed1, Adeela Shahid2, Samia Jawed3, Muhammad Akram4, Irshad Hussain Qureshi5 
... during the acute severe attack of asthma
Objective: This study was panned to determine the effect of intravenous MgSO4 on pulmonary function test in acute severe attack of asthma.
Methodology: A double blind placebo control study was conduced on about 132 asthmatics, which were aged between 18-60 years at Mayo Hospital Emergency with FEV1 ≤ 30% of the predicted ...

Syed Muhammad Hassan Raza1*, Syed Amer Mahmood1, Veraldo Liesenberg2 and Syed Shehzad Hassan1  

...vulnerable zones for YSB attacks on rice crop using satellite thermal datasets. The area under investigation was 13700 km2 area out of which 8627 km2 was covered by rice plantations. Thermal datasets covered the area of 8627 km2 comprising 10663 pixels which returned 10663 spatially distributed temperature values. Six, thermal datasets were obtained for the duration between (April 03-June 22) 2014, with a temporal window of 16 days to delineate YSB vulnerabili...
Maryam Javed*, Farwa Saghir, Naveera Aziz, Maham Saeed, Asif Nadeem and Wasim Shehzad
...s towards aggression and attack, so they should be handled with great caution.
Qudsia Yousafi1,*, Muhammad Afzal2, Muhammad Aslam3 and Allah Ditta Abid4 Southeast Asia. It is attacked by several insect pests, but brinjal shoot and fruit borer (BSFB), Leucinodes orbonalis G. is the most important insect pest attacking almost all the plant parts except roots. The effect of removal of BSFB infested brinjal shoots and use of light trap was studied for management of this insect pest. The study was conducted on spring sown crop during 2013 in Sahiwal, Pakitan using brinj...

Jam Ghulam Mustafa Sahito1*, Tajwer Sultana Syed1, Ghulam Hussain Abro1 and Inayatullah Rajper2  

...justify;">Cotton crop is attacked by many insect pests and most of them have developed resistance against the synthetic pesticides. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine the influence of green manure (Trifolium alexandrinum L.) and conventional IPM on population of sucking insect pests of cotton during 2013. The population of sucking insect pests i.e., Bemesia tabaci, Amrasca biguttula biguttula and Scirtothrips dorsalis was recorded on weekly basis...
Xiaqing Chen, Yü Huang and Zhen Huang*
...s a fungal pathogen that attacks mulberry fruits and causes disease named as “popcorn disease”. Many Trichoderma spp. produce a series of antibiotic metabolites that can inhibit plant pathogens. Trichoderma hamatum isolated from infected mulberry fruits was evaluated for its efficiency to suppress plant pathogen S. shiraiana alone or in combination with fungicide carbendazim under laboratory conditions. The results ...

Ejaz Ashraf1*, Hafiz Khurram Shurjeel2 and Mujahid Iqbal3  

...g Macrosiphum miscanthi, attack on wheat crop by mobile phone. A sample size of 60 farmers was selected by systematic sampling technique using the available list of the farmers provided by Agricultural Extension Department. The respondents were than randomly assigned into two groups, one group was comprised of experimental group (to whom a set of advisory instructions were sent by mobile phone) and other was control (face-to-face). Two- population independent ...

 Muhammad Mohsin Ahsan1, Hafiz Muhammad Tahir2*, Muhammad Khalid Mukhtar1, Arshad Ali3, Zafar Iqbal Kahan4, Kafeel Ahmed4

Intra- and inter-specific foraging in three scorpion species
...stic. Mesobuthus tumulus attacked and fed more upon juvenile and sub- adults (medium- sized), scorpions. They also consumed dead scorpions of their own species. Odontobuthus odonturus preferred to attack and consume healthy adults and did not feed on dead scorpions. Androctonus finitimus aggressively attacked and consumed all types of prey scorpions of its own species, except the dead ones...

 Zubair Ahmed#, Muhammad Farhanullah Khan, Habiballah Rana*

Toxicological effects of Haloxylon recurvum Bunge ex Boiss (Khar Boti) whole plant extract and novel insecticide chlorantraniliprole against maize weevil, Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky
...ty of stored grain pests attack stored commodities at storage facilities.
Among these, maize weevil, Sitophilus zeamais is one of the most threatening
pests. Botanical insecticides derived from plants have increased popularity in
stored products protection due to ecological concerns and insect resistance to
chemical insecticides. In these regards, a study were carried out to evaluate
toxicity of crude methanol extract of whol...

 Raazia Kiran1, Alya Riaz1, Muhammad Irfan1*, Hafiz Abdullah Shakir2

An overview of pre-treatment methods used for bioconversion of lignocellulosic biomasses into valuable products
...rone to
enzymatic attack for saccharification. In this review, we have discussed different
pre-treatment methods and their effect on recalcitrant structure of lignocelluloses
for making it readily available for enzymatic hydrolysis 


Saman Fatima* and Shazia Iram 

...iculate. They can either attack the healthy fruit leading to various infections or they can enter through various lesions caused by physical stress and worsen the condition. 

Aqeel Mehboob, Syed Muhammad Zaka*, Muhammad Sarmadand Maryam Bajwa
...tura at early stages attacks on the leaves and later stage larva fed almost every part of plant. Due to environmental pollution and the incapability of toxic agents in controlling the target pests at the recommended doses of synthetic pesticides, alternative methods like botanical extract in the control of this pest consider greater importance nowadays. The antifeedant and oviposition deterrent index of Moringa oleifera, Murraya paniculata an...
Muhammad Usman Asif*, Raza Muhammad, Waseem Akbar, Mubasshir Sohail and Muhammad Awais  
...reater resistance to the attack of jassids (0.21/leaf) whitefly (0.29/leaf) and thrips (1.63/leaf). Similarly, NIA-M-16 also showed the lowest infestation of whitefly (0.29/leaf). Whereas, infestation of bollworms illustrated that NIA-M-20 was highly susceptible against spotted and pink bollworms with percent infestation of 5.52 and 2.79%, respectively. The genotype NIA-HM-27 proved to be most efficient by rendering the lowest (0.82%) infestation of spott...

 Azam Ali* and Amjad Farooq

...s more resistant to pest attacks than non-Bt. Therefore Bt cotton should be grown to combat pest infestation.


