Biodiversity and Abundance of Plankton Communities along the Coastal Waters of Gulf of Aqaba, Saudi Arabia
Biodiversity and Abundance of Plankton Communities along the Coastal Waters of Gulf of Aqaba, Saudi Arabia
Mohsen M. El-Sherbiny1,2,*, Reny P. Devassy1, Erinn M. Muller3, Abdulmohsin A. Al-Sofyani1 and Ali M. Al-Aidaroos1
Map showing the study stations along the Saudi Arabian waters of the Gulf of Aqaba.
Vertical profiles of different physical parameters obtained during the study period. A, station 1; B, station 2; C, station 3; D, station 4.
Vertical profiles of various nutrients and chlorophyll a obtained during the study period.
Abundance (A) and percentage (B) of different phytoplankton groups observed during the study period.
Diel variability in the abundance of different zooplankton groups observed during the study period. A, total zooplankton density; B, total copepods; C, total molluscs; D, total chaetognaths; E, total tunicates; F, other crustacean.
Diel variability observed in the distribution of major calanoids (A) and cyclopoids (B) copepod species during the study period.