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Shahida Bibi* and Ijaz Ahmad Khan

...nt>icide treatments (herbicide used and herbicide not used) were assigned to main plots, while intercropping treatments (sole maize, sole mungbean, 5 rows of mungbean + 6 rows of maize, 10 row of mungbean + 6 rows of maize) were allotted to subplots. Results of the study revealed that weed density m-2, fresh weed biomass in maize and mungbean crops were significantly affected by both the main-plot and sub-plot...

Muhammad Ibrahim, Jawaria Ali Khan, Muhammad Sarwar Khan, Wasim Shehzad, Muhammad Avais, Ali Husnain, Naimatullah Khan, Muhammad Kamran Ameen and Abdullah Iqbal

...y of some allopathic and herbal ingredients for treatment of subclinical mastitis and to test out how these ingredients can be used for enhancement of milk quality as well as their effects on the haematological values. Total 30 cows were selected for this study kept in different dairy farms in the premises of Lahore. Out of these 30 cows, 24 had subclinical mastitis and 6 were healthy. Cows suffering from subclinical mastitis were divided into 5 groups. Each g...

Ayanda Opeyemi Isaac,1,* Oniye Sonnie Joshua2 and Auta Jehu2


...veniles to commonly used herbicides, glyphosate and paraquat was evaluated through changes in fish behaviour and mortality. Juveniles of the African catfish were exposed to varying acute concentrations of glyphosate and paraquat. The fishes responded, exhibiting different behavioural abnormalities like hyperactivity, abnormal swimming, restlessness, loss of equilibrum and haemorrhage. Observation of opercular ventilation count (OVC), tail fin movemant rate (TM...

 Abdul Wajid Khalil and Zafar Iqbal a Pakistani medicinal herb, used in the treatment of various ailments, including asthma, cough and jaundice. The aim of the study was to determine and compare the proximate, mineral, amino acid compositions of the aerial parts and roots of B. procumbens. The result of carbohydrate (75.56±0.046%) of aerial parts was found higher as compared to the roots (31.22±0.05%) while protein (37.46±0.02%) and organic matter (21.25±0.03%) was...
Majed Rafeeq1,*, Nadeem Rashid1, Muhammad Masood Tariq1, Rassol Bakhsh Tareen2, AsadUllah1 and Zahid Mustafa1
...o evaluate the effect of herbs as feed additive on performance of broiler alternative to antibiotics. One-day-old (N=320) broiler chicks were divided into eight treatment groups with four replicates of ten chicks. Six treatments were three herbs i.e. Allium sativum, Cassia angustifolia and Artemisia scoparia @ 0.5 and 1.0% respectively, control (basal diet), and a positive control (Oxyfeed&re...

Sadiq Ali* and Ijaz Ahmad Khan

...phorus L.) is an annual, herbaceous invasive weed but it is perennial in Pakistan. Parthenium weed is a weed of a national significance in Pakistan. Although, parthenium weed is infesting many parts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, but more affected regions are Peshawar valley and Hazara division where it has enormously invaded most of the open spaces like roadsides, wasteland and water ways resulting in loss of local biodiversity. Field survey of district Swab...

K.N. Ahmed, S.H.A. Pramanik, M. Khatun A. Nargis M. R. Hasan

Efficacy of plant extracts in the suppression of insect pests and their effect on the yield of sunflower crop under different climatic conditions
... annuus L.) is an annual herb scarcely cultivated in Bangladesh. During cultivation, the coccinellid beetle,Epilachna varivestis (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) severely attacked the foliages and florets in the capitulum (inflorescence). Other pests encountered were Spilosoma obliqua (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae),Homoeosoma sp. (Lepidoptera: Phyticidae),Heliothis armigera (Hb.) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), Monolepta signata(Oliv.) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) and ...

Nilesh Suresh Gole and Bijan Kumar Das

Biology of Dichromia sagitta (Fabricius) (Noctuidae: Lepidoptera), a serious pest of Indian ipecac, Tylophora indica
... Bengal, we observed the herb to be heavily infested by a defoliator pest, Dichromia sagitta (Fabricius) (Noctuidae: Lepidoptera). A study was conducted in the field and laboratory of All India Coordinated Research Project on Medicinal & Aromatic Plants and Betelvine (AICRP on MAPB) at Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya (BCKV), Kalyani, Nadia, West Bengal during 2010-2011 on seasonality, extent of damage and biologoy of D. sagitta on T. indica. The larva...

Md Riton Choudhury, Koushik Brahmachari, Sudeshna Kar and Rupayan Deb

Integration of weed management practices in rice-potato-groundnut cropping sequence
...ures (e.g. hand weeding, herbicides, mulching etc.) on the yield of crops in sequence and cost effectiveness of different weed control measures. Rice exhibited the maximum yield when treated with two hand weedings, but it may be profitably replaced by the application of herbicides. From the point of eco-safety measures and economy, combination of hand weeding and mulching can be judiciously recommended in potato and groundnu...

Biswajit Pramanick, Sruti Karmakar, Koushik Brahmachari, Rupayan Deb 

An integration of weed management practices in potato un-der New Alluvial soil opportunity of using herbicides and mulching in combination to cope up with the labour crisis and minimize the cost of cultivation, therefore, maximizing benefit cost ratio.

Azhar Abbas Khan1,*, Arif Muhammad Khan2 and Muhammad Afzal3
...he plants in response to herbivorous attack influences third trophic level and natural enemies use these substances to locate their prey. Twelve-arm olfactory apparatus was used to evaluate the response of C. septempunctata toward aphids and different host plants of aphids. Different horticultural plants and field crops were used singly or in combination with prey as a host. An increased numbers of C. septempunctata was observed when host plants ...
Hazrat Ali1,*, Wajid Ali1, Karim Ullah1, Fazle Akbar1, Sher Ahrar1, Irfan Ullah1, Irum Ahmad1, Ashfaq Ahmad1, Ikram Ilahi2 and Muhammad Anwar Sajad3 
...portant fish species, an herbivorous fish Schizothorax plagiostomus and a predatory fish Mastacembelus armatus, from three rivers of Malakand Division, Pakistan. Concentrations of Cu and Zn were determined in fish samples by atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Highest Cu concentration of 4.52 ± 0.24 mg kg−1 wet weight was observed in muscles of M. armatus at Chakdara on River Swat while highest Zn concentration of ...
Saba Irshad1,*, Ayesha Ashfaq1, Ammara Muazzam1 and Abida Yasmeen2
... as a considerably cheap herbal drug which can be prescribed to poor people efficiently at an affordable cost.
Tahira Perveen1,*, Shaista Emad1, Saara Ahmad2, Zehra Batool1, Sarwat Yousuf1, Sheeza Sheikh1, Sara Qadeer1 and Saida Haider1
...cts. Since ancient times herbs are used as medicinal purposes. One such herb is Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare). Fennel has many efficacious uses. It is a common herb and spice. It is used in many culinary purposes and also it has therapeutic purposes. In the present study antidepressant effects of fennel oil was monitored by comparing it with a synthetic antidepressant drug, fluoxetine...

Muhammad Asad1, Safdar Ali1, Muhammad Ramzan Ansar2, Ijaz Ahmad3*, Muhammad Suhaib4 and Muhammad Khubaib Abuzar5 

...w wheat yield. Synthetic herbicides are mostly used to control weeds. A field experiment was conducted to investigate the Chemical control of broad-leaved weeds in wheat at the Koont Research Farm, PMAS-Arid Agricultural University, Rawalpindi, during rabbi season, 2014. The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with four replications, with a plot size of 06 x 04 m2. Four different herbicides w...

Safdar Ali1*, Ghulam Abbas Shah1, Muhammad Naveed Tahir1, Shahid Mehmood2, Asim Gulzar3 , Ijaz Ahmad4 and Bashir Ahmad Khan5 

...combined with glyphosate herbicide on soil moisture content,bulk density and porosity associated with wheat grain yield were evaluated. Seven tillage treatments were applied in the fallow periods (summer seasons) of both years before sowing of wheat crop. These tillage treatments were (i) Once Mould board plowing followed by 8 cultivations with planker (1 MBP + 8 CS) as a check, (ii) No-till followed by twice application of glyphosate ...
Faiza Hassan1, Mubshara Saadia1,*, Muhammad Sher1, Mian Anjum Murtaza2, Muhammad Arshad3,Asam Riaz4 and Mahmood Ahmad Khan5
...act should be applied in herb-drug combinations commonly used as antidiabetic.

 Shazia Erum*, Muhammad Naeemullah and Shahid Masood**

Corresponding author: [email protected]

...c techniques. Like other herbs Mentha have diverse aromatic properties that can be explored for utilization in the industry and this information will be helpful for exploitation and development of natural agricultural resources on scientific grounds.


 Shahida Khalid*and Shahida Nasreen Khokhar*

...eds are a limitation and herbicide carryover can also be injurious to subsequent crops. The residual/carryover herbicides may influence sowing decisions for the next crop due to reduced herbicide breakdown. The present study aimed at exploring the contribution of bio-fertilizer microbes (Azospirillum) to mitigate the inhibitory effect of herbicide residu...

 Mustaring,* I. Subagyo,** Soebarinoto** and Marsetyo*

.... mutica and five legume herbs such as Clitoria ternatea, Dolichos lablab, Macroptilium bracteatum, Centrosema pascuorum and Centrosema pascuorum in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia using completely randomised block design. Each species was planted on 2.5m x 3m plot, and repeated 6 and 4 times in experiment 1 and 2, respectively. Parameters measured include plant height, tillage number, dry matter (DM) yield, in vitro digestibility and nutrient contents. Plant heig...

 Asghar Ali*, Muhammad Tahir**, Shahid Riaz Malik* and Muhammad Hanif Munawwar*

...e pre and post-emergence herbicides for weed control in lentil. The experiment comprised eight treatments including three herbicides, manual weeding and check (no weeding). The yield was higher in manual weeding but in herbicide treatments Isoproturon as pre-emergence @ 2 kg -1 ha produced statistically at par grain yield to that of manual weeding -1 followed by Isoproturon after one month...

 Riaz Hussain*, Muhammad Riaz**, Mushtaq A. Saleem*** and Muhammad Ishaque Mastoi**


 Riaz Hussain*, Muhammad Riaz** and Mushtaq A. Saleem***


 Asif ullah Khan*, Faizan Ullah*, Sultan Mehmood*, Muhammad Irshad* and Farhat Ullah Khan**

...tial source of botanical herbicide in the control of this noxious weed species.

Mei Li1, Di Zhang2 and Wan-Long Zhu1,*
...ion, and distribution of herbivores. In order to test the effects of plant secondary metabolite on energy metabolism and thermogenesis, changes in resting metabolic rate (RMR), nonshivering thermogenesis (NST) and energy intake were measured in Eothenomys miletus fed diets containing 0, 3.3% and 6.6% tannic acid, respectively. The results showed that E. miletus fed the diets with 6.6% tannic acid increased RMR compared with control on day 14, and...
Jun Chen1, Shuai Shang2, Xiaoyang Wu1, Jiakuo Yan1, Huaming Zhong1, Huanxin Zhang2, Weilai Sha1, Wanchao Zhu1 and Honghai Zhang1,*
Habib-ur-Rehman1*, Saima Mirza1*, Mansoor-ul-Hasan2, Qurban Ali3, Hafiz Abdullah Shakir4, Muhammad Yasir5

Muhammad Sajid Mahmood1*, Muhammad Ashraf1, Ijaz Ahmad2, Muhammad Khubaib Abuzar3, Sohail Latif4 Muhammad Aqeel Sarwar5 and Waqas Ahmad6 

...d 45 DAS), Pendimethalin herbicide @ 1.5 kg a.i. ha-1 (recommended dose), Barley W.E. @ 12 L ha-1 (20, 30, 40 and 50 DAS), Barley W.E. + pendimethalin @ 12 L ha-1 + 1.0 kg a.i. ha-1, Barley W.E. + pendimethalin @ 12 L ha-1 + 0.75 kg a.i. ha-1, Barley W.E. + pendimethalin @ 12 L ha-1 + 0.50 kg a.i. ha-1. The combined effect of barley water extract with pendimethalin herbicide on weeds density and weeds biomass was more pronou...

Muhammad Asam Riaz1, Javeria Choudhary1, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed1*, Muhammad Afzal1, Sohail Ahmed2 and Muhammad Sajjad Khalil

Zubina Hameed1, Muhammad Azim Malik1, Safdar Ali1*, Muhammad Ansar1, Farina Shaheen1, Ijaz Ahmad2 and Khisrao Kalim3 

...different post-emergence herbicides viz. Clean wave 15 EO (Aminopyralid + fluroxypyre) @ 0.8 L ha-1, Aim 40 DF (Carfentrazone ethyl) @ 0.05 Kg ha-1, Buctril-super 60 EC (Bromoxynil + MCPA) @ 0.750 L ha-1, Atlantis 3.6 WG (Mesosulfuron + iodosulfuron) @ 0.7 Kg ha-1, Sectril-M 40 EC (Bromoxynil + MCPA) @ 1.2 L ha-1, Brominal-M 40 EC (Bromoxynil + MCPA) @ 2.0 Kg ha-1 for controlling weeds in rainfed wheat. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Complete Block ...

Abid Muhammad Shah1, Safdar Ali1*, Ijaz Ahmad2, Gulzada Wazir1, Obaidullah Shafique1, Muhammad Amir Hanif1, Bashir Ahmad Khan3 and Sumaira Zareen4 

... the effect of different herbicides and sowing methods on wheat productivity and population dynamics of weeds. Different wheat sowing methods (S) were Broadcasting, Line sowing, Ridge sowing, Bed sowing and herbicides used were Ally Max, Clean wave, Starane M. and Buctril Super 60 Ec. The experiment was laid out in RCBD with split plot arrangement having three replications. Hand weeded (weed free), and weedy check (control) ...

Misbahullah, Shad Khan Khalil, Asim Muhammad*, Afza Tabassum and Shah Fahad  

...fy;">Although commercial herbicide are very effective in controlling weeds but their continuous use causes toxicity and develop resistance in weeds and pollute underground drinking water. Alternative environmental friendly methods are needed to explore possibility of weed control and enhance crop yield. Sorghum extract and their application times on weed dynamics, phenology and leaf tracts of variety Atta Habib was sown at the Research Farm of Agronomy, The Un...

