Analysis of Polymorphism of Growth Hormone Secretagogue Receptor in Sheep
Analysis of Polymorphism of Growth Hormone Secretagogue Receptor in Sheep
Jun Yan Bai*, Hong Deng Fan, You Bing Yang, Xu Wang, Heng Cao, Xue Yan Fu and Yu Qin Wang
Agarose electrophoresis detection of GHSR-3 and GHSR-4; Note: M: marker DL2000,1ˎ6ˎ7: Large tailed han sheep, 2ˎ8ˎ9ˎSmall tailed han sheep, 3ˎ10ˎ11ˎYuxi fatty tailed sheep, 4ˎ12ˎ13ˎDorper sheep, 5ˎ14ˎHu sheep.
Polymorphism detection of C155T Site and C624T Site; Note: (A) Large tailed han sheep; (B) Small tailed han sheep; (C) Yuxi fatty tailed sheep; (D) Dorper sheep; (E) Hu sheep.
Amino acid alignment of C155T and C624T mutation in sheep.