Zeshan Siraj1*, Amjad Farooq1 and Zahid Mehmood2 

...ontrol measures to avoid attack of jassids in this month priorly in order to reduce the economic loss,.It was concluded that mid of September was more suitable for incidence of jassids 


Muhammad Arshad1, Muhammad Irfan Ullah1*, Muhammad Afzal1, Mian Anjum Murtaza2, Ejaz Ahraf3, Zahoor Hussain4, Syed Muhammad Ali Zahid1 and Maryam Riaz1 

...the serious insect pests attacking citrus plants in Pakistan. The study was conducted to quantify the leaf area damage of eight citrus cultivars caused by mining activity of CLM during summer 2016. The total leaf area and mine area per leaf were calculated by the image analysis method using Sigma Scan Pro 5.0 software. The results of the present study showed that CLM generated larger mines; 1.64 cm2 on Grapefruit, 1.44 cm2 on Kinnow and 1.40 cm2 on Succari com...
Mohammed Al Bratty1,*, Hassan A. Alhazmi1,2, Desam Nagarjuna Reddy3, Abdul Jabbar Al-Rajab3, Sadique A. Javed1 and Zia ur Rehman1,4
...their hives from outside attackers including microorganisms. In present study, propolis sample was collected from adjacent to Jazan city, Saudi Arabia and the chemical constituents of the ethanolic extract was evaluated by GC-MS. The ethanolic extract was tested against selected strains of microorganisms for its antibacterial and antifungal activities. The major classes of compounds indentified in the extract were fatty acid esters and aliphatic hydrocarbons. ...
Muhammad Ramzan1*, Muhammad Nadeem1, Masood Maqbool1, Ghulam Murtaza2
...ariety was free from the attack of thrips population. Among all tested varieties, NIAB-78 and MNH-886 were found most resistant and susceptible against thrips, respectively. The mean population of thrips on MNH-886 and NIAB-78 were recorded 5.43 and 3.49 per plant, respectively. The study revealed that NIAB-98 (4.92/plant) and NIAB-999 (4.92/plant) were found more attractive varieties against thrips population during the whole study period. The study concluded...

Muhammad Akbar Ali Shah1, Gamze Özel2, Christophe Chesneau3, Muhammad Mohsin4, Farrukh Jamal5* and Muhammad Faheem Bhatti6 

...a Fertilizer and Disease attack respectively. Thus, Model II is acceptable for the estimation of rice yield not only for district Lodhran but also for the case of Pakistan. 


Basharat Hussain Shah*, Farrukh Siyar Hamid, Shams ul Islam, Naveed Ahmed, Fayaz Ahmad, Noorullah Khan and Qamar uz Zaman. 

...e. Except for stem borer attack no prominent disease attack was observed in the experiment during the growth period. Significant differences were observed in the genetic material for all the parameters studied. Maximum plant height of 165.8 cm was recorded for Line-31. Maximum number of tillers per plant 23.9 was recorded for Line-80. Maximum stem diameter of 7.20 mm was recorded for Line-140. The highest flag leaf length of...
Gasem Mohammad Abu-Taweel
...o first threat and first attack were increased significantly, while the duration time of flight, number of fights, nasonasal, nasogenital and rears were decreased significantly. The latency to first bite was significantly increased, however the number of bites was decreased dramatically when compared with control. Motor activity and grip strength data were decreased significantly in exposed offsping. Interestingly, blood parameters like packed cell volume, red...

Muhammad Abu Bakar Siddique1, Faisal Sohail Fateh2*, Zia-Ur-Rehman1 and Humayun Saleem

...nd Gujranwala. Potato is attacked by a number of diseases including early blight of potato, black scurf disease of potato, stem canker and powdery scab of potato. Among various fungal diseases in potato crop, the black scurf disease of potato caused by Rhizoctonia solani, affects the quality of potato and lowers its market value. A preliminarily a study was designed to see the prevalence, incidence and severity of black scurf disease in the markets of Federal ...

Ehsan-Ul-Haque1, Akbar Hayat1*, Muhammad Asim1, Sajjad Hussain2, Muhammad Shakeel Hanif3, Muhammad Zubair1, Muhammad Abdullah Jamil1 and Faheem Khadija1 

...t fruit decay and fungal attack. In the present study two salts were incorporated in commercial wax to control postharvest decay in Willow leaf mandarin (Citrus reticulata Blanco) and Kinnow mandarin (Citrus reticulata Blanco). Sodium bicarbonate and Potassium sorbate incorporated (6% w/v concentration) in wax were used to compare with commercially used fungicide (Thiabendazole). Study was conducted at 4±1 C° with 90±05% relative humidity for...

K. Osei1† , A. I. Adama1 , E. C. Tagoe2 and J. Sackey-Asante1


Biochar effect on nematodes and insects population density, soil improvement and yield of okra
...iako et al., 2014b). The attack of root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) has been reported as the most serious, widespread and alarming which causes tremendous yield losses (Hussain et al., 2011; Kayani et al., 2013; Barros et al., 2014). Flea beetle (Podagrica spp.) is the most important insect pest of okra in Ghana and Nigeria (Obeng-Ofori & Sackey, 2003; AsareBediako et al., 2014a, Mobolade et al., 2014). It has been estimated that insect pests

Shereen Zulfikar1, Zulfikar Ahmed Maher2, Attaullah Khan Pathan4, Imran Ali Rajput3*, Din Muhammad Soomro1, Muhammad Akbar Lashari1, Arsalan Memon3, Sibghatullah5 and Mir Zehri Khan5

Population Fluctuation and Weight Losses Caused by Khapra Beetle, Trogoderma granarium Everts on Different Wheat Varieties
...ll over the world. Their attack is not only limited to wheat grains but also reduces the various products made from it. The losses are defined as a measurable decrease of the food quantity and quality and can be avoided through proper control measures and selection of resistant varieties. During the present study, the different wheat varieties were screened against T. granarium. The initial weight of healthy grains of each variety was recorded properly. The lo...

Muhammad Yaseen1*, Muhammad Luqman1*, Zahoor Hussain2, Usman Saleem3, Asif Nawaz1, Tahir Munir Butt4 and Muhammad Umer Mehmood1

Assessment of Knowledge Level and Information Sources of Vegetable Growers regarding Tunnel Farming in District Sargodha
... overcome the increasing attack of insects, pests, and diseases in tunnel farming. Some areas were identified, which require the attention of responsible authorities for the relevant knowledge.


Muhammad Shahzad Akbar, Farrukh Sajjad, Muhammad Afzal, Muhammad Luqman, Muhammad Asam Riaz and Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed*

Field Evaluation of Promising Botanical Extracts, Plant Essential Oils and Differential Chemistry Insecticides against Subterranean Termites Odontotermes obesus (Isoptera: Termitidae) (Odontotermes obesus) attacking sugarcane crop. Setts of sugarcane variety HSF555 were sown on the ridges under RCB design after treating them with 20% botanical extracts, 2.0% essential oils and differential-chemistry insecticides with their field recommended dose rates. Results revealed that as compared to control plots, all treatment plots exhibited reduced bud and shoot damage with maximum bud germination and minimum termite infestation. Maximum bud ger...

Mehar Ul Nissa Rais1*, Tahmina Mangan1, Jam Ghulam Murtaza Sahito1 and Naeem Ahmed Qureshi2

A Trend Analysis: Forecasting Growth Performance of Production and Export of Chilli in Pakistan
...o major floods, diseases attack, poor management practices and shortage of high yielding varieties. Sindh is major producer of chilli with 85 percent contribution in chilli production of Pakistan. Sindh and Balochistan provinces depicted a positive growth of 0.016 percent and 0.035 percent, respectively. Growth performance of Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa provinces portrayed negative growth rate -0.044 percent and -0.006 percent, respectively. Forecasting mode...