 Abdul Khaliq1, Muhammad Irfan Ullah1,*, Muhammad Afzal1, Akhlaq Ahmad2 and Yasir Iftikhar3

Bushra Siddique1,*, Muhammad Tariq1, Muhammad Naeem1 and Muhammad Ali2
...effective at controlling herbivores in diverse botanical ecosystems. Different chemical cues help to correspond in diversity of associations between prey and host plant species. Recent studies exhibited that the use of natural enemy is an ecofriendly measure to control pests. The Seven spotted ladybird beetle, Coccinella septempunctata play a prominent role in aphid management. It exploits several different cues released by plants to increase the effici...

Sadaf Rahim and Mudassar Iqbal* 

...ites with antimicrobial, herbicidal, insecticidal and other such beneficial activities. Production of such compounds can be increased or decreased depending on growth conditions. For these reasons a Trichoderma harzianum was selected for its growth optimization conditions and extraction of insecticidal compounds effective against two major insects pests including Diuraphis noxia and Tribolium castaneum. The pure fungal strain of Trichoderma was grown using two...
Shad Mahfuz1,2, Shuyuan Wang1, Mo Chen1, Fei Zao1, Dong Zhen1
Zhongjun Liu4 and Hui Song1,3*
...nterest of using natural herbs is to eliminate the use of low-dose antibiotics in poultry production. Therefore, the aim of this study was to examine the effectiveness of Flammulina velutipes stem waste (FVW) inclusion in laying hens diet on production performance, egg quality and serum metabolic profile during the early phase of production.A total of 105 ISA Brown 18 wk old laying hens were grouped into 5 treatments with 7 replications of 3 hens each. ...

Abdul Razzaq1*, Muhammad Islam2, Zahra Islam3, Zahida Fatima1, Munib Hussain4 and Farmanullah5,6 

...ntrol programs including herbal use against these worms is also an important option. To explore the problem, three available synthetic anthelmintic (Oxfendazole alone, oxfendazole-Levamisole combination and Ivermectin) were administered to natural major nematodes (Haemonchus, Trichuris, Strongyloides and Trichostrongylus) infected sheep and goats. Overall results revealed susceptibility of these anthelmintics (97-99% Confidence Interval of Faecal Egg Count Red...

Mazhar Habib1, Aamir Saleem1, Arshad Mahmood Malik2*, Sarfraz Ahmed3 and Sameera Arshad4 

...ight, tiller density and herbage yield) of Blue panic grass. With the advance in maturity of clipping stages, plant height and no. of tillers in the grass increased (P<0.05). Herbage yield showed (fresh biomass yield, dry matter yield) significant differences (P<0.05) at each clipping stage. With advanced plant maturity species, its herbage yield increased (P<0.05). However, phono...

Muhammad Naeem Khan* and Asad Jan 

...a botrys L. is an annual herbaceous plant and has been utilized for the treatment of different ailments like asthma, cold, influenza, head ach, liver and digestive problems and healing of wounds. The aim of the study was to explore phytochemical constituents of methanolic crude extract (MCE) and various solvent fractions and in-vitro antimicrobial activities of whole plant of D. botrys. Qualitative phytochemical screening of MCE and solvent fractions of D. bot...

Saleha Ashfaq1, Manzoor Hussain1, Nazish Bibi2, Jan Alam1, Muhammad Junaid2 and Sabi-Ur-Rehman3*

...andards of H. gilesii in herbal industry. 

Muhammad Irfan Ullah1*, Muhammad Arshad1, Sajjad Ali2, Asad Abdullah1, Samina Khalid3, Hafiz Muhammad Aatif4, Syed Muhammad Ali Zahid1, Muhammad Afzal1 and Jaima Molina-Ochoa5
Bin Huo1 and Xiaoyun Shen1,2,3*
...horus (Ca:P) in affected herbages was 13.16:1. Phosphorus contents of blood and hair from the affected animals were also significantly lower than those from healthy animals (P<0.01). Serum alkaline phosphatase values from affected Tibetan gazelles were significantly higher than those from healthy ones (P<0.01). Serum inorganic phosphorus contents of affected Tibetan gazelles were about half of those in healthy animals. Oral supplementation ...

Bilal Atta1*, Muhammad Rizwan1, Arshed Makhdoom Sabir1, Muhammad Dildar Gogi2, Muhammad Sabar1, Bakhtawar3, Faizan Ali3 and Mehran Sarwar

Sajjad Ali1,*, M. Irfan Ullah2, Asif Sajjad1, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed2, M. Aslam Farooqi1, M. Shahid Rizwan3, Qaiser Shakeel4, Sohail Akhter1,Muhammad Raheel4 and Muhammad Arshad2
...: small;">How fitness of herbivore insects alters with different host plants in terms of their physicomorphic attributes has been the subject of great interest with point of their integrated pest management. Helicoverpa armigera (Noctuidae; Lepidoptera) -being highly polyphagous- is the pest of many crops and exhibits high fecundity and migrating efficiency. The present study aimed to evaluate its physicomorphic responses towards different host plants. ...

Anila Latif, Zaheer Abbas, Farhatullah and Ghulam Muhammad Ali* 

...y to protect plants from herbivorous insects and this pathway should further be evaluated for possible application in agriculture. 


Muhammad Usman Ghazanfar1, Waqas Raza1*, Waqas Wakil2,3, Imtiaz Hussain4 and Misbah Iqbal Qamar

...ant pathogens and insect herbivores. The plan of the study was to study induction of defense responses and protective effects against Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary and sucking insect pests of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) with application of salicylic acid (SA) and β-aminobutyric acid (BABA). Concentration of SA and BABA (2, 4 and 5 mM) were applied to foliage. Application of both resistance inducers suppressed disease development by 54.1% and 67...

Anurag Sharma*, Naresh Kumar, Geetanjali Singh and Anika Sharma husbandry. Both these herbs are known to have pharmacological effects which include hypoglycemic, hypo-lipidemic, antidiabetic, hepato-protective, anti-carcinogenic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal and galactagogue activity. The commercially available drugs pose health threats and prove detrimental to both human and animal health. The traditional use of herbal preparations suggests that they are safe and effe...

Muhammad Riaz Gondal1,2*, Aqib Riaz4, Sultan Ahmad Rizvi2, Bushra Zulfiqar2, Waqas Naseem2, Humara Umar3, Ahmad Hussain1 and Mazher Iqbal

...brid (S.S. Hybrid). Four herbicides namely Clodinafop-propargayl (Clodinafop) @ 0. 25 and 0.375 kg ha-1, Paraquat and Glyphosate @ 1.5 and 2 L ha-1 and Fenoxaprop-p-ethyl (Puma super) @ 1.0 and 1.5 L ha-1 were applied on Pak Sudac variety of S. S. Hybrid and compared their control on weedy grasses with a weedy check (no weedicide application) during summer seasons of years 2018 and 2019. It was observed that application of Glyphosate and Paraquat @ 2 L ha-1, 1...

Muhammad Nauman, Unsar Naeem-Ullah*, Mehreen Hanif, Hafsah Ghaffar, Muhammad Shahid and Syed Haroon Masood Bokhari

Management of Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) and Rhyzopertha dominica (Fabricius) by using Microwave Oven
Ammara Gull-E-Fareen1, 3, Imran Bodlah1*, Muhammad Tariq Rasheed1, Yasir Niaz2, Muhammad Adnan Bodlah2, Muhammad Asif4 and Nasir M. Khokhar5
...edators, pollinators and herbivores. The mutualistic relationship between ants and aphids is a very common and widespread phenomenon. It has been studied in various parts of the world. In this relationship, aphids provide food to the ants, while in return ants provide them protection from natural enemies. Ants also protect aphids from different diseases. Aphids (serious crop pests) can be divided into myrmecophilous and non- myrmecophilous. The main objective ...

Syeda Farzana Bibi* and Siraj ud Din

Unraveling the Bioherbicidal Potential, Elemental Analysis and Nutritional Evaluation of Crataeva adansonii Dc Leaf and Bark
...for assessment of its bioherbicidal potential. Elemental and nutritional analysis of the plant parts was also done to accentuate this plant’s use in the nutritional and agricultural industry. Elemental analysis of C. adansonii stem bark and leaf was assessed through atomic absorption spectrophotometry to detect ten essential macro and microelements, including Na, Ca, Co, Cd, Cu, Mn, Zn, Pb, Ni, and Fe. In the bark part, the highest percentage of relative...
Taqiur Rahman1, Tabassum Yaseen1*, Ali Mujtaba Shah2, Samiullah3, Ghulam Jelani3, Gul Nawaz1,Qudratullah Kalwar2
... document the threatened herbal knowledge from the elder formers (R1, R2 and R4) this study labels the ethno veterinary practices in different villages of District Shangla, where the documentation process is carried out through semi-structured questionnaires in 2017 (R1) where about seventy plant species belonging to different families of spermatophytes have been collected, among which forty-eight belonged to angiosperm families and 2 families were gymnosperms...

Muhammad Javaid1*, Unsar Naeem-Ullah1, Waheed S. Khan2, Shafqat Saeed1, Mirza Abdul Qayyum1 and Muhammad Arslan Khan1

Role of Nanotechnology in Crop Protection and Production: A Review
..., plant diseases and nanoherbicides for the management of weeds. It also facilitate in precision farming, targeted use of inputs i.e. nanofertilizers and to overcome the environmental stress seed treatments with nanoparticles, to improve the crop yield use of smart gene delivery system. This technology can also be useful for sustainable water use and irrigation water filtration. It also plays an important role in pollution reduction. Green revolution of any de...
Tafail Akbar Mughal1, Shaukat Ali1*, Hafiz Muhammad Tahir1, Shumaila Mumtaz1, Samaira Mumtaz1, Ali Hassan1 and Syed Akif Raza Kazmi2
...o solve this problem but herbal medicines take on paramount importance in this regard. The purpose of the current research was to inspect the effects of an aqueous extract of Berberis lycium Royleroot bark on lipid profiles of Swiss albino mice in which diabetic phenotype was induced by alloxan. A single injection of Alloxan (150 mg/kg) was applied intravenously to induce diabetic phenotype. Alloxan induction raised the overall level of triglycerides, l...
Hongqun Li1*, Xiaoli Liu2*, Zongxian Han1, Shabin Wu1 and Changlei Cao1 shrub cover and lower herb height, and higher sheltering class. The overall classification model developed from these seven variables helped distinguish foraging sites from random ones at probability of 90.2%; while day-roosting sites tended to be found in the areas of higher altitude, smaller tree cover, lower shrub cover and height, lower herb height and sheltering class, far away from households, and close to woodside ...

Shishir Sharma* and Laxmi Prasad Joshi

Current Insights on Stemphylium Blight of Lentil with its Management Strategies
...) (teleomorph- Pleospora herbarum), first identified in Bangladesh in 1986, is a significant challenge to all the major lentil-growing nations. It induces partial to complete foliar damage and results in about 3/5th to full failure of the lentil yield. The molecular study for the recognition and delineation of species is inevitable as high complexity is seen due to environmental concerns and contrasting morphological characteristics among species. The frequenc...
Muhammad Ayub1*, Munir Hussain2, Sher Ahmad2, Syed Arif Hussain Rizvi3, Shahid Hussain1, Muhammad Qasim2, Muhammad Din2, Muhammad Ishaque Mastoi4 and Tajudin2
...rmented extracts of four herbs Sophora alopecuroides, Artemisia sieversiana, Peganum harmalla and Tagetes minuta were evaluated against white grub under field conditions for two consecutive growing seasons during 2018 and 2019. The minimum per cent infestation, number of white grubs per plot, yield loss and maximum tuber yield was recorded in plots treated with S. alopecuroides fermented extract and Refree. The fermented...
Hagar E. Mohammed1, Ranwa A. Elrayess2 and Heba N. Gad El-Hak2*
...itional use of these two herbs as a mixture has no effects on male reproductive health.

M. Javed Iqbal1, Rizwan Shukat1, Muhammad Farooq2*, Iftikhar Ahmed Solangi2, Naila Ilyas3, Rahman Ullah4, A. Shakoor5, Muhammad Bakhtiar6 and Faraz Ahmed7 

...ium cepa) is a biennial, herbaceous, winter seasoned and cross-pollinated bulb crop belonging to Family Alliaceae. High moisture content of onion render it to be affected by microbial and enzymatic spoilage. Drying is a very effective way to preserve onion for a long time. Onion powder was prepared by foam mat drying technique in which onion paste was treated with different concentration of soy protein (0%, 4%, 8% and 12%) as foaming agent and Carboxyl methylc...
Naimat Ullah Khan1*, Muhammad Hassan Saleem2, Aneela Zameer Durrani2, Nisar Ahmad2, Muhammad Shafee3, Ayesha Hassan2, Mumtaz Ali Khan2 and Nadeem Rashid3
Majed Rafeeq1,*, Nadeem Rashid1, Muhammad Masood Tariq1, Irfan Shahzad Sheikh1, Muhammad Zahid Mustafa1, Muhammad Shafee1, Khalid Mehmood1, Rana Muhammad Bilal2 and Tauseef Asmat1
....05). Supplementation of herbal extracts as feed additives at 200 mg/Kg produced better growth performance of broiler chickens with no adverse effects.

Ahmed A. Kheder

...rawberry plants onto ten herbaceous plant species, different types of symptoms have been observed associated to virus infection on indicator hosts; Mentha spicata, Chenopodium quinoa, Nicotiana tabacum cv. White Burley and Vicia faba after 15, 18, 20 and 22dpi respectively. Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) was used to amplify ~497bp for coat protein gene in RNA 2, the amplified product was confirmed with direct sequences. Phylogenetic a...

Sadiq Haladu1*, Taiwo Oladoye Akande2 and Mudassir Nasir3

...n of selected phytogenic herbs. Seven dietary treatments were formulated with diet 1 as control, diet 2 with 1% Fluted pumpkin leaf meal (FLM), diet 3 with 2% Fluted pumpkin leaf meal, diet 4 with 1% Moringa leaf meal (MLM) diet 5 with 2% Moringa leaf meal, diet 6 with 1% mixture of FLM and MLM and diet 7 with 2% mixture of FLM and MLM, the mixture was in the of ratio 1:1. The diets were fed to 105 Isa brown laying birds with 15 birds per treatment arranged in...

