Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Composition and Sex Ratio of Decapod Crustaceans Catch from Southeast Sulawesi Waters of Indonesia
Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Composition and Sex Ratio of Decapod Crustaceans Catch from Southeast Sulawesi Waters of Indonesia
Oce Astuti1, La Sara2*, Muzuni3 and Safilu4
Map of Tiworo Strait waters of Southeast Sulawesi (blue dash line is study locations and black circle is station of BSC sampling. There are 4 stations of sampling (A, B, C, and D).
Rectangular collapsible crab pot (length, A= 54 cm; width, B= 36 cm and height, C= 19 cm) (La Sara et al., 2016a) (left) and bottom gillnet (length = ± 1 km and; height = 80 - 100 cm, mesh size = 4.0 inch) (right) (La Sara et al., 2019) used for crustacean sampling in Tiworo Strait of Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia. For abbreviations see Table I.
The spatial DC CC percentage in Tiworo Strait Waters of Southwest Sulawesi, Indonesia. For abbreviations see Table I.
The Temporal DC CC Percentage in Tiworo Strait Waters of Southwest Sulawesi, Indonesia. For abbreviations see Table I.