Rahat Afza, Muhammad Asam Riaz*, Muhammad Afzal and Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed

Adverse Effect of Sublethal Concentrations of Insecticides on the Biological Parameters and Functional Response of Predatory Beetle Coccinella septempunctata (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) of Brassica Aphid
...nd decreased the maximum attack rate relative to control. Thiamethoxam, lambda-cyhalothrin and cypermethrin were considered relatively safe for the larval coccinellids and hence are recommended for aphid control.

Luka Anthony*, Olugbenga Omotayo Alabi, Elizabeth Samuel Ebukiba and Vandi Gamba
...thieves, cattle herdsmen attack, flood occurrence, transportation problem, poor storage facility, inadequate capital, lack of land/ tractor, poor price, high cost of chemical, inadequate fertilizer, lack of improved seed, inadequate extension officers, and lack of credit facilities. This study recommends that new innovations and technology that targets increased productivity should be promoted, provision of adequate extension officers is needed, input market s...
Umair Faheem1*, Qaisar Abbas1, Saghir Ahmad2, Ghayour Ahmad2, Abdul Karim2and Mussurat Hussain1
...n’s economy. It is attacked by several sap sucking and chewing insect pests during its growth, which results in the significant reduction of the cotton yield. Among these insect pests, Amrasca biguttula biguttula ‘Jassid’ are the most destructive ones. Beside these insect pests, environmental factors also affect the cotton production as well as population fluctuations of insect pests. The current study was designed to measure the impac...
Ammara Gull-e-Fareen1,2, Imran Bodlah1,*, Muhammad Adnan Bodlah3, Muhammad Tariq Rasheed1, Habib Ali4 and Muhammad Asif5 of Callaspidia attack the larvae of order Diptera and Coleoptera. Callaspidia notata (Boyer de Fonscolombe, 1832) (Hymenoptera: Figitidae: Aspicerinae) is reported with colour variations like scape, pedicel and basal part of antennal segment 3 slightly darker than remaining segments, scutellum and mesopleura mostly dark reddish with some darker areas, legs also reddish brown except tarsal segments lighter in colouration. Suspected trophic asso...
Saba Shabeer1, Riffat Tahira2 and Atif Jamal3*
...m pathogenic species can attack plants at different stages causing considerable damage amounting to millions of rupees. One of the plant pathogenic fungi is Fusarium spp. Fusarium species are very well-known soil-inhabiting fungi that cause many economically important diseases of crops.Many species are included in the Fusarium genus, which are not only pathogenic to plants but also cause different diseases in humans and livestock...
Ahmad Abrar Khan* and Muhammad Idrees
...headed borer insect/pest attacks were reported on the apricot crop. Besides scab, brown rot and shot hole were reported by more than 60%, apricot growers.Regarding dormant practices, 65.2% apricot growers pruned their trees, 67.4% applied winter oil and 69.7% Bordeaux mixture while unfortunately,60.6% of the respondents were not doing hoeing practice. The Regression analysis results reported application of chemical fertilizers, FYM, irrigation in drought perio...
Hafiz Tassawar Abbas1*, Tamoor Khan1, Ghulam Khaliq2, Muhammad Aqeel Sarwar3, Muhammad Rashid4, Intazar Ali5, Muhammad Abuzar Jaffar2, Ghulam Ali Bugti6 and Muhammad Waseem4 A number of diseases attack chickpea crop but wilt disease is the principle one. In mineral contents i.e. nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, zinc, iron and copper were decreased in chickpea plants affected with wilt disease. Leaves of three resistant and susceptible (un-inoculated and inoculated) chickpea lines/varieties were tested to find out their ionic status (
Saima Siddiqui1, Ghulam Hussain Abro1, Tajwar Sultana Syed 1Abdul Sattar Buriro2, Sohail Ahmad3, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed4 and Muhammad Asam Riaz4*


...crops of Pakistan and is attacked by many chewing and sucking pest. Chemical insecticides are used abundantly to suppress the pest population. The use of host-plant resistance is an alternative tool to control cotton insect-pests. The current research was aimed to identify the cotton physio-morphological marker to manage pressure of sucking pests such as jassid (Amrasca bigutulla bigutulla Ishida), thrips (Thrips tabaci Lind.) and whitefly (Be...
Muhammad Furqan1*, Zulfiqar Ali1, Usman Ali2, Muhammad Mudassar Shahzad3, Bushra Nisar Khan1, Waqar Ahmed1, Zakir Hussain1, Mian Amman Ullah1Nimra Afzal1 and Anjum Ara2
...a localities. Most (66%) attacks were observed in summer season; the preferred (32%) attack timing was the morning time. Three retaliatory killings were reported, 2 at Kalyal and one at Sorakhi locality. Habitat degradation by clearing forests for fuel wood, grazing, agricultural purposes, use of insecticides and retaliatory killing are major threats to the survival of mongoose in the study area. These factors could be contr...
Muhammad Ramzan1*, Unsar Naeem-Ullah2, Muhammad Umair Sial2, Naeem Iqbal2 and Shafqat Saeed2 bugs and caterpillars attack on these plants. Among them, leaf eating caterpillar, Trilocha varians (Lepidoptera: Bombycidae) is serious insect pest for these precious plant species in various countries. The larvae of the pest can cause 80-100% defoliation. The various confirmed host of T. varians include Ficus benjamina, F. religiosa, F. benghalensis, F. caraica, F. infectoria, F. elastica, F. nitida, Artocarpus communis, A. heterpphyllus and A. kamansi. F...

Ain-ul-Abad Syed1*, Zaheer Ahmed Khan1, Shakeel Hussain Chattha1, Irfan Ahmed Shaikh2, Mian Noor Hussain Asghar Ali1, Zohaib ur Rehman Bughio3, Shahzad Hussain Dahri2 and Ghous Bakhsh Buriro4

... Covid-19 and the locust attack.


Walaa ,S. Shabanaa;Bakr, A. Abdallaa; Eman, M. ELShalamia; I.M. Redab; M. A. Shalabyb

...mes as enzootic form and attacks susceptible animals causing high losses in milk
and meat production. Rift valley fever virus causes serious and fatal disease in animals and man. It
produces high abortion rate among pregnant ewes and cows, causes heavy mortalities in young
lambs and calves. In the present study the Montanide ISA 50 oil adjuvanted combined FMD/RVF
vaccine was tested in sheep and compares it with s...