Asfand Raheel1, Syed Zulfiqar Ali2, Muhammad Waris2, Muhammad Basharat2, Basheer Ahmed2, Muhammad Arshad Ullah3, Syed Ishtiaq Hyder4 and Taqi Raza4*

...ical agents, fungicides, herbal and natural products, edible coatings and heat treatments can be efficaciously applied in a vast and specific commodity range to prevent great losses.

Huda S. Darwish 1, Om-hashem M. El-Banna2, Mohamed S. Abbas3, Hoda M. Waziri 1, Maisa A. Awad1
...the world and can infect herbaceous, ornamental and woody species including tomato,
tobacco, grape, apple, peach, cherry, apricot and raspberry. Both of sodium azide (NaN3) and ethyl
methanesulfonate (EMS) are known as chemical mutagens.
Objective: Study the effect of chemical mutagens (NaN3and EMS) on the resistance of (ToRSV) on
two different tomato cultivars and characterization induction mutagens by ISSR mole...

Muhammad Ehsan Safdar1*, Samra Ammara1, Muhammad Sikander Hayyat1, Shahbaz Hussain2, Muhammad Mansoor Javaid1, Abdul Rehman1 and Amjed Ali1

...udies consisted of seven herbicide treatments, viz. lactofen complete dose (180 g a.i. ha-1) alone, lactofen complete dose + adjuvant, lactofen 80% dose alone, lactofen 80% dose + adjuvant, lactofen 60% dose alone, lactofen 60% dose + adjuvant and a control (no herbicide). It was found that lactofen full dose with and without adjuvant attained significantly the lowest R. capitata dry weight and highest seed yield of green gr...

Bakhtiar Gul*, Saleetha Rabial and Haroon Khan

...nvestigate the effect of herbicides on the management, growth and reproduction of duckweed (Lemna minor). The experiment was laid out in Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with three replecations and various herbicidal treatments. Duckweed was collected from fresh water bodies and transferred to the experimental units (pots). Data were recordrd on fresh biomass, budding (%), duckweed mortality (%), plant growth, root length,...

Ahmed Ali Moryani1, Nasir Rajput1*, Muhammad Naeem1, Atta Hussain Shah1 and Hidayatullah Soomro2

...o evaluate the effect of herbs on the performance of broiler chickens challenged with coccidiosis. A total of 450 broiler chickens were allotted into 6 groups (n = 75/group). Group A controlled without supplementation, Group B, C and D were supplemented with Aloe barbadensis (5ml/L), Ferulafoetida regal (500mg/L), Tamarindus indica (50mg/L), respectively. Group E and F were supplemented with a mixture of all 3 herbs/plants a...

Haroon Ur Rashid1*, Nazia Tahir2, Muhammad Zamin3, Naveed Shehzad4, Aman Ullah2, Bibi Zainub5 and Farooq Azam6

...ur reliance on synthetic herbicides and sustainable maize production. In this study, different tillage regimes and various allelopathic treatments were integrated for weed management in spring planted maize at Agricultural Research Station, Swabi (KP), Pakistan during spring both years 2014 and 2015. The experiment was laid out at silt loam soil in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with a split plot arrangement having three (03) replications. Different t...

Moheem Khan1, Arif Ali1*, Shafique Ahmed Memon1, Taimoor Khan Qambrani2, Ghulam Khaliq3, Jahanzaib Khan1, Saghir Ahmed1, Azmat Hussain Abro4 and Sohail Azeem Baloch1

Sajida Batool1, Saira Batool1, Sitara Shameem1, Fatima Khalid1, Tahira Batool2, Summera Yasmeen1, Saima Batool3* used triazine derived herbicide that is a major pollutant of soil and water and highly carcinogenic. To investigate Atrazine induced pathological changes in the liver of albino laboratory mice, 20 adult male mice were equally distributed (n=10) into two groups. Atrazine was given at the dose of 200 mg/kg body weight through gavages for 28 days while the control (Cnt) group remains untreated. On the 29th day, all animals were sacrificed to recover liver for ...
Meiping Deng1, Xiaowen Ye1, Jiashan Wu1, Lijuan Chen1, Xiaoxia Jiang1, Changzheng Zhang1, Peiling Zhou1* and Yi Luo2* a traditional medical herb widely used in tropical and subtropical countries, and has several cholinomimetic effects with parasympathetic features. This study was aimed to determine the role of arecoline on systemic blood pressure (BP) modulation and the modulatory characteristics. After rats were anaesthetized, saline or arecoline was intravenously administrated, and the systemic BP signals were recorded. We calculated the reaction times, the mean arterial...
Wei Luo 1,2,3, Yongtao Jin 1,2,3, Xuqing Li 1,2,3 and Ke Liu 1,2,3*
...tudy, we monitored large herbivores in Maduo County of Qinghai Province by means of Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) remote sensing.The monitoring objects include three kinds of domestic herbivores: Tibetan sheep, yaks, and horses, and three kinds of wild herbivores: Tibetan antelopes, Tibetan wild assess, and blue sheep.All the kinds of large herbivores i...

Mohammed Naji Ahmed Odhah1,2*, Dhary Alewy Almashhadany6, Abdullah Garallah Otaifah7, Bashiru Garba5, Najeeb Mohammed Salah2, Faez Firdaus Abdullah Jesse4*, Mohd Azam Khan G.K3 

Hongbin Li1,2, Lei Fang1, 3 and Lei Cao1,2*
...igration timing of avian herbivores. However, studies of the green wave hypothesis have focused on species feeding intensively on above-ground primary production. To test whether a facultative grazer strictly follows the green wave, we used 16 complete tracks in time and space of spring migrating tundra bean geese (Anser serrirostris)fitted with telemetry devices from two flyways between Yangtze River Floodplain winter areas and Anadyr (Russia)/Central ...
Stefan Pratama Chandra1, Yoanes Maria Vianney1, Theresia Liliani Christie2, Merlyn Wongso2, Melisa Widjaja2, Deok-Chun Yang3, Se Chan Kang4, Manar Fayiz Mousa Atoum5,6 and Johan Sukweenadhi1*
... standardized Indonesian herbal materials by using plant tissue culture.

Syed Sikandar Habib1*, Saira Naz2, Sehar Khalid3, Rimsha Kanwal2, Iqra Ameer1, Sadia Nawaz1 Aamir Khan4, Abid Ur Rehman5, Muqaddas Kousar6, Shafa Ullah Khan7 and Nadia Nazir7

...o overcome these issues, herbal products are used in aquaculture and these are the perfect immune stimulator, antibiotic alternative and growth promotor. The current research was conducted to assess the effect of variant level of Agaricus bisporus on immunity and haematological parameters of Oreochromis niloticus. A total of 120 healthy fishes with average weight 24.0 ± 12.5g were distributed randomly into four fiber glass tanks in triplicates (each tan...

Fulencio Ferretiz-Rodríguez1, Jose Alejandro Roque-Jiménez1, Héctor A. Lee-Rangel1*, Gregorio Alvarez-Fuentes1, Juan Carlos Garcia-Lopez1, Rolando Rojo-Rubio2 

... sources 


Safdar Ali1*, Muhammad Amir Hanif1, Muhammad Umar1, Amir Manzoor1, Obaidullah Shafique1, Bashir Ahmad Khan2 and Ijaz Ahmed3 Road Rawalpindi. Four herbicides were used as once and twice application, i.e., Buctril Super (Bromoxinil 30% with MCPA 30% w/v), Ally Max (Metsulfuron Methyl 14.3% w/w with Tribenuron Methyl 14.3% w/w), Starane M (Fluroxypyre 10% with MCPA 40% w/w) and Clean wave (Aminopyralid 1% with Fluroxypyre14% w/w) at recommended doses. A weedy check and a weed free plot were also kept for comparison. Results showed that in comparison to control plot (weedy check), t...

Nafisa Shoaib* and Aisha Majid Ali

... lambda-cyhalothrin) and herbicide (buctril). Haemocytes of bivalve play an important role in immune defense and detoxification of contaminants. The bivalves were exposed to different concentrations of test pesticides in a static system. The MN frequencies of all the pesticide treated mussel groups increased significantly (p< 0.05) until the end of the exposure period as compare to control. The highest MN frequencies were recorded after cypermethrin exposur...

G. Basana Gowda*, N.B. Patil, M. Sahu, S.R. Prabhukarthikeyan, S. Raghu, G.P. Pandi, T. Adak, C.K. Swain, S. Pokhare, S.D. Mohapatra and P.C. Rath 

Mohamed Mohamady Ghanem1*, Yassine Mahmoud Abdelraoof1, Abdelghany Hefnawy Abdelghany2, Eman Abdelhamid El-Ebissy3, Ahmed Ragab Askar4,5, Attia Ahmed Eissa6  

...nterference by Rumitone (herbal product). To achieve these objectives, three healthy she camel at Ras Sudr Research Station, belonging to Desert Researcher Center, aged from 8-10 years old and weighting 350- 400 kg were used. Lactic acidosis was induced with oral sucrose (14 gm/ kg BW) for 24hs after which camels were treated with oral Rumitone daily for a week. Clinical examination revealed significant increase (P < 0.05) in body temperature, respiratory r...

Dali Wang1,2, Yujing Zhu1,2, Wancai Xia1,2, Mei Zhao1,2,3, Chan Yang1,2 and Dayong Li1,2*

...fied as either shrubs or herbaceous plants. Gnaphalium hypoleucum had the highest importance value of the herbs (27.48%), while Leycesteria formosa had the highest importance value of the shrubs (17.33%). The Shannon-Wiener diversity index was significantly higher in the lower section and the Bray-Curtis distance was significantly lower, suggesting vegetation recovery has progressed faster on the lower end of the debris fiel...
Asmaa Khamis1, Osama Abdalla1, Mohamed Hashem2, Noha Abdelnaeim1*
... Plantago major (PM) are herbal plants that are supposed to have hepatoprotective properties. This study aimed to compare the effects of both medicinal plant extracts on rats intoxicated with carbon tetrachloride (CCl4). A total of 60 male albino rats were equally distributed in six groups. The first group received purified water and was kept as a control. The second and third groups were given oral PN and PM (500 mg/kg/day) for 31 days, respectively. The four...

Nur Prabewi , Supriyanto, Budi Purwo Widiarso* 

...s to study the effect of herbal marination on the quality characteristics of broiler meat. The variables measured including antioxidants, protein, cholesterol, and chemical residues in meat, as well as meat tenderness and color. The study conducted with Completely Randomized Design (CRD) consisting of 3 treatments and 10 replications. Treatments includes: T0= meat marinated for 0 hour (unmarinated), T1= meat marinated for 3 hours, and T2= meat marinated for 6...

Iqtidar Hussain1, Haroon Shahzad2*, Sami Ullah2*, Muhammad Jawad Nazir1 and Muhammad Rizwan3

...and response of maize to herbicide mixture of Atrazine plus Mesotrion. The research was investigated in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with split plot arrangements. The varieties were allotted to main plots and weed management practices were allocated in subplots. This study focused on the parameters about weed densities before and after weed management and other agronomic parameters including grain yield. Relative weed densities of Cyprus rotundus ...

Yasmin M. M. Mahmoud* 

...ntation of dried chicory herb leaves (DCHL) in their diets on nutrient digestibility, growth performance, some blood parameters and hematological profile. Animals were chosen with an average body weight 15.40±1.99kg and divided randomly into three similar groups (8 kids/each). The 1st group (G0) was fed the control diet formulated from concentrate feed mixture and berseem hay with rate of 60 and 40%, respectively. Kids in the 2nd (G1) and 3rd (G2) group...
Dalia M. Aboelhassan1*, Inas S. Ghaly1, Noha E. Ibrahim2, Nermeen M. Shaffie3, Mariam G. Eshak1, Aboelfetoh M. Abdallah4, Ibrahim M. Farag1
...action of this medicinal herb can modulate the over-expressions of IkBα, mdr1a and COX-1 genes to favorable or normal levels in rats. Moreover, it may be able to markedly ameliorate or remedy the histopathological cases.
Keywords | Fagonia cretica, Bisphenol A, Gene expression, Histopathology, Rats

Muhammad Ajmal Khan1, Muhammad Yahya2*, Ali Hazrat2, Javed Khan3, Saeed Jan4, Tabinda Nowsheen2 and Inam Ullah5

... a rhizomatous perennial herb. The current study investigated the phytochemical constituents, antioxidants, and antibacterial activities of methanolic extracts of T. camphoratum leaves. The methanolic extract was quantitatively evaluated for alkaloids, flavonoids and terpenoids contents. The antibacterial activity of methanolic leaves extract of T. camphoratum was carried out against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacterial strains through agar well diffusion...

Bibi Hajira*, Imran Khan and Zia-ud-Din

...s, legumes and medicinal herbs to bread might reduce its starch digestibility. However, the incorporation of these non-wheat materials into bread is challenging from consumer acceptability perspective. Therefore, the current study investigated the effect of incorporating red sorghum and barley flours in white bread on in-vitro starch digestibility, estimated glycemic index (eGI) and consumer acceptability. Bread was formulated by incorporating blends (equal pr...

Junling Liu, Chen Sun, Qiao Yu, Yanzhi Liang, Shanshan Lin and Meng Tian*

...the treatment, medicinal herbs treatment having the more attraction to treat the leukemia. The current study was to scrutinize the anti-leukemic effect of daphnetin against benzene induced leukemia in rats and explores the underlying mechanism. Benzene was used for the induction of leukemia in experimental rats. The rats were divided into different groups and received the daphnetin (12.5, 25 and 50 mg/kg). The body weight, haematological parameters, deoxyribon...

Hanaa H.A. Gomaa1*, Dalia Y.Z. Amin1, Mona A. Ismail1 and Khalid A. El-Dougdoug2

...restricted host range of herbaceous plants where showing latent symptom. The virus with flexible rod particle ca. 650 nm long denoted FLV in fig trees in Egypt orchards. The viral Coat protein gene structure resembles that of members of the genus Trichovirusin the family Flexiviridae. In this study, the virus isolated from fig plants belongs to the genus Trichovirus in the family Flexiviridae.


Ayesha Saeed1*, Farzana Kishwar2, Ahsan Nazir3, Sharjeel Abid4, Muhammad Abiodullah5, and Danial Ali6

Cheng Zhao1,2, Qin Shi1*, Gen Yang3, Youyuan Tan2, Songwen Tan2, Jiahong Li2 and Marwan M.A. Rashed2

...e to forest edge, higher herb cover and concealing condition appeared in used plots. The results of the logistic regression models showed that herb cover and elevation were the key factors. It was indicated that diet, safety and temperature were the main factors affecting the habitat use of Sichuan sika deer in winter.


