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Assessing the Pathological Diagnostic Skills of Veterinary Students for Ovine Pulmonary Adenocarcinoma

Assessing the Pathological Diagnostic Skills of Veterinary Students for Ovine Pulmonary Adenocarcinoma

Ibrahim Elmaghraby1, Osama Ahmed2,3, Shymaa Moustafa4 and Salma Shoulah4*

1Department of Pathology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Benha University, Toukh 13736, Egypt; 2Department of Anatomy and Embryology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Benha University, Toukh 13736, Egypt; 3Department of Anatomy and Embryology, Veterinary Medicine Program, Benha National University, Egypt; 4Department of Animal Medicine (Infectious Diseases), Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Benha University, Toukh 13736, Egypt.

*Correspondence | Salma Shoulah, Department of Animal Medicine (Infectious Diseases), Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Benha University, Toukh 13736, Egypt; Email: [email protected] 

Figure 1:

Representative photomicrograph of sheep lungs with adenomatosis. (A, B) Gross lesion showing voluminous, firm lungs with the presence of multifocal to coalescent grayish white, circumscribed nodules (arrowhead) of variable sizes embedded in the pulmonary tissue. (C-L) Microscopic lung sections stained with HandE (x200), (C) Neoplastic foci arising from the alveolar epithelium arranged in acinar pattern (arrowhead). (D) Tumor nodules composed of single to multiple layers of cuboidal to columnar neoplastic cells forming papillary projections (arrow), or cystic patterns (arrowhead). (E) Neoplastic alveoli (arrowhead) supported by fibrovascular stroma (asterisk) infiltrated with mononuclear inflammatory cells, especially lymphocytes and macrophages, surrounding the neoplastic lesions. (F) Interstitial fibrosis (asterisk) with leukocytes infiltration replacing large areas of pulmonary parenchyma. (G) Neoplastic alveoli lined with single to multiple layers of cuboidal to columnar neoplastic cells arranged in cords (arrowhead) within the alveolar spaces. (H) Neoplastic alveoli in different (cords or tubules or papillary) pattern with detached neoplastic mass (asterisk) within the alveolar spaces. (I) Tumor mass detached and completely occluded the lumen of alveoli (asterisk) along with adjacent pulmonary structure showing degenerative changes (arrow). (J) The tumor structures organized into alveoli-like formations, characterized by thin bands of stromal tissue lined by neoplastic cells (arrow) associated with presence of alveolar macrophages (arrowhead) within the adjacent alveoli. (K) Hyperplasia in the lining epithelium of the bronchiole (arrow) along with transformation of bronchial epithelium into papiliform growth almost completely filling the lumen (asterisk). (L) The bronchial epithelium shows hyperplasia (arrow) as well as prominent lymphoid nodules in the peribronchial area (asterisk). 

Figure 2:

Representative photomicrograph of sheep kidney sections stained with HandE (x200). (A) Congestion and dilatation of the intertubular blood vessels (arrow) along with mild interstitial fibrosis (asterisk). (B) Vasculitis in renal blood vessels with thickening (arrow) and fibrosis (asterisk) of the blood vessels wall with mononuclear leukocytic infiltration. (C) Glomerular tuft hypercellularity and segmentation (arrow). (D) Glomerular tuft shrinkage (arrow) with degenerative changes in renal tubules (arrowhead). (E) Vacuolar degeneration with desquamation of the tubular epithelial cells (arrowhead). (F) Hypercellularity of the glomerular tuft with hyperplasia of mesangial cells (arrow), reduced Bowman’s space, thickening, and hyalinization of Bowman’s capsule (arrowhead) associated with hyaline casts in tubular lumina (asterisk). 

Figure 3:

Representative photomicrograph of sheep liver sections stained with HandE. (A) The granuloma (asterisk) embedded in the hepatic parenchyma (x40). (B) The granuloma consists of granular eosinophilic caseated center (asterisk) enclosed by fibrous connective tissue capsule (arrowhead), adjacent hepatocytes showing clear fat vacuoles (arrow) (x100). (C) The granuloma consists of granular eosinophilic caseated center (asterisk) surrounded by massive leukocytic cellular infiltration (arrow) along with bluish calcium granules (arrowhead) scattered in the granuloma (x100). (D) Fatty degeneration of hepatocytes, characterized by discrete clear cytoplasmic vacuoles (arrowhead) associated with free RBCS scattered between degenerated hepatocytes (arrow) (x200). (E) Congestion and dilation of the central vein with vacuolar degeneration of hepatocytes (arrowhead) (x200). (F) Portal triad showing hyperplasia of biliary epithelium (arrow) with presence of eosinophilic debris in the bile duct lumina, newly formed bile ductules (arrowhead) associated with excessive fibrous connective tissue proliferation infiltrated with inflammatory cells (asterisk) (x200). 

Figure 4:

Representative photomicrograph of sheep lymph node sections stained with HandE. (A) Thickening in the capsule and trabeculae (asterisk) (x100). (B) Thickening in trabeculae (asterisk) with less distinct lymphoid follicle (arrowhead) (x200). (C) Lymphoid depletion (asterisk) (x100). (D) High power of previous figure, reduced number of lymphocytes in the germinal center (asterisk) (x200). (E) Dilatation of lymphatic channels (arrowhead) with multifocal fibrosis (asterisk) (x100). (F) Lymphatic channels showing marked thickening in their walls (arrowhead) and surrounded by excessive fibrous connective tissue proliferation (asterisk) (x200). 

Pakistan Journal of Zoology


Pakistan J. Zool., Vol. 56


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