Nelson D. Zambrano1, Wilber Arteaga1, José Velasquez2 and Dorys T. Chirinos1*

... textile industry and is attacked by different insect pests, therefore it is produced with frequent pesticide applications. Research was conducted to evaluate the effect of lambda cyhalothrin + thiamethoxam on the incidence of insect pests and its associated natural enemies. Results revealed that populations of B. tabaci were higher in plots treated with lambda cyhalothrin + thiamethoxam associated with low levels of parasitism. Further, A. gossypii were high ...
Sahar Mubashar*, Tariq Mukhtar and Nasir Ahmad Khan
... severe cases. The virus attacks throat, lungs and trachea converting them to virus factories to infect more cells. It attacks not only lungs but also other vital organs of the body like kidneys and heart. It is spread from human to human through respiratory droplets or direct contact. Moreover, there have been reports of the mixed infection of coronavirus with other bacteria, fungi and viruses. Various methods are used for ...
Song Jiang1,2,3, Ming-ge Zhuang1,2,3, Fa-lin Zhou1,2, Qi-bin Yang1, Jian-hua Huang1, Li-shi Yang1 and Shi-gui Jiang1* susceptible to virus attacks or carrying the virus to parent shrimps, bring a huge bio-security risk to shrimp breeding. This study was carried out to determine the feasibility of Pheretima tschiliensis as a replacement of traditional bait to accelerate the maturity of parent shrimps of Penaeus monodon, which was verified by the dynamics of vitellogenin gene expression in hepatopancreas and ovary of P. monodon. The parent shrimps fed o...
Tanmoy Mandal1 and Sunil Kr. Ghosh2*
...becomes difficult due to attack of large number of insect-pests on som plant. Leaf miner(Phytomyza spp.)(Diptera: Agromyzidae) is a major pest and very harmful to som plant leaves. From observation it is found that leaf miner was found active throughout the year on som plant leaves. Higher population level was maintained during 27th standard week to 34th standard week that is during 1st week of July to last week o...
Rosidah Rosidah1*, Angga Nugraha1, Yuli Andriani1, Kiki Haetami1, Olga Anne2 and Agus Heri Purnomo3
...rave;de, 1803)] which is attacked by Aeromonas hydrophila (Chester, 1901). The method used was the experimental method using a completely randomized design with five treatments and three replications was applied. The treatment used was immersion with A. vera extract with a concentration of treatment A 

Aiman Amur1*, Nasreen Memon1, Pervaiz Khan2 and Fozia Gull3

...p of Tephritidae family, attacking on several fruits. The Bactrocera dorsalis is one of the complex fruit flies of this diver’s genius, hunting on very delicious fruits such as mango. The purpose of this study is to observe the relationship among the environmental and host effects on the outbreak of this crucial pest. The research work was conducted in two gardens (50 hectors) of mango fields of Mirpur Khas, known as mango land of Sindh during (2014-2015...
Ali Ikhwan1*, Dian Indratmi1, Faridlotul Hasanah1, Manar Fayiz Mousa Atoum2,3 and Irum Iqrar4,5
...">One disease that often attacks chili (Capsicum L.) is anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum capsici [(Syd.) E.J. Butler & Bisby]. In the field, C. capsici is controlled with a chemical fungicide that harms the environment. The purple Cleome plant (Spider plant – Cleome rutidosperma Linn.) can be extracted and function as an organic fungicide for environment-friendly control. This research aimed to examine the type and con...

Irshad Ahmad1,2*

... is a devastating insect attacking palm trees. It is very difficult to control as its entire lifecycle is hidden inside the host trunk. To overcome this pest, integrated pest management program (IPM) strategy can be adopted that includes visual inspection, behavior management through pheromones, sanitation of the crop and field, removal of the infested frond and offshoot, eradicating the concealed breeding sites of the pest. IPM also include cultural technique...

Maid Zaman1*, Imtiaz Ali Khan1, Amjad Usman1 and Ahmad-Ur-Rahman Saljoqi2

...percent host and habitat attacked for district Swabi, Buner and Haripur is unreported. After collection (either on spot or through NIFA-Termaps) and identification, all districts had equal species number (05) but different type of species from the genera Heterotermes (02), Odontotermes (04) and Angulitermes (01). Genus Odontoteremes is more strengthened (57%) in number of species followed by genus Heterotermes (29%) and genus Angulitermes (14%). In district Bu...

Nazakat Nawaz1, Nasir Mahmood Cheema2*, Malik Muhammad Yousaf3, Muhammad Jahanzaib1, Mubashir Ahmad Khan1 and Muhammad Munir4

...tely resistant to fungal attack. At the same time, it is 10 to 15 days earlier than check varieties i.e. BARD-479 and Golden. PG-1090 has been approved by concerned authorities as a new variety with the name NARC-2019 for cultivation in rain-fed as well as irrigated areas of Pakistan.


Muhammad Asif1*, Ahmad Ali Shahid1,2 and Nasir Ahmad3

...n source to minimize the attack of pathogen. Tomato leaves infected with early blight symptoms were collected from Lahore. Pathogen was isolated on PDA and its morphological characters were studied. All the characters used for identification of pathogen confirmed the culture as Alterneria solani. Ganoderma lucidum was collected from University of the Punjab, Lahore associated with dead oaks of Dalbergia sisso. Macro and microscopic identification was performed...

Tariq Mahmood1*, Shakeela Ismail1, Faraz Akrim2, Muhammad Farooq1, Nadeem Munawar1 and Muhammad Raza Khan1 the study area mainly attacking donkeys, cows, sheep, and goats.

Ch. Muhammad Rafiq1, Muhammad Rizwan1*, Bilal Atta1, Arshed Makhdoom Sabir1, Misbah Rizwan2, Muhammad Arshad3, Muhammad Zeeshan3, Hamza Latif3, Usama Bin Khalid1, Shawaiz Iqbal1
...sia. In case of a severe attack, the whole crop turns brown called ‘hopperburn’ and farmers face great yield losses. The experiments were performed to evaluate the planting geometry and nutritional effects on N. lugens abundance and yield attributes of the crop using susceptible rice (var. Basmati 515). Results indicated that planting geometries with more space (60 and 90 cm) after 12 lines with a uniform number of plants in each plot had less inci...

Umair Faheem1*, Qurban Ali2, Mussurat Hussain1, Abrar Ahmad3, Tamsila Nazir2, Ghayour Ahmad3, Idrees Ahmad3, Madiha Mobeen4, Hammad Hussnain3 and Nadia Hussain Ahmad3

...justify;">Cotton crop is attacked by several sucking (whitefly, thrips and jassid) and chewing (american bollworm, spotted bollworm, pink bollworm and armyworm) insect pests, which severely affects its quality and quantity. Cotton also contains the populations of parasitoids i.e. Trichogramma spps., Braconid wasps and Encarsia spps., which act to reduce the population of these notorious insect pests. Cotton plants shows genetic resistance or tolerance against ...

Gawhara Ahmed-Abdelmonem1*, Zeinab Aboezz2, Ahmed Habashi1, Saad Sharawi2 

...isease virus (FMDV) that attacks animals every year. The introduction of new topotypes/lineages of the existing FMD viruses represents a constant risk for cattle production. Serotype A is one of FMDV that is already existing and incriminated lastly in serval problems in cattle population. So, this study aimed at molecular characterization of serotype A FMDV that has been involved in the latest FMD outbreaks in Egypt. Thirty-six samples (26 blood and 10 oral ep...