Bilal Atta1*, Arshed Makhdoom Sabir1, Syed Sultan Ali1, Muhammad Rizwan2, Muhammad Dildar Gogi3, Muhammad Usman Saleem1, Tahir Hussain Awan4, Tahir Latif4, Mohsin Ali Raza1, Muhammad Afzal5 and Nadeem Rehman6

Ibrahim Samir Abd El-Hamid1, Alaa Emara Rabee2, Moustafa Mohamed M. A. Ghandour2, Rasha Salah Mohammed3, Ahmed Mohamed. Sallam4, and turmeric are all herbs with antioxidant and immunological properties; however, their combination may have a complementary effect on each another. That study was carried out to determine the efficiency of supplementation phytochemicals mixture on semen quality, blood metabolism, oxidative status and testicular structures. Three groups of fourteen Damascus bucks were formed. The first group (control, n=4) served as the control group. The second group (n=...

K. Nasira† and S. Shamim bacterivores (32.5%), herbivores (20%), algal feeders
and fungivores shared the same occurrence percentage (5%) while the least occurrence percentage was of omnivores
(2.5%). These studies add to the knowledge of diversity of fresh water nematodes and evidence on their
categorization of the basis of feeding habits and the community structure.

Nuzhat Munawar1, Abrar Hussain1, Imran Sajid2, Zahra Noreen1, Muhammad Aslam3*, Zeeshan Rehman1 and Aamir Ali3,4

...utic plant being used as herbal medicine to cure various diseases due to the variety of biologically active compounds present in it. Neem leaves of the plant were collected, dried, powdered, and extracted by using ethyl acetate, chloroform, and acetone as solvents. Qualitative phytochemical analysis showed the presence of active compounds. The antibacterial potential of various plant extracts was evaluated using well diffusion and disc diffusion assay against ...

Malik Muhammad Yousaf1, Wali Muhammad1, Muhammad Mohsin Raza1*, Mumtaz Hussain1, Muhammad Jahangir Shah1, Bashir Ahamad1, Annum Sattar2, Hera Gull3, Sonia Sumreen4, Malik Waqar Yousaf5, Nazakat Nawaz6 and Nazim Hussain7

..., an important medicinal herb at the global level, grown in winter season. Determination of heritability and genetic variability within Psyllium is a baseline strategy for the improvement of psyllium improving program. This investigation was designed to assess the heritability and genetic diversity among fifty-eight (58) psyllium genotypes. Data on eight yield linked factors, i.e., Days to floral initiation (DFI), Days to 50% flowering (DF), number of tillers ...

Malik Muhammad Yousaf1, Wali Muhammad1, Muhammad Mohsin Raza1*, Mumtaz Hussain1, Muhammad Jahangir Shah1, Bashir Ahamad1, Annum Sattar2, Hera Gull3, Sonia Sumreen4, Malik Waqar Yousaf5, Nazakat Nawaz6 and Nazim Hussain7

..., an important medicinal herb at the global level, grown in winter season. Determination of heritability and genetic variability within Psyllium is a baseline strategy for the improvement of psyllium improving program. This investigation was designed to assess the heritability and genetic diversity among fifty-eight (58) psyllium genotypes. Data on eight yield linked factors, i.e., Days to floral initiation (DFI), Days to 50% flowering (DF), number of tillers ...

Bashir Ahmad1*, Ali Muhammad Yousafzai2, Waqar Ali1, Ikram Ilahi1, Farman Ullah3, Saeed Ahmad1, Ayaz Ali Khan1, Umair Ahmad2 and Hafsa Maria2

...lic aqueous extract as a herbal remedy. However, more research is needed to identify the bioactive ingredient and determine the effectiveness of this herbal substitute.


Tae-Kyung Eom1, Jae-Kang Lee1, Dong-Ho Lee1, Ho-Kyoung Bae1, Hyeongyu Ko1, Kyu-Jung Kim1, Sung-Cheol Jung2, Jong-Hwan Lim2 and Shin-Jae Rhim1*

...timicrobial, fungicidal, herbicidal, piscicidal and molluscicidal. The present study was aimed to find out metabolites of piscicidal potential. Total thirty plants were collected on the basis of their availability and abundance around the year from different locations of Punjab, Pakistan. The aqueous and alcoholic extract of fresh and dried parts of each plant were used for qualitative estimation of thirteen metabolites (alkaloids, carbohydrate, cardiac glycos...

Usman Ali1,2*, Basharat Ahmad1, Riaz Aziz Minhas1, Muhammad Kabir3, Muhammad Siddique Awan1, Liaqat Ali Khan1 and Muhammad Bashir Khan1

... extraction of medicinal herbs and lumbering, lessen overgrazing pressure and support reforestation are required to be applied in these areas. These conservation measures will turn unsuitable habitats into suitable ones and also provide connecting corridors for black bear of Neelum particularly to the extended habitats of Gilgit Baltistan and Mansehra regions of Pakistan.


Riaz Hussain1*, Ata-ul-Mohsin1, M. Farooq Nasir1, Zahid Akram2, Muhammad Sajid Qureshi1 and Abdul Mannan Hamzah1

...ical cosmopolitan insect herbivores of brassica crops. Globally efforts have been undertaken to develop integrated management strategies for its control, based principally on manipulation of its parasitoids including Diadegma insulare. The research study was conducted to investigate the effects of two cabbage varieties on fitness parameters (i.e. percent parasitism, offspring sex ratio and developmental periods) of Diadegma insulare, a larval parasitoid of Plu...

Muhammad Waqas Yonas1,2*, Khuram Mubeen2, Muhammad Irfan3, Muhammad Ayaz Shahzad4, Mudassir Aziz2, Saad ur Rehman5 and Shoaib Zawar

...: T1: stale seedbed + no herbicide, T2: stale seedbed + glyphosate @ 711 a.i mL ha-1, T3: stale seedbed + paraquat-dichloride @ 494 a.i mL ha-1, T4: stale seedbed + atlantis (mesosulfuron-methyl and iodosulfuron-methyl-sodium) @ 15 a.i g ha-1, T5: stale seedbed + glyphosate @ 356 a.i mL ha-1 + paraquat @ 247 a.i mL ha-1, T6: stale seedbed + glyphosate @ 356 a.i mL ha-1 + atlantis @ 7.5 a.i g ha-1, T7: stale seedbed + paraquat @ 247 a.i mL ha-1 + atlantis @ 7.5...

Jawad Ali1,*, Samiya Rehman1, Aqsa Aslam1, Fouzia Tanvir2, Rida Liaqat1, Muhammad Ahmad1, Aamir Riaz1, Muhammad Shafique3, Hassan Ali1 and Amjad Ali1

Shujaullah Khan1, Zahid Hussain1*, Haroon Khan1 and Omer Suha Uslu2

...n with certain synthetic herbicides, a field experiment was designed in the Farm of the University of Agriculture Peshawar, in the wheat growing season of 2020-21. A Randomized Complete Block design (RCBD) was used for the layout of the experiment, keeping four replications. The experiment consisted of six different treatments including three herbicides viz. Cut Out 40 EC (bromoxynil+MCPA) @ 500 ml ha-1 as a broad leaf weeds...

Sherein H. Mohamed1, Soad El Naggar2*, Ayman A. Hassan3, Mohamed A.M. Mousa3, Mohamed M. Basyony3, Mohamed F. Sadek3, Mohamed A. A. Ahmed4, Saadia M. Hashem5 the influence of five herbal extracts in rabbit diets on productive performance, digestibility, cecal fermentation, antioxidant enzyme activities, immunity and meat quality. One hundred twenty six male growing New Zealand White rabbits aged eight weeks old with an average body weight of 675±47.95 g were divided into six equal groups 21 rabbits each, control diet group, C fed the basal diet and the other five groups (GE, ClE, ThE, TE, and CE) fed on b...

Imbang Dwi Rahayu1, Ali Mahmud1*, Wahyu Widodo1, Adi Sutanto1, Apriliana Devi Anggraini1, Devi Dwi Siskawardani2, Wisnu Nurcahyo3, Tri Untari3

...t-align: justify;">Using herbs as feed additives in poultry can improve the health that affects the quality of broiler chicken. This study aimed to determine the effects of giving herbs as feed additives through feed and drinking water on the biochemical parameters of broiler blood. In this study, 175 chickens were used and divided into seven levels of treatments; T0 (feed without herbs), ...

Omar Berkani1*, Souheila Slimani2, Nora Sakhraoui3 and Cherif Abdennour1

... as a natural protective herb against CYP-induced reproductive toxicity in the male pigeons.


Salma Jameel Askar 

...roots act as a medicinal herb in the treatment of hematological disorders, and act as antioxidant. The aim of this study was to examine the effects of sub-chronic exposure to meloxicam, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, on hematological alterations and liver functions parameters in albino male rats and to determine the effects of Beetroots ethanolic extract in alleviation these alterations. Eighteen male albino rats were used, and they were divided into thr...
...etation such as grasses, herbs
and shrubs and also ingests insects.


Aamir Ali, Hafiz Muhammad Tahir*, Azizullah, Shaukat Ali, Muhammad Farooq Bhatti, Muhammad Summer and Ali Haidar Gormani

... dietary supplements and herbal medicine. Commercially these are used in sericulture to feed silkworms. Leaves are also used in Indian spices, poultry feed and to feed herbivores. Moreover, mulberry leaves are rich in medicinal potentials and found effective against many infections and diseases. Extract of mulberry leaves can be prepared in various solvents and contain different bioactive substances including flavonoids, phe...

Imtiaz Khan1*, Abdullah1, Muhammad Ibrahim1, Muhammad Ishfaq Khan1, Saima Hashim1, Shomayela Afzal2 and Khalid Nawab3 

...ments include; different herbicides (Pendimethalin, dual gold and fenxaprop-p-ethyl), mulches (Black polythene, white polythene and available weed biomass) and allelopathic weed extracts (Asphodelus tenuifolius Cav., Convolvulus arvensis L. and Lathyrus sp.) compared with control treatment. The study parameters include; weed density (m-2) before and after application, fresh and dry weight (m-2) of A. tenuifolius Cav., plant height (cm), number of nodes and bra...

Fatemeh Beheshti1, Maliheh Safavi2, Mohammad Reza Akbari Eidgahi1,3, Parviz Kokhaei4, Mehdi Vazirian5 and  Ali Akbar Shabani1,3*

...ys, the use of medicinal herbs and derivatives to improve the development of multifunctional therapeutic agents is growing. The purpose of this study is to determine the antioxidant capacity of Ipomoea purpurea leaves that grows in Iran as well as the chemical composition of the leaves. Thus, using in vitro established procedures, the antioxidant capacity of organic and aqueous extracts of I. purpurea leaves was assessed. Further, the ethanol and chloroform ex...

Jasir Hakim Hidayah1,2, Yos Adi Prakoso2, Sitarina Widyarini3* stroke, such as using herbs, including calabash (Crescentia cujete L.). This study aimed to analyze the efficacy of calabash fruit against histopathology of the brain in a mouse model with artificially induced ischemic stroke. As many as fifty – rat models were used in this study. The rats were separated into P1 (sham-operated), P2 (ischemic stroke model (IS)), P3 (IS + 0.74 mg/kg BW of calabash), P4 (IS + 1.48 mg/kg BW of calabash), P5 (IS + 2.9...

Jinwen Liu, Hong Li, Jinhua Zhang, Jianping Li and Xiujuan Yan*

...veground and belowground herbivores communities affect plant development remains unclear? In this study, Holotrichia diomphalia Bates, the belowground herbivore grub that feed on the roots, and Rhopalosiphum maidis, the aboveground herbivore aphid that feed on the leaf were chosen as research objects. Four groups were set based on field investigation, including aphid with grub (A & G),...

Khansa Jamil1, Muhammad Ramzan Khan1, Asad Jan2 and Ghulam Muhammad Ali1

Dan Song1,2, Ming-Juan Ge3, Jie Li1,2, Yi Jiang1, Xiu-Mei Kong1, Jiao-Jiao Xu1, Xu Ji1,2, Rui-Xin Shi1 and Qin Zhao1,2*

...inea), a natural Tibetan herb with exerts several biological effects, was used to study the anti-hypoxia effects of its ethanol extract. Three extract methods were employed to evaluate the best extraction methods. Male Kunming specific pathogen-free (SPF) mice were randomly divided into blank control, model (hypoxia), positive (propranolol 30 mg/kg + hypoxia), and three G. straminea ethanol extracts dose groups (10, 5 and 2.5 g/kg respectively + hypoxia), admi...
Haigang Wu1,2, Bingjie Ma1, Jinni Liu1, Fei Zhang3, Kaiwei Deng1 and Hualing Gong1,2*
...t proportions of Chinese herbal medicine (CHM) additives on laying performance, egg quality and yolk nutrition of aged laying hens. We utilized a mixture of 8 components that included the Fabaceae family members Radix astragali and Sophora flavescens as well as dandelion, pine needle powder, marigold, rosemary, Shenqu (a leavened mixture) and Gardenia jasminoides. Our study groups included 2000 healthy 350 days old laying hens that were randomly divided into 4...

Amer Hakeem Chyad1, Omar S.I. Al-Janabi2*, Orooba Mohammed Saeed Ibrahim1, Najeeb Mohaamed Hussein3

* Amal Abou El-Ela, A.

...he detection of PNRSV in herbaceous and woody plant tissues. In successful attempt to eliminate the virus from infected dormant rose cuttings by heat therapy resulted in 29.6% virus elemination of (PNRSV).

A.A.Farrag;  I.A.M. Ibrahim and, H.M. Mazyad symptoms to different herbaceous hosts including Chenopodium quinoa wild, Ch. amaranticolor (Cost&Reyyn) and Phaseolus vulgaris L cv. Pinto. Typical chlorotic spots were appeared on the woody indicator GF305 leaves one month after chip-budding or infected buds. Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) procedure was used to amplify fragments using coat protein gene primers (358bp) of the viral coat protein gene. PCR product was used to ge...

Hillary M.O. Otieno1,2*

...t-align: justify;">Using herbicides is a time-saving technology that could increase crop productivity, revenue, and food security among resource-constrained farmers in the Sub-Saharan Africa region. However, the land sizes are small and pose a big question as to whether it is economical to embrace the technology. Again, if not used well, these products could be harmful to humans and other non-targeted organisms that significantly contribute to the well-being o...

Tabinda Nowsheen1, Sayed Wadood Ali Shah2, Ali Hazrat1*, Muhammad Yahya1, Gul Rahim1, Muhammad Mukhtiar4 and Muhammad Ajmal Khan3 justify;">The use of herbs for medicinal purposes has trace back to ancient times. The current study was conducted with aim, to assess the phytochemicals, antibacterial and antioxidant potential of the methanolic crude extract of leaves, stem, and roots of Artemisia maritime. The phytochemical screening of A. maritime leaves, stem and roots extract indicates the existence of flavonoids, terpenoids, saponins, tannins, phenolics steroids and carbohydrates bu...

Henny Leondro1*, Peni Wahyu Prihandini2, Yuli Arif Tribudi3, Aju Tjatur Nugroho Krisnaningsih1, Dimas Pratidina Puriastuti Hadiani1, Agung Kusuma Wijaya4, Dyah Tuwi Ramsiati2, Mochammad Chanafi2, Wahyuni Indah Wulansari2

...;">The high diversity of herbaceous legumes in Indonesia has the potential to be developed as a source of animal feed. This research aims to identify eight herbaceous legumes’ productivity and nutritional value. The material used in this research was herbaceous legumes consisting of Clitoria ternatea, Calopogonium mucunoides, Centrosema pubescent, Dolichos lablab, Pueraria javanica, ...

Wafa’a Mohammad Abduwhab1*, Waseem Ali Hasan2, Mohanad Abdulsataar AL-Bayati3

...otechnology, Burn wound, herbal medicine, antioxidants and biochemical indices.

Feri Eko Hermanto1, Yuli Frita Nuningtyas1, Filoza Marwi1, Fajar Shodiq Permata2, Agus Susilo1, Muhammad Halim Natsir1*

... understanding how these herbs confer protective effects remains challenging, given the intricate nature of mucosal immunity and its role in maintaining gut health. This study adopts a network biological approach to decode the complex web of protein interactions within mucosal immunity and explore the immunomodulatory potential of bioactive compounds found in these herbs. Biological networks were constructed for gut health a...

Waseem Abbas, Imtiaz Ahmed* and Imran Khan 

...corporation of these two herbs” when compared with the CB. When the carbohydrate content of both breads was compared, the functional bread had significantly lower values (p, for all trends < 0.05), respectively, as the ratio of incorporation increased. Total starch (TS) and DS reduced non-significantly at 1 and 2 % and significantly at 3% incorporation as compared with CB. Resistant starch (RS) content of CWB increased significantly (p<0.05) at 1, ...

Iqtidar Hussain1*, Muhammad Inam Ullah Qaisrani1, Abdul Aziz Khakwani1, Zuhair Hasnian2, Umar Khitab Saddozai1, Muhammad Naeem4, Hadia Gul5 and Moneeza Abbass3

...e of the most aggressive herbaceous weeds of the Asteraceae family. It is widely distributed, almost across the world and has become the most important invasive weed throughout the globe. The infestation of parthenium has been reported to reduce grain and forage yields about by 40-90%. The spread of parthenium has been attributed to its alllelopathic potential. Allelochemicals released from parthenium have been reported to decrease germination and growth of ag...

Shahbaz Hussain1, Asif Ameen2*, Muhammad Ehsan Safdar3, Atif Naeem1, Ahmad Jawad1, Madad Ali1, Muhammad Ather Nadeem3, Ghulam Abbas2, Muhammad Arif2, Muhammad Ahmad Zafar4, Zahid Hassan5

...ed to choose appropriate herbicides and their effective dose for controlling weeds in DSR fields. A field trial was conducted to appraise the comparative efficacy of three post-emergent herbicides applied at different doses [Clover 20% EC (bispyribac sodium) at 39.54, 59.30, and 79.07 g a.i. ha-1, Pyranex Gold 30% WDG (bispyribac sodium + bensulfuron methyl) at 74.13, 111.20, and 148.26 g a.i. ha-1, and Puma Super 7.5% EW (f...

Iqra Munir*, Farrah Iftikhar, Hira Fatima, Sunbal Khalil Chaudhari and Roha Ramash

...e as a natural source of herbal medicine employed in treating numerous diseases within local communities across various countries. They also constitute the raw ingredient for the pharmaceutical industry. This study was conducted during year 2020-2021 to gather the native indigenous knowledge about therapeutic uses of medicinal plants in Mandi Bahauddin, District Gujrat, Punjab, Pakistan. Ethnomedicinal information was collected using surveys and personal inter...

Abdelghafour El-Hamzaoui*, Mouloud Lamtai, Laila Ibouzine‑Dine, Sofia Azirar, Mohamed Yassine El-Brouzi, Ayoub Rezqaoui, Aboubaker El-Hessni, Abdelhalem Mesfioui

... use of glyphosate-based herbicides (GBH) in agricultural practices raises major concerns regarding potential human toxicity. Mounting evidence from prior studies has delineated a direct link between GBH exposure and the development of neurodegenerative disorders. These compounds are also suspected of being involved in the induction of affective disorders. The present study was undertaken to examine the dose-dependent impact of GBH exposure over 8-week period ...

Muhammad Irfan Ullah1*, Khadija Akram1, Abu Bakar Muhammad Raza1, Muhammad Arshad1, Samina Khalid2, Hamza Latif1, Aqsa Amjad1, Nahdia Perveen1, Emaan Sajid1

Arshad Javaid1* and Iqra Haider Khan

...rce of potential natural herbicides for management of an alien weed parthenium
(Parthenium hysterophorus L.). Initially, the effect of aqueous leaf, stem, root and flower
extracts (0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0%) of the weed was checked on germination
and growth of the target weed. Leaf and stem extracts showed the best herbicidal activity
and a 2.5% extract of the ...
Mona Adel El-Wakeel1*, Salah El-Din Abd El-Ghany Ahmed, Sanaa Abd El Rahman Mohamed
and Nadia Khalil Messiha
...alternative to synthetic herbicides for controlling weeds. So, two pot experiments
were conducted to evaluate the allelopathic effect of Psidium guajava leaf powder (PLP) and
Acetic acid 5% as a natural products on the growth and yield of Capsicum annuum plants
and both associated weeds: Phalaris minor (grassy weed) and Malva parviflora (broad-leaf
weed). PLP was mixed with in the soil surface at successive rates...

Nimra Javaid1, Mukhtar Hussain Shah1, Iqra Haider Khan2, *Arshad Javaid2 and Syed Muhammad Waleed1

...s carried out to explore herbicidal potential of an Ageratum conyzoides, a weed of family Asteraceae, against an exotic noxious weed parthenium (Parthenium hysterophorus L.). Different concentrations (0, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10%) of aqueous extracts of various parts of the tested weed were used in laboratory bioassays. ANOVA revealed the significant effect of plant part bioassay and extract concentration on germination as well as various root and shoot growth parame...

Mona Adel El-Wakeel1 and Ibrahim Mohamed El-Metwally1

...ucted to evaluate the bioherbicidal properties of orange peels
against canary grass and cheese weed mallow and the response of common bean plants.
Two successive pot experiments were conducted with twelve treatments. The first four
treatments were applied by incorporating of orange peels powder with the soil surface at
successive rates (10, 20, 30 and 40 g/pot) one week pre-sowing of common bean. In
Muhammad Ehsan Safdar1, Muhammad Ather Nadeem1, Abdul Rehman1, Amjed Ali1,
Nasir Iqbal2, Qaisar Mumtaz1, Amir Javed1
...e of
various herbicides to combat weeds in soybean. The study consisted of 8 herbicide
treatments including two pre-emergence herbicides (pendimethalin at 489.1 g a.i. ha-1,
pendimethalin + S-metolachlor at 731.1 g a.i. ha-1) which were applied immediately
after sowing and six post-emergence herbicides (oxy...

Hussain Shah1, Hamida Bibi2, Ali Hazrat1and Khan Sher3

... families of
herbs, shrubs, mushrooms, trees and vegetables were recorded for their medicinal use.
These include 74 plants (96%) of angiosperms, 1 (1%) of gymnosperms, 2 (2%) of fungi
and 1 (1%) of Pteridophytes. Asteraceae was a dominant family having 5 species follows by
Brassicaceae and Moraceae each one is represented by 4 species. Among angiosperms 73
(63.01%) was herb
Muhammad Ather Nadeem1, Bilal Ahmad Khan 1, Sadia Afzal2, Muhammad Azim
Khan3, Tasawer Abbas4, Muhammad Mansoor Javaid1, Muhammad Mohsin Amin1,
Naila Farooq5 Amir Aziz5
...alternative to synthetic herbicides especially under scenario of fast
increasing herbicide resistance in weeds. To investigate the herbicidal potential of aqueous
extract of winter crop Carthamus tinctorius L. (safflower) on summer weed Oryza punctata
L. (red rice) seed emergence and initial seedling growth, a study was planned. In this study,
Luqman1, Zahid Hussain1, Mohammad Ilyas2, Azmat Ali Awan3, Javed Rahman 2,
Mazhar Ali2 and Tamana Bakht4
...nd saw-dust as mulch), a herbicide i.e. Stomp
330 EC (pendimethalin) applied as pre-emergence. For comparison of the treatments with
weed free and weedy conditions, a hand weeding and a weedy check (control) treatment
were also kept. Data were collected on weeds fresh biomass, number of plants ha-1 and fruit
weight. The results showed significant effect for all the parameters during both years. Weed

Muhammad Ather Nadeem1, Bilal Ahmad Khan*1, Saima Anwar2, Hasnain Abbas3, Muhammad Yasin1, Rizwan Maqbool3, Muhammad Mohsin Amin1, Amir Aziz5, Muhammad Sikander Hayyat1, Muhammad Shozib Javed5 used as potential bio-herbicide for the control of E. cruss-galli weed.


Salman Ali1*, Muhammad Arif1, Mehran Ali1, Muhammad Afzaal2, Gohar Saeed32, Muhammad Bilal4, Fazal Munsif1 and Sajjad Zaheer1

.... Usage of high doses of herbicides for killing weeds has created several ecological and environmental problems which cannot be overlooked. Therefore, other weed control practices and techniques should be adopted to minimize weed-crop competition and increase the growth and productivity of crop, instead of chemicals. An experiment was established at Agronomy Research Farm, the University of Agriculture Peshawar to evaluate the effects of biochar and organic-in...
Naeema Khatoon Khaskheli1 , Muzafar Hussain Sirohi11, 2,*, Ameer Ahmed
Mirbahar1, Abdul Razak Mahar1, Mumtaz Ali Saand1, Mirza Hussain3
...cies were identified and herbarium
samples were preserved in Herbarium, Shah Abdul Latif University, Khairpur, Sindh
Pakistan, for future reference. The species community composition, habit, and life span
were determined. The study confirmed 35 weed species belonging to 14 plant families. The
weed community was dominated by the plant families Poaceae (8 spp.), Amaranthaceae (7<...

1Bakhtiar Gul1*, Muhammad Ibrahim and Haroon Khan

... regimes
and herbicides on sprouting of common reed (Phragmites australis L.) rhizome fragments.
Each experiment was laid-out in completely randomized design (CRD) having water levels
and herbicides as treatments, replicated thrice. Five fragments of fresh rhizomes with active
buds were placed in the soil in pots for investigating the effect of various water regimes on
Haseeb Ahmad1*, Muhammad Shafi1, Waqas Liaqat1, Muhammad Faheem Jan1,
Shahzad Ahmad2 and Muhammad Farooq3
...5 days after sowing, and herbicide (Nicosulfuron) were kept in subplots.
The results revealed that chisel plough + rotavator significantly reduced weeds m-2 (122,
101 and 125 weeds m-2), weeds fresh weight (19.73 g m-2, 116.35 g m-2 and 252.56 g m-2)
and weeds dry weight (6.83 g m-2, 38.69 g m-2 and 80.61 g m-2) at 30, 45 and 60 days
after sowing, respectively. The operation of chisel plough + rotavator produced ...
Imtiaz Khan,1 Muhammad Kabir, Muhammad Ishfaq Khan, Haroon Khan, Saima
Hashim and Muhammad Azim Khan
...of sowing and mixed tank herbicides
application. The experiment was arranged in split-plot with randomized complete block
(RCB) design with 4 replications. For practical adaptation of the experiment, the sowing
methods were allotted as the main plots, while tank mixed herbicides were kept in the subplots
to get prominent results for the possible positive differences among the t...

Muhammad Ather Nadeem1, Bilal Ahmad Khan1*, Saima Anwar2, Rizwan Maqbool3, Mohsin Amin1, Amir Aziz4, Iram Batool3, Athar Mahmood3, Abdul Rehman1, Aafaq Ali5, Aneela Nijabat5

... alternative to chemical herbicides especially under scenario of fast increasing herbicide resistance in weeds. To investigate the herbicidal potential of aqueous extract of winter weed of Sonchus oleraceus L. (sow thistle) on summer weed Oryza punctata L. (red rice) seed emergence and initial seedling growth, the present study was planned. In this study, seeds of O. punctata were incubate...

Muhammad Nasir Mazhar1, Muhammad Arif*, Naeem Akhtar1 and Muhammad Shafiq1 and Muhammad Yousaf1

... justify;">Unwise use of herbicides has resulted in environmental and health problems for human beings as well as for animals. Moreover, its frequent application also developed resistance in some weed species against the herbicides. Therefore, a field experiment was planned to assess the effect of multi-approached weed suppression in wheat at Reclamation Research Station, 7/3-L Ahmad Pur Sial District Jhang during winter 201...