Ejaz Ul Haq, Urooba Pervaiz*, Muhammad Zafarullah Khan and Ayesha Khan

...tation, pest and disease attack, defective marketing and lack of credit facility. The study recommends that farmers should be encouraged and facilitated to adopt tunnel farming technology as it is the best method to grow off-season vegetables and for yields, both the field staff of extension department and farmers must be provided training for development of tunnels and package of production timely. Government should facilitate to establish agriculture insuran...

Yêyinou Laura Estelle Loko1*, Joelle Toffa1, Azize Orobiyi1, Gbèblonoudo Anicet Dassou2, Rolande Okpeicha1, Dieudonné Gavoedo1 and Alexandre Dansi2

...esistant to C. maculatus attacks. While, Kecheke, Houeton, Adjaton and Vovoh varieties were classified as moderately resistant to C. maculatus. The correlation analysis indicated that 100-seed weight had significant positive correlation with F1 progeny (r = 0.439), seed consumption (r = 0.467), number of eggs laid (r = 0.295) and susceptibility index (r = 0.453). Path coefficient analysis showed that each seed physical character and its interactions with the o...

Qurban Ali1, Habib-ur-Rehman2, Muhammad Abdullah3, Asad Aslam1*, Muti Ullah4, Ali Sher5, Muhammad Faheem Akhtar1, Humaira Malik1, Muhammad Umar Qasim1, Muhammad Yasir6, Ijaz Haider1, Tamsila Nazir1 and Muhammad Jawad Saleem1

...Crops are prone to being attacked by various insect pests resulting in huge crop yield losses. Maize (Zea mays L.) the utmost yielding cereal crop worldwideis attacked by several insects, Chilopartellus(S) is the devastating one. The current study was conducted to probe the toxic effects of Chlorpyriphos 40 EC@500ml/acre, Padan 3% G (Cartaphydorchloride) @ 9 kg/acre, Carbofuran 3% G@8kg/acre, Monomehypo 5% G@7kg/acreand Fipr...
Yasir Hameed, Muhammad Rizwan, Muhammad Shahzaib, Muhammad Sarmad, Muhammad Farrukh Hamid, Syed Muhammad Zaka*, Khalid Abbas and Muhammad Zakria
...e handling time (Th) and attack rate (a) that calculated by using Roger random predator equation. The results revealed that all the predatory stages show a type II functional response and consumption rate increased with the increase in prey density for the first, second and third larval instar of C. carnea on both L. erysimi and D. noxia. It is concluded that as the handling time increases the attack rate decreases. When the...
Yasir Hameed, Muhammad Rizwan, Muhammad Shahzaib, Muhammad Sarmad, Muhammad Farrukh Hamid, Syed Muhammad Zaka*, Khalid Abbas and Muhammad Zakria
...e handling time (Th) and attack rate (a) that calculated by using Roger random predator equation. The results revealed that all the predatory stages show a type II functional response and consumption rate increased with the increase in prey density for the first, second and third larval instar of C. carnea on both L. erysimi and D. noxia. It is concluded that as the handling time increases the attack rate decreases. When the...
Yasir Hameed, Muhammad Rizwan, Muhammad Shahzaib, Muhammad Sarmad, Muhammad Farrukh Hamid, Syed Muhammad Zaka*, Khalid Abbas and Muhammad Zakria
...e handling time (Th) and attack rate (a) that calculated by using Roger random predator equation. The results revealed that all the predatory stages show a type II functional response and consumption rate increased with the increase in prey density for the first, second and third larval instar of C. carnea on both L. erysimi and D. noxia. It is concluded that as the handling time increases the attack rate decreases. When the...

Nosheen Jehajo*, Nasreen Memon, Mansoor Ali Shah and Naheed Shah

...e and weight loss due to attack of Cowpea seed beetle Callosobruchus maculatus (Fabricius) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), thus, it was important to handle the pest infestation on legume grains in order to reduce the economic losses. A laboratory experiment was conducted in August-November, 2019. The experiment was laid out at (30±2 ºC and 65±5% relative humidity), to investigate the insecticidal efficacy of Azadirachta indica (A. Juss) (neem) ...

S. Riffat†, S. Kumar and A. Soomro

...hoppers are subjected to attack by a wide range of predators and parasites at all stages of their life cycle. Fecundity of these predators and parasites of the insects was affected when grasshoppers were contaminated with Mermis spp. Mostly, the females laid fewer eggs than normal. The numbers of eggs produced were 17.5±3.0, 11.2±5.3 and 8.6±4.3 for Poekilocerus pictus, Oxya velox and O. hylahyla, respectively, for infested insects, wherea...

S.A. Khan†, M. Abid and F. Hussain1

...sease causing agents and attack nearly all types of plants. In
this study 32 seaweeds were evaluated to determine nematicidal activity against Meloidogyne javanica (egg
hatching and larval mortality tests) in vitro. Results revealed that seaweed biochemical potential in two different
solvents viz., water and methanol @ ratios 2.5, 5 and 10%. It is observed that Sargasssum tenerrimum, Padina
tetrastromatica and Me...

F. Shahina†, K.A. Tabassum and M.A. Habib*

...conomy of country. It is attacked
by insect pests including bollworms. These pests are controlled by frequent use of pesticides. However, the
indiscriminate use of synthetic pesticides has disturbed agro-ecosystem and costs over US$ 195 million per year to
the nation in terms of environmental and social costs. Pathogenicity and efficacy trials of indigenous
entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) isolates have positive...

Ahmad Abrar Khan1*, Ghulam Qadar1, Asif Ali Abro2 and Muhammad Awais3

...ato growers faced aphids attack while more than 50% reported whitefly, Cutworm, mites and Armyworm. Leaf miner, thrips and fruit fly were reported by less than 50% of the total respondents. The result of regression analysis revealed that attack of insects/pests i.e. aphids, armyworm, mites, thrips and fruit fly were found non-significant while cutworm, whitefly and leaf miner have significant negative effects on per acre yie...

Tariq Mahmood1*, Mamoona Wali Muhammad2, Sami Ullah1, Bilal Ahmad3, Zarmina Aslam4, Naveed Ahmad Khan5, Muhammad Shahzaib Tariq6, Muhammad Ali Raza6, Rana Usama Iqbal7 and Samia Zain8

...ollinators are now under attack from a variety of sources. Pesticides, habitat degradation, genetic diversity loss, inclusion of genetically modified crops, and parasites are among the main threats to these pollinators. As a result of their decrease, there has been a significant loss of ecological activities, negatively influencing the global economy. This work covers the management of foraging activities, factors influencing this behavior, foraging preference...