Eman Ali Hussein1*, Majdy Faisal Majeed2

...iven oral gavages of TFG herbal extracts (0.15 g/kg BW) in addition to being kept on an identical experimental protocol to that of the rats in groups 1 and 2, respectively. While group 5’s diabetic rats that received orally gavages 3.5 mg/kg of glucophage XR treatment served as positive controls. Treatment with TFG of groups 3 and 4 recorded significantly (p≥0.05) enhanced of renal functions during blood urea nitrogen (BUN), creatine (CT), and urea (U...
Ghulam Abbas , M. Anjum Ali , Zafar Abbas , Muhammad Aslam , Muhammad Akram
Inayat Ullah Awan , Khizar Hayat , Gul Hassan , Mushtaq Kazmi , Nazir Hussain
Muhammad Sikander Hayyat,Muhammad Akram,Muhammad Ehsan Safdar,Zafar Iqbal
Parviz Shimi , Reza Poorazar , Mohammad Jamali , Nasser Bagherani-Torshiz
Arshad Javaid, Sobiya Shafique , Shazia Shafique
Shahida Bibi , Khan Bahadar Marwat , Gul Hassan , Barkat A. Khan
Samin Jan, Mir Ajab Khan, Siraj ud din, Waheed Murad, Manzoor Hussain , Aneela Ghani
Abdullah, Gul Hassan, Ijaz Ahmad Khan, Sheraz Ahmad Khan , Hussain Ali
Subhan ud Din,Rahamdad Khan,IJAZ AHMAD KHAN,MUHAMMAD WAQAS,Ijaz Ahmad,OBAID UR REHMAN,Muhammad Haroon,Muhammad Ramzan
Khan Bahadar Marwat , Bakhtiar Gul, Muhammad Saeed , Zahid Hussain
Khalid Usman, Shad Khan Khalil, Fida Mohammad, Muhammad Azim Khan , Amir Zaman Khan
Fazal Munsif, Kawsar Ali, Iftikhar Khan, Hujjat Ullah Khan , Muhammad Anwar
Inayat Ullah Awan, Mohammad Azam Khan, Muhammad Zareef , Ejaz Ahmad Khan
Khan Bahadar Marwat, Muhammad Saeed, Zahid Hussain, Bakhtiar Gul Haroon-ur-Rashid
M. Farooq,G. Haider,K. Jabran,A. Khaliq,S.M.A. Basra,A. Razzaq, Z.A. Cheema
A. D. Jarwar , G.M. Baloch, M. A. Memon , L. S. Rajput
Batoul Samedani, Azar Maknali , Ebrahim Mamnoii
Fazli Subhan , Nasir-ud-Din , Abdul Azim , Zubair Shah
Muhammad Aslam , Manzoor Hussain, Ghulam Hussain , Abdul Rashid
B.B REDDY,K. BALASWAMY,S. M. Kondap,A. R. RAO,G.S. REDDY,G.V.REDDY,P. Chandrasekhar Rao
Shahida Bibi , Khan Bahadar Marwat , Gul Hassan , Barkat A. Khan
Bakhitar Gul,K.B. Marwat,Haroon Khan,M. Azim Khan,MUHAMMAD FAWAD
HAFIZ MUHAMMAD SHAFIQ,ABDUL MAJID,Amar Matloob,Zahid Ata Cheema,Abdul Khaliq
Imtiaz Khan, Gul Hassan, Muhammad Ishfaq Khan , Ijaz Ahmad Khan
Amir Khatam,Khalid Nawab,Wiqar Ahmad,Muhammad Zafarullah Khan,Ishaq Ahmad Mian
Muhammad Shafi, Roohul Amin, Jehan Bakht, Shazma Anwar, Wajid Ali Shah , Muhammad Aman Khan
Zahid Hussain,Mehrunisa Memon,Sheharyar Ahmad,Muhammad Saeed,Muhammad Haroon,Mahmooda Buriro,Mansoor Khan Khattak,Ishaq Khan,Mazhar Iqbal
Khan Bahadar Marwat , Muhammad Saeed , Bakhtiar Gul , Zahid Hussain , Nayyar Iqbal Khan
Muhammad Farooq Khalil, Gul Hassan, Gulzar Ahmad , Nazeer Hussain Shah
Khan Bahadar Marwat, Ijaz Ahmad Khan, Muhammad Ishfaq Khan, Zahid Hussain , Hamayun Khan
IJAZ AHMAD KHAN,Bakhtiar Gul,Zahid Hussain,Khan Bahadar Marwat
Muhammad Ather Nadeem,Rizwan Maqbool,Muhammad Asif Shehzad,TASAWER ABBAS,Asif Tanveer,Ali Zohaib,Naila Farooq
Shahida Bibi, Khan Bahadar Marwat, Gul Hassan , Noor Maula Khan
Muhammad Azim Khan, Khan Bahadar Marwat, Gul Hassan , Z. Hussain
Parviz Shimi , Yahya Abtali , Mohamad Jamali , Azar Maknali
Khan Bahadar Marwat, Ijaz Ahmad Khan, Zahid Hanif , Muhammad Ishfaq Khan
Muhammad Saeed,Ghosia Lutfullah,Abid Ali Khan,Murad Ali,SAEED ULLAH KHATTAK,Nafees Bacha
Ijaz Ahmad,SHAHIDA BIBI,HIDAYAT ULLAH KHAN,Muhammad Saeed,Rahamdad Khan,SAEED ULLAH KHATTAK,Muhammad Haroon
Himayat Ullah Khan, Ghazanfar Ullah Sadozai, Ejaz Ahmad Khan , Nosheen Zaidi
In Taek Hwang,No-Joong Park,Hee-Kyung Lim,Jung-Sup Choi,Dong-Hee Lee
Peter Harper,JOEL DANNIELS,Nimal Chandrasena,EDDIE FERRY
J. Ferrell,G. Macdonald,B. Sellers
Rahamdad Khan , Muhammad Azim Khan , Muhammad Waqas , Muhammad Haroon , Zahid Hussain , Naeem Khan , Ikram Ullah , Mohammad Ramzan , Sakib Bashir
Jae-Eup Park,Lee, In-Yong,Chang-Seok Kim,Byung-Chul Moon,Oh-Do Kwon,Jeongran Lee
Abdur Rab, Muhammad Sajid, Mustafa Kamal, Khalid Nawab and Rahmatullah
Abdur Rashid, Abdul Aziz, Muhammad Ehsan Elahi, Muhammad Mansoor and Muhammad Yaqoob
Noor Muhammad, Zia Mehmood, Ijaz Rasool Noorka, Abdul Ghafar, Memoona Shehzadi and Hafiz Muhammad Akram
Moinullah, Shahen Shah, Arshad Jalal, Tariq Shah, Wisal Ahmad and Asad Ali Khan
Khalid Nawab, Abdur Rab, Mustafa Kamal, Muhammad Sajid and Rahmatullah
Muhammad Tariq , Muhammad Naveed Afzal, Muhammad Ahmad, Abdul Qayyum and Muhammad Ayaz Khan

Kingsley O. Omeje1, Juliet N. Ozioko2, Amaechi L. Ogara2, Benjamin O. Ezema2* and Dilibe C. Urama3

... albidum is an important herb, used in treating or management of many diseases. Glycosides, flavonoids, saponnins, alkaloids and tannins were detected in the extract with flavonoids (3.62 mg/QEq), glycosides (0.194 mg/100g), tannins (8.508mg/TAEq) and alkaloids (6.43%) were quantified. There was no sign of mortality or toxicity after the acute and chronic toxicity tests after 24 hr. Some hematological indices (red blood, white blood cells, packed cell volume, ...

Sara Brikat1*, Imane Kherrab1*, Yassine Taaifi2*, Sara Haida3, Laila Ibouzine-Dine1, Oumaima Abouyala1, Ilhame Fitah1, Abdelhalim Mesfioui1, Aboubaker Elhessni1 

...a longa is a rhizomatous herbaceous plant used as a spice and food supplement, known for its valuable natural bioactive compounds. This study aims to investigate the acute toxicity, antidepressant effects, antioxidant activities, and memory enhancement potential of methanolic extract of Curcuma longa (MECL) in high fructose-treated rats. To assess acute toxicity, rats were divided into five groups treated with different doses of MECL (2000, 3000, and 4000 mg/k...
Ch. Muhammad Muslim1, Hassan Sher2, Junaid Khan2, Shahid Hussain2, Ashfaq Ali2 and Atif Majeed3
...servation status of some herbaceous medicinal Plants of Gadoon area District Sawabi was conducted during summer 2010. Data was collected using a simple and comprehensive questionnaire which was specially designed to meet the requirements of the present study. Interviews were arranged with knowledgeable persons and for validation purpose field visits were arranged. Data about conservation status was obtained through quadrate method. The study reported 40
Ch. Muhammad Muslim and Sohail Sikander
... is a renowned medicinal herb of the world of herbaceous plants because of its multipurpose uses in different disease treatments. The study was conducted to elaborate the performance of morpho-anatomical characters of Linum usitatissimum to diverse habitat conditions of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Five years cultivation data of Linum usitatisimum is analyzed with the objective to find best habitat for the growth and ma...
N. R. Wani and S. Murtaza
...;s i.e. the tree and the herbaceous layer. The various phytosociological parameters like species richness, dominance and evenness index exhibited variations in both the strata in all the sites.

Key words: Floristic diversity, Manasbal Lake, Vegetational strata....

Muhammad Shabir Mughal and Muhammad Muslim
...of Tehsil Samani rich in herbal drugs and the main forest crop of this area was Chir (Pinus roxburghii) with other associated species. The information gathered will provide guideline in preparing future forest management plan....
Enefiok S. Udo1, Opeyemi Olajide1 and Eyo A. Udoh2
...ies, 17 shrub species, 8 herb species and 5 climber species were encountered. Apart from Baphia nitida, Pentaclethra macrophylla and Brachystegia eurycoma with populations of 6, 4 and 3/ha respectively, all other tree species had one frequency each/ha. In the shrub category, Lasianthera africana had the highest population of 255/ha and Alchornea cordifolia, the least of one/ha. Palisota hirsute had the highest population of ...
Ch. Muhammad Muslim1, Yahya Karamat2, Muhammad Shabbir Mughal3 and Imtiaz Hussain4
... is a renowned medicinal herb of the world of herbaceous plants because of its multipurpose uses in different disease treatments. The study was conducted to increase the production of Nigella sativa by applying the NP fertilizer. This study was carried with objective to find the optimum doze of NP fertilizer for the growth and maximum yield of Nigella sativa and also to give farmer an easy way to get maximum benefit o...
Malik Mahboob ur Rehman1, Muhammad Rafiq2, Amjad Ali Ch.3, Tariq Mahmood4, Javaid Ahsan5 and Shahzad Fazal6
...n dry biomass of grasses/herbs was found to be 18 Ac/AU/Yr and 10 Ac/AU/Yr in un-treated and treated areas. Study concluded that untreated area provides fodder to 944 Animal Unit/5664 Sheep Unit while that of treated area to 1700 Animal Unit/10200 Sheep Unit....
Muhammad Afzal, Amjad Ali Ch., Javaid Ahsan, Shahzad Fazal and Saima Tabassum
...rrying capacity based on herbage biomass for protected and open pastures was found to be 0.40 and 0.12 AU/ha/yr respectively. ...
Amjad Ali Chaudhry, Chaudhry Muhammad Muslim and Muhammad Mushtaque
...d was covered by grasses/herbs and shrubs, respectively while 56.75% was uncovered. Carrying capacity was found to be 1.003 AU/ha/yr and shrubs were the major contributors of forage. The Rakh presented miserable condition of grasses and it is strongly recommended that rotational system to be followed which promotes forage vigour by avoiding repeated and continuous grazing of one block year after year....
Bashir Ahmed Wani1, Shakeel Haider Zaidi2, Hakim Shah3 and Muhammad Muslim4
...e and total turn-over of herbal drugs per annum. Results indicated that sizable quantities of thirty herbal drug species were traded in these markets and used by a number of leading manufacturing units of Greco-Arabic, Homeopathic medicines as well as allied food processing and cosmetic industries.

Keywords: Marketing potential, Herbal drugs, Medicinal plants.

Muhammad Arif Chaudhary and Ejaz Ahmed
... since its creation. The herbarium preserved more than 3500 specimens of Myco-pathological importance including those received from Dehradun, India. In all 175 available specimens of Agaricaceae, Russulaceae, Tricholomataceae, strophoraceae and Schizophyllaceae families of Basidiomycetes were sorted out for the purpose but 135 only are identified to their taxonomic positions while remaining 40 are awaiting generic status and even for some the distributional in...
Rizwana Aleem Qureshi*, Mushtaq Ahmad**, Zaheer Yousaf* and Muhammad Arshad*
...lum, were studied on the herbarium specimens preserved at Herbarium of Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad. Medicinal properties and uses of these species were determined by interviewing Hakims and also from the literature. Characters recorded are head and receptacle, number of florests per head were taxonomically important to differentiate these species. It was observed that an important use of A. absinthium is as cur...
Muhammad Ibrar Shinwari, Maryum Ibrar Shinwari and Mir Ajab Khan of local inhabitants, herbalists, pansaries, park authorities and societies on random bases. Only 26 species have been found as marketable medicinal plants collected by the inhabitants, drug dealers and herbalists for their socioeconomic value. Among the species sold in the local market, 3 species i.e., Asparagus adscendens Roxb., Berberis lyceum Royle. and Viola canescens Wall, ex Roxb. found vulnera...
Kh. Rizwan Shehzad, Z. H. Malik and Rizwana Aleem Qureshi
...5m for trees, shrubs and herbs respectively. Density, frequency and coverage of each species in the different stands were recorded. It was changed to relative scales and then added together to get the importance value for each species in each stand. Communities were named after the 3 leading dominants. The following five communities were recognized: (I) Melia-Lantana-Stellaria, (II) Morus-Dodonaea Melilotus, (III) Dodonaea-Grewia-Melia, (I...
Mohammad Ayaz
...nsi) is an important herbaceous drug collected from temperate forests of Pakistan for it's medicinal value. In common with others, the supplies of this drug are dwindling due to over and un-controlled collection. Sustained production compatible with it's survival through management plans and in-situ cultivation is recommended to meet the traditional and commercial needs. In addition, artificial cultivation of Mushkbala, on one hand, will reduce burden on ...
...etables and 38 of annual herbs, are given in a table with major and minor sources of nectar and pollen and the blooming period of each plant species....
Sardar Muhammad Rafique
...tation cover percentage, herbage production, species composition, species distribution and number of species had increased under combined effects of protection and fertilizer application. The Poa alpine - Potentilla fragarioides vegetation type was transformed to Poa alpine - Digitaria sanguinalis types. This change had also registered increase in species number from 18 to 27. One final clipping and two clippings have no appreciable effect on flo...
...mbination with shrub and herb control on the survival and growth of the nursery raised 3 and 12 month old planted seedlings. Vegetation treatments included cutting and killings with herbicide applications. Seedling age in relation to competition from other vegetation is important for the survival of seedlings. Total shrub (Viburnum) control and soil working improved survival (77% of 3 months old seedlings as compared...
Anwar Ahmad Khan and Shakeel Haider Zaidi
...eased the yield of green herb as compared to other doses.The mint oil content are comparable with the main producing countries like Japan, India and China. Pilot-scale cultivation of Japanese mint in the irrigated areas is recommended to the farmers for growing as specialized crop....
Mohammad Rafique Sardar
...oil moisture, soil loss, herbage production and ground vegetation cover. Twelve sample trees of almost uniform size were selected in Rakh Dagar Kotli, Thal. The lopping treatments were assigned randomly to the sample trees. The study showed that jand trees play an important role in protecting the soil and ground vegetation from harmful effects of prevailing harsh climatic condition in the Thal desert. Accordingly, more soil moisture and less soil erosi...
K. M. Siddiqui and M. Khan
...eae which is primarily herbaceous. The genus has nine species of fast growing trees indigenous to China with wide distribution from 18 to 40° North latitudes and from 100 to 128° East longitudes. It grows equally well on the plains and in mountainous regions upto 2000 m altitude (Anon, 1986). One of its species (P. tomentosa) was accidentally introduced into United States about 150 years ago and now appears throughout the southern and cent...
Zakaullah, Jehan Ara and Abdul Jabbar
...s, condiments, medicinal herbs and weeds. However, earlier workers (Ahmad 1956, 1956, 1978; Spaudling 1961; Sadiq and Shah 1986) have significantly contributed to the records of fungi and their hosts occurring in different regions of the country. The present article describes the fungi comprising 3 Classes: Ascomycetes, Basidiomycetes and Fungi Imperfect with information on habitat, locality and date of collection etc. Five types of diseases, i.e., powd...
Anjum Amin and Raja Mohammad Ashfaque
...s and Summation value of herbs and shrubs. The ubiquitous presence of regeneration of Acacia modesta in all the habitats least effect of topography and the highest summation values of the regeneration of Acacia modesta, lantana camara, Ehretia obtusifolia, Dodonaea viscosa and Zizyphus nummularia indicates future trend of the vegetation with the probable chances of Olea cuspidate and Sageretia brandrethiana....
Sultan Maqsood Khan
...l cover, shrub cover and herbaceous cover of the vegetation. The analysis of variance snowed significant difference between the stands and t test gave significant difference between the shrubby and non shrubby stands. The herbaceous cover and total vegetation cover were found positively correlated and shrub cover negatively correlated with the soil depth. The shrubs and herbaceous vegetat...
Zakaullah and Shahida Perveen
...n important rhizomatous herb, is chiefly grown for spices in. the Indo-Malaysian region. In Pakistan, the crop covers an area of about 1938 ha (Weather and Crop Report, 1977). This is expected to increase in the future....
G. M. Baloch and M. A. Ghani
... plants including trees, herbs, shrubs, cultivated crops (mostly legumes) and weeds (Baloch et al., 1967a)....
Shahida Parveen and Zakaullah
...), an annual low growing herb native of Egypt and Syria, is now widely grown in India and on a small scale in some parts of Pakistan. Its fruit is chiefly employed as spices and medicine. The dry fruits are a rich source of thymol. They contain 17.2 % of protein and 13% of fat (Chopra ., 1958). The area under the valuable crop is expected to increase in the country. Cultivation of cumin is being tried under the Peshawar conditions. ...
Zakaullah and Khial Badshah
...nt perennial rhizomatous herb indigenous to Southern Asia, is now widely cultivated for spices and drugs throughout the tropics. The feasibility of its introduction is being studied in Pakistan. Work on the collection of information on the diseases of the crop was initiated at the Pakistan Forest Institute, Peshawar and available literature on the subject was reviewed.

Ramakrishnan (1949) reported the occurrence of Pythium vexans on several hos...

Munawar Ashfaq and Anwar Ahmad Khan
...aceae. It is a branched herb 30-90 cm. in height with reddish brown rhizome. The plants occur in the hilly areas of Swat, Dir, Hazara, Kaghan, Murree Hills, Chitral, Kurram Agency and Azad Kashmir....
M.A. Quraishi, A. Khalique, Shahida Perveen and Perveen Akhtar
...le Pervoskia is a herb with bulbous thick tap root, lush green and a dominant colonizer of river beds and leaves (Zellar and Beg, 1969)....
Muhammad Naeem Korejo1*, Muhammad Nawaz Kandhro1, Aijaz Ahmed Soomro1 and Niaz
Ahmed Wahocho2
...>bermuda grass extracts, herbicides and hand weeding under three irrigation frequencies (2,
3 and 4). The analysis variance showed that various weed control practices caused
significant suppression of weeds and increased seed yield as compared to weedy check. The
application of sunflower extract @ 15 L ha-1 in combination with herbicides (atlantis @ 0.1 L
ha-1 + puma super @ 0....
Rizwan Maqbool1, Bilal Ahmad Khan*2, Sumbal Parvez3, Muhammad Ather Nadeem2, Azhar
Hassan1, Jamshaid Qamar2, Ali Nawaz1, Muhammad Adnan2, Rafia Khalid3, Muhammad
...vironment that act as bioherbicide
at high concentration and plant growth promoter at low concentration. Therefore, this study
was planned at the Weed Science laboratory, Department of Agronomy, University of
Agriculture Faisalabad-Pakistan, during winter 2018 to evaluate the hermetic effects of
Althaea officinalis L. (Khatami) on Radish (Raphanus sativus). The experiments were laid
Rizwan Maqbool1, Bilal Ahmad Khan*2, Sumbal Parvez3, Muhammad Ather Nadeem2,
Muhammad Mughees Ud Din4, Jamshaid Qamar2, Muhammad Waqas1, Muhammad Mohsin
Amin2, Burhan Khalid1
...vironment that act as bioherbicide at
high concentration and plant growth hormone at low concentration. Therefore, this study
was planned at the Department of Agronomy in Weed Science Laboratory, University of
Agriculture Faisalabad during Winter 2018 to evaluate the allelopathic effects of A. officinalis
on weed Wild Pea (Pisum sativum subsp. elatius). The experiments were laid out under
completely r...
Mamoona Arooj1, Bilal Ahmad Khan*1, Muhammad Ather Nadeem1, Muhammad Mansoor
Javaid1, Erum Rashid2, Muhammad Saleem Jilani3, Jamshahid Qamar1, Faryal Ali4, Sadaf
Javeria5, Muhammad Faisal4
...a-low doses of different herbicides in several crop
species has been observed both in controlled as well as in the field conditions; however
available data of hermetic effects on weeds growth is very limited. This study investigates
the promotive effect of low doses of atrazine on growth of Tribulus terrestris. Pot
experiments were conducted at Agronomic Research Area, collage of Agriculture, University
Niamat Ullah Khan1*, Azhar Abbas Khan2, Zeshan Hassan2, Umbreen Shahzad2, Muhammad
Arshad Farooq3, Malik Fahim Abbas4, Aamir Roheen4
... ZT, RT and CT; and five herbicides, i.e., haloxyfop-R-methyl 10.8 EC
(108 g a.i. ha-1), lactofen 24 EC (168 g a.i. ha-1), haloxyfop 10.8 EC + lactofen 24 EC, hand
weeding, and weedy check during 2017 and 2018 at Cotton Research Station, D.I.Khan,
Pakistan, and to explore the best management option for effective weed control and
enhanced yield of cotton grown after wheat. The results revealed that hand weeding an...
Abdul Basit1, Ayesha Zahid1, Syed Tanveer Shah1, Inayat Ullah2, Sana Ullah3*, Muhammad
Kashif Nawaz4, Muhammad Areeb Khalid1, Izhar Ullah5, Fawad Ali1, Shaukat Ali1
...xcessive use of chemical herbicides should be
avoided to prevent environmental and human health hazards.

Rizwan Maqbool1, Bilal Ahmad Khan2*, Muhammad Ather Nadeem2, Sumbal Parvez3, Muhammad Mohsin Amin2, Jamshahid Qamar2, Azhar Hassan1, Muhammd Alam Elahi1, Jamshed Haider1, Muhammad Irfan4 and Memuna Ghafoor Shahid5

... of crop by acting as bioherbicide at high concentration and plant growth hormone at low concentration. Therefore, this study was planned at the Department of Agronomy in Weed Science Laboratory, University of Agriculture Faisalabad during Winter season of 2018 to evaluate the hermetic effects of Cinnamomum verum (Dalchini) on vegetable crop radish (Raphanus sativus L.) and determination and quantification phenolic compound present in aqueous extract of bark o...

Tariq Ahmed Keerio1*, Muhammad Nawaz Kandhro1, Ahmed Naqi Shah1, Muhammad Ibrahim Keerio2, Ghulam Murtaza Jamro3

...ant extracts
herbicides and hand weeding under various seed rates (20, 25, 30 and 35 kg per ha )).
The results showed that various weed control practices demons trated substantial
decrease in weeds and caused increase in kernel yield over c ontrol The application of
s orghum immature extract @ 15 L per ha in combination with herbicide (Mesotrione
Atrazine @ 1.0 L pe...

Sumaira Abdul Raouf1, Nadia Jabeen1* and Sundus Akhtar1

...s sp. (PF-097) act as bioherbicide and as plant growth promoter agent to decrease the T. portulacastrum allelopathic stress and to enhance the growth of V. mungo. Amendment of Pseudomonas sp. (PF-097) increase V. mungo percentage of germination (8-42%), seedling length (12-54%), fresh biomass of seedling (8-17%) and dry biomass of seedling (0.47 g to 1.2 g). In vivo pot experiment bioassay revealed that of T. portulaacstrum significantly suppress the shoot len...

Siti Fatonah*, Herman and Dewi Yuni Safitri

...sed as an alternative bioherbicide for weed control. This study aims to determine the effect of aqueous extracts from fresh leaves of C. citratus, M. bracteata and a mixture of both on the germination and growth of Paspalum conjugatum and Borreria alata weeds.Treatments consisted of extracts of M. bracteata, C. citratus and a mixture of both extracts at various concentrations (0% or control, 20% and 60%). Spraying of the extracts started at the time of seed pl...

Rhuan Chaves1, Diego Leal2, Ygor de Paula³, Andreia Vilas Boas4, Ana Toledo4, Sígfrid López-Ferrer5, Vinicius Cantarelli3, Cesar Garbossa2* 

.... In conclusion, the polyherbal formulation Kolin Plus™ FC successfully replaced choline chloride in weaned piglet diets without compromising the growth performance or health of nursery piglets. 


Murad Muhammad1,2,3*, Shahid Ullah1, Nimrah Ameen4, Abdul Wahab3,5, Abdul Basit6, Muqadas Batool7, Muhammad Nazim2,3 and Haroon Khan

...nts (85 males, including herbalists and pansiris, and 35 women) regarding the naturally occurring medicinal weeds in the area. During the field survey, traditional knowledge and the ethnobotanical relevance of seasonal weeds were collected. A total of 65 species from 24 families were recorded across the four different seasons (spring, summer, autumn, and winter) in 2021–2023, including 54 angiosperms, 10 tracheophytes, and one pteridophyte. The dominant ...

Mukondwa Olivia1, Rugare Joyful Tatenda1, Mabasa Stanford1 and Mandumbu Ronald2*

...ho have little access to herbicides. The objective of this study was to investigate the potential of sorghum and pearl millet cultivars for their allelopathic effect against several weeds. Water extracts of the stems root and leaves of twelve sorghum and pearl millet cultivars were screened for their ability to suppress germination and dry weight of blackjack (Bidens pilosa L.), upright starbur (Acanthospermum hispidium L.) and goose grass [Eleusine indica (L....

Fasih Ullah Haider1,2, Sardar Alam Cheema1and Muhammad Farooq1,3

...estation, but the use of herbicides or inorganic chemicals against weeds is also developing resistance in weeds to herbicides. Despite that herbicides are also affecting the environment especially human health. Pesticides not only damage the human health but also pollute the air, soil, water and becoming part of food chain. One of the options to minimize weed infestation is intercropping o...

Fawad Ali1, 2, Gul Hassan2*, Naveed Akhtar3, Muhammad Jamal Babar3 and Ataullah Jan4

...observed that the annual herbs (75%) comprising 24 species overwhelmed the perennials. Creeping perennial herbs (21.88%) consisted of 7 species, while one species reprepresented creeping perennial shrubs (3.13%). The dominance of annuals could be attributed to the fact that under annual tillage regime the perennials are not successful to establish as their perennating parts are disturbed by tillage, while the short lived ann...

Iqtidar Hussain1*, Mohammad Safdar Baloch, Ejaz Ahmad Khan and Asghar Ali Khan

...studies and their use as herbicides for the sustainability of agroeosystems.

Adyasha Sahu1*, V. K. Venkataramani1, Natarajan Jayakumar1
Durairaja Ramulu1, Preetysh Nanda Patnaik1 and Sudhan Chandran2

Huzaifa Hammad1, Bakhtiar Gul1, Haroon Khan1, Muhammad Fawad1*, Hafizullah2, Haidar Ali3 and Tamana Bakht4

...lts showed that both the herbicides (Atrazine and Stomp 300 EC) were effective in weed control having lowest fresh weed biomass of 29.31 and 32.65 kg ha-1, respectively. Maximum biological yield (8309.7 kg ha-1) was recorded in cowpea as living mulch while minimum biological yield (5909 kg ha-1) was recorded in control treatment. Similarly, maximum grain yield (2883.3 kg ha-1) was recorded in mung-bean as living mulch and minimum grain yield (2364.7 kg ha-1) w...

Muhammad Farooq* and Sanam Zarif

...of chemical control with herbicides such as glyphosate, mechanical removal, and organic pesticides. The use of biological control agents has proven successful in certain situations. 


Estrelle Anne Tacbas1, Neil Pep Dave Sumaya2 and Nanette Hope Sumaya1,3*

...ent a model organism for herbal medication against parasitic nematodes in determining the anthelmintic potential for the following concentrations of Artocarpus heterophyllus and Artocarpus camansi, 10000 ppm, 7500 ppm, 5000 ppm. The phytochemical results revealed the presence of alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, steroids, and tannins in both plant crude extracts. Different developmental stages of C. elegans (i.e., 1st to 4th larval stages (L1-L4), young adult (...