...xified radicals begin to attack the bio-molecules. Therefore, present research work was planned to study the effect of zinc on the peroxidase activity in the liver and kidney of Catla catla. To check the concentration based effect, C. catla were exposed, separately, to 96-hr LC50 of zinc and its sub-lethal concentrations viz. 2/3rd, 1/4th and 1/5th of LC50 for 30 days at constant laboratory conditions. After 30-day, the fish were sacrificed and their liver and...
Nazish Huma Khan1*, Muhammad Sufyan Khan1, Tooba Saeed2, Mohammad Ilyas3 and Hazrat Husaain4
...on the severity of viral attack. Moreover, vaccination is also referred to improve the immunity against this viral attack.
A.l. Abd El-Fattah; A.s. Saclik M.M. El-Kholi; I.A. Åbdcl-Hmnid and M.A. Madkour
...important viral diseases attacking sugarcane crop in Egypt. Therefore. the present work was designed to screen the SCMV strains in Egypt based on biological. serological and molecular characterization. Data of the use of Sorghum bicolor vars. Rio and Atlas show successful detection of 7 SCMV strains (A, B. D. E. H. l. and M). The indirect-enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (I-ELISA) detection Of SCMV strains showed the presence or five strains. i.e., SCMV-A. SC...

Fei Shang and Pengfei Liu*

...age coloration) to avoid attacks from adult males in breeding season and increase maneuverability to escape predation risks. Adults have the longest wing, which could support their early arrival at wintering ground in migration. Our studies suggest that body size in juveniles is fully developed and the yearling males display female mimicry in wing length which is an adaptive strategy to sexual selection.


Asmaa A. Darwish*, Adel M. El-Kattan, Mona A. Mahmoud, Mohamed T. Ragab, Amani A. Hafez 

... for animal breeders. It attacks different farm animals causing infertility, abortion, and stillbirth. This study aimed to figure out the common genes related to B. melitensis field strains virulence and assess the immunological, hormonal, and iron profile alterations related to B. melitensis infection in sheep and goat with special reference to their value as biomarkers for the disease. Vaginal swabs were collected from 110 ewes and 150 does for bacteriologic...

Xiaoyan Yang1* and Xiuli Xu2

...nfluenza is a virus that attacks the nasal passages, including the throat and lungs. Influenza-like virus in adults is partly due to changes in the body’s defense system. The present study was performed to evaluate influenza-like virus effects in adults. This case-control study was performed on 50 patients admitted to the Third Affiliated Hospital of Henan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine during the autumn and winter seasons with myocardial inf...

Karamat Shah1, Muhammad Fiaz Khan1, Zaib Ullah2*, Rashid Ali Khan1, Sajid Mahmood1, Naveed Akhtar2 and Muhammad Naeem Awan3

...e maize crop and majorly attack on the area of crops which are close to the forest in summer.

Tariq Ahmad1*, Anum Razzaq2*, Li Bo1, Faiz ur Rehman3, Gul Saba2, Omama Saqib1, Saif Ullah2 and Muhammad Suliman1
... stored wheat grains and attacks on their domestic poultry. The results demonstrated that the ability of civets to change their diet in response to availability of food resources, as it found the consumption of Vitis vinifera in bulk in the month of July and August whereas Diospyros lotus and Diospyros kaki were the most preferred diet in the month of September and October. We were informed that Civet cats were predominantly killed (N=60) in village Takoro and...

Imran Nadeem1, Qurban Ali1, Muhammad Kamil Malik1*, Asad Aslam1, Imran Tariq2, Muhammad Bilal Bin Iqbal1, Muhammad Faheem Akhtar1, Sikander Ali3, Muhammad Jawad Saleem1, Muhammad Zubair3 and Aqsa Abbas1

...ella) is a key pest that attacks the cotton crop and it is distributed all over the world where cotton has grown. In the present study, four traps, viz., PB ropes, Delta traps, Light traps, Capsule lures, one entomopathogenic fungus, “Beauveria bassiana, and one noval insecticide, e.g., Radiant 120 SC (Spintoram), were evaluated to check the percentage infestation reduction of Pectinophora gossypiella under field conditions under the RCBD design. The res...

Iftikhar Ahmad1, Tahir Saeed1, Umair Faheem2*, Qaisar Abbas2, Muhammad Saleem Akhtar Khan3, Mussurrat Hussain2, Tanveer Ahmad4, Gulzar Akhtar4, Asifa Hameed5, Muhammad Hasnain6 and Muhammad Jamil7 parts of gladioli are attacked by them. Application of chemical insecticides provides effective control of insect pest in short period of time. The present investigation was carried out on Jasminum sambac against flower thrips for efficacy of insecticides. To conduct this experiment, six insecticides viz., imidacloprid 20Sl, Spinosad 240SC, Spintoram 120SC, Chlophenapyre, Imidacloprid+fipronil and abamectin were applied. Thrips population was observed on ja...

Irfan Safdar Durrani*, Noreen Asim and Ammar Sohail

...efense against pathogens attacks and different abiotic stresses. Current research deals with the study of cis-regulatory elements located in the promoter region of OsGLP12-3 gene of Nipponbare and newly sequenced Oryza sativa L. cultivar Dilrosh-97 using bioinformatics approach. The possible cis-acting regulatory elements were analyzed using PlantCARE and PlantPAN3.0. Phylogenetic tree was constructed using MEGA7 and docking of regulatory elements with the cor...

Muhammad Luqman1*, Muhammad Talha Shoaib1, Muhammad Yaseen1, Umair Safdar2 and Hassan Raza2

...diseases and insect pest attacks. In this perspective, current study was designed to explore negative consequences of pesticides applications on human health and environment in district Sargodha. A cross sectional survey method using convenient sampling was adopted for this research and data was collected from 300 respondents with the help of structured interview schedule. The results revealed that all the respondents (100%) considered ‘enhance farm prod...
Nauman Jamil Khan1, Rabia Tariq2, Hina Saleem2 and Muhammad Waheed Mushtaq2*
...enal irregularity, heart attack etc. Various analytical techniques including atomic absorption spectroscopy, chromatography methods, ion selective electrode method, laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy, complexometric titration method and thermometric endpoint titrimetry are developed to determine the quantity of sodium. Spectrophotometric methods are cheap, easy to handle and more precise to quantify sodium in food contents.

M. Tariq Mushtaq1, Faisal Manzoor1, M. Ishtiaq1*, Mirza Abdul Qayyum1, Muqarrab Ali2, M. Akram3, M. Rafiq Shahid3 and Saleem Riaz1

... resistance and combined attack of whitefly and jassid. However, it is recommended that integrated pest management approach using different control tactics for conservation of natural enemies, use of yellow sticky traps, botanicals, use of selective insecticides when needed could be the best strategy to overcome insecticides resistance problems.


Riaz Hussain1, Adnan Ihsan2*, Jawad Sarwar2, Nauman Ahmad2, Noor Ullah2, Arbab Luqman2, Muhammad Junaid2 and Hizer Ali2 

...s number of insect pests attack on this crop but whitefly (Bemisia tabaci Genn.) is one of them. An investigation was carried out at farmar’s field in Malam jaba Swat during Kharif crop 2018 to evaluate the effectiveness of synthetic and botanical insecticides against insect pests of bitter gourd i.e Whitefly Significant differences were observed among all the treatments as compared to untreated plot. Results revealed that Flonicamid 50WG (0.3g/l) was si...