Shahid Ali Khan1*, Farooq Ahmad1, Muhammad Zubair Akram2, Yan Tongyu3, Fatima Urooj1, Kamran Ahmad1, Saeed Ullah4, Sharmeen Zulfiqar5, Tahira Batool6, Aqsa Sarwar1, Yaqoob Sultan7 and Samreen Nazeer8*

...s are annuals, perennial herbs, shrubs, and trees. The identifying characteristic feature of plants in this family is the formation of milky latex, because of their succulent nature; they can tolerate or resist water deficit conditions. Different ecotypes of this genus were collected from different areas of Faisalabad region. Different species of this genus Euphorbia hitra was collected by random collection method for morpho-anatomical studies of roots stems, ...

Nguyen Thi Ngoc Trang1, Nguyen Thi Thu Hong2,3*

...ance, the integration of herbal alternatives in poultry production plays a critical role in enhancing sustainable farming practices and ensuring food safety. The study was conducted at An Giang University with the objective of determining the effects of supplementing fresh garlic (GARL) on growth capacity and meat production of Minh Du chicken. The experiment was carried out on 120 Minh Du broiler chickens from 4 to 14 weeks of age. The experiment comprised 4 ...

Sana Eijaz, Asmat Salim* and Mohammad Anwar Waqar

...nti-diabetic nutritional herbs. However, inadequate data is available regarding their molecular mechanism of action. In this study, we used a new combination of the aforementioned herbs and Trigonella foenum graceum as a separate treatment. We investigated their effect on the blood glucose level, body weight, expression of some of the insulin signaling genes in skeletal muscle and adipose tissue including insulin receptor (I...

Muhammad Tahir1, Muhammad Saqib1, Shahbaz ul Haq2, Shahrood Ahmed Siddiqui3,4, Khurram Ashfaq1, Urfa Bin Tahir5, Mughees Aizaz Alvi1*, Shujaat Hussain6, Talha Javaid1, Raheela Taj7, Muneeb Islam8, Imad Khan9, Asad Ullah9* and Shakirullah Khan10

... of oocytes-contaminated herbage. The purpose of the current study was to report prevalence and access the risk factors associated with toxoplasmosis. A total of 652 specimens of blood were taken from 9 regions situated within the jurisdiction of Punjab province, Pakistan. The collected samples were labeled in order to have randomization and to pull 384 samples out of 652 harvested samples. Survey Tool Box was used to have representative samples. Latex aggluti...
Anum Razzaq*, Tariq Mahmood, Ammara Saman, Ammara Baig, Nadeem Munawar and Muhammad Farooq
...turity, wild flora (viz: herbs, grasses, seeds and tubers) invariably amongst crop stages and seasons. During spring season, wheat was the most frequently consumed cereal. But during winter, as groundnut crop approached towards maturity/harvested, gerbils consumed mainly nuts and grains, while in autumn and summer (non-crop periods), the rat species switched its diet to wild flora, and consumed most frequently Ziziphus nummularia (Beri) followed by Cynodon dac...

Shahid Ali Khan1*, Farooq Ahmad1, Fatima Urooj1, Shabana Ehsan2, Yan Tongyu3, Tahira Batool4, Aqsa Bibi1, Muhammad Bilal1, Amrat Eman1, Javeria Tariq1, Ansa Asghar1, Yang Yan5, Asima Shabbir2 and Samreen Nazeer6*

...uding annuals, perennial herbs, shrubs, and trees. The distinguishing trait of plants in this family is the production of milky latex due to their succulent nature, enabling them to withstand or withstand water scarcity conditions. Various ecotypes of this species were gathered from distinct regions within the Faisalabad area. Various species of the Euphorbia helioscopia genus were randomly collected for morpho-anatomical examinations of their roots, stems, an...

Syarifah Nurul Waqiah1, Ratmawati Malaka2*, Ambo Ako2, Sadam Suliman Mohamed Yousof3, Hanif Uzwa Hasanah Sudirman4

... determine the effect of herbal spray extract of moringa leaves (Moringa oleifera Lam) and betel leaves (Piper betle Linn) on healing wounds in dairy cattle and determine the herbal spray’s compounds. This study was conducted in August 2022, located in Cendana District, Enrekang Regency. The study method was a completely randomized design (CRD). The variables observed were the measurement of wound area (cm), wound dryi...
Roshita Ibrahim1*, Mohd Firza Ahmad Fauzi1 and Mohd Nizam Lani2
... drinks that incorporate herbs and solid components such as aloe vera pieces, grass jelly, fruit jellies, and tapioca balls. These drinks typically sweetened, which contribute to increased calorie intake. This study explores the use of black jelly mushroom (Auricularia auricula-judae) with its gel-like texture in producing healthy drinks, aiming to diversify the market’s range of wholesome beverages. The investigation involves creating a drink wit...

Masoumeh Younesabadi1*, Parviz Sharifi Ziveh2 and Sepideh Hatami3

...of thifensulfuron-methyl herbicide on broad-leaved weeds in soybean, an experiment was conducted in RCBD with three replications in Golestan, Ardabil and West Azarbaijan provinces in Iran in 2020. The treatments were: trifluralin (Treflan 2.5 L ha-1) as pre plant, bentazon (Basagran 1.5 L ha-1) as post-emergence, thifensulfuron-methyl (15, 30, 45 and 60 g ha-1) and imazethapyr (Pursuit 0.8 L ha-1) as pre-emergence, and weed free treatment. Weed density was mea...

Bassant Mahmoud Emam1, Jehan Abd Elrazek Hassanen1, Abeer Gaffer Ali Hassan3, Azza Mahmoud Abdullah1, Hadeer Said Aboelnaga2, Amina Ali Dessouki2*

...ic rats, offering a safe herbal medication for DM treatment. However, Further investigations are needed using different methods of extractions of fenugreek, different doses and durations, different comparisons with other antidiabetic drugs having different mechanism of action than DAPA. 
Keywords: Fenugreek, Dapagliflozin, Liver function, Diabetes mellitus, Streptozotocin

Lahbib Cheikhi, Hafidha Boucherit* and Abdelkrim Benaradj

...lture, Arboriculture and herbaceous crops) associated with livestock farming mainly consisting of small rustic ruminants with a good ability to adapt to desert conditions. The main types of livestock farming practiced in the oases are sheep, goat and poultry farming. These animals are well adapted to eco-oasis conditions, characterized by a continental desert climate. The main activity of the farmers 86% of the farms surveyed is mixed (crop-livestock) and 14% ...

Rehan Ullah1, Fazli Rahim1, Muhammad Sajid1, Shakir Ullah2*, Shahab Ali2, Lubna Shakir3, Mohammad Sohail4 and Ghani Subhan5

...s, 65.4% of species were herbs, 25% of species of trees, were collected from September 2018 to August 2020. Among the collected plant species, 68 were used for medicinal purposes, followed by those used as vegetables and food sources. Additionally, 12 species served as fuel and timber, 10 were utilized for furniture-making, 4 for thatching, 2 as hedges, 2 for fruit, and 6 species were valued for ornamental purposes. The dominant plant families in the study are...

Mahisba Waris1, Muhammad Azim Khan2*, Muhammad Fawad1*, Nabeela Jafer1, Rashid Hussain3 and Haseeb Ahmad3

Arshad Javaid1*, Freeha Anjum1, Aneela Anwar2, Mahrukh Asif1, Sadia Ahmad1 and Malik F.H. Ferdosi3

...t extract of a medicinal herb Tribulus terrestris was assessed for its antifungal activity against this fungal pathogen. Roots of T. terretris were collected from Lahore, Pakistan and shade dried. The dried and crushed roots were extracted in methanol for two weeks and the effect of 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5% concentrations of the extract was checked in vitro against P. oryzae using malt extract broth as a growth medium. All the applied concentrations of the extract ex...

Muhammad Shahbaz1, Muhammad Bilal Chattha2*, Hasnat Babar2, Shahbaz Ahmad3, Humaira Kalsoom4, Tayyaba Manzoor5, Abdul Rauf4, Ahmad Nawaz4, Muhammad Tariq Chaudhry6 and Ishtiaq Hassan7 of some commonly used herbicides against broadleaf and narrow leaf weeds in wheat fields, with particular focus regarding their impact on wheat yield and economic viability. This research was conducted at the Adaptive Research Farm, Sheikhupura, Pakistan, during the 2023-2024 cropping season. Seven treatments with control of weedy check were compared for their efficacy against weeds under study in a randomized complete block design. In this context, 6 diffe...

Mubashar Hussain*, Syeda Nafeesa Kazam, Aqsa Noreen, Suleman Hussain Shah, Uswa Zeb and Aniza Iftikhar

...">Grasshoppers are major herbivores that occupy agricultural landscapes across the globe due to their ecological, behavioural, and taxonomic diversification. The periodic assessment of the population of grasshoppers in field crops is crucial in devising and implementing pest management strategies. This study explored croplands to document the diversity of grasshoppers from selected locales of district Gujrat. Sampling was conducted on sunny bright days between...

Shajaan Ridha Hasan*, Feedan Mohammed Junaid, Bayan Mohammed Mahdi, Farhan Khaleel Hussein

... to chemical drugs using herbs and medicinal plants, including mint, chamomile, ginger, carob, and other spices, with safe and sound therapeutic properties without causing severe side effects to the human body and intestines.
Keywords | Diarrhea, Intestinal parasites, Drugs, Medicinal herbs, Pathogens, Health awareness

Odda J. 1 Aliero A.A. 2 Waako P. 3 Obua C. 4 Kabasa J.D. 5

Volume 2, Issue 5 September and October 2018 Pages 75-84
... microbial analysis, the herbs were prepared based on indigenous knowledge according to the WHO criteria. Although this herbal shoot powder had microbial safety requirements with key microbial contaminants (i.e. mold fungi, Salmonella typhi, and Escherichia coli) within acceptable ranges, however, aflatoxins in all the investigated samples were beyond acceptable levels. Current results are useful in developing and establishi...

Abdur Rauf1, Farooq Jan1*, Muhammad Yasin2, Muhammad Qayash3, Muhammad Luqman1, Kashif Hayat4, Fayaz Asad5, Ikramullah Khan1 and Muhammad Khalid6 

...eous spread of different herb species, belonging to Poaceae, Cyperaceae, and Amaranthaceae families, was found from 500 back till 900 cal. yrs. BP. Further back in the late Holocene period from 900 to 2000 cal. yrs. BP, herbs belonging to Poaceae, Cyperaceae, and Amaranthaceae dominated these mountains with a little cover of Conifers represented by Taxus and Picea. Both Conifers and herbs ...


Gareeballah Osman Adam1,2*; Hong-Geun Oh2

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2022), 6(3): 1583-1600
...d activated charcoal, to herbal compounds that are diverse. For instance, extracts of several plants such as Camellia sinensis leaves, Carum carve seeds, garlic, and many others, are frequently used to mitigate the mycotoxicosis in humans and animals. Besides, clinicians support the diagnosed patients with vitamins, minerals and fluids. It is worth mentioning that these antidotes remain unable to specifically target and degrade the mycotoxin, per se; however, ...

Aml Ghanem1,2; Ahmed A. Al-Karmalawy3,4; Noha E. Morsy5; Mahmoud Elsabahy6; Ahmed M. Rayan2,7*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(6): 2750-2771
...ris is a highly regarded herb known for its wide medicinal and culinary uses. Endophytic fungi, residing harmlessly within plant tissues, have attracted much attention as potential sources of novel bioactive compounds. This study aimed to evaluate the chemical and biological characteristics of Alternaria alternata as an endophytic fungus isolated from Thymus vulgaris. Alternaria alternata was isolated from Thymus vulgaris leaves and characterized using morphol...

Hanadi J. Al-Zubaidi1*, Shatha Mousa Mlaghee Al-Safi2, Asseel Abdulateef Abdulzahra1, Saadia Saleh Mehdyal-Zeiny2, Nadia K. J. Al-Dawah2, Zainab Abbas Al-Asadi3

Mohammed Jard Kadhim*, Mohanad K. Ulsagheer

...ctum, an annual fragrant herbaceous plant in the Lamiaceae family, is used for decoration, cooking, and medicinal purposes, particularly in ancient medicine for treating various diseases. Silybum marianum, another herbal supplement, is commonly used to treat stomach problems, lower blood cholesterol, and address liver issues. The present study involved 450 one-day-old Ross broiler chicks, which were employed in an experiment...

Anguara Khatun1*, Ankon Lahiry2, Nusrat Jahan Nishat1, Maksuda Begum3, Bibek Chandra Roy4, Shubash Chandra Das1

...n the oregano group. The herbs supplemented groups had a better benefit-cost ratio. It was summarised that the potential use of powder extract of herbs in broiler diet improved growth performance, meat quality and reduced cholesterol and triglyceride levels by maintaining good liver condition. So, this powder of herbs may be used as an alternative to antibiotic growth promoters.

Nguyen Hai Quan, Le Duc Thao, Nguyen Van Chao*

...ect of supplementing the herbal extract mixture (50% of Tithonia diversifolia, 20% of Achyranthes aspera, 20% of Pseuderanthemum palatiferum, and 10% of Polyscias fruticosa) on growth performance, hematological indices and fecal E. coli, Salmonella counts of growing chickens. A total 450 one-day old Ri crossbred chicks were randomly located to 5 dietary treatments with 3 replicates (30 chicks per replicate) namely Negative control (NCTL) in which birds fed a b...

Amaq Fadholly1,5*, Siti Sa’diah1,6, Diah Nugrahani Pristihadi1, Eva Harlina2, Maharani Kartika Ramadhan3, Yumna Annisa Kurnia Budiharjo4, Cyntia Rafi Adinugroho4, Afifah Alawiyah Rahmah4, Nahla Fifi Azizah4

...mployed as a traditional herbal medicine for several disorders, demonstrating anticancer, antiallergic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antifungal, and antidiabetic properties. The main aim of this study was to evaluate the subchronic oral toxicity of the extract obtained from Cassia alata leaves (CALE). Male and female rats were orally administered four different dosages of CALE (0, 100, 300, and 900 mg/kg/day) for a duration of 28 days. Hematological and bio...

Advances in Animal and Veterinary Sciences


Adv. Anim. Vet. Sci., Vol. 13, Iss. 3,


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