Muhmmad Asif1, Khunsa Khakwani1, Muhammad Hasnain1*, Farrukh Ilahi1, Muhammad Hussnain Babar1, Shahid Munir Chuhan1, Jehanzeb Farooq1, Hafiz Ghazanfar Abbas1, Iqra Parveen1, Ghulam Sarwar2, Saeed Ahmad2 and Hammad Hussnain2

...ield and quality, insect attack is one of the major limiting factors for optimum cotton production. Among cotton pest whitefly, jassid and thrips are more important in sucking pests while pink bollworm is very destructive among bollworms. Therefore, the present study was planned to work out the behavior of different cotton cultivars i.e., MNH-1086, WEAL-AG-10, SLH-CHANDI, FH-494, MNH-1050, FH-492, WEAL-AG-9, BH-224, VH-418, SLH-Afnan-II, WEAL-AL-AG-CKC3-01, FH...
Naveed Ahmed
...he species were found to attack on weakened and severely stressed, wind-blown or wind-broken trees or logs. Attacked is followed by rust causing fungus on the dead and dying trees. All the bark beetles species made the holes of various sizes in twigs, branches and tree trunk and made galleries of different shapes and sizes beneath the bark which made longitudinal tunnels in affected part....
Naveed Ahmed on exposed aspect and attacked even the green healthy trees. ...
Muhamamd Arif Chaudhary and Ejaz Ahmed
...ssibility of some fungal attack resulting in blockage of conducting tissues, causing heart wood rot followed by termite attack and elimination of Rahizobial nodulation. Therefore, it is suggested to carry out an intensive field survey; study the biology, physiology and ecology of the suspected fungi and Rhizobial nodulation pattern.

Hanif Gul and Mirza Hakim Khan
...h made them prone to the attack of above beetles The grubs of these beetles constructed concealed and irregular gallaries in the twigs and branches, causing damage to conducting tissue by complete strangulation. Since the insect damage was mainly due to stress caused by drought and was also below the economic limit, therefore no conventional control measure were feasible, rather than to wait for improvement in the moisture conditions in coming monsoons and win...
G. A. Bajwa and Hanif Gul
...i> spp. Fell prey to the attack of fourteen insect species like Agrotis ypsilon Rott. (Noctuidae), Aleuroplatus pectiniferus Quiint. (Aleyrodidae), Catopsilia crocale Cram. (Pieridae), Cyrtopeltis tenuis Reut. (Miridae), Drosicha stebbingii Gr. (Margarodidae), Heliothis armigera Hueb. (Noctuidae), H. peltigera Hueb. (Noctuidae), Lumantria sp. Walk. (Lymantriidae), Nyzus persicae Sul. (Aphid...
Hanif Gul and G. A. Bajwa
...inst powder post beetles attacking the fuel wood. In single spray Sherpa afforded 88, 92, 95% billets in the same concentrations for the same period. Cyperkill, Sunmerin and Bulldock in 0.5% concentration gave 82, 95 and 91% protection of billets, respectively as compared to control in which 41% billets remained safe from beetles infestation. Sherpa and Ripcord in 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.5% gave net benefit over control of Rs. 9561, 9102, 7732 and 8292, 8442, 7757 per 1...
... Range. The incidence of attack was found to vary from 20-30%. It was observed that most of the infected plants had already died while the remaining exhibited blisters, swellings and girdling of stem, death of small shoots, needles turnings to reddish brown, resin exudation and eventually leading to the death of entire plant. The dead wood was found attacked by the borers (insects)....
Hanif Gul and M. Ismail Chaudhry
...ntomophathogenic fungus attacking all stages of I. quadrinotata and Elaterid predator of A. sarta, pit borer Apriona cinerea (Lamiidae, Coleoptera) were recorded. Observations on the biology of Elaterid predator of A. sarta and A. cinerea in the laboratory showed that a predator larvae consumed 2 host grubs of 1-2 months age in 4 days. ON an average single predatory larvae killed 61 and consumed 24 host grubs i...
...ts, birds and microbial attacks. The results indicated that low seed viability with seed losses must have been a major factor in the poor regeneration in fir forest, even if other soil and micro-climatic conditions were favorable....
Hanif Gul and M. Ismail Chaudhry
...ay,1989 against termites attacking eucalypts sapling at Ratta Kulachi (D. I. Khan) and Peshawar Forest institute, Peshawar with BHC WP 12.5% BHC 10% dust, Sevin 85%WP and Malathion 57% EC applied in 0.06,0.12 and 0.25% dilution in four replications keeping five plants in each treatment. A total of 243 plants were found dead at D. I. Khan during the period of experiment out of which termite damage was recorded on 27 plants only. At Peshawar mortality of ...
Hanif Gul and M. Ismail Chaudhry
...> (50 cft) each free of attack of powder post beetles were first sprayed with pyrethroids perigen (permethrin) 10% EC, cypermethrin 10 EC in doses of 0.01, 0.02, 0.04 and cislin (deltamethrin) 2.5% in doses of 0.01, 0.02 and 0.04% Dieldrin 20% EC in 0.5% dose was used as standard for comparison along with check (no treatment). Half of the stacks were sprayed for the second time, three months after first spray with the same insecticides in same doses. ...
...itche's-broom and aphids attack in Phander areas situated about 200 km north-west of Gilgit at an elevation ranging between 2286 and 2438 m. The important forest trees include willows and poplars. Three species of willows, i.e. Salix purpurea, S. seriocarpa, S. tetrasperma and a single species of poplar, Populus nigra (Lombardy poplar) were found commonly grown in the area. Nevertheless, a few hybrid poplars (P. X. euramericana) w...
S. I. Zafar, Ulfat Naheed, N. Abdullah and M. Yasin
...ction of cellulose from attack by various cellulolytic microbes (Fan et al., 1982) thereby preventing bioavailability of as much as half the photosynthethically produced high energy carbon. Though lignocellulosic biodegradation under laboratory conditions has been well investigated, reports on this aspect under natural conditions are limited (Zadrazil et al., 1982). Such studies are necessary not only for an understanding of the degradatio...
Wali-ur-Rahman and M. I on ail Chaudhry
...eometridae: Lepidoptera) attacked kail forests, denuding large patches of hill tops in beautiful tourist resorts of Murree in the Punjab (Pakistan) and Loon Bagla and Danna of Azad Kashmir. In 1984 microlepidopterous leaf stitchers caused defoliation of kail trees in patches in the Galis Forest Division at Chatri R. near Thandiani, Bagan near Nathiagali and Darwaza near Kuzagali in Hazara, N.W.F.P. ...
G. M. Baloch, M. I. Arif and M. Irshad
...onicerae Fr.) Kunze attacking Lonicera spp.;3 insects (Nematus ribesii (Scop.), Zelleria ribesiella Joanis and Anthaxia sp.) damaging Ribes sp.; and only one insect (Callosobruchus sp.) destroying seeds of P.tuberosa caused appreciable damage to their host weeds. Investigations in the biology, ecology, and nature of damage of these promising enemies were carried out. ...
Zakaullah, Mohammad Irfanul Haque and Khial Badshah
...r range. They were found attacking 32 timber and fruit plant species some of which had been reported earlier L. longiflorus was more prevalent particularly on old trees of Acacia modesta, while L. pulverulenrus had comparatively low incidence. Only four host species were found commonly attacked by both parasites. For the rest of 28 species they were host specific. L. pulverulentus is a new record ...
Parvez Khawaja, I.A. Hafiz and M. I. Chaudhry
...uable timber is severely attacked by a leaf stitcher, Piesmopoda obliquifasciella (Hmps). Heavy infestation tarnish the beautiful look of the tree for which it is grown as well as destroy annual growth of the tree to the extent of 50-100% depending upon severity of infestation. For developing a control method safer to the environment a pathogenic fungus, Beauveria bassiana (Bals.) Vuill. Was tried against the larval stages of the pest. Th...
Hanif Gul and M. Ismail Chaudhry
...l, Helix asperasa attacking nursery plants. Baylucid gave 75% and 100% mortality in 0.05% and 0.1% concentration respectively, 72 hours after treatments while Barestan gave 70% and 80% mortality in 0.1% and concentrations as against a natural mortality of 23% to 33%. Nogas and Sodium Chloride were less effective....
G. M. Baloch and M. A. Ghani
...toes, Arceuthobium spp., attack coniferous forest trees (e.g., pines, fir, spruce, junipers, larch) while Viscuni spp. infest deciduous trees in parks, boulevard plantings, natural forests and orchards (e.g., olives, apples, almonds, cherries) (Gill and Hawksworth, 1961). Witchweeds, Striga spp., mostly damage graminaceous plants (e.g., sorghum, corn, sugarcane, pearl millet) (Greathead and Milner, 1971) while broomrapes, Orobanche spp...
Khial Badshah and Zakaullah
...y were found severely attacked by a species of Fusarium causing longitudinal stripes on the stem and chlorotic spots on leaves which wilt and fall prematuiely. The pathogen was found to invade the plants through injured roots. Plant debris, infected young transplanting mateiial and seeds served as source of infection. The pathogen proved specific to Ocimum spp.

Vergouskii (1958) studied some peculiarities in the development of Fu...

M. Ismail Chaudhry and Wali-ur-Rehman
...urveyed and insect pests attacking Juniperus excelsa were studied in three localities. Semanotus semenovi Okun, Anthaxia sp., Phloeosinus jubatus and Phloeosinus sp. were recorded feeding in bark and sapwood of dead and dying trees to various extent. Infestation of these was mostly restricted to Susnamana where the trees were weakened and killed by the attack of dwarf mistletoe (Arceuthobium oxyce...
M. Ismail Chaudhry, Nasrullah Khan and M. Arshad
...r resistance against the attack of Coptotermes heimi Wasm., a most destructive and common termite. Based on the longevity of workers and soldiers released on saw dusts of these timbers. Cedrus deodara and Tectona grandis proved most resistant while Salmalia malabarica, Abies pindrow and Picea smithiana were the most susceptible timbers....
Amjad Mahmood Chima resistant to nematode attack differed in their multiplication rates....
M.Ismail Chaudhry and Bashir Hussain Shah quite safe from their attack in hills. Unfortunately hybrid poplars are seriously attacked by poplar stem and root borer, Apriona cinerea Chev. in hilly areas....
Mohammad Shahid
...larly due to the insects attack, nor their damage was being realised as much as it is today, except the occasional sporadic outbreaks of certain pests that damaged his crops heavily. These sporadic outbreaks occurred perhaps due to the biotic potential or intrinsic rate at which such insects reproduced in the absence of environmental checks. But this happended only occasionally. Often the environmental complex of conditions i.e. biological and physical factors...
Muhammad Yahya1, Muhammad Ajmal Khan2, Fazle Subhan3, Ali Hazrat1*, Javed Khan5, Aftab
Amin4, Hayat Ullah1 and Tabinda Nowsheen1

Saddam Hussain1, Muhammad Asrar2*, Usama Saleem2, Dilbar Hussain3, Muhammad Sohail Qadir3, Muhammad Saleem3, Rashid Ali2, Zeeshan Javed2 and Mubshar Saleem4

...etic materials. They can attack both buried and above-ground parts of plants. They bite and chew on tubers, young and old leaves, stems, lower branches of the plants, and peanut seeds. Termite infestation is a considerable problem in the livelihood of the farmers of Pakistan. Termite swarming is a major problem and revenue constraint in the area, destroying crops in the field and store. Forests and orchards are rarely termites free, particularly when condition...
Cristian Mendoza1*, Adriana Celi-Soto2, Ernesto Cañarte3 and George Cedeño-García2
... incidence of root borer attacks by 40% compared to areas where these measures were not implemented. The pruned leaves placed on the plate proved to be a suitable alternative for pest control and showed one of the lowest application costs, that make it the best alternative for the integrated management of Sagalassa valida.

Muhammad Ihsan Ullah2, Muhammad Hasnain1*, Muhmmad Luqman2, Hammad Hussnain2, Muhammad Tauseef2, Abrar Ahmad2, Muhammad Shahid2, Qaisar Abbas3, Mussurrat Hussain3, Ali Raza2, Muhammad Musadique Ahmad Khan4, Muhammad Kashif Nadeem5, Sajid Nadeem6 every year due to the attack of these insect pests. The major goal of chemical control, which includes using different pesticides is to reduce yield losses in cotton crops. In order to identify an insecticide that could efficiently manage these sucking insect pests of cotton, the toxicity a few selected insecticides in the field have been assessed in current study. Six insecticides, when used alone or in a combination viz. chlothianidin 200ml/acre, spirotet...

Abdul Mannan1*, Naveed Iqbal1, Randhawa1, Abdul Hanan1 and Abdul Qadeer1

...or the purpose of borers attack in IPM. This research was carried-out for the purpose of success various issuance of T.chilions in case of sugarcane insect attacks and observe the decay rate of sugarcane borers and such as control issuance by T. chilonis egg cards. The borers’ generation emerges out after 27 days, trichogramma cards T. chillions were installed with the duration after 10, 15, 20, days interval repeated ...

Zhulmaydin C. Fachrussyah1*, Indra G. Ahmad2, Iin S. Lantu3, Arafik Lamadi2, Wila R. Nento3

...arasites found had a low attack intensity (<1). More research is needed to examine the environment factors where the catfish were reared, the parasites discovered, and the economic losses caused by parasitic infection.
Keywords | Ectoparasites identification, Microscopy, Prevalence, Intensity biofloc, Catfish


Abdulnabi A. A. Matrood1; Abdelhak Rhouma2*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2021), 5(3): 1283-1293
...f eggplant early blight; attacks hybrid and local varieties either in open field or in the greenhouse, causing a serious damage that led to decrease in crop yield. The strategies employed to manage this disease by Iraqi farmers were the synthetic fungicides application. In this study, several assays were conducted such as poisoned food technique (in vitro assay) and greenhouse experiment (in vivo assay); to evaluate the inhibitory efficacy of 3 three synthetic...

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal


Vol. 9, Iss. 1


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